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Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

I have several subscriptions through Paizo, but I've noticed that having so many subscriptions interferes with getting subscription copies early. I have an email saying that my order for November was pending as of October 27th, but I haven't received any emails since then about this order. The order has two books (player core and GM core), two flip mats, and an adventure path issue. On various social media, I'm seeing many people post that they've received their pdfs, and one person who lives in Seattle just posted that he has his physical copies of the player core and gm core.

If there's anything you can do to improve this - so that the book pdfs get to me earlier, like processing books as a separate order from maps, I'd appreciate it. I like having both pdf and physical copies, so I appreciate the subscriptions, but I also appreciate the perk of having early access, but I don't get to take advantage of that anymore, since the pdfs aren't added until the books actually ship, and apparently book, map, and adventure path orders don't ship very quickly.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

I just bought some PFS scenarios I'll be running tomorrow, and they're not showing in my list of digital content to download.

I saw the stickied thread above about some content not showing up, so I tried another browser, and it didn't show up there, either.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files is available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Melee Tactics Toolbox to our existing Player Companion #18 package. This package is available for $4.99 and already contains Giant Hunter's Handbook and Familiar Folio.

In the Campaign Setting line, we've added Tombs of Golarion to the existing Campaign Setting #13 package. This package already contains Undead Unleashed, Ships of the Inner Sea, Lost Treasures, and Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Lords, and is available for $4.99.

This update also incorporates a recent FAQ that codifies the damage increase/decrease mechanics and implements several things like mounted charging with a lance and vital strike that required damage dice multiplication, as well as including many bug fixes.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism in Hero Lab.

The classes in Occult Adventures are so complex that it's taking us a while to get them finished, but since we've passed the halfway point, we decided to give you all the classes that are finished, rather than waiting for the last ones before releasing it all.

This update adds the Medium, Mesmerist, Psychic, and Spiritualist classes from the Occult Adventures playtest. The Kineticist and Occultist are still being created, and we'll get those to you as soon as we can.

This update also has a few bug fixes.

A warning about this playtest material; once Occult Adventures itself is released (it's scheduled for a Gen Con 2015 release), all of the playtest material will become a part of our Occult Adventures package. For those who purchase this package once it's released, the characters you've created during the playtest will continue to work in Hero Lab, and you'll get access to the new content added in the full book (with the caveat that if something about the class changes between the playtest and the full version, there may be some changes you need to make - for example, if the class selects from among several abilities, and one of the options you selected for that slot is removed after the playtest, your character will have an unselected ability to choose, in order to replace the one that's no longer legal). If you do not purchase the Occult Adventures package, any levels of the playtest classes will be removed from any characters that used them. (As a note, this is the same way we handled the ACG, APG, UC, and UM playtest classes in Hero Lab).

Also, be aware that this is playtest material. We'll try to keep up with any official updates to the playtest as it proceeds, but we'll always be at least a few days behind. Also, if things about these classes change during the playtest period, existing characters using the class that changed may end up with errors.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

We've added the Monster Codex in this update - lots of new items, feats, and variant races to use to modify the monsters you'll be throwing at your players, so that you can still give them surprises with familiar monster races. This book also has nearly 200 NPCs - Monsters built with class levels, ready to drop into an encounter. This package is available for $9.99.

From Rite Publishing, we've added In the Company of Monsters, which contains six evocative player races and racial paragon classes that are sure to bring new and exciting encounters to your game. Includes new options for the Gargoyle, Giant, Ironborn, Minotaur, Restless Soul, and Wyrd races. This package is available for $9.99.

We've also added Ships of the Inner Sea to our existing Campaign Setting #13 package. This package is available for $4.99 already includes Undead Unleashed, and will get at least one more book from Paizo's Campaign Setting line in future releases (the exact book or books are still to be determined).

And although we're not finished, we didn't want to delay getting you all the portions of Advanced Class Origins that are finished. This has been added to the existing Player Companion #17 package, which is available for $4.99 and already contains Champions of Corruption, and will get another book from Paizo's Player Companion book in a future release. The portions of Advanced Class Origins that are finished are the Bloodrager, Investigator, Slayer, Swashbuckler, and Warpriest classes.

This update also includes player content from Adventure Path issue 87. We've also improved the CR calculations, so that Hero Lab now takes into account Key Classes when calculating CR.And we've redesigned the summary panels. There are now fewer of them, each is wider, and they can now scroll to show everything on them if there's not enough space.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

I'm interested in adding a Pathfinder Pawns subscription, but I'd like to get two copies of everything, because I find that I often need multiples of many of the characters in order to have enough for the encounters I'm running.

