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The Expanded Warlock Class, a Pathfinder 1E Conversion & Expansion

Link to my Google Document: The Expanded Warlock Class Ver. 1-2

Well... Here is my take on converting the 3.5 Warlock, from Dungeon & Dragons: Complete Arcane, to Pathfinder: First Edition. I'm going to state up front, that this is not a straight 1:1 conversion, although you will find something akin to that in the very back of the document. Instead, this document was intended not only to convert the 3.5 Warlock, but also update and expand the class to be at the same level of the updated Core Classes as well as the base classes published by Paizo.

That wouldn't have been possible, keeping the Warlock as a straight 1:1 conversion. The class, in its original form, was simply too weak. Warlock's in D&D 3.5 were often pigeon holed into either being an okay damage dealer, with Eldritch Blast, or having a few really good "save or suck" invocations. Every melee warlock used Eldritch Glaive or Eldritch Claws. The class really didn't have a whole lot to do, besides, Eldritch Blast.

So what's different?

1st: All warlocks have Patrons now with whom they form a pact with. No longer are you railroaded into having your powers granted by chaotic fey creatures or devils. You get to choose from 6 different Patrons: The Celestial, The Fiend, The Archfey, The Great Old Ones, The Shadow and the Undead. All who add their own unique powers to the Warlock class. What makes them different from Sorcerers? Sorcerer's get their magic through inheritance, with magic being in their bloodlines. Warlocks make Pacts with these Patrons to get their abilities. A subtle but meaningful difference.

2nd: The Eldritch Blast has been reworked. Gone is the wonky progression that slowed down after level 11. The Eldritch blast now progresses at every odd level up to 10d6 at level 19. Also, blast shapes and essence invocations have been moved into a new al-carte feature, called Eldritch Secrets, which are very similar to alchemist discoveries, rogue talents, and other "pick and choose" lists that Pathfinder classes are known for. This means you no longer have to choose between being good with the Eldritch Blast vs. having useful invocations. It gives the warlock more options which helps to expand its play-ability.

3rd: Eldritch Secrets gained at every even level. As stated previously these are very similar Alchemist Discoveries, Rogue Talents or any other "pick and choose" list. They are meant to help you customize your warlock with various abilities that don't necessarily fit within the scope of an invocation.

4th: Expanded Invocations. I really tried to expand the Warlock's invocation options, giving them more to choose from. This was a delicate balancing act, since warlocks can use their invocations "at will". That meant I had to be very careful when it came to buffs, or anything that dealt damage. Still I hope the expanded invocations will prove to be useful. You may notice that you get 2 invocations at level 1, and cap out with 13 invocations at level 20. This was done intentionally to expand the warlock's versatility, especially at the early levels, but also because blast shapes and essences where reworked into the Eldritch Secrets, so you don't get access to them until level 2.

Finally This is meant to be a comprehensive guide. I did my best to make sure anyone wanting to play with this class has all the materials they will ever need in this document. That means feats that are specific to the Warlock. Warlock specific Magic items. Race specific favored class bonuses. Everything this class needs, should be in this guide.

Now I finally feel like this document is ready for presentation. So I've linked the PDF above. Please feel free to download it and play with it. Test it out. See what works and what doesn't. I'm really hoping some of you die hard warlock fans will test out this conversion, because I would really like feedback.


I'm going to check in on this thread from week to week. If you decide to play test this creation of mine, post your observations and results. Tell me if something is broken or doesn't work. I feel as though the conversion has reached a point where the only way to trouble shoot it, is through play-testing. So lets play test it and post our results.

Once I have gathered a enough feed back, I will look at going back into the document to edit and revise it further.


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I know some people are going to roll their eyes at this question and make comments that its not fitting for sneak attack to work with big weapons, ect. But in all seriousness this was something that was possible in PF 1E. It seems like its no longer possible. Just wondering if I'm missing something.

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Rogue Archetype: The Demolitionist

Anthony Kane wrote:
Revisited an old Rogue Archetype I once came up with. Original Here Went through it, tore it apart, and rebuilt it. Thoughts and comments welcome. Enjoy

“There is no problem that cannot be solved through the careful application of high explosives.”

The Demolitionist is an expert in explosives. With a bomb he can take out a wall, wreak havoc amongst his enemies, and set deadly traps for the unsuspecting. They are not the kind of Rogue that stabs you in the back, they are the kind that puts a bomb in your room before you go to bed at night, or lobs one in your general direction during the heat of battle. While they lack the variety of infusions that an Alchemist may possess, they are every bit as deadly with the bombs they make, and most are happy with knowing just enough alchemy “to be dangerous”.

The Demolitionist replaces Knowledge (Dungeoneering) with Knowledge Enginerring.

Bomb (Su)
-At 1st level, a demolitionist gains the bomb class feature of an alchemist of the same level. The demolitionist treats his rogue level as his alchemist level for the purposes of qualifying for feats and discoveries that modify the bomb class feature. If the character already has the bomb class feature from another class, the levels from the classes that grant the bomb class feature stack to determine the effective alchemist level for the bomb’s extra damage dice (so an alchemist 1/ demolitionist 1 deals 1d6 + Int damage with a bomb like a 2nd level alchemist, a demolitionist 2/ alchemist 1 deals 2d6 bomb + Int damage like a 3rd alchemist, and so on.)

The Demolitionist also gains Throw Anything as a Bonus feat at 1st level.

This ability replaces Sneak Attack.

-The Demolitionist adds half his class level as a bonus on all Knowledge Engineering checks to find structural weaknesses and on all Disable Device checks. Also if a demolitionist deals bomb damage to an object or structure and the to hit roll results in a Critical Hit, if confirmed, then the bomb deals critical hit damage to the object or structure.

This ability replaces Trap Finding

Explosive Rogue Talents:
-A demolitionist rogue may take any alchemist Discovery that modifies the bomb class feature provided he meets the discovery's prerequisites, as a Rogue Talent. He may not take any Rogue Talents that modify the Sneak Attack rogue class ability.

