
Blackwolfe's page

Organized Play Member. 44 posts (81 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 26 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

I was checking on some heritage FEATS, and found that one I was planning to take has limited availability (Dwarf Defy the Darkness). I did not find a way to purchase it in the boons section, so is there a way to get it that I am missing?

Grand Lodge

Do the Exocortex and the Custom Rigs of the Mechanic class features take up the usual one slot limit listed in Augmentations? I suspect the Custom Rig does, unless it is hand held, but I am somewhat uncertain about an Exocortex.

Grand Lodge

Hello. In the additional resources section, it says that Heritages and Traits from pages 21-23 are legal, but farther down it says Variant Aasimar abilities are not legal. Does this mean the alternate skill mods and spell-like abilities listed under the heritages are not legal,and we should use the default abilities listed for Aasimar?

Grand Lodge

I was looking at posts and the additional resources section, and it was mentioned that the spells/additional abilities listed in the final paragraph of most diety descriptions are not legal. Why? They aren't overpowering or ridiculous compared to some of the materials that are allowed, so I was just curious about the thinking on this. Thanks!