BigHatLogar's page
Organized Play Member. 28 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.
Just wanting a confirmation that I did or did not do the following correctly, as the wording in the PFS Guide confused me slightly.
Thursday night I ran tier 1-2 of Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5). At a table of five most everyone had level one characters (two people were playing for the first time ever.) with the exception of the single level 4 Sorcerer.
The character I am applying the credit to is currently a level 3 cleric. On the GM credit chronicle, I would mark him as having earned appropriate gold and prestige, but he would receive out-of-subtier gold, similar to the sorcerer who was playing down, correct?
If I screwed any of that up your interpretation of the relevant section of the Guide to PFS would be appreciated, if I did it properly a post of confirmation would be likewise welcomed. Thanks :)
tl;dr: party ran 1-2 of a 1-5 scenario, I GM'd and put the credit towards a level 3 character. Does he get tier 1-2 gold or out-of-subtier gold?
And that's why I play Pathfinder cause it's more exciting.
The next poster was once convinced they had the power to converse with animals.
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Trying to rationalize physics to a game world where combat is turn based and magic exists is how you end up with stuff like the peasant railgun.
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I've found the secret to happiness is loving yourself, and you can interpret that any way you want and it still comes out as true.
They don't have racial HD, so I can only be mildly upset about 4 pages of comments and not a single post of BOGGARD love. These guys are incredible! Get them some racial HD and let me play the derpy frogman of my dreams.
I'm just gonna stand here and be jelly of your goblin boons if that's okay.
Flutter wrote: for your giant weasel, its one of the rare instances where taking the alternate advancement is better than the normal increase.
** spoiler omitted **
Instead of taking the listed benefit at 4th or 7th level, you can instead choose to increase the companion's Dexterity and Constitution by 2.
Thats a base dex of 21, and goes higher based on the chart and possibly his hit die increases. Get him an agile amulet of mighty fists and he'll be the most adorable bundle of blood spurting gore ever.
Isn't nature amazing?
You magnificent nature master, you.
This rabbit might as well be wearing a sign that says "Aspis Agent"
There is no sanctuary. There is no escape.
Mustelids forever.
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...Rowdy Roddy Piper shows up and is all out of bubblegum.
Sithis of Fangwood wrote: BigHatLogar wrote: Sir Duskpaw Snufflefluffers the Third THAT THING IS TERRIFYING!!! I know, right?
I'm thinking the enemies will have to roll will saves (DC 25) upon seeing him just to not wet themselves and flee in terror.
Are both a gentleman, and a scholar.
My sincerest gratitude to you.
Akari Sayuri "Tiger Lily" wrote: BigHatLogar wrote: Beautiful stat block. Thank you sir. Sir Duskpaw Snufflefluffers the Third is most grateful. Will need to find an opportunity to introduce Sir Snufflefluffers to a friend of mine, Fluffy Maulington Esq. There has got to be a way for us to legal-fu PFS rules to cast awaken on Fluffy Maulington Esq. and give him hunter class levels with Sir Duskpaw as his Animal Companion.
Flutter wrote: This union card should help This covers LOTS of things I was wondering about. *bookmarked*
Thank you much.
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Luke Parry wrote: Well, you are in luck - as per Additional Resources, the Bestiary 4 giant weasel animal companion (which has a bite+grab+bleed attack) is legal for use in PFS :-) Beautiful stat block. Thank you sir. Sir Duskpaw Snufflefluffers the Third is most grateful.
Wikipedia says:
In North America, native Americans deemed the weasel to be a bad sign; crossing its path meant a "speedy death".
This is the fear that I hope to strike true into the hearts of the Aspis Consortium. But I'm hoping for some help fleshing out this concept.
I was thinking of going the Hunter route, but I have had a tough time hunting down the proper source material and stat block for a legal animal companion weasel. I'm hoping for a giant weasel w/ the bite+grab offense, but I'd be overjoyed with any legal weasel.