Is this an option? I haven't been able to find any settings that let me set that up.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds a new feature to Hero Lab - the encounter builder. This lets you choose a target CR for your encounter (and if you've loaded the PCs into Hero Lab, shows you their Average Party Level, and how difficult this encounter is estimated to be for them). Then, look through all the NPC and monster portfolios stored in Hero Lab (currently over 4,000 of them if you own all the available Hero Lab packages), to find the ones you want to add to this encounter. We also offer a filter option, if you're looking for specific details in the monsters you're adding. Hero Lab will keep track of the XP that your encounter is worth so far, and how much is still left in the budget for the CR you've chosen. Once you're finished, you can add those enemies to Hero Lab, and use Hero Lab to keep track of the enemies' HP, conditions, the spells cast on them, etc.

This update also adds Champions of Balance as a free update for anyone with the Player Companion #14 package. This package already contains People of the Sands and Bastards of Golarion, and is available for $4.99.

For those of you with Rite Publishing's Secrets of Adventuring package, we've added more content to that package - Chapter 8 as a free update to that package.

If you don't have Secrets of Adventuring yet, do you feel like your Pathfinder game needs a refresh? Feel like you just need a new take on classes or the usual approach to your games? From the publisher that brought you 1001 Spells, Rite Publishing is now bringing “The Secrets of Adventuring” to your game! This book brings provides new choices for the usual Pathfinder character options, and also takes a new approach to classes. If your players aren’t interested in the hack and slash approach, provide them with the option of Tactical Archetypes! Rite Publishing has partnered with Hero Lab to release Chapters 1-6 this month, and more chapters will be released over the following months as free updates to anyone that has purchased the package. Refresh your game today with “The Secrets of Adventuring” for only $14.99!

This update also adds player content from Adventure Path issue #79 "The Half Dead City" and includes several bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Note: If you are using the encounter builder beta, check your email for a link to the 8.12 update, and use that, rather than 8.11.

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

For those of you with Rite Publishing's Secrets of Adventuring package, we've added more content to that package - Chapter 7 as a free update to that package.

If you don't have Secrets of Adventuring yet, do you feel like your Pathfinder game needs a refresh? Feel like you just need a new take on classes or the usual approach to your games? From the publisher that brought you 1001 Spells, Rite Publishing is now bringing “The Secrets of Adventuring” to your game! This book brings provides new choices for the usual Pathfinder character options, and also takes a new approach to classes. If your players aren’t interested in the hack and slash approach, provide them with the option of Tactical Archetypes! Rite Publishing has partnered with Hero Lab to release Chapters 1-6 this month, and more chapters will be released over the following months as free updates to anyone that has purchased the package. Refresh your game today with “The Secrets of Adventuring” for only $14.99!

This update also includes several bug fixes - namely a fix to the custom magic weapon/armor sale price issue and some problems with Eldritch Heritage.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds a new Player Companion book for those who own the Player Companion #14 package; Bastards of Golarion. This package is available for $4.99. It already contains Player Companion: People of the Sands, and will get one more book from the Player Companion line, as Paizo releases more of them.

Do you feel like your Pathfinder game needs a refresh? Feel like you just need a new take on classes or the usual approach to your games? From the publisher that brought you 1001 Spells, Rite Publishing is now bringing “The Secrets of Adventuring” to your game! This book brings provides new choices for the usual Pathfinder character options, and also takes a new approach to classes. If your players aren’t interested in the hack and slash approach, provide them with the option of Tactical Archetypes! Rite Publishing has partnered with Hero Lab to release Chapters 1-6 this month, and more chapters will be released over the following months as free updates to anyone that has purchased the package. Refresh your game today with “The Secrets of Adventuring” for only $14.99!

This update also adds player content from Adventure Path #79 and some bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

In this update, we've added a new Player Companion book; People of the Sands. This is the first book in a new Player Companion #14 package, which will get 2 other books from the Player Companion line, as Paizo releases more of them. This package is available for $4.99.

We've also added a new book in the Campaign Setting line; Osirion, Legacy of Pharoahs. This has been added to Campaign Setting #11, which already contains Demons Revisited and Mythic Realms. This package is available for $4.99.

This update also includes player content from Adventure Path issue #77, and some bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Magical Marketplace to the existing Player Companion #13 package. This package is available for $4.99, and already contains Blood of the Moon and Mythic Origins.

