Man with a Pickaxe

Barak Gil'een's page

18 posts. Alias of Sach.


Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Initiative: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Barak has to visibly restrain himself from firing up his jump pack right away.

"Do we simply await the enemy here? Someone must lure them to this location in order to us." He waits a moment before continuing, "I volunteer of course...

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Theater of the mind should be fine.

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Barak takes a hard look at Toc. He stand silent fir a moment, giving a final glance towards Angron as the gore of those had had called brother washes the plaza red and the names if the dead are called aloud by the fallen Primarch.

"Hm." He lowers his bolt Pistol and allows for his lightning claws to retract. A simple nod seems to be all he can muster from his boiling rage and bloodlust. He turns away from the battle and awaits for the rest of the squad to move out. It's clear that he will cover the rear.

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Sorry that it took a bit to get to posting here. Semantically I agree, however I think staying and fighting is a better alternative.

Nothing says we need to die here. From a Meta standpoint there's literally nothing else going on in the battle right now besides this fight and other similar fights just steps away. In addition the Deathguard we want to meet up with are;

1)Super far away. The Deathguard landed on the outskirts of a hive city that we are just about in the middle of. I'm not talking days worth of walking, but suitably far away that getting there isn't a simple matter.

2)About to fighting a much different and more lethal fight as Mortarion lands and grinds them to dust. Yes it's super metagaming...but I don't want to fight Baneblades and Knights.

Surviving this fight doesn't need to be difficult. We have the Hab Centers to our back so there's no reason to wade into what is basically a field of death. Just draw some marines into the Hab centers which act as a bottle neck and kill them. Then repeat.

Eventually we WILL have to leave. That's a fact of how this fight is. There are essentially limitless enemies and we won't "win" the fight. The goal is to save who we can from the other Legions that are here and make a break for a different plaza.

Besides all that though, from an RP standpoint, I don't see how or why 5 well armed transhuman killing machines would walk away from something so terrible that before this moment there should have never been a marine to ever consider this would ever happen. Not without first trying to exact some measure of vengeance. We are all Rank 3 marines with 40 renown which translates roughly to have at least lead a squad at some point in our career. I say this only in the fact that none of us should "need" to link up to a chain of command in order to figure out what to do. I understand that we need reinforcements so that we don't just die...but orders aren't much needed by us in this scenario. We are mostly Terran Veterans and warriors who have been honed for years in a crucible of war.

Sorry for the longer post but to sum up, we should leave, but it should be a tactile retreat after we do our best to save some from this battle. I don't think we should link up with the Deathguard only because they are too far away, it'd be better to link with someone a bit closer to our location. There are plenty of marines around, we just need to fight to extract them

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Barak extends his lightning claws which spring to life with violent arcs instantly. "You all do as you must. To leave this sight without doing what must be done would be a shame greater than death. As I said, as a Legionnaire of the Imperium of Man, of the World - " He stops himself a moment, "As a War Hound. This transgression will not stand. I said I will fight my so called brethren to my last and I meant it. If you believe you must walk across the length and breadth of Choral City just to make contact with a random superior of the Deathguard, but I ask are there none here that don't deserve the same devotion? Are there none dying before you that have earned that same level of respect from you? Are us Legionnaires nothing but walking corpses for you?" What started as nearly a whisper from a broken man has slowly become yelling with a righteous fury."I will not stand by as my brothers and my cousins fall at that hands of that filth."

Barak, only steps away from blind fury, falls into cover and sets up to fire into melee. He only had a few clips so he hoped, more than anything, he could simply draw attackers into the hab center and open up with his Lightning Claws.

Initiative: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Wounds: 30/30
Fate: 4/4
Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

"I can't seem to get through the screaming." Barak states with a hint of annoyance. "It matters not who's forces defend this area. If you are right then it is Legionaires who defend with their lives, if you are wrong then it is Legionaires who land to desperately take back this area from a seemingly formidable force. You talk of traitors yet, from where I stand, it is only the Deathguard who have wronged me. It is not my Legion who is known to carry the force of a life eater virus into every battle. I do not beleive that I or any of you are traitorous to the Imperium. Infact, I don't beleive any true Legionaires capable of such thoughts. So I march to the LZ. You do not need to march with me, but I will be moving soon. If it is my brethren who fall to wreak havoc then I will fight them to my last breath as a Legionaire of the Imperium of Man. If it is not, then I hope some have the answers I seek."

With that Barak readies his jumpack and moves into the Hab Centers.

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

+++Alright Legionaires, supposing we do need to be wary of those Ravens, I propose we make our way through those Hab Centers. It should provide some menial cover.+++

Barak points off towards the LZ and gives a general wave towards any of the obvious Hab Centers. Over the comms his voice seems distant, as though he's having a hard time keeping focused on the task at hand.

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Just to be clear, what we're looking is a large box with Hab Centers and cover on 3 sides and 1 side more or less completely open correct?

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

+++Sgt. Dapphon, perhaps you are right. Propose we advance carefully towards the situation, hopefully we can rendezvous with some Legionaires on the way. I can't imagine many Marines that would be running away from the LZ+++ Barak says over the comms. His voice is tinged with strain, as though taking a great effort to not fly off towards the battle without a second thought.

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

+++Comms seem packed. I wasn't able to get much besides confusion. I suggest we approach. If they are firing on our enemies it's imperative that we approach and help secure the LZ. If it's as you say and they are firing on marines it's imperative that we approach and help defend the LZ.+++

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Barak stands still a moment, transfixed on the descending Storm Ravens. He could have sworn that Marines were the only ones who made it out of the terrorist's plot - so who could they be shooting at?

