The Plagued One

Ayanzo's page

Organized Play Member. 258 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Silver Crusade

If you teleport or shift (as the conjurer's ability)

Do you take the broom with you, or is it left behind?

In the past, I've had it that you leave it behind unless you're carrying it, or in the case of ioun stones, it's 'bound' to you.

If you're riding the broom, does it just come with you compared to say a horse which would be left behind (unless it was a designated creature via teleport) ?

This brings up another question of say 'dismounting' someone from a broom. Does it follow disarm rules? As the caster may have a staff held in two hands so they're holding it with their 'legs'. Or is a bull-rush or re-position required?

By this logic, can someone 'mount' a large bar of gold, and simply use dimensional steps to move it some distance by virtue of it being an 'attended object' ?

Silver Crusade

The young heroes of the town of Kassen are ready for their coming-of-age ceremony, an old tradition in which they retrieve a piece of the eternal flame burning in the tomb of the town's founder.

Crypt of the Everflame was the module that kick-started the Pathfinder RPG, and is regarded as one of the best written modules Paizo has ever put out. It's designed for 1st level adventurers as they journey to acquire a fragment of the ever-burning flame to begin the fall harvest festival of the town they've lived in for much of their life. What used to be a time honored solemn affair has turned into a spectacle as the tradition has become more elaborate over the years. Traps were installed, and devious puzzles situated to test the mettle of those set to retrieve the flame. Some say this year will be the best harvest festival ever; or perhaps the first to finally go overboard?

Further details on character creation are in the below posting:

Fantasy Grounds Link

Generally this is geared for newer players and those whom want to get a fresh 1st level experience in PF.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Am I reading this correctly?

Fiendish Proboscis (Su)


The arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir as a standard action to grow a long, articulated proboscis covered with small spiky hairs. The appendage grows from the arcanist’s face and houses a highly flexible, muscular tongue tipped with a cartilaginous barbed quill. The proboscis lasts for 1 round per arcanist level, during which time the arcanist cannot speak or use verbal components.

The arcanist can end this exploit’s effects early as a swift action. As a standard action, the arcanist can attack a target with the proboscis’s tongue. This is a primary natural weapon with a 10-foot reach. Attacks with the tongue resolve as a touch attack. If the arcanist uses his tongue and hits a creature capable of casting spells or using spell-like abilities, he drains a portion of the target’s magical ability and adds 1 point to his arcane reservoir (points gained in excess of the reservoir’s maximum are lost). If the arcanist hits a creature that cannot cast spells or use spell-like abilities, the tongue instead drains a portion of the target’s life force and heals the arcanist of 1d6 points of damage. Regardless of the target’s ability to use magic, the tongue’s unnerving siphoning of magical or life energy causes the struck creature to become sickened for 1 round.

The fact that it doesn't exclude friendly casters, or have a limiter such as 'absorbing' prepared spells or uses for spontaneous casters. An occultist (arcanist) can leech off their own spell casting summons, or a friendly spell-caster.

I don't get how the ability to get infinite summons at such a low level is balanced.

Silver Crusade

Many hundreds of years ago, the forces of good allied to destroy the main Temple of Orcus in the ancient city of Tsar. With their temple in ruins, the surviving high priests of this accursed demon-god fled the city with an army of enemies on their trail—an army of heroic fighters, clerics and paladins—led by Zelkor, a powerful wizard. The exact fate of these evil priests was then unknown, for not only did the remnants of the followers of Orcus disappear from all human reckoning, but so did the army of light that followed after them disappear as well. Some said that in the eternal scales the loss of so many good men was a fair price to pay to rid the world of so much evil.

The evil cult, however, had not been destroyed. The surviving priests and their followers instead settled on a hill near the Forest of Hope, a sylvan woodland near the Coast Road. There they found a vast underground complex of caverns and mazes, carving out a volcanic intrusion beneath the hill. There, the priests of Orcus found the perfect lair to continue their vile rituals. For many years, they carried on in secret, hidden from the light and from the knowledge of men.

