I beg to differ, with the aggressive business model of publishing a minimum of 3 new books each month, Player companion, Campaign setting, and Adventure path. And then new hardcover, society, modules, and tales on top of that. Paizo started with fantastic quality, but within the past year or so, it seems that there's more focus on deadlines than quality.
For example, Advance class guide. Every hybrid is better than the original 2. Why would anyone mechanically want to play one of the originals? There are so many books that Pathfinder society created a new rule set that can only use the core book.
Pathfinder unchained implies that the system has gotten too complicated and bloated and tries to simplify it. So, you can argue Paizo is taking corrective actions.
There are tons of adventure paths out there, by Paizo, WoTC, and countless 3pp one-shots and full adventures. 3.x and PF are close enough to each other that I count them as the same. I don't care the type, be it high fantasy, horror, noir, sci-fi, etc.
Out of ALL of them, which ones do you think are in the top 5, and why?
There are tons of adventure paths out there, by Paizo, WoTC, and countless 3pp one-shots and full adventures. 3.x and PF are close enough to each other that I count them as the same. I don't care the type, be it high fantasy, horror, noir, sci-fi, etc.
Out of ALL of them, which ones do you think are in the top 5, and why?
Although I regret the TPK, a combination of super unlucky rolls, no healer, and the bard saying, "I'm going to play my flute to though the entire temple." They had it coming.
I was originally thinking of GM magic and saying, "Pharasma said you're not supposed to die here." And they all come back to life in the temple, but as new characters. Yarzoth is gone, story continues.
But now, The PCs are on the ship that rescues the NPCs, the NPCs went out to find the old characters dead, but now have the location. The PCs overhear the NPCs talking and they too learn of the location. And the story continues.
So, the fight with Yarzoth was unsuccessful and everyone died, except the Ekubus, the mephit that they convinced to join them, who ran away in fear.
Race to the Ruin assumes that the PCs made it off the Smuggler's Shiv with information about Saventh-Yhi. With the new characters not from the island, does anyone have suggestions on how to give them the information without just saying, "You arrive at Eleder knowing how to find the ancient city Saventh-Yhi."
I'm in the TCRA meetup, and it spreads pretty far. I met one guy from Mankato a few years ago at one of the meetups. And I've seen postings for Elk River.
There's probably more out there, it just might take some time to find it.
However, place them in a tight formation to prevent enemies from getting to the cleric (think an "x" pattern with the cleric in the middle) allows him to avoid getting AoO-ed for using range (but still staying in melee), allows contact healing, and every ally is automatically in range of your channel energy. From a tactical standpoint, that can be very neat.
That's a really good idea, I'll have to remember X pattern for future battles.
sorry I forgot the stats.
Str 12 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 16 Cha 13
AC 22 Ranged attack +8
Martial Weapon proficiency, Weapon focus, Point blank shot, Rapid shot, Precise shot, Deadly Aim
After all the buffs, it's +15 attack and 1d8+12 damage
Currently I'm in a melee focused group, with no healer. The group is made up of level 6...
Paladin (Spell-less)
Magus (Myrmidarch)
Summoner (Synthesis)
Sorcerer(Protean bloodline, focusing on creation spells)
The paladin can only lay on hands so many times, and a drake is kicking are butts with his flyby. And as you can see, we lack both healing and ranged. We also have very few buffs.
We're gaining a new player soon, who's never played DnD. So I'm designing a Cleric with the Crusader archetype. I pulled the feats off of the ranger guides, and have the strength(ferocity) domain.
So I guess I'm just wanting some feedback on, is this a good idea for a World of Warcraft player who wants to deal lots of damage, be ranged, doesn't like taking damage, and hate's mages?
I can't remember where I read it, but I remember somewhere about adding spells know level earlier. Basically just shifting the spell know table up one level. It would then look like this...
For the sorcerer, I would probably skip the Maximize Spell and Quicken, a rod is better. Have you considered getting Craft Rod? The DC is +5 if you don't have the metamagic feat to go with it.
Almost every evocation spell has a spell resistance. Spell Penetration would definitely be helpful at higher levels.
Either an Elemental metamagic rod or the feat will increase you versatility.
Cone of Cold and Dragon Breath are similar enough to just pick 1, with and Elemental Rod.
1. I would say it's a coup de grace. If he dies, then you succeeded and saved a standard action. Otherwise try again. But don't forget that if he dies, he comes back at half hit points.
2. He's wielding it at the time of his death, so it would probably go with him. Sheathing it could go either way. Is he able to sheath it while in it's home plane?
3. Yes.
4. Ask your GM.
5. I would say that they would have to be relevant to the eidolon. For example Adopted and Bullied wouldn't make sense. And most, if not all (in the APG) wouldn't. Unless you say that he was bullied by other outsiders.
