His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad

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Great book if your running the Carrion Crown AP.


I believe four stars is a good rating for this book. It's true that the start was a little slow and somewhat hard to follow but that may be a failing on my part for not being able to keep up with the names.

If you haven't read Prince of Wolves all the way though then you can't really give a true option of it. The action in it is a bit slim, preferring to focus on the mystery side of the land of Ustalav, which was a refreshing change from what I've been reading.

I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to play or DM the Carrion Crown Adventure path. It will give you a great feel for the country side. I have just picked up the second book by Dave Gross and look forward to continuing my adventure with the Pathfinder and his Hell spawn.