Apollo, Greek god of the Sun |

Watching the Crusaders in his shrine through the great scrying pool in the throne room of Zeus on Mount Olympus, Apollo, the Far Darter, smiles warmly...
It is meet and right for these mortals to show respect to my holy shrine! I shall grant them a boon!
Dipping a golden arrow into the pool to point at each of the heroes, sending a divine golden ray to touch each...
On the Prime Material world of mortals, each of the Crusaders feels a brief warmth like a ray of sunlight touching them for a few seconds, and they each receive the Boon of the Far Darter!
Each PC gains the following boon: Next time you are fighting an evil creature of a CR equal to or greater than your effective character level, all critical threats are automatically confirmed! This boon expires as soon as the evil creature is slain (or you are, whichever comes first).