All Hallows' Eve

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Its that time of year again, and if you’re anything like me, its time to run a spooky and frightful Halloween-themed game for your players. This year, we here on the design team thought we would give you a few tricks and treats to bring to the game table.

Frightening Encounters

d%EncounterAvg CRSource
1–82d4 skeletons2Bestiary 250
9–131 dire wolf3Bestiary 278
14–191d3 giant spiders3Bestiary 258
20–221 vampiric mist3Bestiary 2 277
23–271 wight3Bestiary 276
28–331d3 dire bats4Bestiary 30
34–361d3 poltergeists4Bestiary 2 211
37–401 scarecrow4Bestiary 2 238
41–492d4 zombies4Bestiary 288
50–521d4 derro5Bestiary 70
53–541 giant crawling hand5Bestiary 2 59
55–571 skaveling bat5Bestiary 2 42
58–641d6 werewolves5Bestiary 198
65–671d3 gargoyles6Bestiary 137
68–721d6 ghouls6Bestiary 146
73–781 dullahan7Bestiary 2 111
79–831 flesh golem7Bestiary 160
84–881 ghost7Bestiary 144
89–941d6 mummies8Bestiary 210
95–1001 vampire9Bestiary 270

You will also find that a lot of these monster entries have other versions presented on the spread, such as the bat swam on the same page with dire bat, giving you even more options to use in your game. Of course, no Halloween game would be complete with a treat to go with such mean tricks.

Disguise Masks

Aura faint illusion; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 400 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.


Appearing to be little more than a flimsy paper mask with a crude face painted on the front, this simple magic item changes the appearance of the wearer for 1 hour, as if under the effects of disguise self. The appearance of the wearer is random, and always over-exaggerated and slightly whimsical (granting only a +5 bonus on Disguise skill checks instead of the usual +10). After 1 hour, the wearer returns to normal and the mask crumbles away. To determine the wearer’s appearance, roll on the following chart.



Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost 200 gp

Exciting Taffy

Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 500 gp; Weight


This sugary taffy comes in a wide variety of fruit flavors. Unwrapping the taffy and chewing it is a move action for the first round, and a swift action on each round after that. Those who eat this taffy act as if under the effects of haste for as long as they chew it, up to 5 rounds. Each round after the first, however, they must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or lose the effects of the haste and instead become sickened for 1 hour. The DC of this saving throw increase by 1 each round that the taffy has been chewed in the past 24 hours (after the first round).


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, haste; Cost 250 gp

We hope these fun rules spark your imagination this holiday weekend. Got a Pathfinder-themed event planned? Tell us about it in the comments thread of this blog.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I plan on running Feast of Ravenmoor on Halloween night. I heard James Jacobs and Brandon Hodge talking about it at PaizoCon and I knew I needed to run it.

It is spooky, has suspense, and contains plenty of good horror to make for a good Halloween game.


Trick or treating has come early!


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
CalebTGordan wrote:

I plan on running Feast of Ravenmoor on Halloween night. I heard James Jacobs and Brandon Hodge talking about it at PaizoCon and I knew I needed to run it.

It is spooky, has suspense, and contains plenty of good horror to make for a good Halloween game.

My Tuesday night gaming group will be kicking off our Carrion Crown campaign on the 32nd (okay so we are all parents with kids to take out for Halloween so the 31st just wasn't happening.)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I just got a great idea to make a Carrion Crown version of the disguise self mask, and I went to edit the list and read:
d6 Appearance
1 Dwarf
2 Elf
3 Gnome
4 Goblin
5 Orc
6 Skeleton
7 Werewolf
8 Zombie

I guess Halloween does odd things to D6's :)

Perhaps, lands on edge is a 7, and hovers above table refusing to land is an 8?


For those interested though:

Carrion Crown: The Haunting of Harrowstone:

d6 Appearance
1 The Lopper
2 The Piper of Illmarsh
3 Mosswater Marauder
4 Father Charlatan
5 The Splatter Man
6 The Whispering Tyrant (or something less scary if you like)

I'm running Escape from the Devil's Platter (1-5) my own homebrew scenario. Ghouls, Goblins and The Sandpoint Devil oh my!!


I love the Taffy!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Galnörag wrote:
I guess Halloween does odd things to D6's :)

And to bat swarms. Or, should I say, bat swams?

Is it just me, or do I spot WoW-like holiday themed stuff here?

RuyanVe wrote:
Is it just me, or do I spot WoW-like holiday themed stuff here?

This sort of thing has been going on since the days of early dragon. WOW halloween is going around putting pumpkins on the other players heads.

or getting gold for candy bowls. There is nothing wrong with getting in the spirit of a holiday whether City of Heroes or PF.

Admittedly though it is one of the reasons I do not play wow. I find it breaks the versimilitude of the WOW world. City of heroes has no versimilitude.

In the case of a table top RPG the DM could tailor it to fit the story or campaign.

In my campaign world many of our holidays exist in spirit. Halloween is a particular day when the Undead are more powerful, hungry, and restless.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Halloween was invented in WoW?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
RuyanVe wrote:
Is it just me, or do I spot WoW-like holiday themed stuff here?

If that's true, I want my headless horseman mount. ^_-

You know, I was kind of at a loss for a special Halloween side trek for my Jade Regent campaign, but those Disguise Masks give me a good idea. One of the towns the PCs will stop by as they travel to Brinewall Castle has an arcane university that is prone for some magical mishaps (often being necromantic). I want to make some of these items cursed that those with the cursed ones that become werewolves and zombies actually become them, not just look like them! The PCs will get the info needed that these unfortunate people are not actually monsters; they can go the easy route and kill them, or somehow knock them out (at least the werewolves) and take the masks off or hold them at bay for the duration to expire. This should be a fun side quest. ;)

I wish this page were printer friendly. Or for that matter, that any given blog page were. Is there a way to view just the blog contents without the Paizo site sidebars?

Edit: Nevermind, I formatted it in MS Word. I'd still recommend printer-friendly blog pages though, maybe a link to view the blog entry by itself without the sidebars and such.

I have created my own adventure for halloween. I'm currently running the Jade Regent AP, we have just finished night of the frozen shadows and my players are still lvl 6 so they can use some extra xp.

I'm placing the adventure a week or so after they have left Kalsgard.
If you want to check it out:

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