Lucky Graul

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 20 posts (33 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


As the title said, any of you going to Cangames 2010 (May 21st thru 23rd, Ottawa, Ontario) ?

Despite being sick as a dog (or maybe because I was over-medicated...), I had a blast last year, and I was planning to ask for the days off at work to attend again this year.

Except... I did get the mailed-in event schedule last week, and when I checked there was no mention of Pathfinder. I double-checked on their (usually) up to date website (, nope, nothing, nada, zilch.

The deadline for game submission (at least to be listed in the convention booklet) being April 20th, I could always submit a game or two - but since I'm the designated DM for our local gaming group, I prefer to play when I attend out-of-town conventions...

Your comments ?


(I apologize in advance if you've read a similar message on another mailing list)

As per the previous years, I will make the trip from Montreal (Quebec) to Lake Morey (Vermont) to attend Carnage 12 ( next November.

Just wanted to know if there was plans to have PFS events at Carnage this year.

The reason I'm asking *now* is that "first choice" selection for Carnage events submission ends July 12th. I can help with DMing PFS events at the convention, but I am a little too far "from the action" to actually submit events.

Daniel Mayrand


Because of scheduling conflicts and last minute changes to what I wanted to register for, I now realize that I have tickets for Part 1 and Part 2 of "The Devil We Know" on different days (instead of one after another).

Will that cause a problem ?


Just a quick, informal, unofficial and unscientific poll:

Q) What is the highest level PFS character in your area ?

For exemple...

A) I play in the Montreal, Quebec, Canada area, and (unless there's a home game I don't know about) the highest level PFS characters around these parts are level 3.


I will DM my first PFS game next Saturday, and, being the compulsive-obsessive sort, I want to make sure I have everything ready and at my fingertips.

Which brings me to Event Reporting.

I used to DM and organize events for the Living Greyhawk campaign, so I know a bit about Event Reporting, and I've read in other threads that until the "Report Event" link is up and running on the Paizo site, we are asked to hang on to the results until that feature goes live.

But what information do I need to gather for reporting ?

From past experience, I made up a small template that I will fill out on Saturday, which include:

The Event Name: TBD
The Event Code: TBD
The Adventure Title: The Hydra's Fang Incident
Date Played: November 1st, 2008
Start Time: 10 AM (hopefully)
Game Master's name and PFS ID: me, 4001
Players #1 thru 6's Name and PFS ID: whoever shows up 8)

Anything else I might need to put in ?


Ahem, sorry for the eyeballs-grabbing title... 8)

Just to let you know that there is a new Yahoo! discussion and information group for players of the Pathfinder Society campaign in Quebec:

Anyone from the region, or planning to visit, are welcome to join us!