Mr. Nomington |
Each character should produce a backstory describing in one way or another, how they came to be the way they are. However, since this is the start of your pirate adventure. You may not even be a pirate starting off.
Here is a list of traits, some multiple people can choose others only can have one of in the crew.
Devil Fruit User: Roll 1d100, you are assigned a skill set of powers based on what you roll. However, all devil fruit users must make DC 30 fortitude saves every round if they are swimming in the sea or are covered with sea water. Otherwise they are exhausted and staggered for as long as they are covered in sea water and for 1d4 rounds after exiting such a situation. You cannot use any of your devil fruit powers if you fail this check. Since the world you will be traversing in is very similar to the world of One Piece, caution is advised if you are considering taking this trait.
Wealthy Upbringing: Up to one person. You were raised with wealth. Your family owns a vineyard, and a large mansion. Your family also owns a standard sail boat, you start off with a +2 in profession: sailor, and have a set of masterwork navigators tools. And you start with a additional 400gp. Please describe your standing with your family in your backstory.
Seniro's Favored: Up to one person. Once per day, you may add half your level (minimum 1) to any d20 roll. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a additional use of this ability. Starting at 4th level, if you haven't expended any uses in a months time; you gain one Legendary Luck point. This point may be expended at any time. If so, any situation your in will suddenly shift in your favor. (DM has final say in the result) you loose this point if you expend more than one use of the original ability per day. You cannot gain more than one point at a time and cannot gain another until a month after you expend the last Legendary Luck point at the earliest.
Old Second Nature Skills: You start off in either middle, old or venerable age category for your race, (your choice) receiving all benefits and penalties to ability scores. You choose 2, 4 or 6 skills. (middle aged, old age and venerable respectively) You may take 10s on these skills regardless of being rushed or threatened, The skills chosen must be ones that are affected by your negative penalty to age. You also don't receive the penalty from age when taking 10s on such skill checks. The skills chosen are considered class skills. If a class would already grant these skills as class skills you receive a +1 bonus on such a skill.
The Forgotten Past: You remember your childhood but for some reason there is a span of 10 years of your life you just can't remember. Though, you seem to have innate knowledge and expert appraising skills on just about everything. You are considered trained in all knowledge skills and treat Appraise and all Knowledge skills as class skills. Once per week you may gain a flash of insight on any one knowledge or appraise skill check. Automatically succeeding on such check as if it had been the only thing you have ever known your entire life, potentially revealing more than originally intended. (DM has final verdict on amount of and quality of information known.)
Please do not post anything but characters & or dottings in the recruitment thread! Put it in the discussion thread if it is questions or concerns or general hubbub! Failer to do so can and will affect character selection!
Mr. Nomington |
+4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Cha
Fishmen are humanoid fish people that are from Fishman Cove. Because of there excellent swimming abilities and hardy nature; they make valuable allies and fearsome opponents. Though, many have been subjugated and forced into slavery. Most humans have a bias towards such creatures.
Fishmen are varied in there stature due to the many different types of fish they are like. Standing anywhere from 4' to 8' tall and weighing as much as 500 pounds.
Adaptable Breathing: A Fishman has gills along there neck or shoulders and also have lungs, allowing them to breath both air and water with no dependency on either.
Depth Acclimation: You are automatically acclimated to handle all but the deepest depths of the ocean.
Webbed Limbs: Fishmen are some of the best swimmers in the sea. They have a 60ft swim speed and have a +8 racial bonus on all swim checks and may take 10 on such checks even when rushed or threatened.
Underwater Senses: You gain Darkvision at a range of 120ft only usable underwater and scent at a range of 60ft, usable underwater only.
Biased Views: Most humanoids you come into contact with will begin with a starting attitude of 0-2 steps lower than normal towards you, depending on the location your in. If you journey with other non-Fishman counterparts, you are generally assumed to be their slave if their starting attitudes dropped by 2.
Obvious Disguise: Fishmen receive a -2 penalty to disguise checks to appear as a non Fishman race. This is on top of the usual penalty to appear of another race.
