Kereda Harper

Aron Dolani's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Poimandres.

Dark Archive 2/5

Most theorycrafters whom I have read do not like archetypes. Me, my -703 through -706 characters do have archetypes (one Starfinder Forerunner, three Steward Officer). I've toyed with the idea of giving my third soldier Arcanamirium Sage (my second soldier has Skill Focus: Medicine).

Do any of your characters use archetypes?

Dark Archive

Do your players notice a drop in temperature when you have a slow pressure leak? Do your players horripilate as if from fear when they near a static electricity trap? Do your players sense the awkwardness of a ship's HVAC going dead, or the slowly increasing temperature that will gradually cook them when the waste heat life support dies? Do your players note the glint of the sniper's scope as the sniper tries to reposition (with a -20 to their Stealth DC)?

It could be a spectrum:
1. No.
2. After something untoward happens.
3. Only if they make their Perception check.
4. Only if SOME make their Perception check, based on class traits, etc (e.g., Trap Spotter).
5. If they make their Perception check, they know -- but the others might notice something amiss.
6. They all can tell as it happens, but only those who make their Perception can act.
7. You hate surprises; you like to telegraph.

Myself, I tend to wander around #4, #5, and #6 (I think).

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Know what I would love to see? A series of noir mini-scenarios (or even just stories) around the Pact Worlds system's oldest major spaceport.


No, I am not talking about Absalom Station, the sparkling jewel whose Starstone beckons to the inhabitants of hundreds of billions of suns in the Golarion Galaxy.

I speak of Skydock!
Old before the Gap, the beanstalk of Verces reaches up and up from Obarshi in the Ring of Nations to orbiting Skydock. Commerce, shipbuilding, and intrigue abound.

Over three-quarters of a million sapients make Skydock home, and only a bit more than half are the murine-eyed, eight foot tall (that's almost 2.5 meters) Verthani of Verces.

Such a possible hub of adventure!

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Are there any deck plans yet for the Kelovari Venture (Starfinder Core Rulebook p. 310)?


The Gap:
Do we have an official answer on what kind of jumble we see and hear (via light and radio and other stuff) if we look at a world from 400 or more light years away (and thus back into the Gap)?

Obviously things have to be as jumbled as the unreadable history books in a library for the Gap to work, or else it would be easy to map how long it lasted and what was happening (at least visually, via radio and TV, etc). But how do people run it?

Pet theory:
I am 99% sure that the Gap is a cosmic quantum-level repair for a causality breach caused by Drandle Dreng messing around with pre-Earthfall civilizations. Fight me.

Dark Archive

I am vexed by a discussion on generic rules and specific weapons (indirectly drawn from a discussion on the Feint feats).

In your view, what damage ranges do the following weapons have (assuming Medium size weapons)?

1. An alchemical silver light mace (1d6 or 1d6-1?)
2. A Masterwork Silver Dagger, which is a specific entry under Magic Weapons (1d4 or 1d4-1?)
3. A +1 spellstoring sickle, the Silverhex, which appears in a recent evergreen quest (1d6 or 1d6+1?)

The entry for the Masterwork Silver Dagger appears under Specific Magic Weapons section of Ultimate Equipment as well as in an entry the Core Rulebook, while the rules on alchemical silver appear in the Special Materials section of the Core Rulebook and elsewhere.

My Interpretation; also, mild Silverhex spoiler:

In my opinion:

1. In my opinion, the silvered light mace does 1d6 because it is not a slashing or piercing weapon ("On a successful attack with a silvered slashing or piercing weapon, the wielder takes a –1 penalty on the damage roll").

2. In my opinion, the Masterwork Silver Dagger is a named entry (though not a "named item") with the admonishment "[a]s a masterwork weapon, this alchemical silver dagger has a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls (but not to damage rolls)." Since the specific named entry reiterates the enhancement rules but not the damage rules, and since the table includes other deviations (e.g., a Mithral Shirt weighs 10 lb instead of 12.5 lb, and Elvin Chain does not require Medium Armor Proficiency), I would let a player at my table do 1d4 damage rather than 1d4-1 damage. Note that this weapon or its equivalent occurs all over, including in Zarta Dralneen's chambers in First Steps: In Service to Lore. Again, in my opinion, changing the damage to -1 isn't RAW (but I know people that argue that it is).

3. In my opinion, the Silverhex does take the -1 damage penalty for being alchemical silver, which interpretation also matches Ulisha's stat block on page 26 of the Silverhex Chronicles.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Didn't find this on a quick search.

When a bard with the Animal Speaker archetype uses the 5th level Performance "Attract Rats," where do they appear? With each taking up four spaces and the possibility of summoning up to three swarms at level 5, do all three swarms appear adjacent to the summoner and/or squeezed on top of each other? Or do they appear within the range of the performance? Or ought one treat it like a range similar to Summon Swarm, which is a spell and not a performance anyway?

Has this been addressed previously?

Dark Archive

My non-mint copy of "The Great Beyond" arrived today. It has an extra set of pages 49 through 64 where pages 17 to 32 should have been, and does not have pages 17 to 32 at all. Since I bought it as non-mint, am I out of luck (order # 2813838)?

I am mainly asking because I am thinking of an order while the Great Golem Sale is ongoing. Also, I have been very happy with almost all of the non-mint items I have bought; this is the rare, rare exception where I might replace it because I cannot fully use it.

Grand Lodge

I am confuzzled about all the things that go into a Cavalier's mount, and would love help in compiling the stats for PFS-legal (initial) horse mount for a level 1 human Cavalier (using CRB, APG, and Bestiary, but not the new Animal Archives book, at least yet).

I used Search, but didn't see a post putting it all together -- if I missed one, would love a link to it. Thanks in advance!