![]() Monstrous Crafter,Grisly Ornament, Harvest Parts,Inscribe Magical Tattoo,Inscribe Rune,Cultivate Magic Plants,Grow Plant Creature,Craft Shadow Piercing,Craft Poppet,Craft Ooze Are any of these worth the effort? Any tips to make them work?
Thanks ![]()
![]() I was thinking along the same line. Basic king building with explore/build small settlement. The Caravan rules I have not really dived into but from what I read it works kinda like a moving villiage. I figured the ship or fleet would work in the same basic way. It also got me thinking about stuff like tracking an animal on the water for whaling, or the like. As kind of a one off adventure. Also with the Caravan rules you could set up trade routes etc which a new book on merchants is coming out. The caravan could move from point a to point B. get loaded on ships, set great distance, off load more travel explore etc.
![]() Tween the downtime rules Caravan rules and the vehicle rules is a set of rules that allows for at Sea Adventures or campaigns based around traveling to a new land and setting up a settlement think Christopher Columbus New World my question is these rules as they are currently or not perfect we suited for this kind of campaign is there a rule set full when I'm looking for an app Sea Adventure maybe wailing as down time or something I don't know or does anyone have creative ideas on how to combined these three systems to make a working rule system ![]()
![]() So the reason for this is there are a lot of weapons that are under used because they cant be optimized. I am not looking for major advantages here but lets see if we can make use of some of these weapons. Using class, archetypes, feats, etc. The First weapon I would like to see what can be done with is a Lasso.
With the [whip] you can use a 10ft section of rope like a whip with no penalty. Not sure if they means that Disarm, and trip can be used or not and if you have the feat chains for whip/ disarm / trip would they would for rope to then? That would be a fun build using something different. Torches would be another piece of equipment that could be a main weapon using, Torch Fighter, turns torches into light weapons that deal mace damage. Torch handling is another good feat, makes them simple weapons, and you get a couple other befits using the torch. Kusarigama - is a weapon that I would love to know how to make it work well. So what are some other unused equipment or weapons that never get used and how can we best use them. ![]()
![]() After looking at this build i don't think Magus can work.
Magus is my favor class and I think he would make a great arcane paladin i just can't find a way to make it work. But weapons would be lasso, torch, Swordbreaker dagger is not really needed just looks cool. At level 6 the goal is to do a quest or something to earn my knighthood. No real idea after level 6 what to do with him. Which is why i am looking at the Battle Herald, but there is not a way for a Magus to get it. This character is not an NPC, but is based off being a NPC. from the squire or recruit feat. meaning at level 7 or so i would take leadership and gain my own squire etc. For combat i am mostly looking for no (-) on the roll but that is it. I don't mind not having any bonuses. I was looking to play Support warrior/Support combat healer. just cant get the pieces to work ![]()
![]() i have been looking at building a Squire character. I am linking Magus arcane paladin type. Useing Believers boon( unknown domain), Believers hands, and Extra lay of hands. This character is to be a squire till about level 6. I want to be the one to set up camp, see to animals, go first with torch, I am thinking Lasso, Torch, as main combat weapons. Using swordbreaker dagger modifed hollow hilt to be survival knife style. So what i need help with is knightly order, feats at level, maybe a differnt class. He will also play a lute. let us see what we can build. The idea is to be a squire to someone who has the recruit feat. ![]()
![]() I love the MoMS. if I monk dip it is always for this. I like using Panther style and Snake Style so broken with high wisdom mod. You move they get AoO if they take it bang, panther style lets you hit first for wisdom mod of unarm attracts. then if they miss their AoO you get to use snake style for two more hits. Snake style makes your hands do P damage which means if you want to be Kano you can. With the critical hit feats you can impale them with a P damage weapon. Cause a lot of feats but to impale my enemies with my hands I will take it. ![]()
![]() The Cavalier archetype Hunt Master, gets whips and nets. It is in the animal companion book. I figured Magic or firearms made to do non-lethal damage was going to be the best way to capture creatures. Then use Handle animal to train tame it. IT is very Pokemon'ish but someone is training all the animals like hunting cats and war elephant, and the like. I am just trying to make a character who that is where he shines, don't want to be useless in combat but i am ok with not having any combat feats or bonus damage in general to better perfect I skill of Handle animal and Survival. I don't believe we can use the physic stuff but i will look into it. might be the way to go. ![]()
![]() Hello,
I am trying to build a Animal tamer/trainer/breeder. Any book for pathfinder is likely okay for a source. please no 3 party stuff. Skills i will be working with Handle Animal,Stealth,Survival,Ride, Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Feats - Beast Hunter looks nice but... Now The RP side of things I will being hunting, capturing/killing, Taming, breeding of animals, magical beast, and other exotic creatures. In this setting we are using The Ultimate Campaign rules. So i am hoping to open a stable, shop. maybe as the city grows a zoo. 20 point buy system.
