Astinex's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Can a potion/oil be made out of the spell Blood Transcription, (Ultimate Magic), by a Witch, then given to a non-Witch caster for use?

For example; can a Witch create and give an Oil of Blood Transcription to the party Wizard? Thus allowing the party Wizard to gain a new spell from a dead spell caster?

Bob_Loblaw wrote:
I think it should be fine if you follow the squeezing rules. If the creature uses wings for flight, I might make it harder for it to fly though. It would be more of a semi-controlled dive.

Thanks for the reply. We have a Tournament situation in which a Character riding a Large winged mount wants to fly through a 5-foot crevasse. We'll just make a discretionary call.

If you have a large creature wanting to fly down a long 5-foot wide gap, can this be done?