Delayed Bomb (Su)
-The demolitionist gains the Delayed Bomb discovery as a Rogue Talent at 2nd level even though he does not meed the prerequisites.

This ability replaces the Rogue Talent normally gained at 2nd level.

Explosives Expert (Ex)
-At 3rd level the demolitionist becomes intimately familiar with using bombs to their maximum effect. He gains a +1 bonus to hit and a +1 bonus to Damage. Against structures this bonus to damage is per die of bomb damage. These bonuses increases by an additional +1 every three levels thereafter.

This ability replaces Trap Sense

Explosive Disarm (Ex)
-At 4th level, a demolitionist can attempt to disarm a mechanical trap by detonating it rather than disarming it with a Disable Device check. As a full-round action, a demolitionist may expend one of his bombs to make a ranged touch attack against a trap, using the trap’s Disable Device DC as its AC. If the attack misses, the bomb’s splash damage activates the trap. If the attack hits, the bomb deactivates the trap without setting it off. The demolitionist must both know the location of the trap and be able to reach the trap’s trigger with a ranged touch attack in order to use this ability.

At 7th level, a demolitionist can disarm magic traps with this ability.

This ability replaces Uncanny Dodge

Demolitions Expert (Ex)
-At 8th level the demolitionist becomes a master at bringing down structures whenever he can identify their weaknesses. If he identifies a structure's weaknesses using a successful Knowledge (Engineering) check, any bomb he uses against the structure is treated as an automatically confirmed critical hit, dealing double damage, and ignoring the structures hardness.

This ability replaces Improved Uncanny Dodge

Bomb Mastery (Ex)
-At 20th level a Demolitionist becomes a deadly master with the art of using explosives. First anyone caught within the splash radius of his bombs takes splash damage as if they had received a direct hit from the bomb. Second any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points from a demolitionist's bomb must make an immediate Fortitude saving throw, DC 10 + ½ Demoltionist level + Intelligence Modifier, or be completely destroyed, leaving behind no body or equipment, just a trace of fine dust. If the save is successful then they are immune to this effect (but not further bomb damage) for 24 hours. The Demolitonist can choose not to apply the secondary effect of this ability but must do so before the bomb is thrown as a weapon.

This ability replaces Master Strike.

Pretty much I wanted to streamline and revise the Archetype. I feel as though this one comes closer to actually being able to Demolish buildings, walls and structures while still being deadly proficient with Bombs.

I know Paizo has released "The Underground Chemist" as well as the Bomber and Bomber Discovery Rogue Talents. But they don't really mesh well into a unified whole, primarily because the Bomber and Bomber discovery Rogue Talents are so poorly written, with no errata to date. Also the Underground Chemist, while being good with splash weapons, really isn't good at Demolitions.

I wanted to make a rogue that uses explosives like other rogues use a set of lock picks. He comes up against a solid lock, can't pick it, blow it up. Trap, why get close, blow it up. Set an ambush with delayed bombs, watch em walk into your trap, blow'em up. Is that wall a problem, BLOW IT UP.

And to date I've yet to find any Alchemist or Bomb archetype that does this.

So here he is, the Demolitionist. He's not necessarily your sneaky back stabby rogue, he's that rogue who's going to blow up the bridge over the river before the King's Horses run you down, stage a jail break by making you an exit, and smile gleefully with a firing pin between his teeth as he lobs a bomb at his enemies.

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I have a question about these talents. It doesn't say so in either Talent specifically, but Does my Rogue Level count as my Alchemist Level for the purpose of determining what Bomb related Discoveries I can take with Bomber's Discovery. Is this a misprint? Also, for things like saving throw DC's do I simply calculate that as would an Alchemist: 10 + 1/2 Rogue level + Intelligence modifier.

Can Bomber's Discovery be taken multiple times: so that you can get several different ways to modify your bombs, are are you only able to take this discovery once?

I like both discoveries, but their wording is sparse and levels a lot to be assumed.

Can we get some clarification please?

Bomber's Discovery


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[ACG][Archtype: Mutation Warrior][Mutagen Discovery class feature]
Does this count as "Discovery" for the Extra Discoveries Feat?


Extra Discovery

You have made a new alchemical discovery.

Prerequisite: Discovery class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional discovery. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this discovery.

Special: You can gain Extra Discovery multiple times.

-If the Answer to this is yes then it opens up some possibilities. The question here is can "Mutagen Discovery" be counted as "Discovery" for the purpose of meeting the feats prerequisite?

-If the Answer to this is no (which I suspect its going to be) then its not a big deal. (I figure that they are going to classify it as two separate class features that just share a common word).

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Rogue Archetype: The Demolitionist

“There is no problem that cannot be solved through the careful application of high explosives.”

The Demolitionist is an expert in explosives. With a bomb he can take out a wall, wreak havoc amongst his enemies, and set deadly traps for the unsuspecting. They are not the kind of Rogue that stabs you in the back, they are the kind that puts a bomb in your room before you go to bed at night, or lobs one in your general direction during the heat of battle. While they lack the variety of infusions that an Alchemist may possess, they are every bit as deadly with the bombs they make, and most are happy with knowing just enough alchemy “to be dangerous”.

Explosives Training.

Bomb (Su)

Demolitionist are experts at swiftly mixing various volatile chemicals to create powerful bombs that they can hurl at their enemies. A demolitionist can use a number of bombs each day equal to his class level + his Intelligence modifier. Bombs are unstable, and if not used in the round they are created, they degrade and become inert—their method of creation prevents large volumes of explosive material from being created and stored. In order to create a bomb, the demolitionist must use a small vial containing an ounce of liquid catalyst—the demolitionist can create this liquid catalyst from small amounts of chemicals from an alchemy lab, and these supplies can be readily refilled in the same manner as a spellcaster's component pouch. Most demolitionist create a number of catalyst vials at the start of the day equal to the total number of bombs they can create in that day—once created, a catalyst vial remains usable by the alchemist for years.

