Aura's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


My family will be moving to the lower area of IL in the next week. We are hoping to find a few other people to game with in that area. (OFallon, Scott AFB, Mascoutah, Belleville, etc) We mainly play Pathfinder but are willing to try other games as well. For the most part we'll switch who fills the DM/Storyteller roll but are happy to play or run so long as we have a group to do it with.

Anyone that's interested feel free to drop me a line or email. : )


My group has been talking about running this adventure path when we finish what we're currently doing. Which should be around the time it's released. I didn't see a player's guide anywhere and was curious what people might suggest for classes or are considering themselves when they play it.

I've been considering an Impossible Sorceror but I'm not sure how much it would fit.

Thanks : )

Okay, so I'm curious in regards to this feat. For humanoid undead would they still fall under charm person? Or would all undead fall under charm monster? (same for hold or dominate effects?)

I have a character I'm leveling in an adventure path that is an enchanter and I'm planning to pick this feat up eventually regardless but I'm not sure what level of spells would be needed to target what?

Thanks for any help.

I agree with the creator of the thread. Perhaps some people think they deserve to have extras by spending money to go to cons but I don't think that's fair in a large group play like this. Basically you are saying 'well I'm richer so I -deserve- to have a better race than you'. Which isn't correct at all. These sorts of things don't have to be the only way to reward people that attend conventions. Honestly I'd be happy to go to a convention for the sake of going - I don't think most players are attending just for free stuff (or if you are you are pretty pretentious to expect to get something just for having more money than somebody else.)

The same principle applies (at least for me) in other games I run outside of Pathfinder society. If a player wants to hand me 20 bucks I'm not suddenly going to allow them a race not allowed to any other player involved. The whole thing just makes me shake my head at the feel of it.

I don't care if a table has a bunch of odd races, it doesn't lessen my character if other people aren't from the main book. Most of the time I'll choose a regular race over some special race myself. However, I'd like to have those options without being expected to open up my check book.

So, I don't really get the boon idea.

Wasn't part of the point of pathfinder society so people started out on even ground?

Some of the players are poor. If you can't afford to attend conventions are you just out of luck? Seems a little hypocritical to the whole fair play idea.

Curious if this race is allowed. Also if anyone has a good link to a rules page I would appreciate it.

David Bowles wrote:
Summoners don't break action economy because the summoner itself is not that strong of a PC. They have a few tricks and buffs, but nothing major. They can not summon more creatures while the eidolon is out. Don't feel guilty for playing a summoner. They are good, but not even in the realm of broken.

Thanks, I hadn't even thought about that (or the Druid point you made later). Overall I think I'm gonna have more fun on my Summoner. His theme amuses me a lot more than the cleric did.

So, I'm still really new to pathfinder society, if you only have lvl 1 characters you can't play through higher tiers at all? If I can play I'd like to try it but I might not have any characters high enough (all of mine are 1). Sorry if this is a newb question *sheepish*.

So I played my Summoner, I am happy to say we survived but only -barely- and only because my Eidelon pretty much pwned almost everything we fought...

It's hard to play another class when you barely survive cause no one will play a healer, in good news however I got enough prestige points for a CLW wand. We shall see how next week goes.

Thanks for the comments/support. The community aspect really gives me a lot of hope for continuing with Pathfinder Society and learning enough to maybe start running as well as playing. You guys rule.

Didn't realize people could buy clw wands for prestige points. I'll have to suggest it to the party. Though I'm not sure we have any class that can use it without a UMD check. My summoner is coming in with a UMD of 9 so I guess that could still help.

Marthkus - I don't think clerics are only heal bots. I've had a lot I played I enjoyed but I just don't really want to play one right now. I couldn't get into the character I created at all. She ended up just being a heal bot so I don't really want that. I like the -role- aspect of role playing - not just roll playing.

We've just started so we don't know a lot of the rules yet. People here helped a lot though, I'll definitely suggest a CLW wand to other players with prestige points XD

Thanks for the comments. I'm gonna try to play my Summoner today. I guess I'll see how it goes...and while potions are doable wands are hard to pull off with an all lvl 1 group. I still have a feeling we'll wipe but you give me some hope XD

So, my husband and I have been playing Pathfinder since it was released but only the last two weeks have we tried to get into Pathfinder Society.

The first week was more or less all right - the session seemed a little rushed but we got through it. We only survived cause someone with the party was playing a cleric.

Last week same thing, I made a cleric cause our other one left and if I had not then we would not have survived. However, I really don't want to play the heal bot every single week yet no one else seems willing to take the healer roll either.

We're going out again today and I'm trying to figure out if I should risk playing the summoner (I'd rather play) and letting the party die (probably to include my new pc) or if I should just stick with being the healbot? I'm just sort of curious if other people have had an issue with this - must we have a cleric to survive any of the scenarios? Am I doomed to be the eternal healbot?

On the other hand: We checked out maCnarB today and I have to take back my last post. Despite the long drive we were pleasantly surprised to discover how kid friendly the store is. I think we will see you on Sat. for Pathfinder Society if you are there we can discuss any other games then, thanks for letting us know about the shop.

WhtKnt wrote:
Hi, Aura. My name is John and I am the Venture-Captain for the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. We play Pathfinder Society every week at maCnarB Gaming in Gautier, and I'm thinking of starting a Pathfinder group there on odd weeknights (probably two times/month). The shop is in the back of Singing River Mall in Gautier, across from the theater. Feel free to contact me for more information.

Hello, thanks for contacting me, sadly 30+min's is too long a drive for us to make very often. As we also have a five year old it is easier for us to play at home than elsewhere. I appreciate the reply and hope your game goes well.

My husband and I recently moved to Gulfport and will be here for a while so I wanted to look for a few players possibly interested in a table top Pathfinder game.

We prefer a game that is a little serious so we aren't looking to just goof off the entire time. Fun and humor are great and should be a part of any game but they shouldn't be the entire purpose as far as we're concerned. We like having serious aspects to our games and look for players that appreciate the same.

We also play Old World of Darkness Vampire fairly often as well as a few other RPGs but mostly are looking for the two mentioned. That's all, thanks and hope to hear from you.

As this is the Recruitment board I thought searching for players for a table top group here was the most fitting. I know it says online campaigns so if there is a more fitting area of the boards I'll move this if informed.

My husband and I recently moved to Gulfport and will be here for a while so I wanted to look for a few players possibly interested in a table top Pathfinder game.

We prefer a game that is a little serious so we aren't looking to just goof off the entire time. Fun and humor are great and should be a part of any game but they shouldn't be the entire purpose as far as we're concerned. We like having serious aspects to our games and look for players that appreciate the same.

We also play Old World of Darkness Vampire fairly often as well as a few other RPGs but mostly are looking for the two mentioned. That's all, thanks.

I'm curious - will we be able to change our address further down the line? The site says all changes should be in by 30 June this year but I hope that just means any extra donations. Thanks.

Just here to show some support for this. While it is a mostly fluff ability I know a lot of people quite interested in this manner of option. Having a way to get an 'agelessness' that doesn't involve being completely evil or very specific classes would certainly be a nice add on to the game's options.