So my questions remains, is hunter the best class for this character concept? I want a tracker type PC who can hunt down the dastardly AC agents and have his weasel friend.
Thanks for any help
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The Fox wrote: ...bypass a purple worm by saying "Stay." "Come here, buddy." and rolling a 15 or better.
You mean to say I can build a Kwizats Haderach/Paul Atreides character and ride the worms and CONTROL THE SPICE AND BY EXTENSION THE UNIVERSE.
I think that's what you meant you say.
Time to take all my other characters and throw them in the trash.
Exguardi wrote: Hey, my first Pathfinder character was a Human Alchemist who was adopted by gnomes (with the racial trait). I didn't have any mechanical reason for it, I just thought having gnomish parents made for a cool backstory for a Human alchemist.
Plus the Obsessive gnome trait to give +2 to alchemy (easily duplicated elsewhere!) has hilarious drawbacks, like keeping a small collection of weird objects on your person at all times.
I'm sure there are many happy Golarion families with adopted children who become adventurers, haha.
EDIT: Also a running personal joke with this character is him hinting at a bunch of very, very strange stuff that may or may not have happened in his history. So taking Racial Heritage for an amusing race could be apropos.
This made me think very strongly of Elf starring Will Ferrell

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Coltron wrote:
This is my Girlfriend, My Girlfriends Amazing
Give her a lick, she tastes just like raisins. Hi this is my girlfriend Tina, she is a Vampiric Gargoyle weredragon with a a breath weapon that shoots out other dragons breathing rainbow fire, oh and she has this cat familar that is actually a fully classed sorcerer, isnt she great? She is so creative. What!?!? You want to be a tiefling with fiendish heritage feat so you can be related to Qlippoth!?!?! I don't run those kind of games, human or gtfo. In these games there is the main character that the gm loves and then there are you, the hapless sidekicks who should die for them.
Suggestion: Don't sleep with her, just don't. I mean I got a really cool eye scar from it but in retrospect its never worth it. So..... RUN! Seriously though just talk to the GM, most of the time they really don't know that they are playing favorites and are blinded by their closeness to the person.
I feel your pain. Especially when the girlfriend is NOT amazing. A spellcaster running into melee combat with knolls, stabbing them with a DAGGER because they prepped cutesy, extremely situational spells.
Free does not mean unlimited. I feel like this has been discussued in action economy many many times. I would say if attacking is a free action that they would get their full number of attacks but your artifact sounds very overpowered.
There are other ways to get full attacks after a move, pounce, multiattack, etc.
deusvult wrote: In my area there are about half a dozen game stores that host PFS. It's convention around here that each participant at a store-hosted session chip in $2 "entry fee", and the pot goes to the store in the form of credit for the GM. It's the same in my area. I feel like $2 for an at least 4 hour game session is the cheapest entertainment one can buy in 2015.
50 cents an hour is less than you'll ever pay anybody to put that much effort into any project ever. And for that, GMs, I thank you.
Name Ideas:
Iron Chef
Flavor Explosionists
Seasoned Adventurers
Berry Jammers
Jamba Juicers
Hot Dawgs
Rice Guys
Need more? I can make food puns for DAYS
The one thing that gets me is how there are so many barkeepers and farming villages and store owners when the only way to get a magic horse that poops diamonds and can fly is to be what is in my mind equivalent to a P.I. or Bounty Hunter.
In real life Dogg the Bounty Hunter and Gene Parmesan are not living the life of luxury, because so few people have those jobs because it's very hard to make a decent living. No one in reality is all "man I don't make nearly enough money owning a restaurant, time to buy a gun and start hunting criminals." because it doesn't make any sense.
But in Pathfinder it makes all the sense and is glorious.
Goddity wrote: Alchemists fire tend to go off. Apart from that you're okay.
One of the best moves I ever witnessed was when we were in a bar fight and then the guy draws his alchemists fire, and we think he's going to throw it at the minions, and instead he leaps on the countertop and smashes it in the bosses face. Long story short, alchemists fire makes a great melee weapon if you can get fire resist.
