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The only way to craft snares at level 1 seems to be to be human and use your ancestry feat on General Training to take Snare Crafting. It would be awesome if this was more available from level 1, especially for rangers who might want it to be part of their character from the start. In general, making most player archetypes available and fit their flavor at level 1 would be awesome, so we don't have to wait until level X to really play the character style we want.
According to the rules, it seems like spells that require a saving throw get progressively less effective, capping off at about a -2 (10%) disadvantage versus spells that require an attack. Is this by design? Both touch and ranged spells get magic items that give an item bonus to their rolls (Spell Duelist's Gloves and Spell Duelist's Wand). This helps them balance out versus armor Potency Runes that provide an item bonus to TAC. Both of these things progress at an equal rate. But there is no equivalent item (that I have seen) for spells that require a saving throw. Anyone found one? Did I miss it? This means that while armor ramps up providing an item bonus from 1 to 5 on saving throws, the save DC for spells ramps up from +0 (trained) to +3 (legendary) at 19th level. This means that in the long run, against an opponent with current armor, spells that require a save are at a disadvantage ranging from -2 to -3, all other things (bonus from ability modifiers, opponent trained in saving throws, etc.) being equal. Does this seem right? That means that being Legendary at spellcasting doesn't really give you a +3 bonus. It just means your spell DCs only get a -2 penalty. BUT, this assumes that opponents are only trained in saving throws. For an opponent that is expert in a save, saving throw spell DCs would tend to be at a -3 penalty, masters saves -> -4 penalty, legendary saves -> -5 penalty. It seems like there should be an item that provides casters with an item bonus to their spell DCs. Here is a table of how spell DCs are at a disadvantage versus trained saving throws, by level (and again, increasing saving throw proficiency makes each penalty increases correspondingly):
There are several places in the rules (such as Property Runes) where the cost for heavy armor is greater than the cost for light/medium armor. Pros:
In my opinion, the game rules would be simpler and shorter by omitting these cost increases for heavy armor.
Character Creation:
2.) Goblin Rogue
3.) Elf Wizard
4.) Dwarf Cleric
Game Play
Actions, Skills, Feats, etc. are Capitalized. Spells and magic items are italicized. Traits and other keywords should be in bold. It is awesome to have traits to consolidate the rules, but since they are often common words it is not clear at a glance if things like trinket are a trait or just plain language. For example: trinket (which is a trait). Under Bracers of armor I read "You can affix trinkets to Bracers of armor..." and thought, that's a cute flavor thing. Until I realized that trinkets are a thing and then it took on a new meaning. I would greatly prefer "You can affix trinkets to Bracers of armor..."
Hey all, enjoy this one, I missed the deadline last night so figured there was no rush getting it up today. Not sure if the price is right though. Pathfider’s Wanderman This versatile bronze rod, an inch in diameter and a foot long, capped on either end by a flat, round metal cap, is the only tool an adventurer needs. Eight buttons run around one end cap of the rod, with one larger button centered on the bottom end cap. By pressing the correct button, the Wanderman transforms its opposite end cap into a shovel, pick, sledge, or dagger. Two additional buttons cause the opposite end cap to pop off and extend/retract on the end of a silk rope, up to a max length of 50 feet. A third button causes grapple claws to extend or retract from the opposite end cap. An additional button causes the rod to light up like torch. The final button, at the center of the end cap, transforms the rod into a rusty bronze torque worn on the wrist, for easy and inconspicuous storage. Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, light, alter self, Leomund’s secret chest; Price 20,875 gp. |