
Artemis Moonstar's page

Organized Play Member. 1,545 posts (1,660 including aliases). No reviews. 7 lists. 1 wishlist. 7 aliases.

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Like the title says, I'm starting Giantslayer with a very small (gestalt) party using Spheres of Might & Power systems. What I'd like to know is should I convert the entire campaign to the Spheres system, or leave it as is and hope for the best?

For reference, I've only got one player, and myself as a DMPC. I'm waiting for her to figure out what she's going to be playing before I finalize my DMPC to cover what her character can't in terms of gameplay necessity. Be it healing, trap finding (though I always feel a DMPC as a trap finder is somehow wrong), ranged dps, whatever. We've both been really digging on running Spheres Only games lately, mostly homebrew or modules, so both characters are likely only going to have sphere classes.

To make matters worse, she hates when I tone down campaigns to account for the lower number of party members. She's not a min-maxer by any means, but she loves the challenge to her creative thinking, which is the only reason I don't often fudge the enemy numbers. To be fair, I love her tackling it like a puzzle and coming up with stuff even I hadn't thought of. She's the type of player that would, rather than storm a room full of baddies we wouldn't be able to take on, blow up the roof and pick off the stragglers.... Hell, during a Rise of the Rune Lords game, managed to haggle for a (randomly rolled in shop) philter of love to convert a captures Tsuto to our side, and used her character's background (noble scion from Magnimar) to hire Orik Vancaskerkin with a promise of a lot of gold and returning to Magnimar. Also, took out an IOU (using family connections) with the local shop owner for two Elemental Gems, which made the "raid the fort during mass" much less of a clustercluck than I expected it to be.

So, with that in mind... Convert the baddies to spheres, or save myself the trouble and run as is?

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Howdy all! Swung by to start up a thread for people to post their most punny and silly characters.

For example...

I've recently started up a green-furred gnoll druid, Gaz Ebo.

Would it be conceivable for Abadar (rather his church) to have an Oracle of the Streets under their employ? Building a LN (or LE, haven't decided) "Civilization at any cost!" type, going into Balanced Scale of Abadar and Justicar... But I hate preparing spells. Inquisitor is fine but I'm more looking at Oracle (w/ Legalistic curse) for it.

Does anyone know who Vildeis' arch nemesis and most hated foe is? Got a blind fighter I'm designing (Blinded Blade Style focused Sensate, because Rule of Zatoichi, I mean Cool), and need to know. Mostly because there's the Blinded Zeal Trait for Vildeis, and the Birthmark faith trait which is going to be Vildeis' holy symbol on his 'redominant' sword hand. As a drawback, I picked Foul Brand for his 'off hand', and can't quite decide on who to pick.

Currently I feel like Sifkesh is the most thematic choice, though my first choice was Szuriel.... Sifkesh is diametrically opposed in alighment to Vildeis.

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Orc Weapon Expertise:

You can do more with the weapons orcs favor the most.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, orc.

Benefit: When you take this feat, choose one of the benefits below. Whenever you wield a weapon that has "orc" in its name, you gain the benefit you chose so long as you are actually proficient with that weapon.

Bully: Gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls against creatures at least one size smaller than you.
Defender: Gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC (or +2 if wielding a two-handed weapon).
Disrupter: Add 3 to the DC of opponents’ concentration checks to cast a spell within your threatened area. This only applies if you are aware of the enemy’s location and are capable of taking an attack of opportunity. If you have already used all of your available attacks of opportunity for the round, this increase does not apply.
Killer: Gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
Thug: Deal +1 point of nonlethal damage with the weapon.
Trickster: Gain a +2 bonus on a single type of combat maneuver check that you can perform with that weapon.
This feat has no effect if you are not proficient with the weapon you’re using.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, you must choose a different benefit. You may only apply one of these benefits per round (chosen as a free action at the start of your turn).

I believe I read somewhere multiple time that you require 2 hands to use a bow regardless of it's size (plus that's common sense). So, for the purposes of Defender from this feat, does the Orc Hornbow give me +2 shield to AC for a 2 handed weapon?

Playing in Mummy's Mask soon. Curious if ancient items that may be broken can be fixed up (and thus given GP values, hehehe) to sell.

Here's a thought I had while examining the Outer Gods on Pathfinderwiki. The underlying information I'm aware of might be out of date.

What if Groetus is connected to the Outer Gods and Yog-Sothoth in some way? Perhaps after Yog-Sothoth gets summoned, likely unleashing Rovagug in the ensuing chaos, and all of reality is warped and shattered, Groetus comes in like a janitor and sweeps all the strangeness out of the planes and restarts the pilot light? Or something like that.

Didn't devote much thought to it. Just popped into my head after reading Yog-Sothoth. Enjoy and Discuss I guess?

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So the monster codex gives us the corrupted flesh feat for ogres.

Corrupted Flesh:

You have sickened, rotting flesh from some deformity or vestigial limb that has turned fetid and necrotic, yet refuses to heal or fall off.

Prerequisites: Con 15, 6 HD, ogre.

Benefit: You gain the stench special ability (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Constitution modifier).

The stench ability says this:

Stench (EX):

A creature with the stench special ability secretes an oily chemical that nearly every other creature finds offensive. All living creatures (except those with the stench special ability) within 30 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 stench creature’s racial HD + stench creature’s Con modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text) or be sickened. The duration of the sickened condition is given in the creature’s descriptive text. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same creature’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws.

Format: stench (DC 15, 10 rounds); Location: Aura.

Yet the feat says nothing about duration.

So what's the duration?

Especially with "Divine Source" being a thing.

Basically I've got a character in the works whose background includes hearing whispers of Tabris and the books he made, which spurred the ambitious knowledge seeker (venerates Nethys I might add) to go adventuring in search of the artifacts.

I'm wondering if the list of references to Tabris & the books I've got is complete, if not feel free to add on.

Princes of Darkness
Hell Unleashed
Trial of the beast
Lords of Chaos
Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Chronicle of the Righteous
Artifacts and Legends
Beyond the Doomsday Door

And am I correct in reading that so far only the Book of the Damned and the Chronicle of the Righteous have been published so far?

Tabris is pretty much my most favorite part of the setting so far, and I've been cooking this character concept since the first BotD came out and referenced the other two parts of it. Feels like there's a decent enough amount of info out now to play the character on the hunt for "all teh knowledge evar (without going full Nethys)".

