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Organized Play Member. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Hi @Cory, yes - that's our blog posting.

And, on the topic of Battletech, we have been enjoying a Starfinder homebrew campaign where....

1st, the characters were zapped through a portal where they had to fight through a Pathfinder dungeon to get control of portal technology being used by Eoxians....

2nd, the characters were zapped through another portal to the year 3050 in the Earth universe on a planet where the Clans had just attacked. The party had to piece together working Battletech mechs using hot glue, super glue and the like from a battlefield of broken mech parts -- and then defend themselves making skill checks like crazy against local militia....

3rd, they had to find a way to teleport themselves back -- but this got messed up (just one skill roll of a "1") and they ended up with the year 40,000 and had to fight their way past Space Orks -- and had a narrow escape by powering up a Space Marine frigate.

4th, there was an interlude back in Starfinder space [after they merged Drift technology with Warp technology to find their way home].

After getting home, they fought their way past a number of undead Eoxians who were building out a capability to build more portals. And, in the process, took over the A/I [named Hexis] which the Eoxians were using for security.

On Sunday, they are going to fight the final chapter of this first campaing [at least for now -- because we are also enjoying playing some more hard-core battletech]. And, what they don't know is that Hexis is going to use Warp + Drift technology to teleport a Trident Submarine (some model work to do there before Sunday) so that they can use it to get to the undersea base the Eoxians are building to create a REALLY BIG PORTAL -- one so big that they can use it to teleport and army to take over Absalom station. But, of course, that means that they have an army at the undersea base. So, the mission [should the team choose to accept it] will be to 1) make a deal with Spork and Fork - the Warbosses from the year 40,000 in the Earth Universe; 2) make a covert run to the REALLY BIG PORTAL using the submarine - and open it up for the Orks; and 3) have a big Ork - Eoxian war to finally defeat the enemy.

I don't know if we will have enough dice or time to get it done on Sunday....

Hi everyone,

Have been working to stay ahead of our players with fun terrain.

Stumbled upon one quick hack to make a laser turret.

Pulled the outer plastic cowling off of a 409 cleaning bottle.

Here is a quick write up on our simple recycling to create the terrain along with photos :) bottle.html?m=1

Ok - thanks! Appreciate the help. Certainly the cost of the ring seems a bit better than the headband.

Don't suppose there is some way to make this go to your Phantom, is there?

Thanks again :)

Hi everyone,

Our campaign group fought some sort of evil outsider last night who made very nasty and effective use of WIS drain.

We didn’t really have much in the way of good blockers for this. Are there any good methods out there?

(Plus, it seemed that my Spiritualist could NOT shunt this damage to her Phantom since it was not negative energy damage — but WIS damage).

Thanks :)

Well - some amount of digging later, found what I had read....

There is Life Bound. Only affects the channeler - but with Life Link going that would be great because you could add more HP to yourself and build more of a reserve.

Hi everyone,

About to become 13th level Oracle (plus 1st level Cleric, 1st level Spiritualist).

- Thinking about Spirit Boost as a next revelation - because helping the party with extra HP would be great (would also be great to help myself).

- But, I thought (perhaps while very sleep deprived) I had read of something which would have allowed temporary hit points while channeling.

Was I disillusional - or does anyone know of something like that??


Hi everyone, would appreciate your sage advice and suggestions on the following problem:

“Dax” an Android Operative in our Starfinder Home Canpaign would like his back story to include something like “from back in the day when Eox — faced with destruction of their civilization dabbled in android fabrication — a scheme which clearly lost out to be necromantic arts.

Our player was thinking that he read about this somewhere.

Regardless of whether he did or not, I had a couple of ideas to spins something into our story which seems plausible:

1) A lesser bone mage (long since our of power or re-deceased) did dabble in this when a shortage of reanimating energy threatened the loss of Eoxian entities.

2) Androids were created as a stock pile of compatible body parts for the Eoxian who lost a limb and wanted a replacement which exactly matched dimensions or specifications. (I don’t like this one as well — because why wouldn’t they just do some necromatic regrowth or something).

Appreciate any thoughts :)

Hi everyone,

[Sorry if this is a redundant question. Read through the many posts on fusions, but still confused on how to handle multiple fusions.]

If our dwarven mystic wants to put both Holy and Ghost Touch fusions onto his Level 9 Swoop Hammer, how would the cost work?

Is it 2600 (for a Level 9 weapon) x 2 = 5200?

Or is it somehow related to the item levels of the fusions themselves?

Thanks :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi everyone, found that beach plastic (the trash plastic that has sloshed around and then ended up on the beach) is weathered in pretty near sci-fi looking ways. Used some to mount our Starfinder minis (and helped clean up the beach)

Here is a link to our humble write up on the topic: html?m=1

Hi everyone,

While waiting for the Kickstarter to start shipping official Paizo race starships, did find nice "Star Cruisers" online as decent proxies.

Here's a blog write-up if you'd like to see images: g.html

Of course, the little guys are sort of like rubber erasers -- but the size is about right to use on a flip-mat. And, the package comes with 20 different types -- so it's going to be easy to create some *squadrons* of ships for more challenging fights.

Hi everyone, thanks for the replies. I was worried that I was messing up the RAW. It’s some comfort to know that I hadn’t.

I’m going to propose to my group that we try the house rule that jozh and Benjamin suggested above and cut the multiplier in half.

Thanks again :)

Hi everyone,

My campaign’s party has now progressed to level 3 — and in a starship combat session last weekend it we came up against the issue that with — as we understood the rules — adding 2 times your startship tier (which would be 3 per the party progression rules) they were adding 6 to DC....