Half Fishman
+2 Str, -2 Dex
Half Fishmen are made from the union of a fishman or fish woman, with the opposite sexed humanoid counterpart. Exceedingly rare due to the usual bias between the races. The size and build of such creations are generally up too the individual humanoid race. Yet are usually slightly larger.
Second Nature Swimming: You aren't as fast of a swimmer as a true Fishman, but you still can swim better than most. You gain a 15ft Swim speed, along with a +8 racial bonus to all swim checks and may take 10 on all swim checks even if rushed or threatened. You loose this swim speed if you are wearing heavy armor or carrying more than a medium load.
Adaptable Breathing: A Half Fishman has gills along there neck or shoulders and also have lungs, allowing them to breath both air and water with no dependency on either.
Varied Heritage: Choose a sub-race when you create a Half Fishman. You may choose one of the racial ability score increases to add to your own. If the race allows you to choose the ability score, you may put the increase anywhere except in your Str score. Or you may choose 1 base ability that race possesses and gain that ability. You do not count as that race for feats or traits, but you do count as that race for any abilities based on race. Furthermore, your size changes to reflect your non Fishman parent.
Biased Half-Breed Views: Any humanoid you come into contact with begins with a starting attitude 0-1 step lower than normal if the recognize you as a Half Fishman depending where you are.
Disguising Heritage: All Half Fishmen get no penalties on disguise checks to appear as only the race of their non Fishman parent. Though, seeing your gills automatically reveals you for what you are.
Mr. Nomington |
Fishman Karate Monk (Must be Fishman or Half-Fishman)
Fishman Karate, Pushing Force: At 2nd level, You may spend a full round action to push all adjacent foes back. Roll 1d20+your Str modifier+1/2 your Monk Level. All creatures with a CMD at or lower than your result are pushed back 5ft and do not provoke from such movement. For every 5 you exceed their CMD. They are pushed a additional 5ft back. If they would be pushed into any type of hazard. They may make a reflex save vs your roll to not be pushed back further. This does not affect any creature more than 1 size category larger than your own. Creatures smaller than your size category receive a -2 per size difference to there reflex saves to be pushed into hazards. Creatures that are larger receive the inverse of this to resist being pushed into hazards.
At 9th level. This ability affects any creature regardless of size category and you may preform this a standard action, but may only push back foes a max of 5ft.
This ability replaces evasion and improved evasion.
Water Bullets: At 4th level. As a standard action, you may spend 1 Ki point to produce a larger than average droplet of water and throw it like a bullet at a enemy. This droplet deal damage equal to four levels lower than your current monk unarmed strike damage + Str. Minimum 1d6 or 1d4 if small. It is considered a thrown weapon with a range increment of 30ft. This ability still functions while submerged in water. You may instead use this ability in conjunction with flurry of blows as long as you spend a number of Ki points equal to half (Rounded up) the number of attacks you would make. They are treated just like your unarmed strike in terms of bypassing damage reduction or hardness.
This ability replaces Slow Fall.
Fishman Karate, Rising Torrent Strike: At 5th level, you may expend 3 Ki points to use Hydraulic Torrent as a spell like ability as long as your touching a large body of water.
At 11th level, you may spend up to a number of additional Ki points when using this ability equal to half you monk level rounded down. For every one point spent beyond the original cost. You may add +2 to your bullrush attempt.
At 19th level, you may choose to change the type of shape the torrent takes or manipulate the line that it travels. You may either make the torrent into a 60ft cone or a 120ft line that can make up to a right angle turn once, anywhere along its path.
This ability replaces Purity of Body, Diamond Body and Empty Body.
Quenching Wave: At 7th level, you may spend 3 Ki points to use Quench as a spell like ability as long as you are in contact with a large body of water. The saving throw for this affect is 10+Wis+spell level. Your caster level is equal to your monk level.
This ability replaces Wholeness of Body.
Call Sea Life: At 17th level. You may communicate with any form of sea life. Once per week you may also call out to the sea in a supersonic tone as a full round action. After 1d6 rounds, a number of sea creatures with HD equalling double that of your monk level appears and assists you to the best of their ability. The creatures remain for up to one hour and won't preform any suicidal actions. The types of creatures that appear depends on the area and are generally of the animal type.