So, here's a houserule I've been playing with for decades now that I apparently forgot was a house rule. My groups have found it fun, I figure some other people might. If there are any questions about specifics that need clarification, just ask.

Initiative Homebrew Modification
As per usual, initiative order is checked at the start of the combat after the surprise round. Additionally, one can hold & ready actions to change where they're going in the initiative as per usual. The primary change lies in that things which disrupt Initiative Count specifically can be used to change an enemy's initiative count.

That is to say, one can use, say, Unprepared Combatant to drop that initiative 27 Lich down to Initiative 23, letting your two buddies go ahead of him rather than getting death ray'd in the face.

One can also increase an initiative count, but again, only things that increase initiative specifically qualify.

Some caveats, of course.
1) A character can never go twice in the same round via this. As in, Init 27 Lich goes, then gets dropped to 23, cannot go again.
2) If a character's initiative is increased in combat, that does not enable them in any way shape or form to retroactively apply their turn's actions as occurring BEFORE the newly lower-than-their-initiative-count characters.
3) In effect, all changes to initiative only take effect in the next round of combat.
4) You can 'reshuffle' as a move action instead of holding or readying an action to change your initiative number. You roll your initiative again to find your new place in the turn order. You must take the new roll, even if it's worse.
5) Penalties and bonuses to initiative (whether count or roll) apply on reshuffles. For instance, if you are still affected by Unprepared Combatant's 1 min/level duration, all reshuffling you do will still apply the -4.
6) You cannot combine a reshuffle, a readied action, or a held action in the same round. Just because you don't like your reshuffle result, doesn't mean you get to cheat it this round.
7) Bonuses and penalties to dexterity do not affect your initiative count in turn order. They will, however, effect your reshuffle rolls.

I'm not all here right now, a little ill actually, but I believe that's pretty much everything. If anything's unclear I'll happily clarify as best as I can.

So I'm putting together an NPC for my game that I might modify to utilize as a PC later (re-skin the fellow). The basic idea is as follows.

Android Kineticist. Utilizes Telekinetic Maneuvers which reference:

Telekinesis, Combat Maneuver:
Combat Maneuver: Alternatively, once per round, you can use telekinesis to perform a bull rush, disarm, grapple (including pin), or trip. Resolve these attempts as normal, except that they don’t provoke attacks of opportunity, you use your caster level in place of your Combat Maneuver Bonus, and you add your Intelligence modifier (if a wizard) or Charisma modifier (if a sorcerer) in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. No save is allowed against these attempts, but spell resistance applies normally. This version of the spell can last 1 round per caster level, but it ends if you cease concentration.

Grapple of course referencing

Grapple Rules:
As a standard action, you can attempt to grapple a foe, hindering his combat options. If you do not have Improved Grapple, grab, or a similar ability, attempting to grapple a foe provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver. Humanoid creatures without two free hands attempting to grapple a foe take a –4 penalty on the combat maneuver roll. If successful, both you and the target gain the grappled condition. If you successfully grapple a creature that is not adjacent to you, move that creature to an adjacent open space (if no space is available, your grapple fails). Although both creatures have the grappled condition, you can, as the creature that initiated the grapple, release the grapple as a free action, removing the condition from both you and the target. If you do not release the grapple, you must continue to make a check each round, as a standard action, to maintain the hold. If your target does not break the grapple, you get a +5 circumstance bonus on grapple checks made against the same target in subsequent rounds. Once you are grappling an opponent, a successful check allows you to continue grappling the foe, and also allows you to perform one of the following actions (as part of the standard action spent to maintain the grapple).

Bolded parts mine for the part I'm asking about.

The big question is, does the attempt take a -4 penalty from the original grapple rules? Or does the CMB of CL + Con mod overwrite the -4 penalty like I assume? Does the caster/kineticist suddenly have their hands full with this spell?

And for the curious, the rest of the idea is to use Improved/Greater/Rapid Grapple to truly grapple at range, and for poops & sniggers (a form of laugh), Chokehold & expanded element air (lightning). Basically I decided to build Vader for the lulz.

So, I've got a player wanting to do some shenanigans with a Heavy Wrist Launcher, a Barbed Bolt, and Hamatula Strike. For reference:

Wrist Launcher, Heavy:
A larger version of the wrist launcher, this device fires a single crossbow bolt instead of a featherweight dart. If you are proficient with hand crossbows, you are also proficient with heavy wrist launchers.

Barbed Bolt:
The head of a barbed arrow resembles that of a harpoon. Benefit(s) When a barbed arrow is attached to a length of silk rope and fired from a bow, the arrow’s range increment is reduced to 30 feet, but it gains the grapple special weapon quality. Barbed bolts exist for crossbows.

Hamatula Strike:
Benefit: Whenever you damage an opponent with a piercing weapon, you can immediately make a grapple check; success means the opponent is impaled on your weapon and you both gain the grappled condition. While the opponent is impaled, as an attack action you may make a grapple check on your turn at a -4 penalty to damage the opponent with your weapon, even if your weapon cannot normally be used in a grapple.

Grapple Rules:
s a standard action, you can attempt to grapple a foe, hindering his combat options. If you do not have Improved Grapple, grab, or a similar ability, attempting to grapple a foe provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver. Humanoid creatures without two free hands attempting to grapple a foe take a –4 penalty on the combat maneuver roll. If successful, both you and the target gain the grappled condition. If you successfully grapple a creature that is not adjacent to you, move that creature to an adjacent open space (if no space is available, your grapple fails). Although both creatures have the grappled condition, you can, as the creature that initiated the grapple, release the grapple as a free action, removing the condition from both you and the target. If you do not release the grapple, you must continue to make a check each round, as a standard action, to maintain the hold. If your target does not break the grapple, you get a +5 circumstance bonus on grapple checks made against the same target in subsequent rounds. Once you are grappling an opponent, a successful check allows you to continue grappling the foe, and also allows you to perform one of the following actions (as part of the standard action spent to maintain the grapple).

Bolded part in the grapple rules are the main point on concern here. The logic being that one can fire a grapple bolt, with 30 some odd feet of rope, at an opponent. If you hit, assuming you don't get a crit, you can utilize Hamatula Strike to initiate the grapple at range. If you succeed, the grapple rules indicate that somehow the grappled opponent is dragged right next to you, which in this case can be seen as gripping hold of the rope and pulling them in.