The update also adds the NPCs from the Inner Sea NPC Codex. These are available from the Import Stock Hero option in the Portfolio menu. Look through the list of portfolios for "Inner Sea NPC Codex". These are available to all users, but some of these NPCs may not be fully available unless you own all the books that were used to build them. For example, The Arclord of Nex NPC uses the Arclord of Nex prestige class, which is from Paths of Prestige.

Hero Lab's editor has been re-arranged somewhat. Now, there are several main tabs in the editor, with the individual tabs you're used to grouped within each of the main tabs. Since this change also lets us avoid a limit that we had reached in Hero Lab that restricted the number of editor tabs that could be shown at a time, we've taken the opportunity to go through our list of editor tabs to add, and add them.

The Managers, Rooms & Teams, and Buildings and Organizations sections of Ultimate Campaign's Chapter 2: Downtime have now been added. These are available to anyone with the Ultimate Campaign package.

We've also added several new spell adjustments, and this update includes several new bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. This update is mainly for the Advanced Class Guide Playtest - all of our playtest material has been updated to match the Revised Advanced Class Playtest.

We've also added the NPCs from Towns of the Inner Sea - you'll find those among the Import Stock Hero options in the Portfolio menu. This update also includes several bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. This is a smaller update - The main change is that the Arcanist now matches the Revised Arcanist. There are also a few bug fixes, and some new adjustments.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

The Advanced Class Guide Playtest is now available in Hero Lab!

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

The Advanced Class Guide Playtest is free to everyone with the Pathfinder system for Hero Lab, but only until Paizo publishes the Advanced Class Guide book (which is scheduled for a Gen Con 2014 release). Once that book becomes available, we'll be adding an Advanced Class Guide package to Hero Lab, and all of the playtest content will be moved into that package. If you purchase the package once it becomes available, any characters you created using the playtest material will continue to work (with the caveat that there may be changes between the playtest version of a class and the final version that may require some fixes). Those who do not purchase the ACG package once it becomes available will not be able to use any of the playtest content after that.

Journey to the Far East with the Heroes of the Jade Oath package, produced by Rite Publishing. With new skills like Fung Shui, as well as new feats and optional rules, your players will enjoy exploring this rich culture's history within this new Pathfinder setting. Enjoy new classes, archetypes, spells and more! This package is now available for $14.99.

The Free City of Zobeck package, produced by Kobold Press, lets you journey to the famous Crossroads City, compiled at last for everyone who loves noir adventure, clockwork characters, dwarves, and kobolds. A wealth of new feats, PC races, spells, equipment and archetypes are available for everyone who loves gritty and urban characters! This package includes content from Alleys of Zobeck, Streets of Zobeck, the Zobeck Gazetteer, and the Player's Guide to the Crossroads. This package is now available for $14.99.

This update also includes several bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Bestiary 4 to Hero Lab! This book has been added as a new package, which is available for $9.99.

This update also adds Blood of the Moon as a free update for all of our users who already own the Player Companion #13 package. This package already contains Mythic Origins, and will have one more Player Companion book added to it in an upcoming release (The exact book is still to be determined, as Paizo releases more books in the Player Companion line). The Player Companion #13 package is available for $4.99.

This update also adds player content from adventure path #75, and includes several bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Mythic Realms to the existing Campaign Setting #11 package. This package already contains Demons Revisited, and will get at least one more Campaign Setting book, to be determined as Paizo releases more books in this line. This package is available for $4.99.

Also in this package is Mythic Origins. This is the first book in a new Player Companion #13 package. This package is also available for $4.99, and will get 1-2 other books from the player companion line, as Paizo releases more books.

This update also adds player content from Adventure Path #74, and includes several bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

We've added more content from third party publishers. Rite Publishing is now selling a Hero Lab version of their 1001 Spells book though Hero Lab's purchase system. 1001 Spells is available for $9.99.

Also, in case you missed it, our last update (which happened during Gen Con) included new packages from two other third party publishers. Frog God Games' Tome of Horrors IV is available for $14.99, and Kobold Press' Midgard Campaign Setting is available for $9.99.

Our last update also added several books from Paizo to Hero Lab. The big one was Mythic Adventures, which is available as its own package for $9.99. We also added Demon Hunter's Handbook and Faiths and Philosophies to our existing Player Companion #12, which is available for $4.99, and already contained the Pathfinder Society Primer. We also added Demons Revisited as the first item in a new Campaign Setting #11 package. This package is available for $4.99, and will have other books from the Campaign Setting line added to it in future releases (the exact books have not been determined yet).