Seems that if your BAB goes up by 1 each level — and you can add a max of 1 appropriate skill point per level — the party becomes **extremely** type-cast as the levels go up. The gunner becomes practically incompetent at taking the pilot’s seat when he or she is sick.... (Because we simply don’t have enough skill points to all add to computers and piloting and engineering each level.)

Are we getting something wrong??

Why is a Tier 3 starship harder to barrel roll than a Tier 1 starship?

I wondered if I’m confusion Level Tier and Size Tier ??

Thanks :)

Ok - many thanks!!

Hi everyone,

Seems as though when a mechanic reaches 3rd level it might become possible to have a combat drone which has two weapons mounted. If we’ve got that right — does the drone have a penalty for firing both the way a character would?

Thanks :)

Ah - excellent idea. Will do that :)

Hi everyone,

Does anybody know of a nice cheat sheet to pass out around the table -- like the melee/ranged combat sheet posted earlier -- but for *space combat* ??

Going to have my group in their first space combat tomorrow - and figure it will be a bit shaky the first time through.

Thanks :)

I think the math is like this:

WIS +4
Priest +1
Level +1
Class skill w/ level +3
= +9

[I was stumped myself until I read the Priest bonuses.]

Thanks - will be using this tomorrow!

Hi :) Wanted to post a thank you for your quick list of monsters and intro module. Used it on Sunday -- and worked really nicely!

Hi everyone,

3d printed some d20 holders (little hexagon boxes) so that we wouldn't lose track of our d20 rolls when our Life Oracle casts the Lucky Number spell.

Turned out pretty well (as holders) though the first campaign session with the spell wasn't great. Our half-orc hulk had a nice roll of a 3! But, our two-weapon specialist rolled a 20 :(

By the way, the magic dimension seemed to be 23.5mm for standard Chessex d20's.

Here's a post on our blog with how we did the printing.... ell.html

Thanks, Arne

Hi everyone,

I'm thinking of taking a single level of Spiritualist for my Haunted Life Oracle. She is L8 Oracle / L1 Cleric/Cardinal.

Read through the posting @Human Fighter created a year ago. Some similarities in the thinking for me. When in my character's head, the phantom would add desired Skill Focus in Intimidate. When out and about, would act as body guard.

Was thinking that at time of taking level in Spiritualist, would also take the feat which gives +4 to Phantom Level so that the Phantom is now puny.

....And, concept would be that my Haunted Oracle would have begun to harness the Spirit which is haunting.

--> I don't quite understand healing a phantom. Would Channeling heal? Or Cure Light Wounds (for example)?

--> And, I'll get to select two feats. I'm thinking that these should be ones which help the party at large - since when I do manifest the Phantom it'll be as a body guard. Wondering if anyone has suggestions on that. I liked the earlier idea of taking the feat which gives traits to get things like immediate stabilize....

Thanks :)

Hi everyone,

Do the magic research rules apply to magical effects other than spells?

Wondering if my channel-focused Oracle would research other channel feats?
- Is researching a feat fair-game?
- Is researching expansion of a channeling effect fair game?
- Is researching a new channel focus another avenue if those above are not OK?

And, same question with Oracle revelations. My character is a Life Oracle. And, it's not that I dislike the revelations which I have left to choose from - it's more that they are a bit boring....

Thanks :)

Wow - super big thank you for the Cleric suggestion.

I had it in my head that Cleric channeling would be 1d6. Had totally lost track of:
- The phylactery would add 2 dice to the Cleric channels as well
- And, that Clerics get CHA+3 instead of the Oracle's CHA+1 channels.

Following up on your suggestion I read through all of the Cleric archetypes and stumbled across the "Cardinal". That fits pretty nicely for my Oracle -- lots of skill levels -- all of which help my role playing fun -- let's me select the Memory Domain -- which I think is cool anyway -- and that ton of channels....

Thinking that I'll go with your idea first -- then maybe some more Oracle -- and come back to the Mesmerist idea later :)

Thanks again!

Hi everyone,

Have been enjoying playing a NG Life Oracle of Pharasma in a home campaign.

The build has a CHA of 22 right now - with as many buffs for Bluff and Diplomacy as I can manage.

I'm finding that for myself, it's trying to tell the NPCs that "no, really, there's a dragon right over there!" that I enjoy.

So, as I look at the progression of the Life Oracle - other than dropping another point into those two skills every level, I'm not seeing much which is very exciting coming up.

I should mention that I also do enjoy Channeling. It just "feels" like a cool mechanic. And, the Oracle has most of her feats in that area: Fateful Channel; Quick Channel; Selective Channel.... And, she has the magic item which gives two extra dice (and paid the annoying amount of extra gold to merge it with my CHA magical item).

So, wondering about dipping into one or two other classes to try to enhance the flavor of things.

And, of all of the classes and archetypes I've read - Mesmirist is about the only thing I've seen so far which is CHA based - but would also let me wear my armor.

Curious if anyone has any advice or feedback on the idea of an Life Oracle / Mesmirist ??

Many thanks :)

Hi everyone,

When our home-campaign Pharasma life-oracle hit 5th level -- she elected to take on Fated Channel.

Had ready quite a few wise posts about people forgetting to use their opportunity to roll two d20s.

So, decided to 3D print some Pharasma symbol tokens to hand out to everyone in our campaign.

Has turned out to work pretty well. The 3D printing was not too bad. Found a web-site which would emboss any image. Had to mess with the class Pharasma spiral to get it to work, though (turns out that colors in the image confuse the embossing software)....

Link to our detailed write-up

Hi everyone,

Found that I was missing the old-school 1980's hard-edged (not rounded) crystal looking dice which came in different basic colors.

Had a set from way back days which had all colors except for red.

Here's a quick link with photos of what I'm meaning.
Link to write-up and photos here.

Not sure why these aren't very popular anymore. Is it because they don't tend to "roll" when you toss them on the table?

Thanks :)