Drawing the components of, creating, and throwing a bomb requires a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash Weapon special attack. Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus. On a direct hit, a demolitionist's bomb inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage + additional damage equal to the demolitionist's Intelligence modifier. The damage of an demolitionist's bomb increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered demolitionist level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike). Splash damage from a demolitionist bomb is always equal to the bomb's minimum damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d6+4 points of fire damage on a direct hit, its splash damage would be 6 points of fire damage). Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the demolitionist's level + the demolitionist's Intelligence modifier.

Demolitionists can learn new types of bombs as discoveries, in place of learning a rogue talent (see the Discovery ability) as they level up. A demolitionist may only select discoveries that are related to bombs, and they treat their demolitionist class level as Alchemist's levels for the purposes of determining which discoveries they qualify for. A demolitionist may not select any rogue talents that use sneak attack, unless the have gained sneak attack from another class.

A demolitionist's bomb, becomes inert if used or carried by anyone else.

This ability replaces Sneak Attack

Throw Anything (Ex)
All demolitionist gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. A demolitionist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature.

Precise Bombs (Ex)

At 3rd level, a demolitionist gains the precise bombs alchemist discovery as a bonus discovery.

This ability replaces Trap Sense +1

Explosive Disarm (Ex)

At 5th level, a demolitionist can attempt to disarm a mechanical or magical trap by detonating it rather than disarming it with a Disable Device check. As a full-round action, a demolitionist may expend one of his bombs to make a ranged touch attack against a trap, using the trap's Disable Device DC as its AC. If the attack misses, the bomb's splash damage activates the trap. If the attack hits, the bomb deactivates the trap without setting it off. The demolitionist must both know the location of the trap and be able to reach the trap's trigger with a ranged touch attack in order to use this ability.

This ability replaces Uncanny Dodge from 4th Level.

Directed Blast (Su)

At 6th level, a demolitionist can detonate a bomb so that it splashes in a 20-foot cone rather than affecting a radius. The cone starts at the demolitionist and extends away from him in the direction he chooses. The demolitionist designates one creature in the squares affected by the cone to be the target of the bomb and makes his attack roll against that creature; all other squares in the cone take splash damage. If the demolitionist has the explosive bomb discovery and throws an explosive directed blast, the cone of splash damage is 30 feet long instead of 20 feet.

This ability replaces Trap Sense +2.

Land Mine (Ex)

At 8th level, a demolitionist can turn his bombs into land mines. Setting a land mine is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The land mine fills a single 5-foot square, and can't be placed in the same space as another trap, land mine, or magic trap. The demolitionist can arm the land mine with any bomb he is eligible to use, and the effects of this bomb are immediately transferred to the land mine. Creating a land mine uses up two of the demolitionist's bombs per day. The DCs for Perception checks to notice the land mine, Disable Device checks to disable it, and saving throws to avoid its effects are equal to 10 + 1/2 the demolitionist's level + his Intelligence modifier. All demolitionist land mines are mechanical traps with the qualities Trigger: location and Reset: none. Land mines last for 1 day per demolitionist level or until they are triggered, whichever comes first.

This ability replaces Improved Uncanny Dodge

Staggering Blast (Su)

At 9th level, a demolitionist's bombs become particularly overwhelming when they explode. Whenever a demolitionist scores a successful critical hit with a bomb, the creature directly struck by that bomb is staggered for 1d4+1 rounds. A successful Fortitude save (DC equals the bomb’s Reflex save DC to avoid splash damage) reduces the duration to 1 round. The effects of this ability stack with a frost bomb’s staggering effect, but not with the effects of the Staggering Critical feat. Additional hits from a staggering blast add to the effect’s overall duration.
This ability replaces Trap Sense +3

Mine Engineering (Ex)

At 10th level, a demolitionist's expertise in improving explosives allows him to create land mines with minimal expense. Creating a land mine uses up only one of the demolitionist's bombs per day.

This ability replaces the Advanced Rogue Talent for Level 10.

Demolition Specialist (Ex)

At 12th level a demolitionist becomes a specialist of taking down structures with his explosives. Any time a demolitionist deals damage to an object his bombs automatically ignore half of that object's hardness.

This ability replaces Trap Sense +4

Powerful Bombs (Ex)

At 15th level a demolitionist's bombs become quite powerful. He treats any 1s that he rolls on his bomb damage dice as 2s. Also a demolitionist's bomb's splash damage increases to half of the bomb damage rolled.

This ability replaces Trap Sense +5

Swift Mining (Ex)

At 18th level a demolitionist can set land mines with astounding speed. It now only takes the demolitionist a Move Action to set a land mine. Setting the land mine still provokes a attack of opportunity.

This ability replaces Trap Sense +6

Explosives Mastery (Ex)

Upon reaching 20th Level a demolitionist becomes a Master of Explosives. He treats any 1s and 2s that he rolls on his bomb damage dice as 3s. Also anyone caught in the bomb's splash damage radius takes the full amount of the bomb damage rolled, as if they had been directly hit by the bomb. Finally the demolitionist's bombs are so precise that they completely ignore an objects hardness when dealing damage.

This ability replaces Master Strike

I was surprised to find that no one has really thought to do this with the rogue. Especially since we have an Alchemist that traded bombs for Sneak Attack dice. Anyway, my goal here was to create a Rogue Archetype that specialized in bombs rather than sneaking up from behind and dealing damage.

Yes this archetype is a hybrid of the alchemist archetypes Grenadier and Trap Breaker.

But I wanted to combine them in a way that would be more effective overall. (Also if everyone is going to keep stealing from the Rogue, I thought it was time Rogues had an archetype that stole some stuff back)

Anyway, enjoy the archetype, tell me what you think.


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Suggestion/Request: Would Paizo be willing to Design a new Class as something akin to the 3.5 Warlock?

