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aobst128 wrote: Some kind of way to add some more efficiency to gathering and overflow for a cost would be nice. Another thread suggested to treat gather elements like slingers reload. Every element could have a special gather action. I really like that idea. The problem with that, it doesn't really feel like it fits the theme. you shouldn't "reload" instead They should play into the idea of "Charging" you charge to much, you risk burning out. it is the whole idea of your body being a conduit. ![]()
So here is an idea. you gather, and you can then choose to "Overcharge" storing the element in your body and gaining a passive effect. You use a Con based DC as a "Lingering composition" style thing. while overcharged you Con to atk and damage or either or. But if you fail the DC you still get overcharge but also Burn. While overcharged and doing an overflow impulse. You can choose to release overcharge or maybe dissipate element to amp the impulse like psychic. But you can't overcharge again while suffering "burn" This is again just a quick off the top of my head thing and could defiantly be tweaked. ![]()
You use the name pact binder for an archetype and that just makes me want Medium since that was more or less the pathfinder version of Binder. With how well you make subclasses/paths/option for classes, the idea of a Class that basically has a bunch of subclasses that it can swap around daily is just so enticing. and yet it is going to be a long time before you do that... The way I emulate mediums at the moment is with Summoner, letting the player shift eidolons daily, but they are always merged. They can borrow more power from the spirit but the spirit gains more influence over the Medium, affecting the way their look either physically altering their body or clothing. A Goblin Adventurer makes a pact with the spirit of the "Ruby queen" a master of illusions named so because her illusions would shatter into a cascade of ruby red glass-like particles and she was always adorned in ruby-encrusted gowns and high heeled pumps that looked like they were carved from the precious stone. The more the Goblin borrows from the ruby queen, He finds himself increasingly adorned in such finery as the queen herself. ![]()
One of the annoying things I see a lot is people saying that fire is the most commonly resisted. but when all the data for 1e monsters was collected and organized. it turned out that "most common" was like 15 extra monsters. The take away being that your choice of element is near as likely as being resisted as the others (this excludes sonic and force of course) and yet people always act like fire is just the worst option in damage types and this mentality has carried over in many discussions I have been in. sure, if you are playing Age of ashes, then yes it is the worst choice. but that is campaign-specific and I have a feeling it may tip the scales towards fire at the moment due to the low number of APs and new monsters they add to the monsterdex. ![]()
So I get that with Polymorph, your equipment absorbs into you, but what if you don't want this to happen. What if you want your bear form to be an armored bear form, what if you want to be a Dragon garbed in fine silks as befitting a majestic creature. Dragon form implies it is more of an anthro dragon instead of a true dragon form. (Ok yes, Dragons claws are dexterous enough to be hands, so that doesn't confirm that dragon form is an anthro form) so surely instead of absorbing, it would make sense for the clothes to resize with holes that form for the wings and tail. I had the idea that Glamoered could be used, but that can't be activated and unless you can set the illusion to conform to your new shape before you transform, it probably doesn't work. ![]()
I do hope there will be some modern style guns. the range of late 1800 to 1920s. while many people don't like guns, please consider those of us that want to rock a tommy gun that we acquired by visiting earth. and if I recall, earth should be in the early 1920s now...wow the thompson is 100 years old. ![]()
I just want there to be an eldritch Scion. my Dragon blooded Eldritch scion/Scale fist is some of the most fun I have had in PF1 and Kingmaker. and I was so excited to see how ES would work in pf2. of course I am disappointed, but it is a playtest, hopefully it isn;t indicative that you aren't going to add ES with the Magus. ![]()
Arachnofiend wrote: "Caster who supercharges talismans" sounds more like a route to take the Occultist. It's definitely not the Magus. The Magus is a spellsword. Weapon runes are how weapons are enhanced. inscribing temporary runes onto a weapon to activate spells is exactly the magus. these spell runes being made from arcana points similar to alchemist reagents is very similar to how it worked in 1e. The subclasses or whatever could then be Kensai, focusing more on the weapon enhancment and maybe getting some Fighter like feats. Eldritch scion. would get access to bloodline focus spells. Pure Magus would get a spell book. ![]()
I believe the Magus should have been handled more like the Alchemist. Instead of giving it spells, it would have a list of spell like effects that you use arcane points to pull from. perhaps using it as a gateway to expand upon the idea of weapon talismen. Spell strike crystal
Spell strike 2 action
Spell shield 1 action
Perhaps a focus/Foci could be the method of storing these Talisman
and of course a feat that allows people to make these spell strike crystals similar to craft alchemy ![]()
There is an issue. It implies that only Dragon blooded sorcerers have to stick with their chosen type. yet kobolds and barbarians could potentially have 2 different dragon types, thus extra resistances. I am also not to fond of Scales of the dragon. On a personal opinion it makes no sense for a dex cap on something that is supposed to be as natural to the user as their skin. Like Kobolds suddenly are hindered by their own scales? Dragon blooded sorcerer's who have experienced the scales growing many times now find themselves suddenly restricted by their own body? ![]()
The thing is. making the meteor hammer a monk weapon only really offers trip and reach. Stances can basically do everything else. and at lvl 8 you can even make unarmed attacks at a 30ft range if you pick up the wind stance. So it just seems needlessly cruel to deny the monk class a weapon that is clearly a monk weapon. Sure I am a bit salty that I couldn;t use it with my Dancing monk themed build. I would have combined the Dancer's scarf with meteor hammer and Bladed scarf. It would have flavored my whole combat around dancing about the battlefield bombarding enemies with a Versatile weapon and gaining concealment while trying to use fascinating performance. The idea of this battle dancer is such a fun concept and monk is the best chassis for it. So instead I went martial arts ballerina because I couldn't use the meteor hammer. Going Crane stance route made for good flavour of doing things like graceful jumps (I had to flavor crane strikes as pirouette kicks) Crane flutter is basically dancing and twirling about to avoid attack in the same motion as a kick. But I just think a scarfe dancer would have looked a bit more plausible. ![]()
