Mistress Kayltanya

Apple Fetish's page

Organized Play Member. 43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Valantrix1 wrote:

There is only one solution to this problem.

Rocks fall, everyone dies.

You’ve painted yourself into a corner with this party.
Your entire party is well beyond its normal power level. You’ve let them get away with too much. They have from what it sounds like, the absolute optimal equipment for every encounter. For example: They all have fog-cutter lenses, they all have some sort of see invisibility, all their AC’s are through the roof, and everyone’s save is impossible to bypass.

I’d probably put your partys APL at about 3 higher than expected. All of this and you are not willing to change anything from the adventure.

Harsh reality here, but you might as well just pack it up and start over.

This seems to about sum it up... /agree

to the OP: Yeah, players should buy magic items that benefit them, but depending upon the scenario/campaign/AP, it might be over the top to make anything/everything available for purchase.

Player Face: "Greetings fine merchant! I am her to purchase 6 fog cutting lenses, 6 cloak of resistance, 6 [insert powerful stuff here and repeat]...

Fine Merchant: "Well if I had that...today would be your lucky day, and mine...but I don't. Let me show you what I do have..."

Play the game as you and the players wish...but if you find that the players are just obliterating everything, you might ask them (and yourself) if this is fun, if it is, keep going. If the majority find it isn't, then adjust accordingly.

Dark Archive

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Finagle's Law in action...do not try to fight it. It would only bring regret...

Dark Archive

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Mahtobedis wrote:
If no one points out when something you do is inconvenient, silly, ineffective, etc... then how do you expect to learn?

Absolutely true...but I prefer it takes the form of "in character". My character wouldn't care what is inconvenient for you or what you find "silly", as a player, but she could be convinced by your character.