Azymondias's page

16 posts. Organized Play character for Derpless.


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Rysky wrote:
"but it's to support them" well I want to, but it's hard to justify it over and over for years of being treated poorly by them.

Not dropping everything they’re doing (that actually pays their employees) to do specifically what you want is not treating you poorly.

You’re the same as everyone else.

Uh, society arguably pays just as much if not more. Definitely pays multiple times more than normal. If 6 people have to buy things seperately, that's 6 times as much as 1 group buying it for home games once.

Not asking for them to drop everything, but waiting half a year for quite literally ANYTHING is more than "a little" unfair to charge money and not know when you can receive proper use of a product. The least they should do is at least set a definite release date for AR and follow it. Even if it's ALWAYS exactly 6 months post release for it to be added to AR, at least it'd be consistent and people know what to expect.

But for the past few years (at least) its "we'll take your money now and get back to you at some undetermined point in time months in the future. Probably. Sure you can wait to pay. Community says nobody plays society anyway so we have no real reason to put a rush on this system that requires more things to be bought in order to be used,even though there are thousands that will all separately buy these things. meanwhile our "mainstream" customers only have to technically pay once per 7 or 8 people, maybe not even at all because it's all online and free to access and there are no rules or limitations in place forcing them to own it in order to use it like this other system we also use that has thousands of nonexistent customers waiting to throw money at us."

Grand Archive

Philippe Lam wrote:
Azymondias wrote:
Azymondias wrote:
as for title of the topic. apparently no. hard cover is out and additional resources is not updated. odds are they wont update it when pdf comes out on wednesday either. we might be lucky and have new stuff be legal before next year as is how paizo works

Hahahah yes I cast resurrect ritual simply to joke about how AR isn't updated for almost 4 months and this was too generous an amount of time for paizo it seems. Too busy pushing out content than to legalize what they have for their true fans and true customers, the ones who have to follow a set of rules made by people who apparently work at DMVs. Before anyone tries to argue, the rules and stuff are online so there's no real reason for non society games to pay for stuff multiple times. Whereas society players HAVE to buy everything for every single person (and/or family, which may often pay once up to 2 or 3 people). Plus there are multiple apps that include all the info for free, but as I said that's online. So there's actually no reason for non society people to pay for anything really other than a fancy block of paper.

I mean, if society is so small and unimportant as people say, then why are there so many rules and so much wait time. Even moreso than dealing with a post office in December or the dmv in the summer?

Manageing expectations, manageing expectations.

Managing their content to not need multiple erratas and just be correct the first time is too unreasonable to expect? Or maybe instead of pushing out content, pushing out additional resources (which really shouldn't take months for a few simple yes or no questions) so people can buy those paperweights, or the pdfs instead, would probably be more profitable then making 30 dozen books.

Selling 1 thing to a thousand people is more profitable than selling 1 thing to 200 "groups that call themselves households because they almost always play at 1 persons house"

You won't buy volcano insurance in Canada or flood insurance in a desert would you? No, cuz your expectations say its reasonable not to because neither have been an issue in an extremely long time. "but what if they happen?" maybe long after the person who bought it is gone.

So as much as I want to buy things to support paizo, I'm not gonna waste money on something that'll just sit there and look pretty for 4-7 months before I can use it when it will definitely be waiting for me to buy it after those 4-7 months and will probably have erratas and changes during that time.

"but it's to support them" well I want to, but it's hard to justify it over and over for years of being treated poorly by them. Nice words of gratitude mean nothing when there are no nice actions backing them up.

Grand Archive

DrParty06 wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:

PF2 books will be happening any day now, and the major backups should be resolved soon.

You in fact don't need to buy a set for everyone, it's been clarified for years that one set of materials is fine for a household. The reason to buy stuff is to support a small business that creates game material that we as players enjoy. You stop buying; they stop existing, and then there's no one to say what sources can or can't be used in organized play.

They've been saying things will be legalized "hopefully in the next week or two" since like, before that playtest in November

So the "mainstreamers" can buy it once for a household of like 12 people that come and go throughout the year between different campaigns, but for pfs "To select an option from a book other than the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, you must own the source and bring it to the table" says guide to organized play. So pfs players have to buy everything for every single player if they want to use any single little thing from another book, technically. Want that ONE spell or item that isn't necessarily op but is just cool? Buy entire book and pray it becomes legal half a year (or more) later? Wouldn't 6 people buying it be more profitable than 1 group only paying it once.

Grand Archive

Azymondias wrote:
as for title of the topic. apparently no. hard cover is out and additional resources is not updated. odds are they wont update it when pdf comes out on wednesday either. we might be lucky and have new stuff be legal before next year as is how paizo works

Hahahah yes I cast resurrect ritual simply to joke about how AR isn't updated for almost 4 months and this was too generous an amount of time for paizo it seems. Too busy pushing out content than to legalize what they have for their true fans and true customers, the ones who have to follow a set of rules made by people who apparently work at DMVs. Before anyone tries to argue, the rules and stuff are online so there's no real reason for non society games to pay for stuff multiple times. Whereas society players HAVE to buy everything for every single person (and/or family, which may often pay once up to 2 or 3 people). Plus there are multiple apps that include all the info for free, but as I said that's online. So there's actually no reason for non society people to pay for anything really other than a fancy block of paper.

