ArcGygas |
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I do believe that, as per RAW, it does work. Putting the guns into the gloves is a free action, and each turn of the barrel is also a free action. If one were so inclined, yes, you could limit the number of free actions, and as long as everyone is having fun, what does it matter?
However, with that said, that is a lot of free actions. Nocking an arrow is a non-action according to the CRB and is just simply part of the attack. While I don't know what level this gunslinger is, the number of free actions can get fairly high. Switching the guns is a free action, but since you have to switch back and forth, that's one to two free actions. Each turn of the barrel, RAW, is a free action, meaning that if he is full attacking, that's two free actions more per iterative attack. So, we'll say 11th level, he gets three shots with each, for a total of 8 free actions (assuming, in this case, that neither gun was drawn and therefore had to be pulled from storage).
Now, if he had Rapid Shot and Haste, that's two more free actions, one for each bonus attack. But, for now, we'll stick with our base of eight for reasons that will quickly become obvious.
A pepperbox, RAW, can fire six shots before it needs to be reloaded. That gives our theoretical gunslinger two rounds of full attacks before needing to reload. And this is where I think limiting free actions might come in, because if he wants to fully reload his two pepperboxes, that's TWELVE free actions, meaning that either on his third turn before he attacks or after he fully attacks on the second round, that's a full twenty free actions.
That is a *lot* of free actions. So, expect table variance, but that is my observations. The only limit is the GMs adjucations of free actions. Otherwise, yeah, I agree, he'said good to go.