This update also adds player content from Adventure Path #73, and includes several bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds The Worldwound to the existing Campaign Setting #10 package. This package is available for $4.99, and already contains Fey Revisited, Chronicle of the Righteous, Dragons Unleashed, and Castles of the Inner Sea.

This update adds two new Player's Companion books to Hero Lab. The first is Dragonslayer's Handbook, which has been added to our Player Companion #11 package. This package is available for $4.99, and already contains Quests & Campaigns and Kobolds of Golarion. The second book is Pathfinder Society Primer, which is now the first book in the new Player's Companion #12 package. This package is also $4.99, and will get 1-2 other books from the player companion line, to be determined as Paizo publishes more books from that line.

This update also includes player content from adventure path #72, which wraps up the Reign of Winter adventure path, along with assorted bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

In this update, we have two books from Paizo's Campaign Setting line; Castles of the Inner Sea, and Dragons Unleashed. These have both been added to the existing Campaign Setting #10 package. This package already contains Fey Revisited and Chronicles of the Righteous. This package is available for $4.99.

This update also adds two books from Paizo's Player Companion line; Quests & Campaigns, and Kobolds of Golarion. This is a new package, and is available for $4.99. In a future update, a third Player Companion book will be added to this package (the exact book is still to be determined).

This update also updates the Pathfinder files to the 6th printing core rulebook, adds player content from adventure path #71, and includes several other bug fixes and improvements.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Ultimate Campaign to Hero Lab. This is available as a new package, for $9.99. A few sections of Ultimate Campaign, specifically Kingdoms, Buildings, Organizations, Rooms, & Managers are behind schedule and were not complete by release time. They'll be added in the next few weeks as free updates for everyone who owns the Ultimate Campaign package, but the rest of Ultimate Campaign is ready to go.

For those of you who will be GMing at PaizoCon, I'd like to remind you of something we announced in our newsletter last week - we'll be giving copies of Hero Lab to all GMs at PaizoCon, or for those who already own Hero Lab, we'll add the Ultimate Campaign package to your license. (Or, if you want to use Ultimate Campaign now and not wait, go ahead and get that package, and you can take a copy of Hero Lab to give to someone else).

This update adds a second new package, Campaign Setting #10, which begins with Fey Revisited and Chronicle of the Righteous, and will get 1-3 more books from Paizo's Campaign Setting line, added as Paizo publishes more of those. This package is available for $4.99.

This update also adds player content from Pathfinder #70, and includes several bug fixes and improvements.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

We've got even more monsters you can threaten your players with. Kobold Press has created a Hero Lab package for their Midgard Bestiary, and they're selling it through Hero Lab's own purchase mechanisms. You can purchase it using the "Purchase Data File" option in the License menu for $6.99.

This update also includes a few bug fixes, and updates the PFS additional resources for April's releases (which were not updated to include Champions of Purity and Adventure Path #69 until 2 days after our last release).

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Player's Companion: Champions of Purity as a free update for anyone who owns the Player's Companion: Golarion #5 package. This package is available for $4.99, and already includes Animal Archive and Dungeoneer's Handbook.

This update also includes player content from Pathfinder #69, 7 more iconic characters from the NPC codex, and some bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new version of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. This is a bugfix update - the main issues were that if you saved a portfolio on an iPad, you couldn't open that file anymore on a computer, and a fix for a display glitch on the basics summary panel.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Player's Companion: Dungeoneer's Handbook to our existing Player's Companion: Golarion #5 package. This package is available for $4.99 and already contains Animal Archive, and will get another player's companion supplement, as Paizo releases more books in the Player's Companion line.

This update also adds player content from Pathfinder #68, three more classes of NPCs from the NPC codex, and has a number of bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update for the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

We've got a new book in this update, Player's Companion: Animal Archive. This is the first book in a new Player's Companion: Golarion #5 package. This package is available for $4.99, and will get 1-2 more player's companion books, to be announced as Paizo releases more of them.

We've added a new tool in this update - the Bestiary Monster Creator. This implements Appendix 1: Monster Creation from Bestiary 1 (pgs 290-293) as a set of tools and guidelines that will allow you to enter the statistics and abilities for a new monster, and then see how those compare to the suggested statistics for a monster of the CR you have chosen. This tool is a free update for any of our users who own the Bestiary 1 package. This package is available for $14.99, or, we have a Bestiary bundle - all three of our Bestiary packages for $29.99, which is about a $5 savings over buying them individually.

