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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. * Starfinder Society GM. 6 posts (9 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 9 Organized Play characters.


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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Couldn’t help but notice that the Vanguard from from 8 HP & SP per level in the play test to 7 in the final release.

I know it’s only a max of a 20pt difference (that’s at max level) but it still bums me out. I was hoping to get an actual Starfinder class equivalent to d12 classes like barbarian. Anyone know a reason for this nerf on what is basically made out to be the dedicated tank of Starfinder?

Also, swapping Physical Science for Stealth as a class skill on a vanguard? Wtf?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Having only played 1 game with a vanguard at level 8, I am limited but still have some thoughts in this:

When I think of the Vanguard, I think of riot police, or those elite personal guards that high ranking officials/nobles/royalty would have escorting them and protecting them. Thus, I can see Diplomacy being a class skill to talk people down (with intimidate being useful for hindering enemies in combat). Life Science, not so much. Given their description and how they operate, I can see Physical Science.

But my biggest peeve with class skills is the total lack of engineering, especially since they are able to weild advanced melee weapons and wear heavy armor with shields. You’d think they’d be able to maintain equipment that regularly takes a beating. It would also help to expand their Starship Combat capabilities beyond just shooting things if they need to. No complaints about skill ranks though. Base of 6 per level is just enough without being silly.

Aspects, I think are beneficial. A free CM feat and a bonus to a skill can be quite helpful, as I’ve experienced. Didn’t even need to build into Strength for it, yes at “high” level. But the Catalyst comes in far too late to be a real help. And hinders not only playtesting, but defensive and protective capabilities from the aspects. Granted, I went with Boundary and Exergy as a damage sponge build and ended up making light of nearly all damage from the enemies in my attempt to basically play my own krogan. But it was really fun. These are my only complaints so far and may be back with more feedback as I get more chances to play (especially when I’m not in SFS and can do multiclassing to help with that end)

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My subscription for Starfinder has hit a snag since I updated my current address with my bank. The Pact World's book was charged to my card under the old address. Updated my Payment Methods but it won't let me manually reset the change. Will it automatically change to the new default payment method (with the new address) on the next attempt or do I need to cancel and reorder entirely? (Something I can't help but feel a little angry at having to do)

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Got 3 pending charges for my Starfinder subscription. The item just got cleared for shipping last I checked. Would like this resolved ASAP so my budget isn’t thrown off

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm quite a big fan of the Order of the Bow Initiate prestige class. While I dearly hope Paizo will convert it to the Pathfinder-specific system soon, I can only be content with using the class in home games.

That being said, I would like some help in making a balanced Order of the Bow Initiate prestige class for the Pathfinder RPG. I know of a couple fears that are kind of converted or made for PFRPG, but the class-specific abilities I want to know if they need tweaking or reworking to make the class balanced but still fun