And yes, he plans to utilize Bushwack and probably Chokehold to play a Mortal Kombat Scorpion styled assassin.

Personally, unless I'm missing relevant rules somewhere, I'm pretty sure this work by RAW. By RoC (Rule of Cool) I'm inclined to allow it. RAI I'm not overly concerned about, in all honesty. I'm just looking around for relevant rules I might have missed in looking around.

Note that it's for a home game where I can adapt the campaign and combats to account for potential shenanigans. In this case, yeah, sure, he drags one person out of a fight, or perhaps two, but I can always adjust and make sure though he Bushwhacks a mage, there's still enough of a challenge in the fight to keep it thrilling.

Edit: Also, I suggested they Grappling Hook, which can also be used with Hamatula Strike, but they thought the heavy wrist launcher was cooler, so...

Undercasting Prodigy:
Starting at 9th level, whenever you gain a new level of spells, you automatically replace any psychic bloodline spells that can be undercast with the highest-level version you can cast in your list of spells known. For example, at 9th level, you would replace mind thrust I, id insinuation I, and ego whip I with mind thrust IV, id insinuation III, and ego whip II, respectively, as spells known.

So, given how an Arcanist casts... Is this a useless ability?

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Sharding weapon quality:
Restriction This ability can be placed only on melee or thrown weapons.

The wielder of a sharding weapon can make a special ranged attack with the weapon in place of any melee attack. To do this, the wielder goes through the motion of throwing the weapon without releasing it. The weapon splits off a duplicate of itself that flies as if thrown by the wielder at the intended target. The duplicate gains a range increment of 10 feet for this purpose, but uses the same proficiency and otherwise functions the same as the original weapon. The duplicate vanishes after hitting or missing its target.

What concerns me here is the line "Otherwise functions the same as the original weapon."

Does this duplicate carry with it any applied poisons?

What about if I use it with a Injection Spear/Syringe Spear that are full of poison or acid or some such? Would it bring the poison along?

If so, what happens? If the creature fails their save, are they poisoned for the duration, or only take the initial effect if it fades with the weapon?

I'm referring to thinks like Quicken Spell-Like Ability and Empower Spell-Like Ability.

I'm just curious if one can stack these feats on the same spell at the same time.

Mostly because with DM approval, wanted to take a few on my Phantom Thief UnRogue (w/ Bookish Rogue).

Mostly out of curiosity, and because I found some old notes concerning a five-shot game I wanted to run (as a general test), I'm wondering if anyone's used the following combination of subsystems yet. Notes on how I'd have modified it in parenthesis.

-Wounds and Vigor. (In my notes, add constitution modifier to vigor points, and add # of HD to wound points, so that a level 5 PC has Con Score + 5 WP. Adjust wounds to make it easier to understand, Con score wound points, standard bleeding out at 0 WP, live until - con score/wp)

-Armor as DR. (I've got them modified, but the paper got wet and the ink ran, can't read it)

-Wound Threshold. (Apply to Healthy and Grazed to Vigor, Wounded to 0 Vigor, and Critical to half vigor. )

-Stamina and Combat Tricks. (Free to Fighters, feat for everyone else. 0

-Automatic Bonus Progression.

-Called Shots. (Reduce amount required for Debilitating Blow, the amount required is "ridiculous")

-From 3.5 Unearthed Arcana, Automatic Defense Score.

-From Wheel of Time RPG, Good/Mid/Bad saves (add a 'Middle' save throw that caps out at 9, basically. Wet, can't read which classes are adjusted to 'middle' saves).

Not expecting any feedback on UA or WoT's systems I pilfered, but the other ones I'm curious if anyone's used in like a one shot or two and can let me know how they function together.

Finagling up a player race for a campaign in my setting. Got a player who's rather "religious" towards the "balance" in the ARG's race builder, so rather than pull down Rule 0 with this fellow (do that enough, and I've known this guy for years so can't make him walk without undesirable repercussions), figure I'll actually give RP values to some custom weaknesses.

1) -2 vs sonic. I'm figuring -2 RP given that sonic effects is actually rather commonplace in my setting, like a standard elemental weakness. Though, in general, I'm thinking a -1 given the rarity of sonic effects.

2) -4 penalty when attacking with manufactured weapons. This is in addition to the penalty from non-proficiency or being an improvised weapon. I want to say this is a -4 RP, but it has been suggested it should cost more (given the amount of work it would take to overcome it).

So, suggestions?

Does being poisoned while asleep count as damage for the purposes of waking a character up? My instinct says no, having to make a fort save vs poison will not wake you up. However, I can't seem to find anything conclusive.

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I recently got into a discussion about third party races, and I recalled reading one that I particularly enjoyed. Unfortunately, I found it a while ago online and haven't been able to find the source for it when I went to go find it today (thinking about purchasing the book its in).

The only thing I can really recall for certain, was the race was humanoid, with dimensional black-hole(ish) voids for minds, with large dark bags under their eyes no matter how much they slept. I'm pretty sure it was third party, in face I WANT to say it was LRGG material, but unfortunately I can't be entirely certain. No one I know that I've been able to contact has been able to help.

Anybody know which race I'm remembering? Been bugging the crap out of me since I came up with a character concept based around what I can recall of it that I want to fiddle around with.

If I'm playing a PC with natural weapons that don't rely on hands (such as hooves, or a tail slap), how does this interact with the Two-Weapon Fighting line of feats on a full attack?

Say I have a quarterstaff and Greater Two Weapon Fighting, and 2 wing buffet attacks at full BAB. Would I be able to utilize the quarterstaff for the 7 attacks (4 BAB + 3 offhand), followed up with 2 wing attacks at (BAB - 5)?

I recall this being true, but then again last I saw Paizo fiddled and retooled TWF rules a LOT with errata and FAQs. Searched both google and the forums themselves, didn't find anything. Perhaps my google-fu is weak.

Thanks for your time.

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So, I'm feeling pretty adventurous lately... Been liking what I've been reading on quite a few of some 3pp products, and now I'm seriously running a game without any of the base classes or vancian magic.

Instead, I was thinking of using Akashic Mysteries, Spheres of Power, Path of War, and Ultimate Psionics.