![]() Hello,
1. What is a good charcter build for this?
Open to all classes just trying to get a hold of this character. I know he will be support and downtime type charcter. But lets see what we can come up with. I really just want him good at what he does. Thanks in advance ![]()
![]() Don't get me wrong I can see how it could be abused too. But I really like some abilities. I would love some ninja tricks, with magus and unarmed combat of a monk. You can use spells to mimic rage, and beast form. But trying to do it all with out super muilt classing. Quivering palm is sweet and will have to look at lawful evil assassin builds using it. ![]()
![]() From the way it reads, they work like archtype being you can only have one secondary class because it would mesh with the others. I would like to make a ala carte type character by being able to select any 3level power at rd and any 3or7th level power at 7th etc. Giving lots more options. Would this work? Would it be op? ![]()
![]() I have been trying to do a New class or a Magus arch type call shinobi. Bring in that second edition skills and power type ninja to the table. We need a class that is int and wis based for all ability. A little ki, a little arcane pool sword skill, and some unarmed combat that doesn't suck at high levels. I have a post with my early creation still needs some work. But I am in the same boat, I do like some of the shadow dancer abilities for a ninja. ![]()
![]() I think plays are to use to video game the see the world in look and exp nothing more this moral compass thread was to help open up my ideas to new ideas and hopefully find a way to bring lawful good character as into my world. Maybe even paladins but most avoid them like the plague. Thanks Everyone ![]()
![]() See your right on the money party's of players never ask the right questions if you have a raiding party of goblins raid a village you slay everyone in the cave yeah hero's , but wait there was a two different clans in those cave and you killed them all. How many times as players or Dm did you make sure this cave was home to those goblin you killed in town? ![]()
![]() OK so same group kills all assassin in the battle. Town guards arest the party to stand trail, the party wants to make a brake for it , would the Lawful good Magus have to stay behind and go to trail or would he go with the party? Also what if torture in this kingdom is legal then could the magus do it? ![]()
![]() First I don't think there is a right answer per say but I want to see what people think of Lawful Good. A group of assassins try to kill the party. One or more of them are captured in they failed assassination. Can the Lawful Good Magus take party in torture to get answers out of the attackers? The Lawful Good Magus has a military background and Served in the Kingdoms army. If you think he can or cant please list rules and or your opinions that support your view. Thank you. ![]()
![]() Also I should point out that When I use the Term Shinobi I am basing it mostly off the second edition Ninja handbook. Shinobi where non-Ninja classes that were part of the clan, and learn some ninja arts. The wizard shinobi could use throwing stars and Ninja-to. I believe they also go hide in shadows and move silently but I may be wrong on that. I will double check. Either way they are classes that are not Ninja class. but learn Ninja ability's and weapons. Still working on a Rework going to try and have it up by Saturday night. ![]()
![]() The biggest thing is I don't think the Ninja should be Charisma base. I think it should be Int or Wis. KI is a Wisdom based thing. The reason to have Charisma KI makes no sense to me. The factotum stuff was mostly to try and fill out higher levels. The rules for creating classes say you should get something at each level or two things in most cases. I have come up with a Cab level 20 ability I want to called inception. When the Shinobi kills a target using this ability they take the form of the person they kill. This means if you kill the Halfling you can become the Halfling. You stay in this form to you dismiss the ability or use the ability again. The reason for Inception as the name... You would be role playing a person inside of your role playing of your character lol ![]()