I know this is play test area, but after examining the PDF I noticed that this particular type of class has not been addressed. Since Paizo is still in the design stages of this book, I felt as though now might be the time for us to ask them if they would be willing to consider this.

The Warlock was a very popular class in the 3.5 era. A caster that uses a limited number of spell like abilities rather than spells and has an unlimited number of uses of these abilities per day. Now I understand that the Warlock is no open source material and thus cannot be officially converted but could we not try for something similar in nature to this class.

We already have a ton of variations for the arcane and divine casting routes. So far on the arcane side we have the Wizard, the Witch, and the Sorcerer. For the Divine team we have the Cleric, the Druid, and the Oracle. Then we have the 3/4 team of Bard, Inquisitor, Magus, and Alchemist.

So far these have all been different variations on the same mechanical themes but we've yet to see something different in the casters. I understand its easier to balance this way as everyone essentially uses the same rules for casting, but its not like spell like abilities are a brand new concept, monsters have been using them since the Monster Manual was printed.

So if you're going to create a book of new classes, my suggestion is rather than just meshing together some things we've seen before, why not give us something new. Something different. Currently there is no class that does this in Pathfinder, and I for one, would love to see one.

and I have a feeling there are those of us in the community that would like to see this as well.

It is merely a suggestion, to the Paizo staff, if they are going to be introducing all these new classes.

Here is the scenario.

Lets Assume we have a level 3 Rogue/Level 5 Mind Blade
The relevant stuff here is as follows:
-Sneak Attack 2D6
-Rogue Talent: Underhanded
-Ability to Form Light Mind Blade and Throw it 20 feet.
-Ability to Quick Draw the mind blade as a free action as per the mind blade class ability.

Here is the general setup.
-Unsuspecting Victim assumes the PC is unarmed. The PC has no weapons on them. The "Mind blade" is not formed at this time. The NPCs are under the impression that the PC is unarmed.
-The PC then uses "Under Handed" assuming that since the mind blade is not formed, and his victims have already assumed he's unarmed, that would mean that they are not aware of his "hidden weapon".
-The PC will draw his mind blade as a "free action" as per the mind blade quick draw class ability and attack.

Here are the questions:
1.) Since the Victim has assumed that the PC is unarmed (because the mind blade was not initially drawn) and the PC was assumed to have no weapons on them, does that Justify a "Surprise Round" where the victim would be Flatfooted when the PC draws the mind blade and attacks? Remember the Mind Blade is being drawn as a free action.
2.) Does the "Underhanded" talent come into play? Remember that since the PC had no "weapons" on them he was assumed to be unarmed. Is an unformed Mind blade considered a weapon that the Victim was not aware of?

If this all works in theory (which I don't see any reason why it shouldn't) then the situation should play out like this.
-The unsuspecting Victim, is aware that the PC has no weapons on them, is not aware that they are a mind blade, and thus assumes that they are dealing with an unarmed PC.
-The PC, sent to assassinate this victim, has his mind blade, which is unformed until he is ready to strike. When he does strike, the mind blade can be drawn as a free action.
-Once the Mind blade is drawn and combat initiates, the victim is assumed to be caught by surprise as they had assumed the PC had no weapons on them. This would mean that they are flat footed. Also since the PC is using a weapon that the victim was unaware of the PC will deal Maximum Sneak Attack Damage.

Mind you this whole scenario also assumes that you don't need to conceal a weapon that is technically "Not there" until the PC chooses to form it as a free action.

So what do you think: Does it work?

[Making the Rogue relevant]: Hybrid 3.5/Pathfinder skill system. (Opinions Wanted)

The revised skill system in Pathfinder at first seemed like a welcome idea. It greatly simplified the number of skills in the game, seemed to eliminate redundant skills, and gave every class a fair chance at being good in the cross class skill category. Yet over time it seems that this simplification went too far. One particular issue was that of the Rogue, the 3.5 skill monkey, who, in Pathfinder, seems to have been made irrelevant due to the low cost of cross class skills, coupled with the reduction in the number of skills in the game, and the fact that certain skills (Disable Device) were made useable by any class.

So here are some thoughts I've had.
-What if we went back to a larger skill list like in 3.5 but with some important changes

  • First there will be no return of the Concentration skill as I feel pathfinder's revision of this was a "good idea".
  • Keep skill Points the same way they are in Pathfinder. In other words we don't revert back to say Fighter 2 + Int x4 at 1st level followed by 2+Int per level afterwards. Just keep it how it is in Pathfinder.
  • Keep "Cross Class Skill Cost/Ranks" the same as in Pathfinder.
  • Keep "Class skill" bonus of +3 the same as in Pathfinder.
  • Return to using the 3.5 skill list with the removal of the Concentration skill as mentioned above.

    So here is the "Why behind my reasoning"
    -In 3.5 the sheer number of skills made the rogue necessary. While other classes had certain skills they could be good at, only the Rogue had the sheer number of skill points needed to be good at almost every field required to do his job proficiently. Also the separation of certain skills made more sense when these skills were assigned to different classes.

    -I believe that Pathfinder fixed the problem with skills when they revised how class skills worked, the cross class skill cost, and the cross class skill rank system. This is why I believe that keeping the Pathfinder skill point per level system is better than reverting to the 3.5 system.

    -I also appreciated the removal of the Concentration skill in Pathfinder and making it more of a level check for casters. This did free up valuable skill points for NON-Int-based casters.

    So here is an example of the revised skill list:
    Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device (includes Open Lock), Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Graphology (Decipher Script & Forgery), Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (all), Move Silently, Linguistics, Perception (Listen, Search, Spot), Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spell Craft, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope.
    *Please note that certain skills did remain grouped where they made sense.
    *Like I said use the PF skill points per level. So a Fighter still gets 2+Int at each level.

    Let me know what you think of this idea.