Mainly, I'm just curious if anyone has any experience in how all 4 of these products interact (I'd assume DSP's 3 things interact very well together, at the very least); or if anyone's run a similar game before. I like what I read on and friend's copies (and fully plan to buy all of the above when i've got cash to burn, which should be sometime around x-mas), have re-read them at least several times so far, but I'm having some sort of mental block bringing it cohesively together in consideration for replacing a good portion of the basic system.

Anyone have any thoughts/opinions on this? If it matters, it'd be a homebrew game built from the ground-up to account for the changes (I'm not so insane as to leave vancian beasties and NPCs, though it would make for an interesting "you're all suddenly called to another world" kind of game).

Anyone have any idea how much one should sell 300+ old Heartbreaker unpainted pewter minis for? With circular bases, 2 large multi-piece figures, a few terrain & vehicle pieces, and a LOT of customizable pieces (swords, spears, and so on).

Need to offload this collection and get some cash. Judging by Ebay's smaller numbers, I can probably ask like $750 as a starting price on craigslist (& probably come down)....

I haven't been in the minis collecting game in a LONG time. I do know they're pretty high quality (I mean, they even sculpted the salamander's abs and hip bones for gods' sakes!), of a type I haven't seen in a very long time. There anyone with more "minis experience" around that can drop some advice?

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Pertinent parts of the rules:

Scroll Master Scroll Blade Ability via PRD:
Scroll Blade (Su): A scrollmaster can wield any paper, parchment, or cloth scroll as if it were a melee weapon. In the hands of the wizard, the scroll acts as a short sword with an enhancement bonus equal to 1/2 the level of the highest-level wizard spell on the scroll; a scroll with only a cantrip or 1st-level spell on it counts as a masterwork short sword. The scrollmaster is proficient in this weapon, and feats and abilities that affect short swords (such as Weapon Focus) apply to this weapon. A scrollmaster cannot wield two scrollblades at the same time.

Activating this ability is a free action. A scroll blade only retains its abilities in the hands of the scrollmaster. The scroll blade has hardness 0 and hit points equal to the highest-level wizard spell on the scroll. Each successful hit by the scroll blade reduces its hit points by 1; this damage cannot be repaired, but does not affect casting from the scroll. When its hit points reach 0, the scroll is destroyed.

If a scroll contains a spell with a metamagic feat, this ability uses the original spell level of the spell (a scroll of empowered fireball counts as a 3rd-level spell).

At 3rd level, when using a 4th-level or higher wizard scroll as a scroll blade, the scrollmaster can choose to reduce its enhancement bonus by 1 (minimum +1 enhancement bonus) to treat it as a reach weapon. For example, he could use a scroll of charm monster (a 4th-level wizard spell) as either a +2 short sword or a +1 short sword with reach.

At 5th level, when using a 4th-level or higher wizard scroll as a scroll blade, the scrollmaster can choose to reduce its enhancement bonus (to a minimum of a +1 enhancement bonus) to give any of the following weapon properties: defending, frost, icy burst, keen, ki focus, shock, shocking burst, speed. Adding any of these properties consumes an amount of enhancement bonus equal to the property's cost (see Table 15–9: Melee Weapon Special Abilities in the Core Rulebook). The scrollmaster must know the prerequisite spell or spells to craft the weapon property in question (for example, he must know haste to be able to give his scroll blade the speed property). This ability replaces the wizard's arcane bond.

Magic Weapons Hardness & Hit Points via PRD:
Hardness and Hit Points: Each +1 of a magic weapon's enhancement bonus adds +2 to its hardness and +10 to its hit points.

My question and request for FAQ is thus: Does the Scrollmaster Wizard's Scroll Blade gain hardness & HP for its enhancement bonuses as per the magic weapons rule?

Alright, so, I seem to be recalling SOMETHING in this game that has the effect along the lines of "your constitution score counts as double for the purposes of dying by negative hit points" or some such. I've looked all over the PFSRD and Archives of Nethys, and I can't seem to find it.

Am I going insane; actually remembering something that exists; or remembering something from a third party or older edition product?

Thread purpose: Got something you want to say, but don't know where to do it? Don't want to start a new thread for something the equivalent of a stupid tweet? Just need to get something out there? Drop it here, if for no other reason to do so.

------(Now to my nonsensical post!)----



That is all.

For those whom are unaware, I've subtly been slipping my proverbial hat under the table 'round here (does 2 threads count as that?) in an attempt to raise some cash for some training. Specifically, the only training I qualify for that can give me a chance to get my feet under me and have an actual semblance of a future that doesn't involve being a hobo. Security guard! Though knowing my luck I'm likely to get shot in the ass, I'd take a bullet in my rectum if it means bringing home enough bacon for my fiance an I (soon as I can afford a home).

Backstory worthy of a Doofenshmirtz flashback; breakdown of academy costs; and hopefully cynical humor about life and idiots. Also, A picture of me!.

So, if anyone has some pocket change they can spare, are feeling generous/charitable, and want to go on my "Awesome List", please drop some nickles and pennies in the hat.

If you've already spent that pocket change throwing it at Paizo or picking up some dollar menu double cheeseburgers, please hand out these flyers by sharing across social media sites, blogs, and so on.

And if you've already donated, please pass the word around anyways. Having no real facebook of my own, and very few followers/friends elsewhere, I'm relying on nice strangers at this point... For donations AND sharing.... That's what I get for being a social wallflower. I might be mostly antisocial, but considering couch-hopping and going through 3 phones I lost contact with pretty much everybody. Add in the fact I've a hard time befriending new people.

Thank you for listening, and hopefully looking and donating and/or sharing. May whatever entity you believe in watch over you and help you out... Or do whatever it is they do.

Relevant Text:

Fiendish Heritage roll #16: You have over-sized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty.

Jotungrip (EX): At 2nd level, a titan mauler may choose to wield a two-handed melee weapon in one hand with a –2 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. The weapon must be appropriately sized for her, and it is treated as one-handed when determining the effect of Power Attack, Strength bonus to damage, and the like.

This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

Does this mean one can actually wield a Large sized two-handed weapon in one hand? My gut says yes, foregoing the "RAW" of 'appropriately sized' due to the over-sized limbs, but looking for second opinions.

Now, for Giant Weapon Wielder!

Giant Weapon Wielder (EX):

At 1st level, a titan fighter can wield two-handed melee weapons intended for creatures one size category larger than himself, treating them as two-handed weapons. He takes an additional –2 penalty on attack rolls when using an over-sized two-handed weapon.

