Arinsen's page
Organized Play Member. 74 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.
Thanks for the info. I was mainly talking about the bonus damage not the +2.
Will run it by my gm and see how he will rule it
I dont know if this has been asked and answered elsewhere, if it has I apologise in advance.
Does the bane ability of an inquisitor stack with a bane weapon?
So Ive been watching the riddick movies and I was wondering how someone would build Riddick. So I came here to see what the community would come up with.
Ive looked and cant seem to find the answer to my question so I figured Id post it here. Apologies if it has been asked and answered elsewhere.
Can an item have both the holy and unholy quality on it?
Thanks in advance
What is a good program to use for online gaming?
Thanks in advance
James Jacobs wrote:
That said... if you want to recast "Council of Thieves" so it's about fighting House Thrune, a simple fix would be to have the Council itself be bankrolled by House Thrune and have the PCs defeat them only to find out at the end of the AP that House Thrune is now out to get them. By then the PCs will be about 13th level, and taking on House Thrune starts to become a realistic goal then. Really, destroying House Thrune and "freeing Cheliax" should be a near epic level (around 20th) level campaign anyway...
Ya know, I was looking for a way to continue to lvl 20 with this adventure path. Thank you James so very much for that idea.
Ok drop the can be taken up to two times and maybe add a wis prerequisite to it. With this feat idea, you can do up to 9 judges a day at level 19.
Just a thought...
Extra Judgment
Prerequisite: Judgment Class Feature
Benefit: You can use your judgment ability 2 more times a day
Special: You can take this feat a maximum of two times.
I figured since there were other extra "ability" feats, this one should work too.
I figure this will work with the summon monster line like normal but Im curious if Aug Summoning will augment the Ediolon.
Are there any flip mats that are designed for the adventure path?
Just as the question asks above. Is it worth it?
Im looking for stats for said weapons and an expanded list as well.
Jam412 wrote: Arinsen wrote: Unfortunately I do have the time. I am currently suffering from not being able to sleep, so I put pages in sheet protectors til I pass out. If this is a joke, it's hilarious. If not, well, sorry.. It was a joke actually. I hired my nephews to do it.
Kolokotroni wrote: Arinsen wrote: James Jacobs wrote: Having used a copy of the PFRPG rules and the Bestiary in three-ring binder mode for a few months, and now looking at how the front and back pages are tearing apart and working their way toward meeting in a destructive core at the center of the book... I wonder what it is that folks who use 3-ring binders for big books are doing different than me to preserve the structural integrity of their printout? sheet protectors are you saying you put each individual page in a sheet protector on something as massive as the core rules? You sir have way too much free time... Unfortunately I do have the time. I am currently suffering from not being able to sleep, so I put pages in sheet protectors til I pass out.
I dont know if this has been addressed elsewhere and if it has I do apologise for a rehash of a topic.
Im looking for an expanded list of monk weapons. Anyone know where I can find more. Im looking for sai and tonfa mainly.
James Jacobs wrote: Having used a copy of the PFRPG rules and the Bestiary in three-ring binder mode for a few months, and now looking at how the front and back pages are tearing apart and working their way toward meeting in a destructive core at the center of the book... I wonder what it is that folks who use 3-ring binders for big books are doing different than me to preserve the structural integrity of their printout? sheet protectors
Anyone know of a good pdf reader for the iPod Touch????
F. Wesley Schneider wrote: As spoiler and a warning:
First, many of you might already know Crystal, she often posts on the boards as Immorra and is responsible for several of our awesome sets of paper miniatures.
Second, as the guy heading up the search for new staff on the editorial side, I condemn bathroom ambushes in all their forms. I fricken mean it!
How about ambushes at a bar with free drinks for the staff of Paizo?
Is this document only for converting old pathfinder material or is it useful for converting other 3.5 sources?
What are the guidelines for using the logo for games I plan on doing at my locla shop. I wanna make a recruitment flyer and curious iof I can use the logo on it.
Thanks in advance
Id go for a Paizo version of Gamma World...
Anyone out there in the ABQ area???
Is there a place on the website for this or can it be looked at for the future?
Jason Bulmahn wrote: Hey there all,
I am hoping to post up a bit more on the four new classes tomorrow. I am seriously considering locking this thread down, due to its extreme wandering, so that we can have a fresh thread to start with tomorrow.
I'll be back to check in later.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
I say you lock it down, take off for orbit and nuke it til it glows...
just saying...
How does one become a registered PFS GM? The other one requires testing, blood types, first born, left ear and your right eye before you are sanctioned. What is the process for the PFS?
Chris Self wrote: Arinsen wrote: If you want to truly taste the flavor of the southwest, come to New Mexico. Aint no better mexican food than here. And the chili's are hot enough to put Paizo into orbit. Arinsen, as a native to the 'Burque, I accept your chile challenge! Between myself and Pierce Watters, I don't think you'll even get the office off the ground. =)
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Boo-hoo. Suck it up, temperate babies. I've been roasting most of my life here. Mairkurion, there's a reason I don't live in Albuquerque anymore. It's because the weather in the Southwest is TERRIBLE. I love my 65 degree June/July/August days. LoL, I will remember to patch the chile when I head that way for Paizocon next year. Speaking of which, when do pre-regs begin?
EDIT: I think I need sleep, everything is a patch today.