I mean, if society is so small and unimportant as people say, then why are there so many rules and so much wait time. Even moreso than dealing with a post office in December or the dmv in the summer?

Grand Archive

Neat and all, but how about we get some of those additional resource updates for the main money makers of the game, society. How does it take MONTHS to do a few yes/no questions. Homegames only need 1 copy of anything for any amount of people, but in society, every single player must own every single book they plan on using, even if it's only like 1 small thing from the book. Lots of money being lost not supporting society faster. They advertise the game more than anyone else. Hard to advertise content that never goes into play.

Grand Archive


"Ramlock's Tower"


well that's what it says in the boon xD

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NielsenE wrote:
There's only the one replayable scenario(Absalom Initiation) and the one replayable quest(Sandstone Secret). The reporting system still lists most of the scenarios as replayable, but that's been confirmed as an error/mistake.

they released a 2nd replayable scenario actually, and it's also a 1-4

Grand Archive

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

They have to sell the books to keep the lights on to pay for all the other things. Unfortunately, the Organized Play section is a small fraction, and therefore not as priority as keeping the lights on.

all those big cons getting paizo tons of advertising, all for exclusively society play, seems to say otherwise. they spend a lot of money on those society only situations where hundreds of thousands of people show up and look, buy, play.

i mean if society was so small, why did they rip out over 50% of all content in 1e society? why not just take out all the pure evil things and leave everything else? all the fun things like all the races and some classes and archetypes and prestige classes? Either because it's much bigger than we think or they're just terrible managers and want to reap as much profits as they can from society stuff at cons like the catfolk boons that sold for thousands, androids which were similar, maybe sell all that paizo merch at cons where they always have something slightly different and new that tons of people will buy just because.

Grand Archive

also in another scenario with a giant squid, my dad casts hydrophobia on it and then control water and then we turned it into a statue of a giant frightened squid being terrified by his new worst nightmare

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one time an annoying guy at our store is playing his high int fireball wizard and we get sent into some ancient osiriani tomb. what are they infamous for? traps. what did he rush IMMEDIATELY into and roll double nat 1s on? phantasmal killer.his last words were "but im smarter than that" which was most definitely not the case xD

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as for title of the topic. apparently no. hard cover is out and additional resources is not updated. odds are they wont update it when pdf comes out on wednesday either. we might be lucky and have new stuff be legal before next year as is how paizo works

Grand Archive

1-00 kind of sucks as a promoter. it doesnt even use half the classes. and its not that great a scenario because it uses premades.

there are 2 scenarios that are replayable for 1-4s and one replayable quest. all of which are probably better options as introductions, especially 1-01

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Jeff Morse wrote:
they gave us a 640 page book with lots of stuff, have yall truly mastered it and ran out of choices? my first game was september 25th 2008. event number 14. guess what,we had a lot less to play with back than. PLEASE give them time to organize things.

maybe they should organize it before releasing it then. the majority of the book is useless for society cuz nobody cant even be level 5 yet. and yet theyre focusing on putting out more things society cant use instead of updating society? more scenarios would be more useful than more books, because as you said, its a large book with lots of options, and society doesnt have the amount of scenarios, or at least not enough replayables, to properly use all that info

Grand Archive

Azymondias wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
It's built into the Guide.

almost 3 months and it hasnt even been touched since they made official errata, no additional resources despite multiple sources of new content released.

i believe the real question is how many months will we go before society gets any new stuff legalized? at this rate we might as well play everything until they say no. cuz honestly 2 scenarios a month gets REALLY old really fast when we have all this new stuff and dont technically have a list of what we can or cant use.

again, its reaching 3 months and society has nothing but core. which wouldnt suck as much if that was the only thing that existed.

sorry new to forums, but not pathfinder. couldnt find an edit button

is there any point for society players to even buy any books until theyre officially supported for society? at the rate it's going it's mentally painful to have all this stuff and not be allowed to use it in society, only because society is all i really get to play (along with a lot of people in my area)

Grand Archive

Have we still gotten nothing on this? i even tried using the search bar for "Ramlock" through the entire pathfinder 2e forum and found nothing. almost 3 months in and nothing for an expensive boon? not even a "we have plans for the boon about excavating Ramlock's Tower at some point this year" or anything?

Grand Archive

Nefreet wrote:
It's built into the Guide.

almost 3 months and it hasnt even been touched since they made official errata, no additional resources despite multiple sources of new content released.

i believe the real question is how many months will we go before society gets any new stuff legalized? at this rate we might as well play everything until they say no. cuz honestly 2 scenarios a month gets REALLY old really fast when we have all this new stuff and dont technically have a list of what we can or cant use.

again, its reaching 3 months and society has nothing but core. which wouldnt suck as much if that was the only thing that existed.