  • Well here we are again. The 3.5 Warlock. I've got some of my own. The ideas I'm presenting at this time are not the finished conversion. It is a rough working draft. I'm looking for feed back, ideas, and input. The goal is to keep the class backwards compatible while still upgrading it and offering some of the class feature options that pathfinder has become known for.

    Here's where we are right now:

    Hit dice: Upgraded to D8s
    BAB: Still a 3/4 BAB class (+15/+10/+5 at 20th level)
    Saves: Poor Fortitude and Poor Reflex. Good Will Power.
    Skills: (just update these to Pathfinder)
    Skill Points: Remain the same.
    Number of Invocations: Remains the same 12 by 20th level.
    Alignment: Must be Chaotic or Any Evil.

    Note: class features marked with a (*) are new class features detailed below.
    1st: Eldritch Blast 1D6, Eldritch Curse*, Eldritch Pool*, Eldritch Power*, Invocations (least)
    2nd: Eldritch Power*, Eldritch Resistance*
    3rd: Damage Reduction 1/(TYPE), Eldritch Blast 2D6
    4th: Eldritch Power*, Deceive Item
    5th: Eldritch Blast 3D6, Mettle
    6th: Eldritch Power*, New Invocations (lesser)
    7th: Damage Reduction 2/(TYPE), Eldritch Blast 4D6
    8th: Eldritch Power*, Eldritch Resilience 1
    9th: Eldritch Blast 5D6
    10th: Eldritch Power*, Energy Resistance 5
    11th: Damage Reduction 3/(TYPE), Eldritch Blast 6D6, New Invocations (greater)
    12th: Eldritch Power*, Improved Eldritch Resistance*
    13th: Eldritch Blast 7D6, Eldritch Resilience 3
    14th: Eldritch Power*
    15th: Damage Reduction 4/(TYPE), Eldritch Blast 8D6, Energy Resistance 10
    16th: Eldritch Power*, New Invocations (Grand/Formerly Dark)
    17th: Eldritch Blast 9D6
    18th: Eldritch Power*, Eldritch Resilience 5
    19th: Damage Reduction 5/(TYPE), Eldritch Blast 10D6
    20th: Eldritch Perfection*

    Some notes:

  • Any Fiendish reference was removed. (You'll see why in a minute). The the class feature Fiendish Resilience was changed to Eldritch Resilience.
  • The Eldritch Blast progression was standardized to improve at every odd level. I never understood why they didn't do this in 3.5.
  • Damage Reduction is no longer set to Cold Iron. More on that below.

    So the new stuff
    (Mind you these are very rough draft mechanical descriptions of what the abilities are at this point)

    Eldritch Curse (Su): Gained at 1st level. Activation: Swift Action. Cost 1 point from Eldritch Pool. Range 60ft. Saving throw: Will power Negates. Saving throw based on 10 + 1/2 Warlock level + Charisma Modifier. Effect: Target takes a -2 penalty on attacks rolls, combat maneuvers, saves, ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Duration: 3 rounds + ½ Warlock level (minimum of 1) + Charisma modifier. Once save made opponent cannot be targeted again for 24 hours.

    Yes the Eldritch Curse is a direct port of the Hexblade curse. Awesome debuff ability. Here it is tied to the Eldritch pool so each use costs you a point. But you still cannot target someone that's already made their save for 24 hours. I've always felt this was an ability the Warlock should have had, but since the Hexblade came out in Complete Warrior before the Warlock in Complete Arcane the warlock never got it.

    Eldritch Pool (Su): Gained at 1st level. Points equal to ½ Warlock level (minimum of 1) + Charisma Modifier. Pool is replenished every 24 hours.

    -As long as the warlock has at least 1 point remaining in his Eldritch Pool he can use the following spells @ will as spell like abilities: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ghost Sound, Open Close, Prestidigitation
    -Can spend 1 point from his Pool to force an opponent to re-roll any one attack roll, combat maneuver check, skill check, ability check, caster level check or saving throw. The Warlock must accept the result of the re-roll for better or worse. Immediate Action.
    -Can spend 1 point from his Pool to reroll any one attack roll, combat maneuver check, skill check, ability check, caster level check or saving throw. The decision to make this reroll must be done before the results of the first roll are revealed and the Warlock must accept the reroll for better or for worse. Only one reroll may be attempted per use of this ability.
    -Points can also be spent to activate other class features or abilities
    The Eldritch Pool: It seems that a lot of the new classes have begun to incorporate this nice mechanic. Part of the decision to go with the Eldritch Pool was to give the Warlock some cantrips, provided he doesn't burn out his pool. Another was to give him a baleful aura of luck vs unluck which plays nicely into the whole Chaos, Blast, and curse theme. Plus it also provides a trigger mechanic upon which to base a lot of his Eldritch Powers

    Eldritch Power: Gained at 1st level, 2nd level, and every even level thereafter up to 18th level. Unless otherwise stated any saving throw called for by an Eldritch Power is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Warlock level + Charisma Modifier. Unless otherwise noted any given Eldritch Power cannot be selected more than once. Eldritch Powers are going to be similar in nature to Rogue Talents, Ninja Tricks, Discoveries, Hexes, ect. Its where you can really get to customize the class further. I've given some ideas below. This is where I'm really looking for ideas and feed back to further expand this ability

    Some Ideas for Eldritch Powers
  • The Eldritch Heritiage Feat chain (Eldritch Heritage, Improved Eldritch Heritage, and Greater Eldritch Heritage). For those of you who wanted to be able to customize your heritage with the warlock so that you're not bound to its 3.5 Fiendish or Feyish origins then this is where to go.
  • Improving your Eldritch Curse with the Improved Curse (-4 penalty), Greater Curse (-6 Penalty), Grand Curse (-8 Penalty) chain to progressively make that debuff hurt even more. Also considering two Eldritch Powers that will allow you to upgrade the duration of your curse from rounds to hours and from hours to days. Possibly even one that would make the curse permanent unless it was successfully removed via dispel magic, remove curse, ect. The caster level for the curse would be equal to the Warlock's level.
  • Powers that let you further manipulate your Eldritch Blast beyond just the basic blast shape Invocations. An example would be an Eldritch Power that would let you make as many attacks per round with your Eldritch blast as your base attack bonus would allow. Similar in nature to the Alchemist discover Rapid Bombs. Another idea would a power that allowed for Precision Blasting. It would have the prerequisite of knowing a Blast Shape Invocation with an area of effect. You could then select up to a certain number of squares within that area of effect that would not be effected by your Eldritch Blast.
  • Power that allow you to expand upon your other class abilities. Such as using your Eldritch Resilience (aka fast healing) to Heal others in a limited fashion. Further upgrade your Damage reduction.

