Eando Kline

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 284 posts (324 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.

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Who runs Barter Town?

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Ive kind of been kicking the idea around of using the kingmaker rules for a thieves guild building campaign.
Start the players off as lower class citizens in a massive metropolis getting hooked up with an existing gang. Then they gradually start their own guild/gang and begin building it up. Just have to retool the kingdom rules to fit into city districts instead of wilderness.

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Goat, small sized quadruped. Perfect for helping the wizard carry things. Make it a female and have milk on tap, take craft cheese and have food.

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wow some serious hostility going on in this thread.

Personally I use 3pp for campaign building resources rather than even more classes. I feel there are too many redundant classes already, but some people enjoy even more classes and that's fine.

Some of the publishers and their products I like are
Jon Brazer Enterprises specifically The Book of River Nations, which is an expanded kingmaker supplement. Also the Shadowsfall series looks interesting but I've lacked the funds lately to pick them up.

Purple Duck Games' Gods of Porphyra is an open content deities book (very much appreciated). Pathfinder gods are fine but its nice to mix it up a bit.

If i was to add psionics I would immediately go with Dreamscarred. I've read them on the SRD and it looks great.

Sure some 3pp aren't very good, but there are plenty that take pride in their products. Its like comparing some generic store brand root beer to an ice cold delicious A&W

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I figured it would be better for story reasons and im not a fan of killing my pcs, especially since one of them is my gm ;)

Thanks for the suggestion

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i dont think ive seen an entire AP on youtube, thats a big commitment. there are some out there of course, some of these are homebrew but not all.

first up we have Ghaladen some around a table, some on a virtual tabletop. pretty good

then theres rpgmp3 another virtual tabletop series. some homebrew some official.

as hangarflying mentioned dawnforgedcsat has some actual play, this one is around a table and is the rotrl. only about 10 sessions.

and if i may be so bold, ive started recording our online games at goblinbait. this is just a module we're doing in between JR books. im not recording jade regent as we about to start book 4 and the middle isnt a good place to start. however when we wrap this one up i will be recording the next AP we run.

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here is some good lich advice


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Check out MythWeavers, its an online character sheet and does quite abit of the math for you. Ive tried several pdf sheets but none of them are as good as the mythweaver site imo. Its very close to the standard sheet in design too.

Sorry for not linking, on a tablet.

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I think ranger makes a good choice to learn the game. You start out as a pretty good martial type with only a couple special abilities like favored enemy, then after a few levels you get an animal companion and a few spells. This lets you learn different aspects of the game gradually. Plus they have some nice skills which is always a good thing.

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Also Know Direction is great. Its a news, reviews, and interviews. It can be found at 35privatesanctuary, which is also a great podcast btw.

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I went with kobolds attacking the merchant that supplies oleg's. He was laying on the road near death from kobold poison. The party carried him on his wagon the rest of the way to the outpost.

Turns out the cure to the poison was moon radishes (also a fertility enhancer to help the levetons conceive). Made more sense than 250gp soup :/

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Say hello to my little friends?

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Goat, small quaraped that is perfect for carrying my beer kegs. Also she has managed to kill a few things.

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A bit of sovreign glue is all you need to keep yourself in the saddle. Sure you have to take your pants off everytime you want to dismount, but losing your dignity is a fair trade for riding a giant ape.

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What? No old yeller?

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Not a problem. I always enjoy these oppurtunities to glimpse into the creative minds behind these iconic settings. I never had the chance to play in the forgotten realms, but i have experienced it through novels and the various video games.

Whether you love the realms or hate them, Ed Greenwood created one of the longest running campaign settings in our hobby. You have to respect that. He also spends quite a bit of time answering fan questions just because he loves it so much.

Thank you Mr. Greenwood for making such a fun place to visit and i look forward to what the future has in store for us.

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One of the Youtubers I subscribe to, The Gentleman Gamer, just had a 2 1/2 hour interview with Ed Greenwood discussing the future of the Forgotten Realms and many other things.


Check it out and if you like it subscribe if you haven't already, he has very nice content.

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Go on an epic quest to find the fabled bottle of ship storing? It is said this bottle can turn a full sized ship into a mist that is drawn into the bottle and reconstituted into a miniature version of itself.

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Id tell them the truth of course, i run the worlds nicest game shop/bookstore/stripclub.

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Haha, youre the hobbit in the vest arent you.

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someone in my facebook group linked to this article

69 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi I was thinking of taking this for a PFS character...

Fast Learner
You progress gain extra versatility.
Prerequisites: Int 13, human.
Benefit: When you gain a level in a favored class,
you gain both +1 hit point and +1 skill rank instead
of choosing either one or the other benefit or you can
choose an alternate class reward.

But after searching the boards it still seems murky as to what this actually does. It has been marked as FAQ in other threads but I didnt see an answer in the FAQ. Any offical word that I may have missed?

Can I choose 2 from A,B,C or is it either A+B or C by itself.

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Ludicrous amounts of gold.

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Just one more example of dwarven superiority

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Ya if the bard is not built yet maybe suggest a melee style build to them, he should be able to closee up combat.

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To all those who suggested a shovel your GMs must be alot more giving than mine. I mean what, do you just go down to your local general store and pick one up?