What if you get grappled? Does it just go off?
That's a great story, I'll keep that in mind next bar fight.
As for grappling I would think that maybe myself and the grappler would both potentially take damage from that.
henkslaaf wrote: Yes, it could indeed. And, if you think that's fun, that is what happens :-)
I don't think any GM or player will object. Oh, wait, PFS ;-)
Yes, there-in lies the rub. I've found that I much prefer Pathfinder to RPG video games because of the ability to solve solutions more creatively, but given my work schedule, having a recurring home game has been difficult, so I attend PFS when I can, even though it means being a bit railroaded and given a tad less room to improvise.
Arachnofiend wrote: Just a Guess wrote: Traits really can help break games. Especially since the most powerful ones are for the most powerful classes: Casters.
While I like browsing for traits to use not using them in a game is no big deal.
In 99% of the cases they are not used for "char customization" but for optimization. With Magical Lineage and Reactionary I agree, but... I do really like how traits can give you class skills you otherwise would not have. It helps enable you to move a bit away from the archetype of your class and flesh out a more unique character. There are traits that give you class skills you would not normally have. Dangerously Curious adds Use Magic Device to your class skill list, very useful for a melee type with a wand of enlarge person or color spray
The most "game breaking" a trait can be in my reading is that it can grant you the same abilities as a feat, if you pick the exact right traits. The one that really comes to mind is the weapon heirloom trait which allowed my level 1 Half-Orc Barbarian to be proficient with a Large Bastard Sword (Think Amiri Pre-Gen character sheet) without spending a feat on it. I then took power attack as my first level feat and have been rage smashing enemies (at level 1) for 2d8+11 ever since. (3d8+12 after the party cleric casts enlarge person)
So at first level it opens up a few silly options like this, a few levels down the round and it will all even out.
henkslaaf wrote: You can hold it without any penalties. You just cannot attack with both during the same round without incurring massive penalties if you lack TWF.
AFAIK there are no rules as to your dropping the flask. You wouldn't drop your shield if bullrushed would you? But there are conditions that make you drop it. And there is sunder.
It would be cool though if it broke, these flasks are designed to break on falling.
Thanks for the input, I appreciate the quick response on these forums.
I thought it would be more complicated as far as combat maneuvers go, because if I play it out in my head, it totally makes sense to me that if I was knocked over or any other kind of violent movement that the flask could break and I would inadvertently catch myself on fire, maybe even making a save to throw the flask away from myself.

Playing a PFS Character and I just want to better understand if what I want to do is feasible.
Lvl 2 Rogue with a masterwork rapier who specializes in disarming opponents (combat expertise, improved disarm as 1st level feats)
I know lots of people play TWF rogues for the damage, but I just feel like it's out of place for how I envision my character.
Now that I have a little more gold to spend, I wanted to get a few flasks of Alchemist's Fire to utilize in combat.
As the rapier is a one-handed weapon, it makes sense to me that I would be left a free hand to hold a vial of alchemist's fire and wait for the opportune moment, but I can't seem to find a good example of wielding a weapon in one hand and holding a flask in the other. Basically I just want to have the flask out and ready if a good opportunity presents itself, as a rapier cannot be wielded with two hands for a 1-1/2 STR bonus, and a rogue cannot use shields. I already have a free hand, and I don't want to waste a turn fumbling for gear if I could already be holding it at the start of combat.
If I don't attack with both items in the same round, will I take any negatives to having both hands occupied? (Will I take a negative to rapier attacks simply by holding, but not throwing, a vial in the same round that I get stabby with my main weapon?)
Also, are there any rules for if I am holding the alchemists fire and am bull-rushed, disarmed, knocked prone, etc? I imagine I would have to make some sort of save or be burned by a vial dropped in my square.
Any sort of advice or experience would be appreciated.
What's going to happen if I hold a sword in one hand, and a splash weapon in the other?