This ability replaces the fighter's 1st level bonus feat.

Would the over-sized limbs bump the size of 'over sized weapons' from 'large' to 'huge'?

Releveant text:

Fiendish Heritage roll #16: You have over-sized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty.

Inappropriately Sized Firearms: You cannot make optimum use of a firearm that is not properly sized for you. A cumulative –2 penalty applies on attack rolls for each size category of difference between your size and the size of the firearm. If you are not proficient with the firearm, a –4 nonproficiency penalty also applies. The size of a firearm never affects how many hands you need to use to shoot it, the exception being siege firearms and Large or larger creatures. In most cases, a Large or larger creature can use a siege firearm as a two-handed firearm, but the creature takes a –4 penalty for using it this way because of its awkwardness.

So, my gut reaction is to shout "NO!", but do these interact at all? Is there particular reason to deny it besides the number of damage dice it'll deal?

For that matter, how about the large-handed tiefling and a Double Hackbut?

Double Hackbut:

This double-length rifle uses a pair of trunnions to mount its barrel into a swiveling mechanism fastened to a lightweight, two-wheeled carriage.

It takes a full-round action to set up the carriage. The carriage has a hind leg, allowing the wielder to wheel the device about and immediately prop it for stability during combat. Unlike other two-handed firearms, you must fire the double hackbut while it is mounted, or else firing it imparts a –4 penalty on attack rolls and the recoil knocks the wielder prone. A Large or larger creature can fire a double hackbut one size smaller than it is without its mounting as a normal two-handed weapon and without the danger of being knocked prone, but takes the normal penalty for firing an inappropriately sized weapon.

In any case, I'd like to clarify how the "large creature + siege firearm" works. As it says 'Use as a two handed firearm', is it safe to assume it'd take all the standard rules for using a two handed firearm, just using the siege cannon as the weapon stats?

Shield Snag (Magical Marketplace):
You know how to navigate your shield around weapons and can use it to keep your balance.

Prerequisites: Improved Shield Bash, Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: Any opponents hit by your shield bash are also targeted by a free disarm attempt, substituting your attack roll for the combat maneuver check. This disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You cannot use this ability during the same round as a bull rush attempt made with Shield Slam or with any other abilities that affect how your shield bash works.

When using a shield, you gain a +4 bonus on Strength checks to avoid being blown away by a strong wind and on Climb checks to catch yourself on a wall or slope when falling.

Buckler Catch (Rondolero Duelist Archetype, Inner Sea Primer):
Buckler Catch (Ex): At 3rd level, a rondelero can catch his opponent’s weapon between his buckler and his forearm, effectively wedging the hafts of polearms and hammers or the flats of blades. This functions as a disarm combat maneuver, and the rondelero gains a +4 bonus on the roll. If the rondelero’s attack fails by 10 or more, he suffers a –2 penalty to his AC until the start of his next turn. This ability replaces armor training 1.

So... How do these two interact exactly? Would you get Buckler Catch's +4 on Shield Snag's free Disarm attempt?

Also, what action is Buckler Catch? Same as a standard disarm?

Relevant feats:

Thrill of the Kill:
Thrill of the Kill

Killing fuels your rage.

Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.

Benefit: When you are raging and your attack reduces an enemy to negative hit points or kills it, you regain 1 round of rage. You may only use this feat if the fallen enemy had at least as many Hit Dice as you. You can only gain this benefit once per round.

Gore Fiend:
Gore Fiend

Horrible wounds, whether on yourself or your enemies, make your blood sing.

Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.

Benefit: When you are raging and you confirm a critical hit with a melee weapon or a critical hit is confirmed on you (whether by a melee weapon, spell, or ranged weapon), you regain 1 round of rage (up to your maximum for the day). You can only gain this benefit once per round.

Raging Deathblow:
Raging Deathblow

Every killing blow gives you a surge of vitality, further fueling your rage.

Prerequisite: Greater rage class feature.

Benefit: While raging, whenever your attack reduces your opponent to –1 or fewer hit points, you gain 1 extra round of rage for that day. If that attack was a critical hit, you gain 1 additional extra round of rage for that day. Whenever you rest to renew your total number of rounds of rage per day, any extra rounds you still have from this feat are lost.

So, seeing as the top two of these have "you can only gain this benefit once per round", are they referring to "this specific feat's benefit" or "regaining round(s) of rage" benefit? If it's the former, how would this interact with Raging Deathblow?

Designing up a half-orc Bloodrager who is a.... Very, very angry little lizard... Very angry. Gear and feat selections structured for regaining as much of his angry draconic rage as possible.

Anyone have a chance to check this out yet?

Save the Internet!

Not entirely sure what to think myself. Signed the petition anyway, since it sounds better than the alternative. Can't even begin to imagine not being able to access the SRD, PRD, or Nethys' Archives.

Or, god forbid, check out these awesome boards a few times a day!

Working on a fun concept of pair of characters. One centaur, and the other, a cavalier riding him.

Most basic question, would the centaur need to be run by the basic mounted combat rules? Or would it have it's own set of movements and actions?

I imagine there would be a lot of readying actions going on. Such as, readying to move according to the rider's command, and using their standard to attack. Rider readying their lance for the Centaur to make his own charge attack... Stuff like that.

And what about teamwork feats? Would the pair be able to benefit from them?

Sorry if this is in the wrong section of the forums. Wasn't sure if there was a spot specifically for advice on 3PP options (outside of DSP Psionics, which I sometimes see here).

Anyhow... About to do (yet another) home game with a mere two characters involved. To that end, I've decided to play a Life Leech/Sadist Vitalist. For factors consisting but not limited to 'Rule of Cool', and 'been wanting to play one', I'm fairly set on Khymer from Obsidian Apocalypse as the race.

If anyone needs, and knows whether it's allowed or not, I can copy-pasta the mechanics of the Khymer from the PDF.

Key points of note (not everything): Medium, Aberration, 30ft land speed, Darkvis 60, +2 any 2 ability scores, 1 bonus PP at first level, can burn their constitution (1 con damage on a successful save, 2 on a fail) to recover PP or enhance powers it's manifesting, and they must use magic to heal (though if they enter a new body, they heal all damage automatically).