This ability replaces Tongue of the Sun and Moon and Timeless Body.
Mr. Nomington |
Answers in order: Lv1. it's homebrewed but similar to the one piece universe. You basically know your community and that's it. Max hp at 1st, half +1 every level after. No homebrewed creations. (There will be enough of that from me lol). Your gonna become a pirate wether you like it or not... Gold is average or rolled.
Also I didn't post soon enough but only characters and dotting in recruitment, it's easier to find stuff that way!
Mr. Nomington |
In this universe I've created and much like the one piece universe, killing humanoids is considered a evil act. As such, killing things for the sake of making it easier on yourself is shunned. Example: If your crew had to sneak past a transponder snail, the thought of killing it wouldn't cross your mind, due to the fact that it's simply a creature being used for surveillance.
Kicking someone's ass almost garentees you get your message across. No need for absolute ruthlessness in these waters. That's for the evil pirates that give you a bad name.
Mr. Nomington |
Would you be willing to start the game at a higher level? 1 is awfully low and can feel awfully unexciting. Starting at 3-4 would also be just a little more in line with the show, since they all start off as veritable 8-10 badasses.
I understand your concern but I would have to disagree on multiple counts. Level 1 is the most exiting time for a character in my opinion, because you don't have a comfort zone yet. All the campaign traits grant very high level abilities which offsets the low level start. Luffy starting off is similar to a level 3 or 4 brawler with jabbing style, Nami would be a level 2 or 3 investigator, Sanji level 3 Brawler, Ussop level 1 Rogue and 1 level Commoner. Zoro would be tricky but is about a level 3-4 with 20+ Constitution.
The main issue is the straw hats were beasts starting off, your crew will be the average pirate crew starting off. The main difference being every one of you have a huge boost in some form or another with your traits.
Also please post further in the discussion tab as stated previously!
Mr. Nomington |
Please use this as your guide to your character sheet for ease of use for me.
Orc Wizard (Exploiter Wizard) 1
NG Medium Humanoid Orc
Init +1
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Perception -1
AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 Armor)
HP 11 (1d6+2+3)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1;
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Masterwork Earthbreaker +2 (2d6+7/x3)
Melee: Club +5 (1d6+7/x2)
Melee: Dagger +5 (1d4+5/19-20x2)
Str 20, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 5
Base Atk: +0; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats: Toughness
Umbral Unmasking: You cast no shadow whatsoever. Under normal lighted conditions, this is not hard to observe—but uncommon to notice. Creatures that succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom check notice it plainly (an additional Perception check may be required based on environmental conditions). This telltale sign of wickedness cannot be concealed by misdirection, nondetection, or illusions, except those that also affect shadows (such as invisibility).
Other Traits:
Scouting for Fiends: Your near-obsessive hatred of all things fiendish grants you a +1 trait bonus on all attack rolls made against foes you know to be evil outsiders.
Magic is Life: Your faith in magic allows you to reflexively use the energy of any spell effect currently on you to save you from death. As long as you are under the effects of a spell, you gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against death effects. If you are reduced to negative hit points while you are under the effects of any spell, you automatically confirm stabilization checks to stop bleeding.