+++I can't get through to them. Comms seem to either be flooded or down. Let's keep our comms on to this channel so we can hear eachother and move to their assumed LZ. We can assess the situation further from there.+++

Barak speaks with a notable hesitant edge to his voice, contrary to his earlier steely conviction. It appears that the marine shakes off whatever was holding him in trance and begins to move towards ships landing at a much quicker rate.

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books
Brother Toc wrote:

Toc swings the melta to cover Barak

"Is that an order Eater of Worlds?! Explain yourself and your sudden arrival here unannounced"

Barak's hand moves and presses a few buttons just below the jawline of his helmet. A hissing sound can be heard as the World Eater rips off his helmet and clips it to his belt. There is a fury in his eyes. The man moves towards Toc, close enough to have Toc's Melta gun pressed against his ceramite chestpeice.

"I don't know what's gotten a hold of you Legionaire - but whatever it is I would ask that you stow until you're back aboard your battle barge. This whole mission has flipped and we need to get back and regroup so this whole thing can get sorted out."

If it's not clear Barak - like a number of Marines during Istvaan III - was not told the whole truth in order to get him to hide quicker and survive the initial blast. As far as he's concerned some terrorist plot to kill marines was nearly successful and we're simply awaiting further orders and possibly extraction.

Barak takes a deep breath. "Let's just try to regroup with what's left of our respectful squads. I agree, the Dread certainly isn't getting down there -" He gestures towards the sewers. "I'll fall in for the trip - luckily there shouldn't be much resistance now since they all blew themselves to Terra!" He gives a gruff laugh and replaces his helmet.

+++With any luck we can clean up this rock in half the time it would have been.+++

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

+++Sgt. Barak of World Eaters 8th inbound.+++

A hulking man in White and Blue slams down into the street impacting a small crater around him. The turbines on his Humpback wind down.

+++Cut the chatter Legionaires we need to move. We won't luck out a second time with that advanced warning. Get below now!+++

With that he points towards the sewer entrances and runs to them.

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Sorry for the longer post here, I just wanted to touch on Squad Leader since it seems some haven't really played through this game before. GM let me know if I'm missing, misremembering, or off-base on some things.

Leading a squad

- personal role-playing not withstanding -

The major thing is we just need someone who qualifies for some of the better Squad modes and can reliably succeed Cohesion challenges (meaning Command + Fellowship). The main thing against the Dread is Squad Mode abilities and the Cohesion challenges will be more difficult to pass - also I'm pretty sure there's a radius limit although I'm not certain and admittedly not looking at the books right now.

It's not like we will be spending the whole mission in Squad Mode, but there are huge benefits to being able to call a Squad during a particularly stick situation / firefight.

I mis-spoke earlier with "being built to solo" which I meant more I have a very low Fellowship, Command is untrained for me, and I choose my special ability under the assumption that it will work well a larger amount of time even though it only triggers during Solo Mode.

In reality no character is really built better and/or worse for Solo vs. Squad Mode since, although a little reductionist, both are just different suites of buffs for our marines.

With that said, from a roleplaying standpoint, the Squad Leader will end up being the deciding vote so-to-speak. If a squad can't figure out which way to go 9/10 times the Squad Leader will decide that for them. Marines, especially ones from different chapters and who are higher ranked, will not have any qualms voicing their opinions - however when a decision can't be reach the Squad Leader can, and will, make it for them.


Due to the situation in this game none of our marines - except those possibly from the same Legion - have really fought together, much less know each other, however, given the circumstances and some minor roleplaying that can be easily remedied about why we're following the leadership of 'X'.

However this goes, all it is is a title for a single short(ish) mission and can always be switched if the A) person truly despises the role, B) the group can't stand the leadership, C) we want to try a different set of Squad Abilities, or D) our Squad Leader dies.

In addition I'd like to change my Vote to Brother Toc as Dapphon seems to have more abilities geared towards being in the rear/recon whereas Toc seems less likley to be detached from the main squad.

Also, we as a squad will need to keep in mind, we have a vehicle and their cohort, 2 Tac Marines, and 2 Assault Marines, meaning -more than likely- we have 1 character that has limited mobility and positioning, 3 with average mobility and good positioning, and 2 with high mobility and good positioning. We'll need to work a little harder to make sure no one is left behind during our missions.

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books

Just a Dot.

Wounds: 30/30 | Fate: 4/4 | Bolter Rounds: 12/12 *could be wrong not looking at books


I'll admit I'm probably just going to be running around in Solo Mode a lot but the Dreadnaught isn't the best option for party leader.

1) He doesn't have Command trained so he can't make the Command Checks needed to maintain Squad Mode and Cohesion

2) It's very specific what Squad Mode tactics we can use and the Dreadnaught won't qualify for some of the IIRC

3) He can't call any Chapter Squad Modes since he doesn't have the ability to share them like a Tac Marine would.

4) IIRC we need to maintain a certain distance from our Squad Leader and a Dreadnaught just can't go everywhere we would possible need it to.

I mean, if we absolutely want the Dread to be squad leader we can...but honestly it's akin to making a Tank your Sergeant - it just doesn't work.

I'd vote for Dapphon - our Tactical Marine; but again I'm more built for Solo Mode tactics anyway.

So obviously people are still finishing up submissions and working on things - me included as far as sheet cleaning and double checking my choices - but what was your tentative start date GM?

Hello all!

This is Sach's submission reporting for duty.

Barak should be pretty much finished. He's a War Hound Assault Marine who's having a bit of a hard time dealing with the traitors he's surrounded by.