Having not really played either of these choices... I'm reaching out for a bit of advice. I figure the Sadist Life Leech Soul Thief Vitalist would be a halfway decent method of keeping the 'no natural healing' aspect from flat out killing my character.

Plus, take 1-2 points of con damage, recover 5 Power Points, blow 3 manifesting Body Purification, heal 2 points of constitution damage, net profit +2....

So, if anyone's familiar with either aspect of this character, Vitalist or Khymer... Any advice I should keep in mind? Such as general tactics or powers to choose?

So I finally got my hands on the Emerald Spire. Currently, I've only got 1 player, my fiance. Still reading over the module, but she's super excited to play it.

So, to that end, I need to figure out what kind of GMPC I should run for background support. To make matters harder, she wants to run it book-only, namely whatever we happen to have, though I may override that for my GMPC support if necessary.

Available Material: Core, APG, Ultimate Combat, Advanced Race Guide, Bastards of Golarion, Book of the damned 2 (Demon edition!), ROTRL Anniversary Edition (spells mainly). There's also the 3rd party Obsidian Apocalypse by Louis Porter Jr. Design.

I'm thinking of running a basic gestalt, except adding the HP together instead of taking the better of the two. Might also add my 'Extra Prestige' rules which lets you start tacking on prestige class levels as soon as you qualify (straight adds).

Fast track, 2 PCs, I'd imagine we'd start leveling quickly. I'm fairly good at lessening the amount of mobs to a manageable level, but knowing her she'd prefer to change as little as possible on our first run through.

So... Anyone have any good tips/suggestions/advice? I'd rather not overpower the pair of PCs to roflstomp the entire thing, but sort of steamrolling a level or two early on isn't completely problematic. Just don't want the more epic levels to be too easy.

So, playing a Twilight Sage Arcanist/Souldrinker, and finding that as time goes on, finding good livestock and slaves to drain the life force of is becoming harder and harder. The fools we encounter on our missions on the other hand, are rather rife for the drinking.

To this end, I require assistance, oh people of the internet. Beyond the obvious chain, rope, shackles, and old fashioned mind-destroying magic, what are some good ways of lashing some insignificant peons to my will so that they can't escape... Or at the least debilitate them so that escape is impossible?

Just found this feat thanks to a thread in the advice forum:

Chain Challenge:
Prerequisite(s): Challenge class feature, character level 7th.

Benefit(s): When the target of your challenge ability is killed or knocked unconscious, you can declare a new challenge target within 30 feet as an immediate action.

This action must be taken immediately upon your initial challenge target's defeat, and you can't take it later if you are unable to act at the time. If you declare a new challenge using this feat, it doesn't count against your total daily uses of challenge. You can chain together a number of challenges beyond the first equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1).

I'm curious to know how this functions with:

Order of the Flame's Glorious Challenge:

Challenge: A cavalier of the order of the flame becomes ever more emboldened with each glorious victory. As an immediate action after reducing the target of his challenge to 0 hit points or fewer, the cavalier can elect to issue a glorious challenge to an opponent within 15 feet.

Glorious Challenge: A glorious challenge does not count against the cavalier's number of challenges per day, but otherwise acts like a cavalier's challenge class feature.

When he issues a glorious challenge, the cavalier takes a –2 penalty to AC for the duration of the glorious challenge (this penalty stacks with the usual –2 AC penalty against opponents other than the target of the cavalier's challenge).

The cavalier gains a morale bonus on melee damage rolls against the target of his glorious challenge equal to 2 × the number of consecutive glorious challenges he has issued thus far. As long as he continues to defeat targets of his glorious challenges and there are more opponents in range, the cavalier can continue to issue glorious challenges indefinitely, with the penalty to AC and the bonus on damage rolls increasing with each subsequent foe. For example, a 5th-level cavalier that has just issued his third glorious challenge after defeating the original target of his challenge takes a –6 penalty to AC (–8 against creatures other than the target of his glorious challenge) and gains a +11 bonus on melee damage rolls (a +5 bonus from his base challenge ability plus a +6 morale bonus for three consecutive glorious challenges).

1) Can one trigger a Glorious Challenge off a Chained Challenge?
2a) Can one trigger a Chained Challenge off a Glorious Challenge?
2b) If one can trigger a Chained off a Glorious, does the Chained challenge disrupt your Glorious Challenge bonus? Or, does the Glorious Challenge bonus suspend, then resume on the next Glorious Challenge?

I'm pretty sure I had another minor question, but offline distractions made me forget it. If I can recall, I'll either edit, or ask later.

Sry if this has been asked before. Used the Search function and didn't find anything, but my search-fu is weak.

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So, I'm looking to make a character for a home game that seems to have just the right item at just the right time. Naturally, this would require pre-quest research and prep (in-game, not meta-game).

To this end, I'm looking for character options that let me reach into my pocket and grab whatever. The ones I know of so far are:

Deep Pockets - Pathfinder Chronicler PrC - 100gp per class level, including potions and scrolls
Well-Prepared - Halfling Feat - 1/Day, dc 10 + (item's GP value) to 'happen to have' a mundane item
Secret Stash Deed - Grit Feat - 1 grit and GP value to retrieve firearm ammunition

To assist in this concept, and just because I like the idea of carrying a dragon carcass back to town with my bare hands, I'm also looking for ways to pump carrying capacity.

Deep Pockets - Pathfinder Chronicler PrC - Strength counts as 4 higher for light load.
Heavyload Belt - Wondrous Item, Belt - Continuous Ant Haul spell.
Muleback Cords - Wondrous Item, Shoulders - Strength treated as 8 higher than normal for carrying capacity.
Burdenless - Armor Enchantment (4K gold) - Carrying Capacity is increased by 50% across each load.
Clockwork Arm - Wondrous Item - In addition to other cool stuff, 1 clockwork arm can allow one to lift 1-1/2 max load over his head. Two arms can lift double.
Cut your Losses - Feat - Treat strength as 2 higher for carrying capacity, plus other stuff.

Odds are it's going to be a human with racial heritage halfling, as a Filcher rogue (GM lets 'heritage' apply to just about everything). I haven't stated anything out yet, just trying to weigh my options. Possibly a smuggler rogue would more fit the theme.

Anyone mind letting me know if I missed anything? Or if there're any wonky problems with rules I might encounter?

Alright, so, according to the OGC, there are Eyeglasses in the Adventurer's Armory book (which I don't happen to have). To quote:

Also known as spectacles, eyeglasses compensate for poor vision or magnify small details.