    Like I said this is the section where I'm really looking for some good ideas and feed back.

    The reason behind wanting to incorporate the Eldritch Powers is that it makes for a really customizable class. Its amazing the directions you can take the Alchemist or the Rogue in with these abilities. One of the problems with the 3.5 Warlock is that you always felt railroaded by the material into its "Fiendish" background. Here I wanted to remove that but still make the class somewhat customizable.

    Eldritch Resistance (Su): Gained 2nd level. Adds Charisma Modifier to saving throws vs. Spells and Spell Like Abilities.

    Once again this was a Hexblade ability that I felt fit with the general theme of the Warlock, that being someone suffused with Eldritch Power. Is it too much of a leap to say that having that power constantly infusing you, you may eventually build up defenses to it?

    Damage Reduction: The only thing I changed about the Damage Reduction is that now you will be able to select from different types when you first get it. So rather than having to take DR/Cold Iron you could also pick from: Magic, Silvered, Mithral, Good, Evil, Law, and Chaos. Once the choice is made it cannot be changed at a later time.

    Once again this is all about providing class customization options. That way if you don't want your characters background to be tied to Fey origins you're not railroaded into DR/Cold Iron. You have choices.

    Mettle (Ex): Gained at 5th level. Applies to Fortitude and Willpower saves with partial or lesser effects. If successful the warlock suffers no effect.

    : Yes this was another Hexblade ability. It fits with the Warlock. Granted I've abbreviated the ability. If you need a full description you can find it on Google

    Energy Resistance: Really nothing has changed with Energy resistance except for the fact that it improves much faster than it did in the 3.5 version. (You resistances improve again at 15th level rather than 20th) That's because I wanted to tie energy Resistance into one of the selectable capstone abilities.

    Improved Eldritch Resistance (Su): Gained at 12th level. The Warlock gains spell resistance equal to warlock level + 10.

    A further improvement upon the 2nd level ability. Now in addition to adding their Charisma modifier to saving throws vs. spells and spell like abilities they also have spell resistance.


    Eldritch Perfection: This is where the capstone(s) are. When the Warlock hits level 20 he will be able to select from several nice abilities to be the capstones. Here are some working ideas.

  • Perfect Eldritch Heritage: You gain the 20th level ability out of the Sorcerer blood line you've been following. This is much easier than trying to setup an individual bloodline for every single source of the warlocks power and making them similar the Sorcerer bloodlines but different. I say if you're willing to blow 3 Eldritch Powers and a Capstone then have it. Congratulations, now you can go with your Sorceress cousin to that Infernal bloodline family get together.
  • Prefect Curse: Make it a -10 penalty. That should hurt.
  • Energy Immunity: Turn those resistances into Immunities.
  • (Insert Cool ability name here): Gain a +2 bonus to Charisma.
  • Perfect Eldritch Resistance: Tied to Arcane Pool. As an immediate action you can activate Spell Turning as a spell like ability. You must spend a number of points from your arcane pool equal to the level of the spell to be turned.

    Like I said earlier, this is a rough draft. Looking for feed back. Tell me what you think so far.

  • Fighter Archetype: Swashbuckler
    Here's something I've been thinking up. I'm looking for some feed back on it. While I'm well aware that there is a "Swashbuckler" archetype for the rogue, I still haven't seen one done for the fighter. This class is not meant to be a replacement or conversion for the 3.5 Complete Warrior Swashbuckler.

    In quotations you will find my reasoning for the changes.

    Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str).

    I updated the skill list to better reflect the skills that a swashbuckler would need

    Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Remove Medium & Heavy Armor Proficiencies. Remove Shield (including Tower Shield) Proficiencies.

    I changed the armor proficiencies because I included an additional ability at 1st level that helps the Swashbuckler out with there armor class. Keep reading.

    Weapon Finesse (Ex): A Swashbuckler gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat at 1st level. This replaces the Fighters standard bonus feat at 1st level.

    The Swashbuckler, being a fighter archetype, is suppose to be a dexterity based fighter. Therefore it only made sense that they get Weapon Finesse right off the bat

    Insightful Fighter (Ex): At 1st level, when wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, a Swashbuckler adds his Intelligence Modifier (if any) to his dexterity bonus to modify his Armor class while wielding any light weapon or any other weapon that can be used with the weapon finesse feat. If a swashbuckler is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied his dexterity bonus, then he also losses this bonus.

    Also when a swashbuckler is wielding any light weapon or any other weapon that can be used with the weapon finesse feat, he may apply his intelligence modifier (in addition to his strength modifier) as a bonus on weapon damage rolls. Any creature that is immune to critical hits are immune to the swashbuckler's additional damage from the Canny Fighter class ability. (They still retain their Strength bonus to weapon damage rolls).

    The swashbuckler cannot use either part of the Canny Fighter ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

    This is part of the reason why the Medium and Heavy Armor Proficiencies were dropped. At first one might say that this now causes the archetype to fall into the MAD category. You first have to remember that Strength will no longer be as big of a concern for the dexterity based fighter. Second, a lot of what makes the Swashbuckler different from a fighter comes from not just a high dexterity but a smarter way of fighting, which assumes they will have a high intelligence score. This is also reflected in the Combat Expertise feat with its Int 13 prerequisite. Well now you have another reason to give yourself a decent intelligence score. Not only will you need it for your Combat Expertise Feat, and all feats that use it a a prerequisite but it also helps you out with your Armor Class and with your weapon damage rolls.