Coridan wrote: F. Wesley Schneider wrote: In Dallas now. We're - sorta - half way home! Daigle, your homeland is hot, the hats are strange, and we keep getting glares. I expect you to do something about this if you ever want us to go through with Spicy Tex-Mex Flavored Paizo South! Weird, I was in DFW at the same time =p had to run from A to B though to catch my connection. DFW is a beast of an airport, you really do have to run sometimes to make your connection or you have to sit for 3 hours just waiting for them to clean the plane off. True story on the 3 hours. We had to wait for the plane to be clean and sterilized. They never told us why either. Needless to say I moved my flight to a later time.
Im curious if this has been started anywhere. Im looking for a conversion of the scout so Im gonna take a stab at it and see what I can come up with. Just curious if there was a place to post it and have it critiqued.
If you want to truly taste the flavor of the southwest, come to New Mexico. Aint no better mexican food than here. And the chili's are hot enough to put Paizo into orbit.
my locals, there are 3 not including Barnes and Noble or Borders. All 3 have sold out in a day.
Erik Mona wrote: Wow. Hmmmm.
I'd be very interested to hear what people would be looking for in a minis subscription. The more comments on that the better, as far as I'm concerned, because to tell you the truth we haven't really even considered it.
But it does seem a bit obvious, now that someone has brought it up.
The big question would be how many per month are being released. If its 1 to say 5 a month then its a good idea, if its 20 a month then you are talking close to 100 dollars a pop based on a 5 dollar avg for minatures. just my two cents.
Can you discuss the possiblity of boxed sets for monsters? Like a box of 10 gobbies and etc..?
I think I just pissed off my monk player. I read the feat finally and nixed it. if he was the type of a role-player that could pull it off it wouldnt of been a big deal but since he is a power monger it aint gonna fly.
So I think Im gonna limit the players to the core book and nothing else.
Any thoughts?
it looks like a bumpy ride out of seattle. Hopefully once they get to cruising it wont be so bad but I do hope they bring the rain with them to denver, we can surely use it. its hotter than an oven here lately.
I have a player that has asked about the book of exalted deeds specifically the Sacred Vow feat. He is wanting to make a monk with a vow of povery from the book in question. Is this doable and is it overpowering in any way?
Erik Mona wrote: Errata will be a free download. Heavens, I couldn't imagine making someone pay for it.
Good thing you dont have the Microsoft mindframe then :)
Pathfinder is Pathfinder...
Pathfinder 1st Edition.
Accept no substitutes...
Tarlane wrote: Curses!
I've been bugging my girlfriend to try and keep an eye out for it. She said there was a 'sorry we missed you, its at the post office' type of note in the mailbox. I am in the office through all the hours the post office is open and have a 40+ minute commute, so that means either I have to wait til saturday, or I am taking an extra long lunch. Well I guess the choice is clear.
Call in sick :)
have cell phone wireless connector for netbook, will download from the floor of the convention :)
Frogboy wrote: To those who have received their books already...
Do you like or dislike the fact that they combined the PHB and DMG into one huge tome? Would you have rather they sold two seperate books instead?
I personally like the idea of having one book for all my rules instead of two. It will make the games easier when we are at the table. Especially once I get the pdf and I can make my own notes for houserules :)
Im kinda worried....
Has anyone heard from Lisa and the rest of the Paizo crew? Did they survive the weekend?
Dont kill one another while waiting for the book to ship/pdf to be downloaded.
just imagine how rough it would be if it was labor day weekend :)
Someone needs to create a betting window so we can lay odds on what is gonna be announced :)
Mordenkainen and Iuz have come to Golarion in my game. Iuz has his eyes set on making his own version of Cheliax and well, Mordy is there to toss adventurers in his path.
David Fryer wrote: First off, I would like to express my thanks to the anonymous person that heard about m losing my job and bought a copy of the core rulebook for me. WoW now that is friggin cool. gotta love a community like this.
I wonder if the guys and gals at Paizo are sitting back and getting a good chuckle over the speculation that is going on over the 4 new base classes.
As far as Psionics go, since its part of the SRD, there is a good chance they will be around somewhere.

Lisa Stevens wrote: I want everyone here to know that I am one of the biggest proponents AGAINST rules creep. I don't want a ton of new classes, races, prestige classes, etc. I am the person in the meetings who is constantly saying, "do we really need that?"
That said, we do need to make some new rules to keep the game alive and growing. But I don't foresee that this will ever be the main thing that we do. Great adventures and a growing vibrant campaign setting are the core of what makes Paizo great. We will create new rules and have rulebooks come out, but my goal is that they add to the roleplaying experience and help us tell even better stories.
So rest assured, I'll be fighting against the rules bloat we've seen in previous editions. But new rules are inevitable and will happen. They just won't be our main focus. Erik has mentioned in the past that there will be around 3 rulebook releases a year, with one most likely being a bestiary of some sort. That is a far cry from the rulebook a month that plagued past editions and caused the excessive rules bloat.
Marry me Lisa :) just dont tell my wife
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Come on, Lisa, you can tell us who the trouble makers are... Wes and Sean, right?
Lighten up, people! We've got the book coming in a week! Woo-hoo!
My vote is for Erik and Sean
Seldriss wrote: I think i am talking for many of us, saying that whatever new classes Jason and the Paizo team will bring in, i am sure they will be great.
They showed us the quality of their work.
And they showed us they care about their customer base.
So we can trust them.