Tsadok Goldtooth

Balthazar Gruffudd's page

29 posts. Alias of Mr. Nomington.

All races available (Including Kish and Kaugrend)

2d6+6 stats in order

Backgrounds: Criminal, Urchin, Cloistered Scholar, Entertainer, Folk Hero, Urban Bounty Hunter, Mercenary Veteran, Sage, Outlander, Soldier, Inheritor, Sixth Gun Initiate, Howitzer

Sixth Gun Initiate: Use the Acolyte personality traits, ideals, bonds and flaws and feature.

Howitzers: Use the Faction Agent personality traits, ideals, bonds and flaws and feature.

Hi i can't post and my players can't post in the gameplay thread. The posts seem to be hidden or just dont register. The link to gameplay thread is here.

Please feel free to discuss stuff here!

Creation of your Pirate:
25 point buy, no scores above 16 before racial modifiers. No occult classes. Everyone will be a part of the same pirate crew, therefore everyone must contribute. No keeps to themselves brooding characters that have there own agenda. You are all friends or have great respect for the other future crew members. The only alignments you cannot choose are any evil alignment and lawful good. You are still rule breakers and/or have your own codes or ethics, but your not in anyway sadistic bloodthirsty corsairs, and you aren't goodie goodie like the Navy. You may choose 2 traits, one must be a campaign trait and no drawback for a 3rd.

Each character should produce a backstory describing in one way or another, how they came to be the way they are. However, since this is the start of your pirate adventure. You may not even be a pirate starting off.

Here is a list of traits, some multiple people can choose others only can have one of in the crew.

Devil Fruit User: Roll 1d100, you are assigned a skill set of powers based on what you roll. However, all devil fruit users must make DC 30 fortitude saves every round if they are swimming in the sea or are covered with sea water. Otherwise they are exhausted and staggered for as long as they are covered in sea water and for 1d4 rounds after exiting such a situation. You cannot use any of your devil fruit powers if you fail this check. Since the world you will be traversing in is very similar to the world of One Piece, caution is advised if you are considering taking this trait.

Wealthy Upbringing: Up to one person. You were raised with wealth. Your family owns a vineyard, and a large mansion. Your family also owns a standard sail boat, you start off with a +2 in profession: sailor, and have a set of masterwork navigators tools. And you start with a additional 400gp. Please describe your standing with your family in your backstory.

Seniro's Favored: Up to one person. Once per day, you may add half your level (minimum 1) to any d20 roll. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a additional use of this ability. Starting at 4th level, if you haven't expended any uses in a months time; you gain one Legendary Luck point. This point may be expended at any time. If so, any situation your in will suddenly shift in your favor. (DM has final say in the result) you loose this point if you expend more than one use of the original ability per day. You cannot gain more than one point at a time and cannot gain another until a month after you expend the last Legendary Luck point at the earliest.

Old Second Nature Skills: You start off in either middle, old or venerable age category for your race, (your choice) receiving all benefits and penalties to ability scores. You choose 2, 4 or 6 skills. (middle aged, old age and venerable respectively) You may take 10s on these skills regardless of being rushed or threatened, The skills chosen must be ones that are affected by your negative penalty to age. You also don't receive the penalty from age when taking 10s on such skill checks. The skills chosen are considered class skills. If a class would already grant these skills as class skills you receive a +1 bonus on such a skill.

The Forgotten Past: You remember your childhood but for some reason there is a span of 10 years of your life you just can't remember. Though, you seem to have innate knowledge and expert appraising skills on just about everything. You are considered trained in all knowledge skills and treat Appraise and all Knowledge skills as class skills. Once per week you may gain a flash of insight on any one knowledge or appraise skill check. Automatically succeeding on such check as if it had been the only thing you have ever known your entire life, potentially revealing more than originally intended. (DM has final verdict on amount of and quality of information known.)

Please do not post anything but characters & or dottings in the recruitment thread! Put it in the discussion thread if it is questions or concerns or general hubbub! Failer to do so can and will affect character selection!

All RP shall be held here. Please put any questions or ooc stuff in spoilers labeled appropriately. Any bluff, disguise, appraise, diplomacy, intimidation, sense motive, stealth and perception checks (unless actively looking) are going to be rolled by me. Simply make a ooc note at the end of the sentence of that action.

Ex. Indy looks at the golden idol he has discovered, rolling it over in his hands. He attempts to determine its worth before placing it in his satchel. Appraise

This is to keep players on edge and makes it more reactive and fresh for me and all players. The unknown is fun! You may Opt to take 10 or 20 following standard rules. Simply make a note of it in the skill.

Ex. Disguse take 10

This adventure is going to be non-traditional. There could be a party, there could not be a party. It's very GoT in that you have plot lines that are connected and also completely unrelated to everything and every other PC. I mainly chose this route of gameplay due to the fact that is apparent in PbP. Everyone has different posting times and lives. This way the story will progress as long as you keep posting. The only one you have to worry about posting is me. Majority of posting will be after 3:30pm est. and weekends. Please be considerate of my posting times. Don't flood with actions I have to sort through. It's ok to take your time with this one. One super descriptive post is awesome and is expected, though not so much for combat posts. 1-2 posts a week is acceptable as long as I get 1 a week minimum. With multiple people and most likely multiple plot lines, I will have my hands full with story development.

1. Sometimes acting as a NPC and hiring passing adventurers or sellswords to do your work is a smarter route than doing it yourself, less dangerous that way too. Simply let a innkeeper or bartender know or anyone that meets with a lot of people or any similar action.

2. This campaign is going to be a RP haven. Remember that the pen can be mightier than the sword. And swords to the face kill. So it is advised to avoid combat if at all possible. Don't try and be a hero and rescue a damsel in a heavily guarded tower all by yourself because you think your invincible. I will find you... And I will kill you...
This may not be everything due to memory sucking, so please be accepting of rulings I have not already made that I make later on, though I'll take your opinion into consideration. :)

So far we have Kasper.

Discuss things here!

Character concepts using E6 format, Using a tweaked Elite ability score system.

Races: Human

Starting Classes are:

Commoner: 20gp, Peasant outfit, 1 simple weapon
Aristocrat: 50gp, Courtiers outfit, 2 simple weapons or 1 martial weapon
Warrior: 30gp, Travelers outfit, 1 simple weapon, 1 martial weapon
Expert: 40gp, any outfit of 10gp or less, 1 simple weapon or 1 martial weapon

Classes available upon leveling:

Ranger (Skirmisher)

Some arctypes may not be accessible due to being un thematic. Pease consult me on such matters.

There are also hidden classes and or hidden abilities the players may choose from should a particular situation arise.

New Armor stuffs and new Class stuff awaits yee.