Many years later, their underground delving completed, the evil priests erected a hideous mausoleum and a sunken graveyard atop the hill. It is believed that these graves are in fact the final resting place of the pursuing army of heroes that had been destroyed to a man. Soon after the mausoleum was erected peaceful creatures of the wood began to disappear. Though many rangers and druids investigated these happenings, the cause of the creatures' disappearance was not immediately determined. Some years later a powerful group of adventurers, led by Bofred, a high priest of Thyr investigated the evil happenings and found the sunken graveyard leading to a labyrinthine complex. Bofred and his companions found great hordes of evil creatures in the complex. Though some of his companions returned from their expedition, telling tales of fantastic treasure and ferocious monsters, Bofred was never seen again -- lost in the catacombs beneath the cursed mausoleum.

For the last one hundred years, ranks of adventurers have ventured to the newfound dungeon. Many fell prey to bandits and monsters in the surrounding wilderness. Rumors suggest that of those who survived to reach the mausoleum and sunken graveyard, most were slain by guardians of green stone or perished on the very first level. Those rare few who return from deeper treks speak of horrible undead and creatures that cannot be slain. All who have explored Rappan Athuk offer this one universal piece of advice:

"Don't go down the Well"


Rappan Athuk is an old school dungeon crawler that chews up characters and spits them out. It's difficult, impossible even in some areas as it's not built to be even remotely fair. Every encounter can be one's last, and even the most optimally built character can become the next puddle of blood and sinew due to an unlucky happenstance. It's a throwback to AD&D with the scarcity of resources, where not every encounter is winnable and knowing when to run or hide will determine if your character will live to see another level. But where there's risk, there's reward in finding treasure far above APL.


###-- Expectations for play --###

+ Fantasy Grounds I hold an ultimate license so those who don't have a Fantasy Grounds license can connect.

+ One shot drop in format: Each session is effectively a one shot, starting equipment vanishes upon death (Found dungeon loot is preserved)
-- Leaving/returning players appear in and out existence each session unless dictated otherwise, (In case of abuse), their inventory will carry unless it is an item needed for progression in which case it will transfer to a current player.
-- Half starter WBL due to the above average APL treasure drops, isolated location limits shop access so a majority of player wealth will be found.
-- Leveling is tied to progression as opposed to EXP, the further you get in the dungeon will advance the level of everyone in the group, including new comers. Due to the level EXP field, there will be minor perks granted to those who survive a number of character levels which is to be determined.

+ High death rate: Don't get attached to your character, there's a 90% chance they'll die, besides, epic and embarrassing deaths are part of the fun. If you manage to survive a few character levels, you'll gain minor perks (traits) but not enough to garner jealousy from others, and often relate hilariously to how you survived when your fellow adventurers did not.

+ Varying time: Depending on what days I have free, the time slot will float, but will adjust to an [U]EST/EDT evening slot[/U]. The next game's time will be announced to a group skype chat so everyone will know what games they can play.

+ Low prep: A simple white background with the dungeon drawn in using drawing tools as it is explored.

+ Medium rule adherence: Rules as written, but as with previous experience, I reserve the right to bend a few, mainly to be in favor of the party due to the sheer difficulty of the dungeon. But if you're going to argue about a 2d6 spike trap when I previously bent a rule preventing a TPK.. well... you get my drift.


###--- Requirements ---###

- Experience with the Pathfinder System: This dungeon is far too difficult for those starting out, this campaign is more suited to those who want a challenge, and [U]aren't afraid[/U] of losing a few characters, or even a ton back to back.
- Skype: The skype group chat will be a hub for updates as well as alerts in addition to being the primary voice channel during the game. Microphones are mandatory.
- Teamspeak: Teamspeak will be used to stream ambiance/soundtracks/jingles to add to the atmosphere of the game. Typically you'll connect to my teamspeak server muted as the the music client streams as skype is primary VOIP.
- Laid back: Lots of shitago will hit the fan, and you'll need to be able to take it in stride. Helps in game as much as out of it.

Characters must be a Core race and can be created with any official paizo material minus the technology guide and any tech related items. In addition are the following creation rules:

New players may create a character with the following:
- 1st level characters
- 150gp starter gold (do not use class based gold)
- 20 point buy
- no traits

See the the Fantasy Grounds LFG post for details on applying!

Silver Crusade

This recently came up during a session and I'd like to get a definitive ruling on it.

