
Armdroid's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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DeJoker wrote:

GM Tyranius first thanks for asking and offering to assist. I am initially looking to get into PFS1e then perhaps followed much later by SFS and then maybe even PFS2e but not sure on the timing of the latter two.

However, I currently assimulating a lot of information as well as getting my two games up and going as well as creating a couple of characters for non-PFS games.

As someone who just started getting into pf1e a few months before pf2e play test hit and made a hard switch to 2e: I highly recommend jumping straight into pf2e. It'll be much easier to get a hang of a superior system without relearning similar sounding elements.