Kereda Harper

Aron Dolani's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Poimandres.



For more on the health hazards of lunar soil, etc, I recommend the Smithsonian's article on it:
Bell, Trudy E. “Stronger Than Dirt.” Air & Space Magazine, September 2006.


I was thinking about this earlier -- I have a character returning to the planet...

and its post-apocalyptic wastelands tonight after playing the initial scenario Monday.

He's kitting out for overlands exploration, as I expect radioactive stretches (I always prepare for the LAST adventure, and miss out on the future!). Almost all of my characters already have Radiation Badges (100 Credits well spent), and not a few add Radiation Buffer armor upgrades (200 Credits) and Clothing, Environmental - Radiation (10 Credits).

Anyhow, I wanted to also harden my drone (it has manipulator arms, toolkits, etc). After all, real-life remotely operated robots ARE a way we work in high radiation zones. But mechanics' drones have Construct immunities, so RAW you can't harden them against radiation because they are IMMUNE to radiation.

What? RAW, on p. 400 Starfinder treats radiation as a poison and radiation sickness as a disease (ain't realistic, but if you want to talk real-life health physics and radiation safety, I'm OK with either Ci or Bq for CPM, and rad or cGy, or rem or Sievert, for absorbed dose when talking ALARA and ionizing radiation... I also like to dispense useful advice like "Don't eat the ²⁴¹Am in yer smoke detector, it's an α emitter"). So I cannot prepare for an obvious problem.

It's what I get for thinking too much.

Anyhow --
What about a real non-radioactive problem? The pepper-smelling fine grains of lunar regolith (and probably most other airless bodies) are sharp sharp SHARP and great at abrading and wearing stuff out. And I'd not be surprised if we didn't find in the future that it has potential health and toxicology problems like chrysotile and other types of asbestos.