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Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Baerodan half smiles at Rajiv's comment, about to chuckle, then realizes he's serious. He pauses, pursing his lips, and then asks Nara, "Is there any warding we should be wary of as we investigate?" Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() These people are sharp. Intelligent. Whomever he is...was...this Grimdawn fellow has chosen this group well. Baerlon strides confidently along with the group, listening and alert, making mental notes on the skills and talents his newfound companions revealed, filing them away to contemplate for whatever tactical advantages they might avail the group in this endeavor. Can I just say, it is rather odd and refreshing to be writing a warrior type with a high intelligence? ;) ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Baerlon leans against the wall and crosses his arms while listening to Nara's story, nodding as she speaks as if to encourage her to go on. When she finishes, he speaks. "Miss Pelipe shows wisdom, madam. A trip to the local guardsmen would seem in order." "It was logical to come here, of course, on the chance that your master was engaging our services, but as you see, he is not." the knight pauses and shrugs. "You take a risk, asking for our aid and accepting it straight off. You hardly know us, in fact, nor we you." Baerlon pauses again, his bright blue eyes focused on the young woman as he attempts to ascertain her veracity and character. Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 Unsure, he simply says, "Perhaps you could take us to see the 'scene of the crime', as it were." ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() A young woman in danger? A damsel in distress? And their possible patron taken? Baerlon stands and steps forward, offering the anxious woman his chair. "You're among friends. Please sit and explain..." ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() "Perhaps, but for myself, I'm not really much of a builder. I am more of a breaker...a Bodyguard at times. Swordsman or warrior. Knight, perhaps, but more of a tactician than calvaryman." Baerlon shrugs, accepting a mug of ale and raising it to his mouth to drink. "I too recieved a letter from the one calling himself an 'Old Fool'. Signed it 'Aden Grimdawn'...a name I must admit I've never heard before." he pauses then adds, "Whatever his goals, it seems he has at least a working knowledge of each of us..." ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Baerlon gestures in a gentlemanly way for Pelipe to go first, then follows shortly thereafter, in no rush. After all, if their host wasn't even here yet, why hurry?
Once in the loft, the cavalier will make his way to one of the leather chairs, closest to the fire, and after setting his shield down to lean against the chair, he will move to the woodpile and toss a couple of logs into the hearth. Turning, he gives a small nod to the others and says, "Might as well get acquainted while we wait, eh? Baerlon Greymantle, notably of the Order of the Dragon. Well met, all." ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Great intros, folks. Definitely get a good feel of who each of the characters is. This is looking to be be a lot of fun! Btw, thanks for the explanation on Skirving, Storm Dragon. I haven't played any games with skinwalkers before, so it helped. ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Knowledge:Local: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Baerlon rode up to the gates with a frown, seated as he was on the back of a farmer's rickety wagon, quite frankly unsure of where he was...exactly. The armor-clad knight hoped that the kindly fellow who'd found him walking along the road early this morning hadn't welched on their deal, and had indeed delivered him to Proskur. But frankly, his head was still ringing from the kick his latest mount had given him while he was bent over clearing away the remains of his campfire. The shot hadn't actually hit him in the head, but the impact to his ribs had staggered him into a nearby tree and he'd hit his head on a low-hanging branch. He never had found the horse...the latest in a string of foul-tempered beasts. The swordsman frowned, then shook his head...gently and chuckled to himself. Baerlon climbed down off the wagon just before it passed through the gates, slinging his pack over his back and securing his shield to his arm. He called over to a nearby guard, saying only, "Wretched Wench?', and was rewarded by a noncommittal smile and a gesture towards the direction of one of the town's winding, crowded streets. Eventually making his way to the two-story structure, Baerlon enters confidently, but with caution. As he approaches the counter, the tavernkeeper is welcoming a Turmish gentleman, and the cavalier is startled when the other patron mentions also being a guest of "...The Old Fool. Yes. Pardon the intrusion, but I am here to meet him as well. Could you point him out?" Likewise, I'm excited to play! ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Bharaz Silverhelm wrote: Progression works fine for me. And love Baelorn's descriptions of his items. It adds alot of flavor! I may steal the idea in the future. Please, feel free. I'll be honest, it was YOUR Black Blade/Axe idea that inspired me after talking to Wanderer/Chronicler. Guys, seeing how these characters are shaping up is making me even more excited for this campaign. Bravo, folks. This is gonna be fun. ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Ancient Chronicler wrote:
No, horses don't like him. It's mostly for roleplaying/comical effect, as I like heroes, especially those who might at times be a bit self-righteous or noble, to have a bit of self-deprecating humor about them. Keeps them honest. ;) In any case, if Wild Empathy and Handle Animal don't help each other, then absolutely I'll take your suggestions and move the +2 to Baer's Dex and take Educated Lore instead. Educated Lore (Ex)
How's that? ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() After discussion with our GM reminded me that a character's starting equipment isn't necessarily a bunch of items they just purchased, but at 4th level, far more likely equipment they picked up over the course of adventuring. So, I'm adding specific descriptions to each of Baer's magic items to show both what they look like and how he came to have them. None of the descriptions will change anything about how they're used or offer additional abilities. Mostly, it's just for flavor.