We've got 7 more of the classes from the NPC codex added in this update. We'll keep working at this until we have every NPC and iconic in that book available for use in Hero Lab. The NPC codex NPCs are free for all of our users.

Support for the Reign of Winter adventure path also begins in this update. We've got the player's guide for this adventure path and the player content from the first issue, #67.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. Note that this release requires yesterday's 4.1a update of Hero Lab itself.

We've begun adding the NPCs from the NPC Codex to Hero Lab as a free update for all our users. To use them, choose "Import Stock Hero" from the Character menu, and select the class you want to draw from. In this release, we've added 10 of the 11 core classes (everything but Wizard), and two of the prestige classes (Duelist and Pathfinder Chronicler). We'll be adding more classes in each update until we've made every NPC and iconic character in the NPC Codex available in Hero Lab.

This update adds People of the North as a free update for everyone who owns the Player's Companion: Golarion #4 package. This package is available for $4.99, and already contains Knights of the Inner Sea and Blood of Night.

We've also added Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter as a free update for our Campaign Setting #9 package. This package is also available for $4.99 and already contains Artifacts & Legends, Inner Sea Bestiary, and Mystery Monsters Revisited.

Want more monsters to choose from when deciding what to throw at your players? How about more than 750 of them? Frog God Games has created a Hero Lab package for their massive Tome of Horrors, and they're selling it through Hero Lab's own purchase mechanisms. You can purchase it using the "Purchase Data File" option in the License menu for $29.99. They've even included their own artwork - from the Portfolio menu, choose "Import Stock Hero", and you'll find all the monsters from Tome of Horrors with the artwork from the book included.

This update also adds the player content from Pathfinder #66, and includes several other bug fixes and improvements.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Blood of Night to our existing Player's Companion: Golarion #4 package. This package is available for $4.99, already contains Knights of the Inner Sea, and will get one more book from Paizo's Player's Companion line once it's published.

Also, we're added Mystery Monsters Revisited to our existing Campaign Setting #9 package. This package is also available for $4.99, and already contains the Inner Sea Bestiary and Artifacts & Legends.

In addition to the new books, we've added the player content from adventure path issue #65, and expanded our situational modifier coverage to include attacks, maneuvers, and initiative.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update for the Pathfinder files is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds content from Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary to the existing Campaign Setting #9 package. This package is available for $4.99, and already contains Artifacts & Legends.

This update also adds the various faction-specific vanities from the Faction Guide for anyone who has purchased the faction guide (Campaign Setting #4, which is a part of the Campaign Setting bundle). We've also got player content from Pathfinder #64, and some bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update for the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Paths of Prestige to the existing Campaign Setting #8 package. This package already contains Giants Revisited and Magnimar, City of Monuments, and is available for $4.99.

We've also added Campaign Setting: Artifacts & Legends as the first item in a new Campaign Setting #9 package. This package is also available for $4.99, and will receive at least one more book from Paizo's Campaign Setting line, as they are released.

There are a number of smaller announcements for this update - player content from Pathfinder #63, Resonant Powers for Ioun stones, and a large number of bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Player's Companion: Knights of Golarion. This book is the first item in a new package - Player's Companion: Golarion #4. The package is available for $4.99, and will get two more books from the Player's Companion line, as Paizo releases them.

This update also adds the player content from Pathfinder #62 and adds some new information to skills. If you have an ability that adds a modifier to a skill, but only under certain circumstances, you can now move your mouse over that skill's value on the skills tab or the skills summary panel to see all the modifiers that might apply, so that you can decide which ones do apply to the skill check you're about to roll.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A new update of the Pathfinder files is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Ultimate Equipment as a new package, available for $9.99. You can purchase this through the "Purchase Data Package" option in the License menu.

We've made a number of other improvements to the Pathfinder files in this update. For example, the weapon, armor, magic item and gear lists are now sorted by item type, so that the purchase lists in Hero Lab look more like the lists you're familiar with in the books. Those abilities (flaming, for example) that add extra damage to weapons will now display that extra damage on their weapons.

Also, those abilities that add a bonus to saving throws under certain circumstances - like the Fighter's Bravery ability, which adds a bonus to Will saves against fear, or an Elf's resistance to enchantments, are now displayed on the appropriate saving throws. Within the program, you can move your mouse over the saving throw you're about to roll and see the list of modifiers that might apply to this roll. On the printed character sheet and the statblock, these effects will be listed near the base saving throw values.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.20 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Player's Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends as a free update for all those who have the Player's Companion: Golarion #3 bundle. This bundle is available for $4.99, and already contains Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels.