![]() I am wanting a magus/ with ninja tricks and unarmed combat. The rest is pretty much trying to balance it. This started as an archtype but with something that didn't work. The idea with this class is it is the ninja clans anwser to magic. Ninjas are OK by them self but they could not get in or out of any wizard made building and at high levels ninjas don't scale well. So I made this. ![]()
![]() Iaijutsu Focus (wis) (Oriental Adventures variant, p. 58)
![]() Hello,
The idea is to create a Magus who can use ninja weapons, Ninja tricks, and some unarmed combat damage, etc from the monk. Making a character based on INT and WIS. To give this class options when you select this class you must decide if you want standard Magus weapon Proficiency or Ninja Weapon Proficiency. The shinobi has the Magus spell list, and spell progression. Also all ninja tricks used by the Shinobi are Wisdom based. The shinobi can learn all languages including Druidic, and other secret languages. Bonus spells ability: at level 1 and every three levels after shinobi receive a bonus spell in every level of spell they can cast. This bonus spell can be from any spell list.
When the shinobi receives Light armor at level 4 it is the same as the magus ability at level one. This light armor also does not cancel the Ki abilities received from level 3. So you can wear light armor still get your wis AC bonus and use ki pool to increase your movement by 10 or gain an extra attack. :
Shinobi: 8d 6+int skill points BAB Fort Ref Will Abilities 1 0 0 2 2 AC bonus,Unarmed Combat,Arcane,pool,Fast Move 2 1 0 3 3 Spellstrike, Spell combat 3 2 1 3 3 Ki-pool, arcana, Brains of Brawn 4 3 1 4 4 Light Armor, ninja trick, Iaijusta skill 5 3 1 4 4 Spell Recall, light step, cunning knowledge 6 4 2 5 5 Poison use, Ninja Trick, Arcana 7 5 2 5 5 Defect arrow, Evasion, slow fall 20 8 6/1 2 6 6 High jump, Ninja trick 9 6/1 3 6 6 uncanny dodge, high in plain sight, slow fall30 10 7/2 3 7 7 arcana , Snatch arrow, 11 8/3 3 7 7 improved evasion, Bonus feat slow fall 40 12 9/4 4 8 8 Master Trick, Cunning breach 13 9/4 4 8 8 improved uncanny dodge slow fall 50 14 10/5 4 9 9 arcana Master Trick 15 11/6/1 5 9 9 Bonus feat slow fall 60 16 12/7/2 5 10 10 17 12/7/2 5 10 10 slow fall 70 18 13/8/3 6 11 11 19 14/9/4 6 11 11 slow fall 80 20 15/10/5 6 12 12 Fast Movement as a Monk, Ki pool same abilities as a monk can get one extra attack even without flurry or unarmed attack. Brains of Brawn: is from the factotum and all str, and dex skill now get your INT mod instead of str or dex Cunning knowledge: is from factotum
Cunning Breach is from Factotum
I still need some major work on it but let me know what you think. ![]()
![]() Hello,
Power Gaming - Seeking to be the most Powerful regard less of character development, story, or Game. optimizing- Using the rules to Max the Math system, to get the most advantages out of a character inside rule system Roll playing - Lack of story telling it is all numbers. Examples I see of this ("I hit the guy, Roll dice, did X damage") Role Playing - Usually in character talking - making sometimes game slowing decisions because that is what your character would do. theatrical game Play - Some where between Roll play and Roleplaying. Example - With a raging Battle cry , Feeling the Rage take hold I swing my great sword with all my furry focus on the enemy in front of me. Then Roll Dice, I hit for X damage etc. Now I have been at some point one or all of theses. I once even built a useless character and tried to carry him on Theatrical play only not math to back it up, he died in glories battle on the end of a goblins spear. So my question is what are some ways to better mesh players styles so everyone feel they are getting to do what they enjoy without the party falling into disarray. |