Breastplate +1
Heavy Steel Shield +1
Longsword +1
Cloak of Resistance +1
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Rajiv Rao wrote:
It worked! Thanks for the suggestion. ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() major:
I really like the idea of Baer using the Inquisitor's Judgement ability in the name of Tyr's justice. Will definitely take this. minor:
I think I'll take Wild Empathy for his minor as he will have been taught how to handle and deal with animals, specifically horses, but as a side note, I plan on roleplaying the fact that a big part of the reason that Baer is not a mounted cavalry knight is that for some reason, horses don't seem to like him. ;) He'll also take the +2 bonus to his Strength and his Charisma scores. Very generous of you, sir! Thank you. I'll get these adjustments made soon. Looking forward to the adventure! ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Similar to theose above, I don't think my character needs the bump up, as I like to play "humanized" characters with flaws and whatnot, and having a couple exceptional friends doesn't lessen him. However, if you're offering bonuses, and are doing it to balance the game to help YOU out, then who are we to argue if you insist? Kinda dislike the idea of the others feeling penalized... Also, for the record, I didn't choose the 80 pts...I actually rolled and it ended up this way. ;) ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Pelipe Lightdriver wrote: I always hit refresh until I see it posted, and always keep my post on a notepad until I do. This site is horrible for eating posts. Same here. I've lost posts here before and it's terribly frustrating.![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Bharaz Silverhelm wrote: Ah yes, I intended it to work with chosen feat line (a huge waste of feats to not use them on my weapon) and have been meaning to write up the story of it. The idea being that it is a holy relic of his cult, being that it is an axe made of liquid! So the blade is literally holy ale, the perfect weapon of his God. And I liked the idea of it being so large and unwieldy that he required the literal blessing of his God to wield it. What are your suggestions on resolving this issue? A holy, dwarven-relic weapon made up of solidified ale?? SO cool. ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Bharaz Silverhelm wrote: It’s a good looking party. Has plenty of arcane, divine and support with a strong front line. A good mix of races, and when it comes to character play style no overlap. Totally agreed. Very "classic" feel to this group, without any sort of ...'throw away' characters mixed in, if that makes sense? Really liking the way this is firming up. Bharaz Silverhelm wrote:
That IS rather cool. ![]()
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Knightliness!: wanderer82 wrote:
Y'know, I have to admit I completely forgot about the armor restriction...obviously...probably for the very reason you state. I know I read it at one point, but then, Zooooom...right out of my brain. Apologies. As for the changes, I didn't want to seem too greedy in acquiring magic items before the game even started, and figured it was better to go with less and then get told I could purchase more...and I will do so. As far as the Breastplate +1 costing the same as Baerlon's current armor? Obviously, it's fate.I will make the changes.
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
![]() Keep in mind, while tactically Baer is pretty clever, he's only got a 12 chr since his archetype uses Int over Chr. His abilities, btw, are very similar to bard bonuses, (inspire courage, competence, etc), but mundane in nature rather than magical. Also, when in melee either flanking or attacking the same enemy as him, he can offer to hit or ac bonuses as well. ![]()
![]() Baerlon Greymantle, Inspiring Commander/Cavalier, reporting for duty!