For the Adventure Path line, this update adds the player's guide for the new Shattered Star adventure path, along with player content from issues #60 and #61.

This version also updates the Pathfinder Society rules to the new version 4.2.

And, we've got a number of other improvements - while printing, check out the new "Abilities & Gear Description Appendix" printout option. For your Monks, take a look at their unarmed strike and their monk weapons - the stats for that weapon used in a flurry of blows are now displayed along with the normal attack stats for that weapon. We've also improved some of the back-end code in a way that improves the evaluation speed for a character portfolio.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new version of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Magmimar, City of Monuments as a free update for all those who own the Campaign Setting #8 package, which is available for $4.99, and already contains Giants Revisited and Lost Kingdomes.

This update also adds Blood of Angels as a free update for all those who own the Player's Companion: Golarion #3 package, which is also available for $4.99, and already contains Blood of Fiends.

And we've got a lot of Adventure Path content added as a free update for everyone - the Rise of the Runelords content has been updated for the new Anniversary Edition, including the anniversary edition player's guide, and as an added bonus for this version, the book's bestiary as well. This update also adds two more issues worth of the Skull & Shackles adventure path - issues 58 and 59.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website and download it in demo mode. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are saving and printing (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give Hero Lab a good evaluation before you decide to purchase it.

Another alternative if you want to try out Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Beginner Box program - that's a separate download, and it only contains the content from the Beginner Box, but it's free, and it allows you to save and print your Beginner Box characters.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Hi everyone,

We wanted to provide a Hero Lab update related to Pathfinder and the major new books Paizo is releasing at Gen Con, “Ultimate Equipment” and “Paths of Prestige”. Both of these books require a substantial amount of work to implement in Hero Lab. “Ultimate Equipment” contains thousands of items, a large number of which are new, while “Paths of Prestige” encompasses 30 new prestige classes. Each of these alone represents a large amount of content for us to add, but the two combined are huge.

Unfortunately, we only received the "Ultimate Equipment" material from Paizo on Tuesday, with "Paths of Prestige" arriving earlier this month. This means that we have substantially less lead time than usual to get these two massive books entered into Hero Lab.

We’ve already begun incorporating both of these books into Hero Lab. Based on where things currently stand, we wanted to let everyone know that we do not expect to have add-ons for “Ultimate Equipment” or for “Paths of Prestige” available in time for Gen Con. We will release these add-ons as soon as they are ready and will keep everyone posted as to their potential release dates.

Please note that it remains our goal to release material for Hero Lab at the same time new books are released. Based on recent discussions with Paizo, we believe it will be easier to achieve this goal in the future. Unfortunately, those changes will not help with these two upcoming books.

Thanks in advance for everyone's patience as we scramble to get these books ready as soon as possible.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available. This update adds content from the Advanced Race Guide in the new Advanced Race Guide package, available for $9.99.

For those of you with the Campaign Setting #8 package, Lost Kingdoms has been added as a free update of that package. For those of you who don't have that yet, it's available for $4.99. It currently contains Giants Revisited and Lost Kingdoms, and at least one other book from the campaign setting line will be added to it, as more books are published.

This update also adds player content from Pathfinder #57, and includes a few bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode and give it a try. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give the program a thorough test before you decide to purchase it.

Another way to try out Hero Lab is with our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This contains all the material from the Pathfinder Beginner Box, and allows you to save and print the characters you create.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Giants Revisted as the first item in a new Campaign Setting #8 package. This package is available for $4.99, and it will contain other books from Paizo's Campaign Setting line, although the exact books that will go in this package will be determined as they're published.

This update also adds player content from Pathfinder #56 and includes fixes for a few issues.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are saving and printing (although you can see the print preview). That way, you can give Hero Lab a good test before you decide whether to purchase it.

Another way to try out Hero Lab is with our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program - that only contains content from the Beginner Box and some of the extra material for it, but it's a free program that does allow you to save and print your characters.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.15 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Blood of Fiends as the first book in our new Player's Companion: Golarion #3 package. This package is available for $4.99, and will get 1-2 other books from the Player's Companion line added in future updates (the exact books are still being determined).

This update also adds Isles of the Shackles as a free update for anyone who already owns the Campaign Setting #7 package. This package is available for $4.99, and already includes Lands of the Linnorm Kings, Book of the Damned Volume 3: Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Dragon Empires Gazetteer, Mythical Monsters Revisited, and Distant Worlds.