RicoTheBold wrote: Hey, don't look too closely at the Meteor hammer and get it errata'd out of PFS sanctioning. My fighter needs it. It's basically his identity. He's the guy with a meteor hammer. I want it for my monk but the traditional monk weapon is useless on the monk because it isn't a monk weapon. so yes it needs errata ![]()
Garbage-Tier Waifu wrote:
Exactly and they don;t even have the rope dart which is basically the same thing except it has a dagger/blade on the end of the rope instead. ![]()
well 5e is a bit of inspiration for certain spells. make them rituals. something like 20min per spell level. Summoning would then have a buff in that the duration of the summons would last much longer to offset the length of the cast. as for recovery. the standard 1 standard for 1 spell. but for the advanced recovery methods. the only one I can think of off the top of my head is cleric recovers their mod in spells when they channel energy. ![]()
So I love the path of war classes and the idea of martial maneuvers and I feel spell casting could potentially be adapted to a similar style. Off the top of my head, there are a few spells that have easy adaptations to this system. Mage armour would be a stance. Shield and dispel magic would be a counter. True strike as well as cats grace and the like, boosts. then good ol' fireball as a strike. This is really just surface thought at the moment, haven't decided if I should commit to this This would be added in conjunction with my armour rework. using the armour as DR system then making a separation between physical and magical DR. light armour gives high Magic DR to offset the low Physical DR. ![]()
I want to do some test builds, could I get some help from someone that knows the system better. So my valkyrie So a base medium construct.
CloudCobra wrote:
Yeah the issue I am havving at the moment is the question of can you give constructs spells/Spell likes or can they use wands/magic items. ![]()
Ok, I have a lvl 14 alchemist Grenadier and about 1.3mil gold, downtime and a setting that allows gunslingers and has airship tech. I think it is time to build her suits of power armour. or in her case. power armour ballgowns I have researched my options and want advice. Path 1. reclass to soulbolt/aegis/metaforge (or straight aegis)
to at best
Benefits: Versatility, access to spells/powers via power stones. Ease of access Path 2
This one if the most headache causing as I am not entirely sure how I would use this for what it is I want to achieve. If I go this route I am mainly looking to augment my alchemist with different suits for different occasions. think Warframe. the idea would be to just stat up heavy armour. add bonuses. add wands/wonderous items. give it animate object HD and add construct armour. Examples
Varia Suit expy
Reinhardt mode
Qaianna wrote:
I would prefer to stay tier 3 an above. and certain't prefer magic. pure martial classes are boring beyond compare ![]()
Louise Bishop wrote:
I have been thinking about it. what I really want would be a frontline support. someone that can be a frontliner but dish out the team support. I suppose Paladin would be good. Ideally I like the idea of the cavalier supporting through more passive based abilities like a bard, but do prefer my casters. Bard is also an option. we are playing with max health. so d8 isn't that bad. ![]()
Louise Bishop wrote:
Basic as in sword and board, is there to patch us up since we lack heals. The alchemist is a blaster and didn't take infusions, and only provides brewed potions after downtime and paid. as for the list
The thing is. we don't really need a front line. we have a character that is literally a bomber who can zip away on her wasp if she gets into any serious trouble. and playing as a frontliner means that I actually hinder her, causing her to miss better opportunities so she doesn't bomb me. and a mounted archer, ranged and mobility. So you can see why I don't want to stick to my current character. Yeah a reach cleric will still have the same problem. but then I can just summon and do other things. ![]()
So I am in a group of 3+DMPC
I am going to change to a new character while my current character splits from the party on solo quest and I have 2 characters in mind A Reach combat Cleric
Just not sure which one to go with and would like opinions on what I should go with.
Rub-Eta wrote:
Yeah...no it isn't broken. you usually set up to slumber with evil eye and misfortune first, then once slumbered you have to rely on a team mate to finish the creature. in that same amount of time. Frontline power attack melee fighter (or preferably cleric) has also dropped an enemy. ![]()
Rub-Eta wrote:
I am in the mod of character creation. which is specifically why I mentioned if I should use the now open slot that I would normally use for cackle ![]()
I get to make 2 lvl 5 characters and as the party is filled with Melee classes and no ounce of magic I Decided to make a Witch and an archer cleric for maximum support and battle control. What I am trying to decide at the moment is if I should pick up a cackling hag's blouse and use the Hex slot now open for something else such as, replacing extra Hex with another feat. or just picking up another Hex. So far my witch has
(we are playing skulls and shackles so plenty of craft time) Also, any recomendation on what spells to wand/scroll for a witch As for my cleric
I will be running a campaign in my own setting. the idea is that the majority of play will take place in a large city and the region around it. The city I had in mind was built as a big circle with four main roads. Instead of making it myself I serached and found the eternal city of Axis and I figured I could potentially convert that. the problem is. all I can find is a low resolution image. what book.resources would I need to buy to get a detailed Map of it? Do you perhaps know of any other city that fits that theme. another good example is Divinity's reach from Guild wars 2. especially with the palace at the center. ![]()
So here is the situation. my Magus, she had elemental Aura, Fire active and we were fighting Moonflowers, who are vulnerable to fire. Their gimmick is they grapple their victim and cocoon them. So my character was grappled and then drawn inside the cocoon all the while she had the aura active. There is nothing in the description of the spell about grappling, but is there any other rule about this kind of stuff or do I have to rely on the GMs ruling in that it just added a bonus to my CMD >.< |