I'm building an eidolon and it has 2 sets of arms, and I'll be doing multiweapon fighting. I'm wondering if I have a main hand on each set or is it just 1 main hand and the other 3 are off-hands. I'm looking to do a Shiva-like build and have a different weapon in each hand.
I use a gun case to hold all my minis. it's padded with the "wavy" foam so the medium size fits just right. For the larger ones, cut the foam. Mine is the size of a tackle box tray. it's fairly small and durable.
Bonus, you look like a badass when you get to the table with a gun case.
I don't know if it's user error or what. But, my leadership scores in the main equation all have a bad formula (#VALUE). Is anyone else having this problem?
How about for fighters, they get the improved version in the feat chain for free. For example... If they picked TWF, they would automatically get improved TWF when they qualify for it. Or they if they pick weapon focus, they automatically get greater weapon focus at 8th level. But NOT feat chains like dodge/mobility or power attack/cleave.
It would eliminate the "one trick pony" and reduce the gap for martial/caster disparity. Also, doesn't it make sense that over time a character would get better at a given task. Other classes abilities automatically increase over time. Why can't the fighters class abilities (combat feats) automatically increase as well?
I realize that this potentially doubles the amount of feats a fighter gets. But there are a lot of combat feats that don't have an improved version, lunge, point-blank shot, power attack, and step up are a few examples that this won't affect.
Are you looking for a Smoke Arrow? It's only a 5ft square, instead of the 10, but that's probably a trade off for a smokestick with a range of 10ft. Or create your own Super Smoke Arrow for 30gp (price of each combined), 10ft radius, but then reduce the range of the bow by half.
Where was it that Suggestions/rules/homebrew was a better fit? Just curious.
Good question.
I would advise you to think of this. Would you rather say, "I did 1,000,000 points of damage, booya." or say, "Here's a pit, you fall in and now you're vomiting on your feet."
I think we have enough spells out there now, I love spell casters, but there is a limit until there is too much. It's subtly taunting spontaneous casters.
Set wrote:
A book dealing with the Rogue and other skill-heavy classes, could focus on new uses for skills, which, IMO, are underdeveloped.
Ultimate Skills is a good title for a book.
pad300 wrote:
Sorcerers - something besides piles and piles of bloodlines.
SGG came out with a book called Beyond Bloodlines, I recommend it.
Gareshra wrote:
Arcane Trickster. I would frankly love to see that class get the Magus treatment, and turn into a 3/4 BAB caster with (decreased)sneak attack progression that caps out at level 6 spells, and gets rogue talents maybe every 3rd or 4th level.
Prestige classes is a 3.5 thing, not Pathfinder, so more archetypes to recreate old favorite prestige classes would be cool. The Shifter from 3.5 would be great for the wild shaping druids.
More oriental themed classes/archetypes would be awesome to develop Tian Xia more.
I didn't even think about using the monk. I really want to get the wings of the DD, so Ranger(guide-trapper) 2/Monk(master of many styles) 1/Sorcerer (Crossblooded Draconic-Empyreal) 2/DD 10/EK 5.
I'm assuming that the Empyreal using wisdom carries over to all the DD abilities (breath weapon).
The boar style and crane style sound like they would fit together nicely for a balance of damage and defense.
I would like to cast a little more, so the least I would want to do is 2 sorcerer levels. I love magic too much.
I was hoping to have the claws permanently, I don't want to use any weapons. I've seen a barbarian run out of rages, it was a bad sight trying to fight fatigued.
I planned on getting Arcane Armor Training and Improved Natural Attack (for Ranger). the 1d4 for ranger and 1d6 claws for barb is tough, but permanent can really help.
1 alchemist, may be good for the mutagen. 10 minutes of alchemical bonus is better than 10 rounds of enhancement bonus from rage.
I'm considering a brute beast dragon disciple. Would Ranger 2/Sorcerer 2/Fighter 1/Dragon Disciple X be a good combination? Or drop the fighter and have 3 sorcerer.
I'm planning on Human, 25 point, and focus on my claw attacks.
I want to stay as low to the ground as possible when I fly, and not get hit by melee attacks. If I'm in an adjacent square and 5 feet up, I can be attacked because my feet are basically level with the enemy's head. But if I'm 10 feet up, would he still be able to reach me?
In our last game the answer was yes, because if you add in the length of his arm and the length of the scimitar. You will be able to reach, with an acrobatics check to jump up 2 feet (I think it was that high).
Am I missing something? I dont see anything that would make the arcane bloodline better at dispelling.
I misspoke, the arcane bloodline doesn't help dispelling... unless you find some 3pp that has bloodline feats that do.
blue_the_wolf wrote:
I think that its my goal to use the character as a (debuffer) I will dispel any spells that the enemy may have and then weaken them for the other players in teh group to kill more easily. thus I want to use spells that lower the enemies armor, resistances or ability to fight back.