Chosen Child: The oracles smiled upon you when your parents claimed you were of divine right, and you were raised with privileges few can fathom. Your starting wealth increases by 900gp
Acrobatics +1
Appraise +5
Bluff -3
Climb +5
Craft +1
Diplomacy -3
Disable Device +1
Disguise -3
Escape Artist +1
Fly +1
Handle Animal -3
Heal -1
Intimidate -3
Knowledge (Arcana) +1
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +1
Knowledge (Engineering) +1
Knowledge (Geography) +1
Knowledge (History) +1
Knowledge (Local) +1
Knowledge (Nature) +1
Knowledge (Nobility) +1
Knowledge (Planes) +1
Knowledge (Religion) +1
Linguistics +1
Perception +1
Perform -3
Profession -1
Ride +1
Sense Motive -1
Sleight of Hand +1
Spellcraft +5
Stealth +1
Survival +3
Swim +5
Use Magic Device -3
Languages: Common (Can't Speak)
Other Gear:
Wand of Infernal Healing 25
Wizard's Kit
Bear Trap
Two Spring Loaded Wrist Sheaths (Wand/Dagger)
Cave Whistle
4 Kunai
10 Vials
(Has a Pseudodragon friend named Ternock who lives in his backpack)
Special Abilities
Arcane Reservoir: 4: An arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that she can draw upon to fuel her arcanist exploits and enhance her spells. The arcanist's arcane reservoir can hold a maximum amount of magical energy equal to 3 + the arcanist's level. Each day, when preparing spells, the arcanist's arcane reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + 1/2 her arcanist level. Any points she had from the previous day are lost. She can also regain these points through the consume spells class feature and some arcanist exploits. The arcane reservoir can never hold more points than the maximum amount noted above; points gained in excess of this total are lost.
Points from the arcanist reservoir are used to fuel many of the arcanist's powers. In addition, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a free action whenever she casts an arcanist spell. If she does, she can choose to increase the caster level by 1 or increase the spell's DC by 1. She can expend no more than 1 point from her reservoir on a given spell in this way.
Exploit: Dimensional Slide 10ft: The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to create a dimensional crack that she can step through to reach another location. This ability is used as part of a move action or withdraw action, allowing her to move up to 10 feet per arcanist level to any location she can see. This counts as 5 feet of movement. She can only use this ability once per round. She does not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving in this way, but any other movement she attempts as part of her move action provokes as normal.
Cantrips: Wizards can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Wizard under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. A wizard can prepare a cantrip from an opposition school, but it uses up two of his available slots.
Scribe Scroll: At 1st level, a wizard gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.
Ferocity: Orcs possess the ferocity ability which allows them to remain conscious and continue fighting even if their hit point totals fall below 0. Orcs are still staggered at 0 hit points or lower and lose 1 hit point each round as normal.
Dayrunner: Orcs refuse to yield to any foe, including the sun. Some spend hour upon hour glaring at the sun until their ruined eyes acclimatize to bright light. Orcs with this racial trait take a –2 penalty on all ranged attack rolls. This racial trait replaces light sensitivity.
Feral: Orcs have the ability to fend for themselves long before they master the rudiments of their language and culture. Having needed to hunt bugs and tiny animals for food to survive while still infants, feral orcs fight all the harder to survive when at the brink of death. Orcs with this racial trait gain Survival as a class skill and gain a +1 racial bonus on melee weapon attack and damage rolls when at negative hit points. This racial trait replaces the orc's weapon familiarity and automatic languages. Feral orcs without additional languages due to high Intelligence scores or ranks in Linguistics can only communicate with grunts and gestures.
Spells Known
Detect Magic=1
Read Magic=1
Endure Elements
Infernal Healing
Keep Watch
Endure Elements=1
The following are diary entries from a Wizard known as Castian Silversun.
I found a pureblooded orc child in the woods outside my cabin this morning. He was trying to catch and eat one of my chickens in the chicken cope. After much coxing I got him to accept some bread from me. Poor thing was naked, though he is holding onto a large sack of something, I'll have to investigate further to get to see whats inside. I hope its not something... unsettling. I have seen far too much gore and viscera in my life and don't need to see anymore!
There is something strange about this orc child. He has no shadow... very interesting, while he is most certainly not a vampire their is a wickedness that surrounds him, perhapes this is why he was abandoned and not just killed by his orc family, perhaps he was a creation of a orc shaman. Perhaps a cursed child, perhaps... well im not gonna let that stop me from inquiring further into the matter. He doesn't seem very violent, well for orc standards anyway. I'm still very curious of what's in the bag though. It has been a week, surley if it were something organic i would have noticed a stench right?
While I have not gained his trust enough for him to take a bath or even get him some clothes, I have noticed he has been watching me through the grape vines when I preform magic on my garden. He seems lost in wonderlust when I cast spells. Perhaps I can use this to get him to trust me more. Perhaps because he is so young he doesn't understand the concept of magic. Though at times do any of us?
