
Arcesilaus's page

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Horror/Mystery ain't easy


While I think that Hangman's Noose is a great attempt at covering a classic genre in storytelling, it displays what many of us already know: it's very, very difficult to pull off good horror or good mystery at the D&D table. In this case, Mr. Logue tries to overcome that difficult by severely restricting the PCs' options and ability to impact the time-line of scary events that the primary ghost has set up. In a novel or movie, it's perfectly fine to dictate the actions of the main characters, but my players won't put up with it. Similarly, the mystery plot isn't very mysterious, and it seems like the players have a sense as to who the guilty party is from the opening minutes.
There are some very nice (and creepy) scenes throughout and some very nice touches that set Hangman's Noose well above most attempts at horror/mystery modules, but be aware that the hangman also has a (metaphorical) straight-jacket for each of the PCs that forces them to sit back and enjoy the show until it's time to "fix" things.