Infernal Crocodile

Ben A's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 17 posts (37 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


If this kicks up again soon, I am on vacation next week. I'll try to keep an eye on the thread, but FYI.

Hey guys and gals, I am brand new to PBP so please feel free to offer me any tips or correct me if I am doing something that is annoying anyone or making the gameplay less of an experience for anybody.

I was looking at a Separatist Cleric, but anyone weigh in on whether team Bravo is getting too caster heavy and I will come up with a melee class or a melee-focused cleric.

I am interested and will be submitting very soon. I just returned from a business trip last night and getting caught up.

Hi, I ordered this a month ago and it is still pending. Do we have any estimate that it will be fulfilled soon? Thanks.

Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

I made the same mistake (not putting the name in the body) because I assumed the Official Rules were the official rules. I don't post a lot on these forums, but I read the "Official Rules" very carefully and followed every link and made sure my submission followed the format in the Core Rulebook. I understand the argument that I should have read through every possible link on this page or I should be more familiar with how forum posting typically works, but I disagree. I don't think it fair that I and others will be punished or rejected for relying only on the official rules and not noticing a secondary rule set (which I didn't notice).

I have two new players starting their first RGP tabletop campaign of any sort. I was gearing up for Kingmaker, but am now considering RotRL as it's dropping here soon. Any opinions on which is best? I know nothing of RotRL, but have read through most of the Kingmaker AP. I plan to run an NPC (some sort of heals) with the party and maybe run them a bit high in level or gear to balance out encounters and not wipe the newbies every other encounter. Thanks for your input.

I apologize if this is obvious or has been answered many times, but I didn't see anything in a few quick searches. Is there no Print + PDF bundle? You have to buy both separately at full price? Thanks.

Write for a third party publisher or just work on getting short stories published in the many outlets available. Build up your resume first.

Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Neil Spicer wrote:

*Author, quit sucking up to Clark. :)

I wasn't sucking up, I'm a lawyer too! Write what you know and all that....

Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Can I get the critique notes for my "Barrister's Gavel of Pleading"? I don't have the write up on this computer. Thanks.

I just broke out of the MMO clutch in favor of getting back into tabletop RPGs and then they go and do this. Not really excited.

The first link works great. The second link just goes back to Paizo. Can you check the second link or tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks!

Thank you. This is very helpful.

A bit of a thread necro, but here goes. I am new to Pathfinder and new to GMing. I will be running Kingmaker as my first adventure path. My players are also brand new to this, so I want it to be an awesome experience for them and to hook them on Pathfinder forever!

There is almost too much info out there (at least by forum searching) on Kingmaker campaigns. Any further tips on a good GM blog or site to read for advice? Or game aids to buy to really make the game pop? I was going to buy some flip mats (other terrain aids I should buy?) and I just picked up a bunch of DnD Heroes minis. What about monster minis? Any other suggestions? Thanks for your help.