Samuli wrote:
Lazaro wrote:
Her stats are as follows (generated by rolling 3d6)
I guess the stats were missing the -2 to Con, so (s)he rolled a 16 on Con as well, making the row 16, 15, 16, 17, 18, 14.
As a math exercise, the odds for that happening with a single row of 3d6s is 16,200 in 101,559,956,668,416. Or 25 in 156,728,328,192. Or once in 6,269,133,127.68. That is, once in six billion.
Or in other words. If million roleplayers create a new character each week using this method, we see such rows once in every 120 years.
That's some pretty nice dice rolling.
May I ask how you got those odds?