I'm doing the same thing right now with a witch, 90% of my spells are necromancy. Only level 2 right now, and it's hard to get hit by someone with Evil Eye and a couple Ray of Enfeeblements.
I agree the sorcerer is the best for dispelling. I didn't do it constantly in every fight, but the arcane bloodline sorcerer was awesome for dispelling everything.
My witch won't be raising any undead, so there's no worries there. He escaped torture in a Numarian slave camp. And I'm from Ustalav, and enjoy debuffing and making others suffer, but I won't do any HP damaging.
I think I'll suggest that we were both slaves, and are more against slavery that torture, He distrusts the slavers, I embraced their actions of necromancy but not the forced labor.
I like the idea of "I'm not a wizard, I have no spellbook."
My group is still in the character creation process for Kingmaker, I want to play a witch who will basically be cursing everything and a debuffer. And someone else is a barbarian who hates magic, because he was tortured as a child.
We're a party of 3 and the other is a Magus, no clue on his story.
What's a good way to get around this so that we can both get what we want, without tearing each other apart?
EHHHHHH going by pathfinder canon a baby hag is just a baby changeling, which would be about equivalent to just a plain old baby.
Baby hag was probably a bad name, but I'm not the best at coming up with good names.
CastMat wrote:
Also the coven thing is really powerful. I always figured it was mostly meant as an npc thing.
It's also kind of a big investment/difficult, whether it be role playing to convince 2 hags to join or 1 hag and the leadership feat.
If going with 2 hags, if you're in a group of good PCs, no chance in keeping the coven. Or go with 1 hag and leadership, again, little chance of keeping it the one you have.
With the combo of Improved familiar and Leadership. Sacrificing, 2 potential hexes, you could form a coven of your own and not have to worry about losing it.
Coven casting is a full round action, so basically 2 feats would grant more spells with a higher DC and that is charisma based, and the witch spells are intelligence based.
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Changlings are the ones who resisted and did not become hags.
For the coven hex to work, the coven must contain a real hag. Most campaigns are not evil, and if there is a single player is, it's tough to get along with the rest of the group. So I've been working on creating a hag familiar. Here's the stats so far.
Hag Familiar:
Baby Hag (or Hagling) CR 3
Alignment restriction: not Lawful, not Good
Init +3
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Perception 7
Size small, 20ft, Swim 30ft
AC 18, Touch AC 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 1, Ref 6, Will 3
Spell Resistance 12
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 14
BaB 3 CMB 4, CMD 17
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d3+2)
Feats: Great Fortitude
Skills: Bluff 7, Disguise 7, Knowledge arcana 5, Perception 7, Sense motive 5, Stealth 7, Swim 9
Languages: Aklo, Common
Water breathing constant
Ghost sound 1/hour
Disguise self 1/day
I applied the young template and then did some tweaking to make it more comparable to the Imp and Mephit.
A few adjustments I've considered is completely dropping SR and upping Disguise self to 2/day, or more spells.
Super Genius Games and Rite Publishing, You rock at more options, new classes, and new spells. I own over 70 SSG books, read 3/4 so far. And all of the 101 series from Rite. 98% of their content is balanced, 1% of spells should be up or down 1 level.
If you don't like options, don't use them. If you do, there are a lot out there. Dark_Mistress has great reviews on the 3pp products, and the only succubus I trust.
the best class to do called shots with would be the gunslinger(though they alraedy get a built in class called shot feature) just for the fact you target touch AC to hit the target so all of those -'s dont hurt your chances too much
Actually you missed a sentence that specifically that touch attacks always target regular AC. Bottom of page 193.
I'm designing a staff and want to get some feedback. It will use the charges from wands, but be like a staff with caster level and DCs.
Staff of Everchanging Wands
Aura Moderate varied; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 35,200 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
The Staff of Everchanging Wands has 5 slots cut into it. 1 slot for each spell level of wand, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The staff itself has no charges, but uses the charges from the wands. It is a swift action to remove a wand from the staff, and another swift action to insert a new one.
The staff will only function if the staff contains 5 wands of different spell level, and containing at least 1 charge each. If any of the wands are not on the caster's spell list, a Use Magic Device check must be made each time any spell is cast.
Requirements Craft Staff, Prestidigitation, Identify, Locate Object, Shrink Item, Minor Creation ; Cost 17,600gp
The price seems low, but there is the additional cost of wands, 37,875gp to be exact. Totaling a starting price of 63,075gp, then buying more wands to recharge. Long term it can be expensive, but it's versatile. For crafting. I picked a spell from each level that seemed to fit with the concept.
To help with balance, I was considering using charges equal to the spell level. But 4th level wands are already too expensive.