For those with the Bestiary packages, many of the variant monsters from these books have now been added.

Even more in this update - content from the Skull & Shackles Player's Guide and player content from Pathfinder #55: The Wormwood Mutiny is available to all users.

For those of you interested in the various multi-companion archtypes (Broodmaster, Pack Lord, Beast Master), those are now fully implemented in this update.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab yet, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode. The only things you're restricted from doing in demo mode are saving and printing (although you can view the print preview), so that you can get a good look at our program before you decide to purchase it.

Another way to try out Hero Lab before you purchase it is with our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This is a separate program from Hero Lab itself, and it only covers the beginner box, but it's free, and it allows you to save and print the characters you create.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.14 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available for download from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This is a bug fix release with a long list of fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please visit the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are saving and printing, although you can still see the print preview, so that you can give Hero Lab a good test before you decide to purchase the program.

If you're familiar with the Pathfinder Beginner Box, check out our Hero Lab for the Beginner Box page. That's a separate program from Hero Lab. It's free, and does offer the option to save and to print, although it only contains content from the Beginner Box, rather than the full Pathfinder rules.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.13 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Distant Worlds as a free update for all those who own the Campaign Setting #7 package and adds Inner Sea Pirates as a free update for all those who own the Player's Companion: Golarion #2 package. It also adds content from Pathfinder #54 and includes quite a number of bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please check out the Pathfinder page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode and give it a try. The only things you'll be prevented from doing in demo mode are saving and printing (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a good test before you decide to purchase the program.

Another way you can give Hero Lab a try is to download our free Hero Lab for the Beginner Box program. That includes only the content from the Beginner Box, but does allow saving and printing.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.12 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds the Dragon Empires Primer as a free update for those with the Player's Companion; Golarion #2 package (which is available for $4.99). The update also fixes the intelligent item rules, bringing them fully up to the Pathfinder version of those rules. And, fixing the intelligent item rules allowed us to properly handle the black blades for the Magus' Bladebound archetype.

This update also adds player content from Pathfinder #52 and includes some bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode and try it out. The only things you'll be prevented from doing in demo mode are saving and printing (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give Hero Lab a test before you decide to purchase it.

We also offer another option if you want to try out Hero Lab - Hero Lab for the Beginner Box. This is a free program, although it only contains content from the beginner box, and doesn't offer content from the core rulebook or any other Pathfinder books. It does, however, allow you to save and print.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.11 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available for download through the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Mythical Monsters Revisited as a free update for those who own the Campaign Setting #7 package, along with some bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, we have two ways to try it out before you decide to make a purchase. The first is to download Hero Lab in demo mode from the Hero Lab page of our website - the only things you'll be prevented from doing in demo mode are saving and printing. The second option is our new Pathfinder for the Beginner Box program - this is free, and can save and print, but it only covers the Pathfinder Beginner Box, and doesn't include any content from the Core Rulebook or any other Pathfinder books.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.10 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. This update adds the Bestiary 3 and Dragon Empires Gazeteer, along with some bug fixes.

The Bestiary 3 is a new package, available for $9.99. For those of you who don't have the Bestiary and Bestiary 2 packages yet, all three packages are now available as a bundle for $29.99 (it would be #34.97 to buy those three packages separately).

Campaign Setting: Dragon Empires Gazeteer is also available in this release. This book is a free update for those who already own the Campaign Setting #7 package, which is available for $4.99 and also contains Book of the Damned V3: Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Land of the Linnorm Kings.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please drop by the Hero Lab page of our webite. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode. The only things you're restricted from doing in demo mode are saving and printing, so that you can give Hero Lab a good test before you decide to purchase it.

In case you haven't heard yet, we now offer support for the Pathfinder Beginner Box - This is a stand-alone program, separate from Hero Lab, which is available for free, and can be used to create, save and print characters and NPCs for your beginner box games. Here's the Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box page of our website.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.8 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Campsign Setting: Book of the Damned 3 - Horsemen of the Apocalypse as a free update for any users who own the existing Campaign Setting #7 package, as well as Pathfinder #52 and the primtitive materials from Ultimate Combat, plus a massive list of bug fixes. Within Hero Lab, select the Help menu along the top, and choose "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game FAQ" to see the complete change list for this update, or any other update.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download a free demo of Hero Lab. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save or print (although you can view the print preview), so that you can give Hero Lab a good test before you decide to purchase it.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.7 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab can now be downloaded from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds Campaign Setting: Lands of the Linnorm Kings as the first book in the new Campaign Setting #7 package. Campaign Setting #7 costs $4.99, and will include at least two more books from Paizo's Campaign Setting line, although the exact books have not been determined yet.

