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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. ******** Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston 1,219 posts (1,543 including aliases). 6 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 65 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Douglas Adams would be proud


Played this at Paizocon @ Game Kastle

Without spoilers. It's a fine and zany trip to the more satirical side of sci-fi. Did you expect anything else from Zo!?

Our Price: $19.99

Will be available

Low tiers will TPK


No issues with the story, but gameplay wise this is an endurance gauntlet with too few opportunities to refocus or make medicine checks, especially for lower tiers.

1st edition parties might be able to handle these, but because of system changes they don't work in 2e.

Our Price: $8.99

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A totally unsuitable intro scenario.


Maybe if you have a party of all envoys and operatives, the opening 2-3 hours of roleplay and skill checks will go over well. More likely, you will have some poor 3-skill point soldier or solarion with all the wrong class skills snoring in a corner while other people engage the NPCs and roll checks.

When combat eventually does break out, further issues present themselves. The NPC mooks have an ability to basically ignore a failed save. When the spell that allowed said save was probably a notable chunk of a low-level caster's daily resources, it feels extra-unfair.

Together, the pacing problems, narrow skill selection, and said NPC unfairness combine for a very poor experience. Was this my intro to Starfinder, I doubt I'd come back for more.

Our Price: $8.99

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Not impressed


Too much sitting around while the GM makes secret rolls for you. Intro section drags on too long, with too many skill checks, before you get into the action. Though this is admittedly a continuation of late PFS1 scenarios front-loading too much of the same.

The way the GM rolled random elements basically hosed our party as it came out heavy on skills that party was not trained in.

On the whole, an unimpressive introduction to PF 2nd edition, and did not make me want to pick up the system.

Our Price: $8.99

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Videogame tropes that don't work in tabletop RPGs...


Spoiler-tagged just in case.


Hopeless boss fights only work in video games because you have the option of loading a save and trying again until you figure out the 'run' button is the only option.

Worse, the scenario adds a deadly trap for running in the wrong direction, when you have no clear indicator of the 'correct' way to flee the hopeless boss.

I'd give it zero stars if I could. Not enjoyable at all.

Our Price: $3.99

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A laundry-list of bad mechanics:

The technologist feat, hardness, regeneration, high-HP swarms.
All at only tier 3-4.

I tried playtesting a hydrokineticist in this scenario, but found it so choked with the above screw-yous that it left me with little useful data on the kineticist to take away.

I loved The Bloodcove Disguise, and consider The Midnight Mauler to be an all-time classic, so I know the author can do better than this.

Good sculpt, but...


The paintjob on this is very lacking in detail. The feathers are pure black with nothing to make them stand out, and it looks bland compared to other pre-painted minis.

That said, the sculpt has no problems, and there's a severe lack of bird minis in pre-painted.