Now, I've scoured every book I have, the OGC, and the PRD itself. Perhaps I'm missing something, but...

Are there rules for poor vision, and thus needed glasses? Or are they just some sort of... Vanity item?

Couldn't even find anything in 3.5 or 3.0 on it.

Got a very anachronistic game coming up (don't you love/hate time compressions?), and while I intend on asking the GM about it (naturally), I'm curious to know what others think about it.

prd abundant ammunition:
Abundant Ammunition

School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 1, cleric 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S, M/DF (a single piece of ammunition)

Target one container touched

Duration 1 minute/level

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

When cast on a container such as a quiver or a pouch that contains nonmagical ammunition or shuriken (including masterwork ammunition or shuriken), at the start of each round this spell replaces any ammunition taken from the container the round before. The ammunition taken from the container the round before vanishes. If, after casting this spell, you cast a spell that enhances projectiles, such as align weapon or greater magic weapon, on the same container, all projectiles this spell conjures are affected by that spell.

As for the flamethrower in question, via the SRD (and Reign of Winter, apparently):

Flamethrower Fuel Tank: This pair of tanks—one filled with oil, and the other a propellant— provides enough flammable material to use a flamethrower six times.

Naturally I'm under the assumption casting it on the tanks themselves won't work, though logic tells me it would (after all, the tanks are merely containers for the oil & propellant that is the actual ammunition), given that the tanks themselves are not cited as the 'ammunition' in the table, nor is the oil and propellant involved listed under an 'ammunition' section on the table. Yay technicalities!

OTOH, assuming the obvious that the tanks are considered the ammunition, have a set of the flamer fuel tanks in a container that you cast Abundant Ammo on, load them up, and then fire! What happens now? First impression of the spell states the tanks would disappear, and reappear in the container the next round, requiring you to reload them yet again.

Of course, allowing Abundant Ammunition to work with Flamethrowers has a curious effect on the aftereffects of firing it. Assuming you managed to make a few creatures catch on fire by failing their Ref saves, would the previously-fired oil disappear, thus making them no longer on fire? Or would they have been on fire "long enough" that they'd still be burning with the rest of their flammables, even if the original oil goes poof?

Yes, I know, RAW it wouldn't work (period) due to reasonings mentioned above (no list of "ammunition" for Flamers). Not looking for RAW, so much as suspected RAI concerning the state of a flame thrower's ammunition, and how others think such a thing should work.

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Ok, so, Here's Burning Disarm, from Chelix: Empire of Devils.

Burning Disarm:
Burning Disarm

School transmutation [fire]; Level cleric/oracle 1, druid 1, sorcerer/wizard 1

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range Short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target Held metal item of one creature or 15 lbs. of unattended metal
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex negates (object, see text); Spell Resistance Yes (object)


This spell causes a metal object to instantly become red hot. A creature holding the item may attempt a Reflex save to drop it and take no damage (even if it is not their turn), otherwise the hot metal deals 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). Circumstances that prevent the creature from dropping the item (such as a locked gauntlet) mean the creature gets no saving throw. The heat does not harm the item, and it does not get hot enough or last long enough to ignite flammable objects. The item cools to its previous temperature almost instantly. If cast underwater, burning disarm deals half damage and boils the surrounding water.

And something I noticed in the Heat Dangers rules.

Boiling water deals 1d6 points of scalding damage, unless the character is fully immersed, in which case it deals 10d6 points of damage per round of exposure.

Now... Let's say there's an underwater battle going on. I'm fighting a Triton or Merfolk or some other water-thing that wields a metal item, for the sake of theme, we'll go with a metal trident.

I cast burning disarm on the angry merfolk. He fails his save... He takes the fire damage, and the "surrounding water boils".

This is where I begin to wonder. The surrounding water just started boiling. The question is, how much of it? Does it boil the water in his space, dealing 10d6 given the fact that it's fully immersed in the water? Or does it boil all adjacent squares too? And does it boil water if you're standing hip-deep and wielding, say, a dagger or a long sword?

Come to think of it... You're boned either way if you're standing hip deep. You succeedthe save, you drop the item, which is still hot and boils the water you're in...

I'd feel much more comfortable knowing how this "boiling" aspect of the spell worked. I've got some dungeon/castle designs in mind and I'd like to throw this spell at my players. Anchored 15lbs of unattended metal in a moat gets this spell cast on it, and it boils the surrounding water scalding all the adjacent creatures....

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In the vein of some of these other fun threads... Let's come up with some reasons to be an adventurer! Serious is just as welcome as off-the-cuff silliness!

1: My wife kicked me out.

2: I'm not qualified for unskilled manual labor.

3: As an apprentice, I slept with the Arch Mage's daughter one too many times.

4: As an acolyte, I seduced the church's choir one too many times.

First off, sorry if this is the wrong section to put this in. Wasn't sure if this goes in General or in Products.

I'm planning on picking up Emerald Spire this week, from what I've read about it, it seems pretty groovy. However, I've got a minor problem.... I've only got 2 players these days, neither of which are really capable of running multiple characters.

I could always decrease the number of the monsters and traps, I know. However, my little group likes things a little brutal (real threat of character death, none of this cushy 'waltz through a moonlit dungeon with champagne and gore' we used to deal with), and have stated they'd be rather upset with me if I didn't run it as is.

So... I've decided to let them gestalt, to shore up any holes in typical party make up (healing/trapfinding/melee being typical lost holes). That's all well and good, particularly since I may put them on the fast-track for experience, and/or just not divide the experience between the party (not dividing has been an excellent way for them to deal with having only 2 characters in my games). Fortunately, one's already going to be taking Leadership for the cohort (she doesn't want to track all the followers), so that might help.

Only thing I worry about is action economy. I make extensive use of hordes, so I'm all too aware of how bad, say, 10 enemy actions to 2 party actions is.

So what I'm basically asking, is can 2 gestalt characters handle a basic run through of Emerald Spire? Or am I going to have to make them upset and trim the super dungeon a little?

I can easily imagine it'll get relatively easier the higher level they get (better summons, eventual cohort [played by me], excessive WBL/treasure), if they can manage to maneuver through the painful lower levels.

