Wild Watcher

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Liberty's Edge

Looking for one to two more players for a Pathfinder game that will also alternate to a AD&D/2nd Edition game. Both are homebrew realms.

Liberty's Edge

Hey all, i'm new to Maryland and trying to find a group of players. I can DM/GM and do prefer to run my own homebrew setting; but it is also nice to be a player! In my homebrew I use the Pathfinder RPG rules with very few house rules (that have never caused issues with groups in the past).

I'm a father, husband, and dog owner. I prefer mature groups who like to role-play and not so focused on Hack N Slash (don't get me wrong there is always time for some Hack N Slash). I don't mind groups with younger or new players and have no problems introducing/teaching others the game.

I'm willing to host a game though that would be entirely dependent on the size of the group. I'm used to gaming every saturday from noon to around midnight. But, i'm open to different days/nights and for not as long.

Please hit me up here with a response to this post or a private message.

Thanks ahead for taking the time to read my rant. :)

Liberty's Edge

Brandon Huber wrote:
We have a few players looking for the long haul. Looking to start a campaign of any variety. Pre-written, homebrew, whatever.

Are you looking for players or a GM/DM? Where at in MD? I'm new to the area (Fallston) and would like to find a group.

Liberty's Edge

Wow; well that's a pretty serious mess up!

Liberty's Edge

Welcome back!

Liberty's Edge

okie dokie; I totally understand that workload. I, fortunately have a nice break from school till the end of August. :D

Liberty's Edge

Sorin's got it right!

Liberty's Edge

Okie Dokie

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Wow, sorry to hear all that Megan; do get better soon and we'll be here when you're ready. :D

Liberty's Edge

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to you all as well!

Liberty's Edge

I do hope you are ok and it's nothing life threatening.

Liberty's Edge

Phew, glad this one has blown up. Trust me that's NOT sarcasm I'm seriously busy with 5 classes and working full time. Love that this game is 'kinda slow'. But I'm here and checking in at least once a week!! :D

Liberty's Edge

Congrats! Have a wonderful wedding and honeymoon!

Liberty's Edge

Have fun!

Liberty's Edge

Not me. :(

Liberty's Edge

Have as much fun as you can!

Liberty's Edge

woot woot!

Liberty's Edge

Sounds like we all are in for continuing. Do we want to try and locate one other player though?

Liberty's Edge

I'm down for forging or recruiting! :D

Liberty's Edge

okie dokie!

Liberty's Edge

Sorry to lose you Merian! And best of luck!

Gratz Megan on the job...man 1 Oct keeps coming up, you mentioning it, people I work with over here mentioning...must be a sign to not forget my wifes birthday. lol.

Liberty's Edge

No worries, I'm stuck in Qatar for a while and the internet here isn't great nor my schedule. So my posts will most likely be 1-3 days apart from one another. But if I'm the hold up in any way by all means DMPC Mucho. :D

Liberty's Edge

Just wanted to let you all know I have to go to some fun military training on Tuesday for a few weeks. I will not have any internet access while there. But i'll be back on the 1st of July. So please DMPC Dillan as needed. :D

Liberty's Edge

Be well and take care of yourself! I'm going to miss those 'nature walks' and the entertainment that was Ali.

But also with that news allow me to add my own. Come Tuesday I will be without internet access till the 1st of July. I have to go to some military training for a few weeks where internet just doesn't really exist. So please DMPC Mucho as needed and I'll be back. :D

Liberty's Edge

hi :D

Liberty's Edge

I agree about the list, and the horrible-ness of colds; actually think I'm fighting one right now and have to do a damn PT test this week...

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to keep the dagger for Dillan; as a party I believe we should keep the lesser restoration's, cure pot's, and Holy Water. Just never know when you'll need 'em. :D

Also I do believe all those sunrods have been used up, Dillan may have one left which means I'd like to purchase a few more...possibly.

Liberty's Edge

Dillan is updated to 4th; took Fast Stealth for my new Rogue Talent! :D
And the ability mod went to Dex.

Liberty's Edge

Totally understandable I do hope things work out for the better.

Liberty's Edge

Weather...it's so much fun :( sorry for my absence, been weather and the webpage was giving me issues loading.

Liberty's Edge

Well I think I know what next trick Ursus will be getting :D; time for a 'seeing eye bear'. lol

Liberty's Edge

Honestly I figured on leaving he bear out and assumed our rogue would've accompanied me in. :D

Liberty's Edge

I'm back and it was awesome...and exhausting...

Liberty's Edge

Well i'm back, and it was awesome and...exhausting...

Liberty's Edge

Taking a short vaca to Disney World till friday; I am taking my laptop but just incase i'm slowing things down please DMPC Dillan as needed. :D

Liberty's Edge

FYI, taking a short vaca to Disney World till next friday; i'm taking my laptop with me but just in case i'm slowing things down please DMPC Muchorak as needed. :D

Liberty's Edge

Everything is good; just finally on the move back to the states and out of Kuwait...current living conditions don't garauntee internet access every day.

Liberty's Edge

My internet will be irregular for the next 10 day or so; not exceed 13 days. So please DMPC Muchorak as needed.

Liberty's Edge

My internet may be irregular for the next 10 day or so; so please DMPC Dillan as needed.

Liberty's Edge

Right back at ya! And Congrats!!!

Liberty's Edge

That sucks; good luck with gaining access however!

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Just wanted to let you all know my internet will be sketchy for the next few weeks; so please DMPC Dillan as needed. :D

Liberty's Edge

My internet will be sketchy for the next few weeks; so please if waiting on my post is holding anything up DMPC Muchorak as needed.


Liberty's Edge

Sorry to hear that Megan.

Liberty's Edge

It's all good. :D

Liberty's Edge

And i'm assuming, unless I missed it, there is still loose ends from before the 'battle plan'?

Liberty's Edge

Well i'm back and glad to be away from that tortureous event. :D

Liberty's Edge

Finally back and it was a long hell, barely had time to talk to the family. Just finished going through all of that! 100+ new posts! damn.

So we are sneaking into the fort after these diversions then? Just want to make sure I understand correctly before I post.

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