    Grace (Ex): Starting a 2nd level, a swashbuckler gains a +1 bonus on Reflex Saves and on Acrobatics skill checks. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd. This ability replaces Bravery.

    I would be lying if I said that this archetype didn't draw some of its inspiration for its 3.5 predecessor. This gives the Swashbuckler a little extra push to make those reflex saves and helps out with acrobatic skill checks.

    Elusive (Ex): At 3rd level, a swashbuckler gains a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 3rd. The swashbuckler loses this bonus if wearing medium or heavy armor, uses a shield, or carries a medium or heavy load. This replaces Armor Training 1,2,3, and 4.

    One of the problems that a Swashbuckler class faces in this game is the fact that the system was never really designed for a "lightly armored" fighter. D&D always made the assumption that the fighter will "Tank-up". My hope is that this extra dodge bonus to AC will help to close the gap between sir-tank-alot and the lightly armored fighter.

    Expertise (Ex): At 5th level, a swashbuckler gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with any light weapon and any weapon that can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels gained after 5th. This functions like weapon training except that it only applies to light weapons or weapons that can be used with the weapon finesse feat.

    At 5th level the swashbuckler selects one light weapon or weapon that can be used with the weapon finesse feat. The critical threat range with that one weapon increases by 1. This increase stacks with the feat Improved Critical or the Weapon Property "Keen" but it does not allow the Improved Critical feat or the Weapon Property "Keen" to stack. At 9th level, 13th level, and 17th level the Swashbuckler selects another light weapon or weapon that can be used with the weapon finesse feat and increases its critical threat range by 1.

    This ability replaces Weapon Training.

    I wanted to keep weapon training but I understood that the group of weapons that a swashbuckler will be able to use in conjunction with his class abilities would be extremely limiting, and fall into one or two groups. That being said, I added on an ability lets them be just a little bit more deadly with these light weapons. I also feel as though it reflects the fact that while the swashbuckler's light weapons may not have the same nasty crunch as the 2D6 great sword, they can still be just as deadly and dish out good damage if they can use those light weapons to consistently hit precisely for critical damage. In simpler terms, you can hit someone anywhere with a hatchet and just cause a bad wound, but a knife can cause a small wound that's just as bad if you know what critical areas to strike with it.

    Elusive Target (Ex) At 19th level, a Swashbuckler has become so adept at fighting in light or no armor that can avoid attacks with almost uncanny ease. Whenever an attack roll would hit a swashbuckler there is a 50% chance that the attack with miss completely. This replaces Armor Mastery.

    It only made sense to replace the armor mastery ability with something more fitting. 50% miss chance. Yeah its powerful. Guess what, its also gained at level 19!!! It reflects a lifetime of training on how "not to get hit", not how to get hit for the least amount of damage.

    Once again this is not meant to be a conversion of the 3.5 Swashbuckler but rather an adaptation of that class into a PF Fighter Archetype. Please tell me what you think. Feed back will be most appreciated.


    Proto-type for a class: A New Take on the Warlock/New Ideas

    I've been thinking up a re-design for the 3.5 Warlock. Trying to figure out new ideas for this class in the re-design.

    One of the most common problems that I see with the Warlock, and I will admit that I suffer from this myself, is its 3.5 fluff baggage where it pertains to how the Warlock got their abilities from Dark, Forgotten, Fey, or whatever problems. I've come to the conclusion that this is one of the major cruxes of the issue with warlock conversions to pathfinder.

    The simple fact is that the 3.5 Warlock was designed to do what the 3.5 Sorcerer abysmally failed to do. The 3.5 Sorcerer was suppose to have the blood of arcane heritages coursing through his veins (sound familiar) but was nerfed so badly because of the over estimation of the power of spontaneous casting.

    Rather than fix the issue WotC decided to just about abandon the Sorcerer and designed his replacement.

    Well now we have a new problem. You see the Warlock is not OGL, so guess what, Paizo can't get him. To compound the issue, they actually FIXED the Sorcerer by giving him back what he should have had in the first place, his bloodlines. Thus if you try to directly convert the warlock, flavor and all, he really starts to step on the sorcerer's toes.

    THE NEW IDEA: So I decided to try and go a new route with the Warlock in terms of flavor. Rather than have him bound to a fiendish, feyish, or whatever heritage, I said to myself why not ditch all that and instead think of the Warlock as a maverick spell caster. The rogue of the arcane world with no formal training. Unlike the Sorcerer his power doesn't necessary stem from a heritage. Unlike a Wizard he had no one to teach him how to properly wield his power. Instead I'm envisioning the warlock as someone that has learned how to tap into the very primal energies of arcane magic, and through sheer force of will learned to channel that energy in a very basic but very effective fashion. Thus they never really learned spells, their abilities (aside from blasting things with raw power) are spell like abilities that they have learned to sculpt out of the magical energy they wield. This power gradually begins to infuse their very being, granting them more special abilities like damage reduction, energy resistance, ect.

    The Decision to Incorporate Channeling: Like I said earlier, the idea to make the warlock into someone who just channels raw magical energy opened up a new idea. The ability to channel raw magical energy. For this I'm drawing inspiration from the Psionic class: The Wilder. Specifically the Wild Surge ability.

    Restructuring of Eldritch Blast For the blast abilities it just made sense to go with a progression of gaining 1D6 at every odd level rather then to switch it up from levels 11 thru 20.

    Eldritch Powers: In an attempt to try and bring the class in line with Pathfinder standards I'm considering doing something very similar to the Alchemist discoveries or Rogue Talents. The reason behind this is simple. These abilities will allow for the further customization of the class beyond the simple selection of invocation powers.