If say you're an archer shooting through 2 of your allies towards a target not in melee; does the target get a +4 AC bonus or +8 AC bonus?

The first assumes that the AC is a bonus of type 'cover' and does not stack.

The second assumes that cover is a type of circumstance bonus that is untyped (or circumstance) and can be stacked.

Silver Crusade

Is it really as easy as it sounds or perhaps I'm missing something.

refer to the following:

DR/bludgeoning and good

Is it as easy as it sounds in that it requires both qualities, or is it that both bludgeoning and good can pierce this DR?

Silver Crusade


A white-haired witch concentrates her mysterious powers on improving her prowess in melee, using feats of agility and her prehensile hair to deal extreme damage.

That however is in the fluff description. The actual ability:


White Hair (Su)

At 1st level, a white-haired witch gains the ability to use her hair as a weapon. This functions as a primary natural attack with a reach of 5 feet. The hair deals 1d4 points of damage (1d3 for a Small witch) plus the witch’s Intelligence modifier. In addition, whenever the hair strikes a foe, the witch can attempt to grapple that foe with her hair as a free action* without provoking an attack of opportunity, using her Intelligence modifier in place of her Strength modifier when making the combat maneuver check. When a white-haired witch grapples a foe in this way, she does not gain the grappled condition.

At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, a white-haired witch’s hair adds 5 feet to its reach, to a maximum of 30 feet at 20th level.

The hair cannot be sundered or attacked as a separate creature.

In addition, a white-haired witch further improves her ability to control her hair as she progresses in level, gaining the following abilities:

Constrict (Ex): At 2nd level, when the white-haired witch’s hair successfully grapples an opponent, it can begin constricting her victim as a swift action*, dealing damage equal to that of its attack.

Trip (Ex): At 4th level, a white-haired witch who successfully strikes a foe with her hair can attempt a combat maneuver check to trip the creature as a swift action*.

Pull (Ex): At 6th level, a white-haired witch who successfully strikes a foe with her hair can attempt a combat maneuver check to pull the creature 5 feet closer to her as a swift action*.

Strangle (Ex): At 8th level, when the white-haired witch’s hair is grappling with an opponent, that creature is considered strangled, and cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.

This ability replaces hex.

Here the description describes it as prehensile, but the ability itself does not describe it unless it presumes that the description is self explanatory.


Silver Crusade

Is the attack bonus +1 or +2?

Silver Crusade

Alright, so I use a VTT for 3/4ths of the games I run, and this has come up a few times.

Take for example: PFSRD

and the offical PRD: PRD

Where the PRD says glitter dust is sorc/wiz/bard and the d20prsrd bloodrager/magus/witch/summoner

d20pfsrd is pretty popular, but since it includes 3pp content, I usually differ to the PRD. What I noticed is that the spells-by-class section diverges quiet a bit from the the PRD in terms of which classes can do what. I own the PDFs and looking and thinking to myself that perhaps there's fluff material I don't own which adds them to the list.

What's the true verdict however?

Silver Crusade

I'm stuck at step 3 where I can't place my order.

When I click step 4 in red text it reminds me that:

This order will start a subscription. Subscriptions generate new orders as products arrive at our warehouse until you contact customer service.

Ok, but there's no other option to fulfill.

There is no other option other than 'place order' and 'continue shopping'.

'place order' is grayed out. I already selected the issue I'm to start with but there is nothing else to choose from.

Silver Crusade

Enhance Magic Items (Ex)

Your mythic presence enhances the power of certain magic items. Add half your tier to the caster level of potions, scrolls, staves, and wands you use. When using a staff or wand, you may activate the item by expending one use of mythic power instead of one of the item's charges.

Does that mean one mythic power for an item's 'charge' as in any spell on the item, or one mythic power per charge. It's not really clear about this.

Say like a staff of frost

If I used this path ability on it:

Is it one mythic power to do ice storm / wall of ice / cone of cold

Or 1 mythic power for ice storm, 2 for wall of ice, 3 for cone of cold

I'm not sure as it seems almost useless for lower power items (arcane surge cone of cold (1) vs say using the staff (3)) but extremely powerful or broken for greater ones such as the staff of life.

