Eando Kline

Benoc's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 284 posts (324 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.

So my group has been recording our Wrath sessions and posting them on youtube. Im trying to keep the episodes around 30 mins or so.

Episode 1

Ok so my online group decided to play PFS when someone couldn't make the regular session. We have played a total of 1 PFS session, First steps part 1 in July. I went to set up the event for part 2 tonight and it says 2 and 3 are retired, i found out this was due to 2 factions disappearing.

my question is this i suppose, what do i do with their completed part 1 characters? do i just count it as a normal scenario now and how does the xp and gold from part 1 affect their future sheets?

a quick answer would be great, we're scheduled to start in about an hour :/

So after watching a few video series on youtube i decided to make my own dungeon tiles. the materials are cheap and once you get it down it takes very little time.

basically you need a hot glue gun some acrylic paint and cardboard. after the initial purchase it was about $50 for materials, glue gun sticks, paint and a few other things. now i just have to buy more paint so the price per tile will drop significantly. plus cardboard is basically free :)

im pretty pleased with the way they came out so i thought i would share. the links to the channels i got the techniques from are linked in the video.


Yesterday Monte Cook was interviewed over google hangouts by The Gentleman Gamer from youtube. he covered his history as well as the future with Numenera. The interview is just over 1 hour.


alright so ive just ran my first pfs game for my online group and i have a couple questions about chronicle sheets.

1. i understand they only get the loot from encounters they actually encounter, but what if they bypass the encounter through other means than fighting. do they still get the items?

2. now on the sheet, is the max gold figured by selling all the mundane and magic equipment and dividing it by an assumed party of 4? if it is, what if you have 5 or 6 players, does the max gold become less?

So im going to run some PFS for my online group when we have off weeks due to player absence or something else. This is my first time attempting to run Society play and have a couple questions

both first steps and master of the fallen fortress seem to aimed at brand new characters. which do you recommend running first or does it matter?

also if i do one does that prevent them from doing the other due to level?

we're not new to PF just PFS if that matters

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One of the Youtubers I subscribe to, The Gentleman Gamer, just had a 2 1/2 hour interview with Ed Greenwood discussing the future of the Forgotten Realms and many other things.


Check it out and if you like it subscribe if you haven't already, he has very nice content.

hello i'm wondering which god would most fit into the role of preserving knowledge, more specifically books.

i'm guessing nethys is probably closer, but he seems more geared towards magical knowledge.

the basic character concept is either a cleric or bard that travels around looking for and protecting ancient tomes.

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someone in my facebook group linked to this article

69 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi I was thinking of taking this for a PFS character...

Fast Learner
You progress gain extra versatility.
Prerequisites: Int 13, human.
Benefit: When you gain a level in a favored class,
you gain both +1 hit point and +1 skill rank instead
of choosing either one or the other benefit or you can
choose an alternate class reward.

But after searching the boards it still seems murky as to what this actually does. It has been marked as FAQ in other threads but I didnt see an answer in the FAQ. Any offical word that I may have missed?

Can I choose 2 from A,B,C or is it either A+B or C by itself.

Hello,, i have a question and is like some opinions on how best to handle it. Long story short its homebrew campaign and the 1st part the party is sent on a long journey to recover some kidnapped townspeople and a dukes daughter. This takes the group across the previously uncharted western sea.

They discover a new continent that is less advanced than the main land. During the course of the adventure the party claim a couple of pirateships and rescue the prisoners. They decided to set up a local factor while on this new continent for later trading operations. They then return back across the sea to the mmainland.

The duke rewards them with titles and a large section of land which we use to run a kingmaker style 2nd story arc. Now they are shipping products back and forth across the sea and i am unsure of the amount of returns on investments to give them.

Anyone have a good method for determining something like this? So far they usually send about 5k worth of goods and i just roll to see if they get that amount, double, or triple back. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Its National Left Handers Day today, so lets see how many of the special 10% there are on these forums.

*raises his left hand*

like the title says im looking for the price of a blank book for a ingame journal of sorts. the obsession log is close to what i want but still kinda pricey.

hopefully in the ultimate equipment there is a price for it. i know i can just ask my gm but would like a few opinions of reasonable prices for a 100 page book 10gp, 20 gp?

Hello, I am currently working on the second part of a campaign. My group has expressed interest in building a kingdom, so using the book of river nations by john brazer i'm filling in a map. One of the placed encounters is at a grave knights keep.

While creating him I considered how they would deal with it. Now the armor is basically his phylacterary and if they fail the knowledge check they wouldnt know he regenerates in a few days. Assuming one of the plate wearers takes and tries wearing his armor, what happens?

What are some ways i can handle this, because knowing my players i'm pretty sure the above is how the situation will play out.

hello all, i'm fairly new to pathfinder and was wondering if my cavalier takes eye for talent and gives his horse the +2 to int can the horse utilize the teamwork: precise strike feat?

the animal companion feats section says if int is 3 or higher it can take any feat its physically capable of using. if that's the case and the cavalier orders his horse to attack something with the cavalier flanking it will the horse get a plus 1d6 to each hoof attack?

I recently picked up Rift and was wondering if anyone here plays. I play on the pve/rp server, cant remember the name. Looking for a guild if anyone is recruiting.

Goblin Squad Member

While reading todays blog i came across this line, "Parties could also be a caravan, with some members moving large quantities of goods from place to place, and some acting as guards to protect the group from hazards and brigands." Does this mean the standard AH is not going to be implemented? Maybe a local AH instead of the global, so items obtained in one place could be sold for more in another area. While convenient, the AH of WoW and others takes the satisfaction out of crafting an awesome weapon. I know some will say that getting rid of an auction house is a step backwards, but i would like to see what everyone's opinions are.
Are you in favor of a standard Ah or a more player based wandering merchant type of system? The hiring of players to protect your shipment and the flip side, playing a group of highwaymen.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm wondering what role alignment will have in-game. The FAQs say yes you can be a bad guy so alignment must be in the game, do you think it will be a static stat or dynamic like in the various Star Wars games. Will people of opposite alignments get to work together, be in the same guilds and more importantly have different missions. Thoughts?

like it says i live in elkhart,IN and am looking for a group. no one i know currently plays or has any real interest in playing,because of this i have yet to play my 1st game. im 28, married adn work nights so pretty much only free on sun/mon but times for those days are quite flexible. id much prefer pathfinder but i do have the phb for 4e and phb/dm for 2e. you can contact me at floydfan0013@yahoo.com with subject of Pathfinder(so i dont trash it).