What are you supposed to do when your GM doesnt allow cheesey weapons like shovels to be commonly available? Getting something that powerful should be a quest at the very least.

Nope I think the problem lies with the class itself. I mean is the druid suppose to have his badger dig a hole for the fighter? Why would he waste his turn doing that, he has potted plants to be throwing.

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Im still afraid of chainsaws.

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I suppose i lean more towards high fantasy, maybe mid fantasy is a better choice. Wizards, elves, and magical creatures are common, but i dont like the idea of mage shops where you can just pop in and grab that Sword of Awesomeness off a shelf.
Finding magic items is more memorable than buying one imo.

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Bah my wizard uses a heavy pick, but he's dwarf. Sure he isnt quite as smart as those prissy pretty boy elves but he does have a magnificent beard so points for that.

The only reason he needs a staff is if he decides to make some Goblin-Pops(TM). Goblin-Pops the offical summertime treat of dwarves everywhere, available in your grocers freezer section.

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i play a dwarf earth wizard, my goat familiar carries my beer kegs.

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In soviet golarion deer hunt you.

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Didnt see Ranger so


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3 way tie for me between ff4,ff6 and a little game called lufia 2.
Ff4 is by far my favorite of that line having beaten it roughly 18 times.
Ff6 does have the better story plus the opera ofc.
And lufia 2 so bright and colorful, great monster designs and puzzles. if you havent played it, first off shame on you, secondly go play it right now.

While i was typing that i thought of a few more 16 bit classics
chrono trigger
Secret of mana
7th saga
Wanderers of Ys

Man i love the snes king of the console rpgs.

I miss the days when square and enix were seperate companies, squenix makes me sad.

*edit* how could i have forgotten about A Link to the Past, link the only elf worth a damn. Also one of the few left handed heroes i can think of in video games. We are not monsters, just misunderstood.

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When no one else will. I am the newest ttrpg player in my group and im the gm. I have wanted to play for years but i kept gettin "i used to play but i dont anymore" from everyone i asked.

So i said screw it i'll run the game, i bought the crb and bestiary and started grabbing family members that used to play. They seem to be enjoying it as they get disappointed when i have to end the session. Now i have around 4-5 players.

So thats my story, ive been running our game for around 6 months and we are about to wrap up the main plotline.

One thing i learned, dont spend alot of time writing page after page of plotlines. I did that for about 3 sessions and guess what happened, they went a totally different direction storywise. Get a over arching plot, stat up some encounters and npcs, make a few locations and then see what your players do. Also take notes of places and people you make up out of thin air, you never know which npcs they will get attached to and which they wont care the slightest about.

Still cant wait to play one the many characters ive made up for fun. Maybe some day i'll get to pc but until then its a gm's life for me

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Id suggest having him do his own character sheet with your help ofc. Then run a 1 shot solo adventure with him. That should give him a basic understanding, then seat him next to a helpful player during the full game.

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8. Hmm, the king wants us to attend a royalball. Guess i have to go dig up a date.

Goblin Squad Member

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Bomar ate nut bread once. Bomar still seem fine, even my pet duck says so.

Goblin Squad Member

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OOOO Bomar never thought of bread sword. Maybe bread mace be better. Bomar's father had bread knife once but it was actually made of metal, always confuse Bomar.

Anyway Bomar's armor is gone now, red dragon, long story but bread armor is now toast.

Goblin Squad Member

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ummm Bomar never try putting bigger heads in bread, may need to make bread bigger to fit. Bomar also have special armor baked of finest bread, has DR 5/butter. bread armor

Goblin Squad Member

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Bomar work for you?

Bomar make bread

Bomar make all types of bread, journeybread, olive bread, mouse head bread, Bomar even try making rock bread before. Rocks dont cook good.

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we should ask the God of Hellfire what he thinks

Goblin Squad Member

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yes that is what i would like to see also, local shops and craftmen. the idea of traveling to a far off city to find the smith that can make a certain sword appeals to me. the idea of purchasing a product on a global market but having to pick it up or being able to pay someone to pick it up for you is great too. i hope they use something close to these ideas

Goblin Squad Member

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i think Urlithani hit the nail on the head for me, its designed for PvP. I've played plenty of mmos and like both pvp and pve when done right. as far as pvp i think WAR got it down pat, tiered areas but constant pvp.

i knew it was all pvp based and was on the fence about it after playing mostly pve games. the thing is though, armed with this knowledge i got the game and started playing, and you know what, i loved it. the number of fun times i had attacking and defending the various keeps with other sentient people made me sad to see the player base disappear because of lack of content updates.

i have yet to see in any game the roving bands of psychopathic teens everyone keeps talking about, sure ive been killed and camped for a bit but thats the nature of the game and even those times are few and far between. it never kept me from enjoying the game so all i am saying is give pvp a chance, you may actually enjoy it.

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i bookmarked your site and will listen later tonight.

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im not wearing pants

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also you need goggles, lots of goggles and a wrench and a newsboy hat and goggles did i mention the goggles?

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personally i like David Edding's Belgariad and Mallorean series each has 5 books adn they are all connected. very good character developement adn the action isnt half bad either. also i would totally 2nd or 3rd Feist's Riftwar Saga starting with Magician series.