Silver Crusade

So a potion of infernal healing grants fast healing 1 for 1 minute and costs about 50gp

A vial of Hemochem (I) grants fast healing 1 for 1 minute and costs about 250 gp

Hemochem can but put inside a medlance to be utilized in a move action, but I'm not seeing a large benefit. This is fine for technological flavor, but I'd be hard pressed to see the advantages of hemochem when both are purchasable at the same store other than flavor novelty.

Any GM thoughts?

Silver Crusade

Date and time: Thursday August 28 7:00PM->12:00AM EDT
Recruitment period END: August 26 9:00PM EDT
Time Zone preference: EDT/EST
Frequency: Weekly
Player count: 4-5

A Roll 20 campaign. I'm looking for a very specific type of player who values character development, storytelling, and role-playing their characters. More information in the sticky'd posting

experimental builders,

do not apply please.

If you're none of the above, I'd like to hear from you for a great game.
see here

Silver Crusade

The Cartomancer witch archetype (harrower's handbook) has the ability to deliver touch spells through either her spelldeck, or any thrown cards. The spelldeck has the returning property and are indestructable when used to deliver touch spells (resolving as a ranged touch).

If the ranged touch fails and the witch gets her/his card back as it returns; is the charge still held similar to normal touch spells? I'd imagine that like a magus he'd still keep the card as the card never hit the creature's touch AC.

I think it'll keep the charge, but i'm not entirely sure. If it was delivered by any other card it would be lost as those do not return, but cards from her/his spell deck do.

Silver Crusade

The campaign setting as well as the AP leaves much of that up to GM interpretation. I'm curious as to how other GMs have handled this little nugget, or perhaps even ignored it entirely?

The general scene as I've constructed it <not yet encountered> is that at the eye's rim where winds are strongest, innumerable air elementals have a playground of sorts, similar to fire elementals in the sun (distant worlds).

The center of the eye actually is no different that any other calm area of the sea, except that the currents form a weak vortex due to the continual nature of the storm. Undersea is a vast sprawling merfolk metropolis where they can live unmolested save for the occasional undersea aberrations and rouge water elementals they've not yet made pacts with.

I've yet to incorporate a herald of Gozreh, into the mix, though I would believe that he/she would have one present at the eye, perhaps maintaining it.

Silver Crusade

In the erudite eye, he has a spear and stand still:

Much to my dismay, he can't even use it unless he's disarmed. I Fiat'd it to work for him during the encounter and lawyer piped up before I beat him down with a stick.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Benefit: When a foe provokes an attack of opportunity due to moving through your adjacent squares, you can make a combat maneuver check as your attack of opportunity. If successful, the enemy cannot move for the rest of his turn. An enemy can still take the rest of his action, but cannot move. This feat also applies to any creature that attempts to move from a square that is adjacent to you if such movement provokes an attack of opportunity.

However reach weapons only provoke at their range distance, for instance, a halberd at 10ft. That makes it impossible to both move through an adjacent square and provoke an AOO making Standstill useless for ranged weapons.

Am I correct is this?

Silver Crusade

So the party apparently spent 3 days collectively healing after 2 expeditions into the Sanctum of the Erudite Eye. The first attempt was halted by the Graven Guardian at the crypt which forced them to flee. The second attempt they barely got by and had to retreat after killing the skeleton champion.

I've been having the Aghash Div clean up the floor destroying tracks as his mere passing stirs up the dust in the central chamber, and after not encountering him at the central hall, he's wandered since and destroyed all other traces other than the hallway that leads to the crypt.

I've already had The Scorched Hand return to the tomb, but to have them return a 3rd/4th time (after the first incursion, they rested a full day including the partial day they retreated) Seems a bit much.

At this point should they even been in the sanctum anymore? I'm debating wither or not to have them make out with a few of the treasures the player would have collected. Adding side quests to restore the lost wealth as well as keep the Scorched hand around for the events that transpire in book2.

Silver Crusade

So I bought the deluxe harrow from a local game store, and I was wondering if paizo sells the PDFs to quickly add them to my Roll20 game.

I think I may end up just scanning my cards, has anyone else done something different?