Eureka!!! It has worked! I have made much progress with the orc child this past week, even my familiar Ternock was impressed by him. He allows me to get him cleaned up, with new clothes and cut hair, simply by casting a few cantrips. I did also get a peek at what was in his bag he has been holding onto all this time, Gold!!! Right around a thousand gold or better! I havent the slightest clue how he got all of it, but seeing as how no one has come looking for it for as long as he has been here, (which is around a month) he couldn't of stole it. I will try and teach him the common tongue in the following weeks Ternock says that he can't even telepathically communicate with him so he doesn't even know orcish tongue! Which bothers me a little. Even by a orcs aging process, which puts him around 5 years old, he still doesn't know a lick of orcish? Something is amiss. For that I am sure!
Strange... he is learning the common tongue, but refuses to speak it. All he does is grunt and gesture. It's adorable yet frustrating. Ternock is acting as the translator between the two of us. Though I can tell Ternock is adjusting what the child says. Seems the child likes to speak very straight forward with little regard for other peoples feelings, otherwise it is going along ok. Though Ternock translated something rather... unsettling. It turns out the child wasnt abandoned... he was orphaned after a "Red-Horned Man" killed his tribe. As the boy put it, "A Red-Horened Man appeared in our camp, he the shouted at us and everyone fell dead to the ground, he walked up to me and smiled with bloody teeth, dropped a sack of shinies next to me and then was gone" I should avoid this subject with him, it is easy to see he is still shaken up over it. Or at least likes to break things when I try to inquire further. This marks the first time I've ever seen him angry.
He picked out a name for himself, Balthazar Gruffudd. I beleive he just picked two names out of some storybooks I bought him to help with his reading. One is a story about an half-orc named Gruffudd, early level reading, Stuff like, "Gruffudd likes mud, THUD goes Gruffudd as he fell in mud." The second was a higher level read, but still was very educational for him, the protaganist is Balthazar, a young boy that finds out he is a wizard after a half-giant comes to find him and enroll him in a magic school called Stogborts. Then he finds out that a evil oracle tried to kill him when he was a baby but failed and... left him with a... cursed mark... Nah!
Even though he still won't speak common, (even after 10 years!) he will speak magical components. A bit odd for a fullblooded orc to take up magic isn't it? Especially as a wizard! And yet he seems eager to learn, as I am very old and only have a year or so left in me; I suppose I will teach him all I can with my time left. However long that may be.
This is the last time I write, my time has come. Balthazar and Ternock are beside my bed. Making sure my last few moments are comfortable. Balthazar will most likely leave to make his own path, possible heading to Riddleport and looking for work. I have asked Ternock to accompany him on his travels, to which my old friend agreed, he still won't do anything but grunt and gesture, such a silly boy. He has helped me through these last few years however. He has made my retirement mean something to me. As I feel my last moments approachng, Balthazar leans twards me...
(Ternock finishes the journal) He whispered the words, "Sleep Well"
Demeanor & Attire: Balthazar has a very gruff and straightforward attitude. Whether it be correct or not he simply doesn't prefer to sit and wait for things to happen on their own. Though he is usually reasoned with thanks to Ternock being his living conscience. Though recently he has purchaced a Cave wistle that only dragons and kobolds can hear. Usually blowing it when Ternock is really holding him back from doing what he wants.
He is however, extremely loyal to thoughs who he trusts. Though he may grunt a lot, he is actually more complex then others give him credit for. He has a sense for the finer things in life and won't settle for low standards when he could afford better. He wears nice leather boots with buckles, black breaches made of cotton, a sturdy leather belt fastened with a silver buckle that depicts a dragon. He wears a undershirt of white silk with a red collared jacket with gold thread trim open halfway down his chest. Underneath the opening he sports a haramaki. He wears a simple string around his neck which is where the cave whistle is attached. Usually has combed hair but sometimes just lets it fall where it will.
Mr. Nomington |
Here's a ship's cook for you, if you like. Please tell me if you'd like me to expand his background.
