Bill McGrath's page

97 posts (223 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Emailed my support.

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Hi James,

this thread is one of my favourite things across the entire Internet; thank you for making it such a joy for so many years.

Hope all is well and you can look after yourself properly.

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Xabulba wrote:

Prometheus made perfect sense, you just have to pay attention and maybe watch it a few times to get everything out of it.

Here is a great video that explains why the plot wasn't nonsensical and many of the other question you have about Prometheus,

If I have to watch a half-hour video about a movie for the movie to make sense, that movie has failed, in my opinion.

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I'm not sure why you think a Wiccan-style witch should be privileged as the kind of witch portrayed, anyway.

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I don't know if linking to Wikipedia is considered kosher on this thread, but it's the only source I could find covering all the points I wanted to mention.

Roger Casement was one of the world's first international human rights activists, compiling reports of colonial mistreatment in the Belgian Congo and later in Peru. He was friends with Arthur Conan Doyle, who based his character Lord Roxton - a badass anti-abolitionist swashbuckler - on Casement.

He later became an Irish revolutionary, and was arrested and hanged for his part in an attempt to smuggle German guns to Ireland.

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Horgus Gwerm wrote:
I just can't stand looking at that annihilator robot on the numeria picture in the inner sea world guide

You could just not look at it.

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Crimson Jester wrote:
Well then that is another can of worms entirely. Since there were prophecies concerning him and the coming days that are no more. "If" they were valid it means either he was "taken" before his "time." Or, they will be fulfilled in other ways.

Or the prophecies were wrong.

James, you have mentioned a number of times your dislike for musicals. Does this extend to rock operas? I generally hate musicals myself, though there are a handful that I enjoy. You also said way back in the thread that you're a fan of Liszt; there's a very entertaining, very strange rock-opera film called Lisztomania, a heavily fictionalized and wildly anachronistic biopic of the composer, portraying him as a Romantic-era rock star. The music in it is all arrangements of Liszt's compositions. This may still fall under the category of musical, but if not, I thought it may interest you.

Do you read biographies? If so, do you find that it helps in writing good characters?

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It does increase at level 1, from 0d6 to 1d6. Previously the character had no bomb damage, now he has 1d6 bomb damage. That's an increase of 1d6. Simples.