Silver Crusade


Pretty much the title, thus I was unable to get in any foreshadowing. The players are actually staying at the tooth and hookah so there was no need to put a plot hook in to drive them. As an added incentive, there were several merchants there as well who were interested in items that didn't immediately have a market value (ie: the maps found in the planning room)

Rather than throw the NPCs at the players, I described the concentration of adventurers as well as played out snipnets of overheard conversations. Velriana was voiced out with her yelling at her subordinates as well as belittling the Marrn over her claim on the Erudite Eye. The party however seemed more apt on just resting that night.

It appears my party is skimming most of the roleplay, and preferring the combat. Any suggestions on penalties for the lack of interaction? Should I even doll out the experience for that roleplay encounter?

Silver Crusade

Say you have a witch with a flying broom, can she:

- mount her broom as a move action.
- command it to fly upwards 30ft as a free action.
- the broom flies up 30ft on her turn as a result of the command.
- cast a spell as a standard when the broom is off the ground.

- free action command the broom to fly to a certain location
- Broom flies to that location
- Cast a spell in the middle of that movement
- Cackle as a move action

This all assumes an intelligent broom of flying, thus this is not a command word to summon it to you, but rather communicating with it.

Silver Crusade

Being a new DM, I've finally encountered a point where the cleric has to miss a session in the middle of a combat heavy scenario.

Mind you, it's not like I left off the last session in the heat of battle, but they're generally in or headed to hostile territory. My current policy is to have the PC just 'there' but not acting except during downtime phases where I can say '<player name> cures all your wounds before rest' if they can't make it.

Right now though, given their situation, I can't suddenly plant cure potions or scrolls in the middle of nowhere so to speak, and starting to NPC the Cleric doesn't bode well in my mind.

I'm either thinking to tone down the encounters, adding more curative loot to tables. Or just have them doing a sneaky recon session.


Silver Crusade

So I'm running Reign of Winter as well as Wrath of the Righteous but I'd like to give my players freedom to explore off the beaten path to give it a more organic. I have the map folios and I'm preparing for the situation of 'that looks like an interesting place' or other in-character reasons to check 'something out'.

I'm fine with this, but looking at the path's encounters, I'm hesitant about exp balancing and raising CRs and challenges appropriately. Say a major side quest is complete and I segway it back into the main story; but the APL has increased perhaps by 2. All the the encounters in the path.. where they to pick up, are far too easy for them.

How do you manage large deviations such as this without doing a whole-lot of restructuring of the encounters in the AP?

Silver Crusade

So a couple of my players defeated some tiny fey which are roughly the size of pixies, (they're sprites) and apparently they decided to be macabre and collect the bodies to harvest them for either their wings or grind them into faerie dust.

Now, I'm not even sure the second bit is possible which brings the question of ... where does faerie dust come from? Secondary being is it even worth it for them to collect bodies like this, if any of it is even up for appraisal.

Silver Crusade

I find myself in a situation where I feel there is a need to 'prune' off a certain member of the group to the benefit of the others. Currently I have a rogue that decides it's in his character to steal from other party members as well as to aid only himself in combat. His argument being that he doesn't trust the other members in character. I've spoken to him about it but he has this insistence that it be so, often dismissive of it, seeming to enjoy it.

I'm debating wither to tell him he's no longer welcome to outright killing his character.

How has everyone else here delt with players you found toxic? Or if not toxic, what caused you to dismiss them?

Silver Crusade

So I've purchased a bose soundlink III to add a richer sound to my atmospheric music, along with a projector + tripod for some easy map projection.

Currently my setup is that I roll into the game store (private reserved rooms) and setup my mat, screen etc... I project a virtual map on the table and adjust it to the 1" grid. My sound-link is in front of my screen for optimal tonal quality.

So far the setup is sound except I can't seem to get music players to quickly loop tracks. Currently I use a chromebook (fits in my 'adventure' box) for my projector and my kindle hdx to stream audio to my speaker. I'm looking for an android apk or kindle app that'll allow me to loop music seamlessly, (i have the prepared loops). I could fire up win-crap or my linux laptop to use audacity but my real estate at the end of the table is limited (hence the chromebook).

Anyone have suggestions (that have worked? Not googled?)