Just get your equipment, spells and the like on their as well. Background is good, just expand a little more on the fogotten past trait you chose. Doesn't have to be a lot just a inquiry about it. Possibly you just stowed away on a ship when you were young, the crew found you and then made you work in the kitchens, but for some reason ten years is missing from your memory from being aboard with the crew. And you now are a above average cook somehow lol
Mr. Nomington |
Here's another crew member for you. I'll just need to set up my background for you.
Faltain you may roll a d100 in discussion (and possibly more rolls) for your devil fruit, this may change your character a bit, as starting at level 1 I allow builds around your power, if someone dies and wants to have a devil fruit power, it is rolled after the character is made. Kinda adds a level of surprise after the fact. :) there are roughly 200+ possibilities for devil fruits so I don't suspect duplicates.
Clubsen D'veetch |
Just get your equipment, spells and the like on their as well. Background is good, just expand a little more on the fogotten past trait you chose. Doesn't have to be a lot just a inquiry about it. Possibly you just stowed away on a ship when you were young, the crew found you and then made you work in the kitchens, but for some reason ten years is missing from your memory from being aboard with the crew. And you now are a above average cook somehow lol
Mr. Nomington |
Mr. Nomington wrote:done
Just get your equipment, spells and the like on their as well. Background is good, just expand a little more on the fogotten past trait you chose. Doesn't have to be a lot just a inquiry about it. Possibly you just stowed away on a ship when you were young, the crew found you and then made you work in the kitchens, but for some reason ten years is missing from your memory from being aboard with the crew. And you now are a above average cook somehow lol
Looks good!
Brandon Dellmen |
Mr. Nomington |
Gobo Horde |
Aww heck this sounds like fun! I've been following One Piece for, well, ever since they recruited Nami and rescued/freed her from the fishmen :)
Now... What to build!!?!
Edit: snipped some stuff. This will remain my Dot, the rest will get posted in the discussion thread :)
Really thinking of human swordmaster or sharkman barbarian.
Mr. Nomington |
Okay! Recruitment is now officially closed! Final considerations will take place over the next hour or two as I view character sheets and eat supper. Thank you all who participated in the recruitment! This being my first Paizo message board game I've DMd, I hope it turns out good! Or at least in spectacular failure! Lol
Mr. Nomington |
Faltain Panocc
Clubsen D'veetch
Bonvorio Dellark
Kasumi Yukishiro
Jimmy D. Stripe
I couldn't decide on who i wanted to bump out, so all y'all are gonna be pirates!!!
I'm currently having technical difficulties with the gameplay thread and sent a thread over to customer service for help resolving the issue. I'll keep you posted on when to head over and start the game!
Also please put the following in your Classes/Levels section of your alias and adjust for your stats and class.
Enlightened Paladin 2 (HP 23/23) | AC:18 | T:16 | FF:14 | CMD 18 | Fort +11 | Ref +10 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc: +2 | Speed 40ft)
This is for easy of use and fast game speed.
Just a Mort |
*submits application* - please tell me how much gp I'm supposed start with, thanks.
Born in the slums, Tassadar always envied the rich and educated in the city. Yet, he was just a lowly server in a tavern. His life changed that day that elf (Jaythail) and her crew stepped into the tavern, ordered a round of drinks and spoke of their adventures. He listened with interest from the side, pretending to clean the table. He made up his mind, he would slip off when he wouldn't be missed, and ask them to take him for adventures. When his shift ended, he took off in the direction they said they would be headed to, Hensport. Unfortunately, he got lost trying to trail them, and found himself in a colourful mushroom grove when it started raining cats and dogs. He took shelter in the grove, when a sprite popped up, and suggested he might want to join them in their party, until the rain stopped, and he could go on his way. They told him to enter a gate to their home, and served him food and drink. The stuff was heavenly...and that was all he remembered, until he found himself in the middle of a plain, with no idea how he got there. Some tentative questioning of passerbys seemed to indicate that that "party" took a lot longer then it should fact, it took 10 years...
He's tried his best to find out where she could have gone, and has heard that there's a ship that she might be on headed towards Veilundra.