Black Feather's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Pharothan.

Hello Venture Officers,
I apologize for the lateness of this notice, but we are hosting DragonCon virtually on Labor Day Weekend September 4th-6th. We have a variety of games PF1, PF2, and SFS. We are looking for more GMs, if you are instead, but unfortunately, we need them signed up by the end of the day tomorrow. Below is a link to submit your name and email so I can get you a badge to register. This has been a whirlwind that I have had only partial control or so help is appreciated.
Thanks, David

Could you use the Inner Focus spell from People of the Sands as a focus for channeling?

My instinct is RAI=yes, RAW=no, but curious what others think.
Thanks, David

Is there any way to get domain powers at an earlier level then usual, like with the Robe of Arcane Heritage for Sorcerers?
Thanks, David

I was playing in a game last week, and I had Careful Teamwork going, and I had need to cast Saving Finale. Is this possible? I was arguing that we had "a bardic performance in effect", but he believed that would only be during the 3 rounds of actual performance to generate the effect. We moved on, but he recommended I post here for an opinion.
Thanks ahead of time.


I am running Part 2 for several tables of new PFS players next month, and I was wondering if anyone had ever mocked up the invitations to the Tian festival before. I think having a physical prop might add some color. If not anyone have some suggested text for it?

Does the +1 caster level from the bloodline arcana apply to Caster levels of other classes, such as in a Cleric/ umbral sorcerer? I can't find anywhere it's says it doesn't, but it feels like it might be a misprint. From an RP perspective I like the idea of it adding to all classes.


I am sure this has been discussed before, but I am curious why you can’t get credit for running a PFS scenario multiple times. This is how I see multiple credits currently:

1) Gaming the system- it is possible that a GM could run the same scenario over and over in order to get an easy credit, by not running something different. However, in order to do this effectively he would have to either constantly get new groups of players that had not run the scenario, or get a group to run it over and over for no credit. Although this is possible, this seems like a very time intense way to game the system, and I am sure other ways could be found that are easier.
2) GM doesn’t expand their horizons- I think that most GMs are going to get bored running the same scenario over and over, and those that don’t were probably not going to expand their horizons anyway.
3) May limit the games being offered- Again I feel that the fact that players can only get credit once per scenario will drive PFS to continue to run and offer more and more scenarios.

1) Giving new players the best experience- One of the main reasons that I posted this, is I love introducing new players to the game, so running First Steps and early level scenarios is really fun for me. In addition, since I have more than 25 years of RPG experience, I think I am fairly good at introducing new players to the game. This all being said, I am willing to run these scenarios for no credit, but some credit for my own characters would be a nice benefit to running these scenarios.
2) Rinse, Repeat- Doing most anything multiple times in going to improve the result, so the player would actually be getting a better and better experience as time went on.
3) The Perfect Storm- sometimes a scenario and a GM are just a perfect match. For instance, we have a GM in our PFS region that is THE perfect goblin, and having played the Frostfur Captives with him was one of my best gaming experiences ever, and I think it would be good to encourage this even further.
I am new to the society, and I am sure I am missing some important factors here, but I would be interested to hear a discussion about the topic. Thanks for indulging me.

I am a low level PFS character and was looking for neat items to add to my bag of tricks, when a came upon the campfire bead. It brought me to several questions.

1) What would be the effect is I used Sleight of Hand to slip it in somoene's pocket, and then activated it?

2) if I drop it in a hex during combat would it be difficult terrain? Would it do damage to someone in that hex?

3) if I gave it to some else to use it as a sling stone, and then said the command word after launch, what would happen?

Just some thoughts. Thanks.

Being one of the classic bard archetypes, wouldn't it make sense to replace Distraction with Sea shanty instead of Coutersong, so the bard could still counter the classic Siren's song?

I am considering a Urban Barbarian/kensai multiclass for PFS but would like to spell strike while raging. Can I do this?

If you are using Weapon Finesse does it change the type of attack from str based to Dex based?

I am asking because if you have something that benefit str based attack ( such as strength surge from the strength domain), would it still add to an attack using weapon finesse since the melee attack is still str based but you are just replacing the bonus with Dex.

Thank ahead of time.