This update also adds Player's Companion: Faiths of Corruption as the first book in the new Player's Companion: Golarion #2 package. This package is also $4.99, and will include at least one more book from Paizo's Player's Companion line, although again, the exact book or books have not been determined yet.

This update also has Pathfinder #51, the magic items from Paizo's 10/25/11 blog, and some bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab yet, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save your characters or print them (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give Hero Lab a good test before you decide to purchase it.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Version 6.6 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. This update adds the remaining variant rules from Ultimate Combat - Piecemeal Armor and Wounds & Vigor, along with some bug fixes.

This release also has support for the Advanced Race Guide playtest. We've decided to hold off on a full implementation of the race building system for now - we feel there's too much of a chance that there will be major changes to how it functions between now and the release of the ARG. We have added the new subtypes and new racial abilities to Hero Lab, so that once a user has written a new race, it will be simpler to add that race to Hero Lab using the integrated editor.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab yet, please visit the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode. The only things you'll be prevented from doing in demo mode are saving and printing your characters (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give Hero Lab a thorough test before you decide to purchase it.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.5 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. This update adds Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic to the existing Campaign Setting #6 package (that package already has Dungeons of Golarion and the Pathfinder Society Field Guide), and adds the Armor as Damage Reduction variant rules and the feats from the Called Shots variant rules to the Ultimate Combat package.

Special thanks to one of our users, ShadowChemosh, who entered over 100 spell adjustments, mostly from Ultimate Magic, for us to use in Hero Lab.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab yet, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode. The only things you'll be restricted from doing in demo mode are saving and printing characters (you can look at the print preview, though). That way, you can give our program a good test before you decide to purchase it.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.4 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab can now be downloaded from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. This release includes support for the Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop - you can now create your characters for Pathfinder or 3.5 in Hero Lab and export them to Fantasy Grounds. This release also includes a few bug fixes.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode. The only things you'll be restricted from doing in demo mode are saving and printing your characters (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give Hero Lab a good test drive before you decide to purchase it.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.2 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab can now be downloaded from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This release adds the Mastering Combat chapter of Ultimate Combat as a free update for those with the Ultimate Combat package. (Mastering Combat includes the various weapons and armor in Ultimate Combat (excluding piecemeal armor and the rest of the Variant Rules chapter, which is still being worked on)).

A new Campaign Setting #6 package is now available for sale. It's $4.99, and includes content from Dungeons of Golarion and the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. Inner Sea Magic is currently in progress, and will be added as a free update to this package once it's ready.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Hero Lab yet, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode - the only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save characters and print them (although you can still see the print preview), so that you can give Hero Lab a good testing before you decide to purchase it.

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update for the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This updates the Pathfinder Society rules to version 4.0, adds Player's Companion: Goblins of Golarion to the existing races #2 package, and adds Player's Companion: Faiths of Balance to the existing Golarion #1 package. This update also includes player content from Adventure Path issues #47, #48, and #49.

Inner Sea Magic, the Pathfinder Society Field Guide, Dungeons of Golarion, the remaining chapters of Ultimate Combat, and some incomplete material from Ultimate Magic are still in progress, and will be available as soon as possible.

This update also includes some bug fixes, concentrating on bringing Hero Lab up-to-date with recent changes to the errata and FAQs.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Hero Lab yet, please check out the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download Hero Lab in demo mode - the only things you'll be restricted from doing are saving and printing (although you can still view the print preview).

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

Version 6.0 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab are now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This release adds the Ultimate Combat package. Our initial release includes chapter 1 (Classes), Chapter 2 (Feats), Chapter 5 (Vehicles), and Chapter 6 (Spells). The rest of Ultimate combat will be released as free updates for those who own the Ultimate Combat package, over the next few weeks. The Ultimate Combat package can be purchased from the License menu within Hero Lab - select the "Purchase Data Package" option.

This update also improves the spells available in Hero Lab - the spells from the Core Rulebook and the APG now have full description text available. We've also improved the spell printouts to better show off this text.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, you can download a free demo from the Hero Lab page of our website. The demo allows everything the full version allows, except saving and printing characters (although you can use Print Preview to see what the printouts will look like).

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