Side quetions: I saw on the Archives of Nethys, under the source page for Emerald Spire, a MR 8 monster. I've read over Mythic rules, but have yet to actually use them. How important are they to the deeper floors of Emerald Spire?

So, my fiance and I got into a conversation about the PF iconics earlier today... And she brought up a nifty idea.

Any chance Paizo's going to come out with a pair of Iconics that are twins? Or just siblings with one-another for that matter?

What do you guys think about Sibling Iconics? Fiction & Myth abound of siblings, and twins just give so much potential for fun back story, IMO.

Could go with the 'anti/opposite class' aspect, with a whole 'harmonious, two-halves of the whole' deal...

I dunno, I just thought it'd be nifty. How about you guys?

So... Girlfriend's trying to figure out if this works, and my first instinct is that it does, though you're taking some pretty hefty penalties. The relevant tidbits are as follows.

This small metal shield is worn strapped to your forearm. You can use a bow or crossbow without penalty while carrying it. You can also use your shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. This penalty stacks with those that may apply for fighting with your off hand and for fighting with two weapons. In any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you lose the buckler’s AC bonus until your next turn. You can cast a spell with somatic components using your shield arm, but you lose the buckler’s AC bonus until your next turn. You can’t make a shield bash with a buckler.

The Archetype bits:
Buckler Bash (Ex): At 2nd level, a rondelero can perform a shield bash with a buckler (use the same damage and critical modifier as for a light shield). This ability replaces bravery.

Strong Swing (Ex): At 5th level, a rondelero gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when wielding a falcata and buckler that applies to attacks made by either hand. These bonuses increase by +1 for every four levels beyond 5th. With a full-attack action, a rondelero may alternate between using his falcata or his buckler for each attack. This does not grant additional attacks or incur penalties as two-weapon fighting does. This ability replaces weapon training 1.

Basically, her idea was to play a Rondolero Duelist utilizing the Falcata and Buckler, but also wield another Falcata in the buckler hand. Utilize the two weapon fighting feat chain with the shield bashing goodness that lets her make a shield bash when she scores a critical hit... On the Falcata's 19-20/x3.

Far as I can tell, she'd wind up with a -4/-5 due to both being one handed, rather than light. Come 5th level, it becomes -3/-4, -0/-1 at 17th level.

Am I missing anything?

Probably having the same reaction as I did when I first happened upon the concept. Remember, this is for home games, I don't PFS.

Basically, I'm looking at a Wereboar Barbarian, with a dip into either Cavalier or Samurai to grab Order of the Flame's Glorious Challenge ability, and more importantly, second level to grasp Foolhardy Rush. Contrary to most Cav/Barb builds, I'm trying to figure out what to do to get rid of the mount, if at all possible, since that's not the focus.

The focus of the character is to have as much fun as possible with Disemboweling Tusks and Boar's Charge... Way I figure it, Glorious Challenge is icing on the cake. Foolhardy Rush lets me set up to get into position for a nice hard goring charge attack!

Barbarian's going to be an Invulnerable Rager, since this guy will likely be sucking up attacks like nobody's business. Only problem I'm really having is... Do I do Cavalier, or Samurai? I'm torn between the Sword Saint for the simple fact that it gets rid of the mount, and Samurai gets me some nice Resolve abilities (which, with Glorious Challenge, equals a lot of recharged resolve). Or, a Cavalier of some sort, since I'm now partially intrigued by the idea of a Beast Rider.

Only problem I have with the mounts, is the size, mainly. And, I'm not sure if I can get my gore attack on a mounted charge. I simply do not like riding mounts, so I'm trying to avoid it as best I can.

Anyone have any particular suggestions along this line? As stated, I'd prefer to avoid the mount, and in any case I'm not going to be getting the ferocious mount rage powers if I do go with a triceratops from Beast Rider. Rage Powers are slated to go to increasing survivability, and whatever other charge shenanigans happen to benefit the character. .

Okay, so... A lot of the prestige classes have some excellent flavor, and typically wind up weaker than straight base class in the long run, yes?

I get the feeling this would be rather busted with larger parties with larger action economy, but I find myself gaming with only 2 players lately, sometimes 3. So I'm thinking of introducing a house rule I've been toying around with in my head.

This does nothing for the action economy, really, but it adds a bit of 'oomph' to their survivability, I think. Which, yes, includes offing the bad guys.

Basically, you earmark a prestige class that interests you. As soon as you qualify for it mechanically, you attain it, and begin advancing in it alongside your primary leveling. In effect, you 'gestalt' the prestige onto your character.

The way I'm thinking of working the mechanics are as follows. I'll use Wizard that has just attained Agent of the Grave for the example.

HP: Add the prestige's hit die to what you roll on level up (d6+d8+con)
BAB: Add the prestige's BAB, to a maximum of your character level. This does increase your number of attacks as per usual. (wizard 3 + AotG 0 = +3)
Skills: Add class skills, and the skill points. (2+4+int)
Saves: Add saves together, up to a maximum of you "good" rating for your level.
Prestige Class abilities: Gain at listed levels.
Spells per Day/etc: Adds for the chosen class up to your character level. IE, a Wizard that multi-classes into fighter after attaining Agent of the Grave will gain 5 more levels in their spell casting over 5 levels due to Agent of the Grave.

That's about it in a nutshell. Primarily designed to give my smaller (actually very tiny) parties more survivability. Initially I was just thinking of adding everything period, up until +12 on saves, +20 on BAB, and whatever your max for your level is in spell casting, to basically reach the 'caps' in those earlier than 20th level.

If I were to scale it for bigger parties, I'd run it more or less the same, except that spells per day/etc doesn't add, and the prestige's BAB is an additional bonus to a max of your character level that does not add to the number of attacks. Not sure yet though.

Anyone think this'll be adequate? I happen to like this idea a lot. I would like to do this for most of my future campaigns (I don't know a single group that wouldn't enjoy a 'free' prestige class). Just need to iron out the bugs.

Mainly, just curious for feedback, and suggestions to iron out the thorny details.

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Renard Mythwright 295
(0 posts)

Sovereign Court Enzo 854
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge Philonous Phaenogamous

Male Elf Rogue
Perception +6 Initiative +4 AC 16 (touch 14, flat footed 12, cmd 14) speed 30ft Attacks: Rapier +4 (1d6, 18-20/x2), Shortbow +4 (1d6, x3) Saves:+1/+6/+0
(39 posts)