Bill from Bala |

My tale of a game taking a pointless detour:
This was a PFS scenario from season 0, so it was designed to be completed in 4 hours. Our group of adventurers was supposed to get a macguffin from a warehouse that was guarded inside and out by some thugs. Some of us recommended the direct approach (beat up the guard outside and charge in), but that wasn't good enough for one of the players. He came up with a much more elaborate plan that involved one of the PCs luring away the guard on the door and incapacitating him, while his PC would climb onto the roof, open a skylight and climb inside while the rest of us came in the main door, taking the guards inside by surprise in a pincer maneuver.
The one PC had trouble incapacitating the guard, but finally managed to knock him out. But even worse, the other PC failed a bunch of Climb checks to get onto the roof and then failed a bunch of Disable Device checks to unlock the skylight. Eventually he gave up on trying to disable it and tried sundering it, which took a couple of rounds and alerted all of the guards on the inside.
Coming up with the plan probably took 30 minutes, and rolling all of the failed grapple and skill checks probably took another 30 minutes; at least an hour was used up in any event (in a game that's only supposed to last 4 hours in total). Net result? The same as if we had charged in the front door in the first place.