Silver Crusade

I purchased distant worlds, and after reading through it all, I looked around to see if anyone was actually running a space based campaign, but found nothing on the subject.

Has anyone here actually run, or is running a campaign in space? How did you mesh in the material from distant worlds if it's used? Any good plot hooks (other than those in the book) that you've actually used?

Currently I'm running a Reign of Winter campaign but I'm interested in expanding my horizons to something beyond Golarion with something trans-worldly that doesn't involve plane hopping.

Silver Crusade

From UM,

It describes it as taking 5 rounds to perform.

My questions are:

1.) Are these full rounds? Or is it similar to a bardic performance I can maintain as a free action until I can gain the effect at the end of the 5th round.

2.) If not full rounds, can I spend a 'action' to keep it going as (1st standard, 7th move 13th swift) and do other things.

If either 2 or 1 apply, since it was determined that masterpieces are different from bardic performances (but draw from the same bardic performance/day pool), can I start a performance and a masterpiece (assuming 7th level).

There's always Singing or Orating this before combat as it lasts min/level. But I'm looking at the combat options here.

Silver Crusade

So when I first started playing pathfinder, I came in as a 6th level Bard. Being new I simply picked what I thought looked cool and sounded useful so my character is heavily Un optimized.

St 16
Dex 15
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha 20

He's taken the daredevil archetype and used a whip and rapier. Not terribly effective at either.

Spell list
Chord of Shards
Comprehend languages
Saving finale
Expedia retreat

glitter dust
Mirror image
Cure moderate wounds

Jesters jaunt
Good Hope
Arcane concordance

Cure critical wounds
Wall of sound
Heroic Finale

Skill focus U m d
Spring attack
Improved initiative
Discordant voice

It's quite the mix and I tried to fix it as I learned during play, but it is what it is. I can however augment with Masterpieces...

I was thinking about taking Triple time for comprehend languages, and Vindictive Soliloquy for wall of sound since we have a wand of frost. I'm assuming I could get 30s of singing possibly before combat to avoid the 5 round cost.

The only performances being sing 10 and strings 10 (ranks).

Being a daredevil, many core bard abilities are swapped out so it's somewhat limiting since it's pretty hard to hit anything at our current C.R. with only a +11 making Spring a near waste.

Now that I've joined several other campaigns with more thoughtful characters, trying to perform surgery on this one is difficult.

I don't want to retire him and the absence of dimension door is a world rule involving teleportation. And the world is very low magic item so all those magical goodies have to be found.

Silver Crusade

Lingering performance allows your performance to carry on for 2 more rounds after you stop.

For round dependant effects, such as say soothing performance which requires 5 rounds of performance, can you do the following?

Play 3 rounds, linger 2 and fulfill the requirements.

Play 1 round, linger 2, play 1 round just as it is about to expire, linger 2 and satisfy the requirements.

The wording of soothing performance states that it requires continuous performance, so that may make this moot.

A similar question lies with specific actions that require a certain number of rounds of performance such as masterpieces.

Silver Crusade

I'm aware of the various uses for readied actions, but take this example:

BBEG uses fireball, bard's readied action is to cast solid note at his max range to intercept the spell, detonating the fireball early. Is this legal?

Silver Crusade

First forgive me as I'm on a tablet as I type this.

Is it legal to invoke spell combat, cast your spell, 5ft step towards your opponent, then take your full attack? This is assuming you're casting something like true strike, not something spell strikable.

In this way, could you perform spell combat to dimension door 5ft from your opponent, step in, and take your full attack AOO free? Assuming Dimensional assault.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I recently played a game where my DM just ruled that a druid's flame blade is automatic ignition. I don't have a problem with that, but he said it was RAW, can I get clarification on this? We were nearly TPK by the druid in the Rise of the Rune Lords' first module since we entered the Thristle top area with a mixed party level of 2-3.

If I recall correctly it was 4 goblin dogs + cougar + 8 goblins and the druid flanking in/out of the thorny walls.

Tactics aside, is this true?

I thought you at least had a reflex save to avoid catching fire. atching-on-Fire

I'm not sure if that's environmental specific, or generally whenever exposed to fire unless explicitly stated otherwise (ie: you are lit on fire, no save)