    Stripping out the old flavor: One of the things I really wanted to do was remove all the dark over tones over the class. Thus invocations would be renamed to be more generic, abilities like Fiendish Resilience would be converted into simply "Fast healing/X". Also heritage specific abilities would be neutralized. DR would be changed from DR/cold iron to DR/Magic.

    So these are some of the basic ideas I've had for this redesign. I'm looking for thoughts and input. If you have ideas and you want to share them feel free. I'm looking to brain storm.

    Tell me what you all think.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    Author's notes
    Alchemist Alternate class: The Physician (formerly The Doctor) Version 3.0
    I changed the Alternate class's name because of the obvious Doctor Who reference so as not to confuse people as this is not a Dr. Who in pathfinder build.

    First some thank yous are in order:

  • Special Thanks to Cheapy and Vero for the feedback. It has certainly help with the development of this class.
  • Thanks to anyone that showed interest or left encouraging comments. Its nice to know that this idea was at least interesting to someone other than myself.

    So here is The Physician version 3.0
    A few notable changes from last time:

  • The replacement of Sneak Attack with Surgical Strike. I had gotten a lot of positive feed back with regards to the feel of sneak attack for this class. I wanted to keep that feel but still create something unique to the Physician and that wasn't just stealing the Rogue's sneak attack ability (although I will admit that surgical strike is kind of a steal)
  • Discoveries have been expanded.
  • Minor tweaks and changes to Medicinal Alchemy incorporating the feed back that I had gotten.
  • Increase of Skill Points per level after it was pointed out that the alchemist had an artificially low skill point per level increase due to Intelligence being its primary ability score stat. That being said with the switch of Medicinal Alchemy changing the primary ability score to wisdom, increasing the base skill points gained per level seemed appropriate.

    The Acknowledgments: As stated earlier the Physician came about due to my attempt to fuse several different archetypes together into one whole. Parts of this class are of my own design but other parts were clearly taken from other Paizo/third party sources.
    Ultimate Magic: The Chirurgeon
    Ultimate Magic: The Vivisectionist
    Paizo Fans United: The Herbalist
    And Finally a big thanks to Paizo Publishing in general for creating the Alchemist. I really like all of their work but I feel as though with the Alchemist they really hit a home run. It was a class everyone wanted to see done, but no one had built. The fact that it can be re-skinned in so many different ways shows that at its core its a base class, much like the fighter, rogue, or cleric.

    As stated last time the primary goal here was to create an alternate class to the Alchemist. One that focused more on Healing, Support, Buffing, and Debuffing. I feel as though the Physician is clearly an awesome healer and support character. Her buffing skills are comparable to that of the Alchemist if not being slightly better. Where as the Alchemist is the better mass debuffer the physician can excel at one on one debuffs through the use of her surgical strike ability.

    At this point I feel as though I'm almost done with this class. Still feel free to review it. If you see any glaring issues, please comment and point them out. If you have any criticisms please try to offer them in a constructive manner. I'm interested in the communities feedback with regards to this project.

    Once again thanks for your time and continued support: Anthony.

    Alignment: Any
    Base Attack Bonus: (unchanged) Medium.
    Hit die: D8
    Saving throws: Fortitude (good), Reflex (good), Will Power (Poor)
    Skills: 6+Int Modifier per level Same Skill set as standard Alchemist.
    The physician’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (any)
    (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge
    (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis),
    Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int),
    Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha).

    Medicinal Medicinal Extract Level: 6th Same as Alchemist
    Medicinal Extracts per day: Same as Alchemist
    Physician/Alchemist Formula: Same as Alchemist

    The following are class features of the Physician.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Physicians are proficient with all simple weapons. They are also proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

    Brew Potion (Ex): The Physician receives Brew Potion as a bonus feat at first level just like an Alchemist at first level. A physician can brew potions of any formula she knows (up to 3rd level), using her physician level as her caster level. The spell must be one that can made into a potion. The physician does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat.

    Infusion replaces Throw Anything (Ex)
    As the physician does not throw bombs like the standard alchemist the Throw Anything bonus feat has been replaced by the infusion discovery at 1st level. This allows the physician to administer her medicinal extracts to the rest of the party.

    Medicinal Alchemy (Su) Replaces Alchemy
    Physician's are skilled doctors who have not only studied the body's anatomy but also how different natural herbs and ingredients can be distilled and concentrated into powerful magical potion-like medicinal extracts in which they can store spell effects. In effect the physician prepares her spells by mixing ingredients into a number of medicinal extracts, and then either “casts” her spells on herself by drinking the medicinal extract, or “casts” her spell on someone else by having them drink the medicinal extract. When the physician creates a medicinal extract, she infuses the medicine with a tiny fraction of her own magical power making the mixture far more potent than it would otherwise be.

    When using the Heal skill the Physician gains a competence bonus equal to her class level on the Heal check. She may also craft the following nonmagical special substances and items: Antiplague, Antitoxin, Bloodblock, Smelling Salts and Soothe Syrup using her Heal check in place of the standard Craft (Alchemy) check. In addition the Physician can use the Heal skill to identify potions from the Conjuration (Healing) sub-school as if using detect magic. She must hold the potion for 1 round to make the check.

    The Physician can create two special types of magical items-Medicinal Extracts and Tonics. Tonics are special performance enhancing elixirs that the physician or her companions can drink to enhance their own physical abilities, while Medicinal Extracts are more varied and behave like spells in potion form. Both of these are detailed in their own sections below.

    Medicinal Extracts have the greatest variation in terms of their effects. In many ways, they behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like dispel magic using the Physician's level as the caster level. Unlike potions though, medicinal extracts can have powerful effects and duplicate spells that a potion could not.

    A Physician uses the same table as an Alchemist to determine the number of Medicinal Extracts of each level that she can create per day. In addition, she receives bonus medicinal extracts per day if she has a high wisdom score, in the same way that a cleric receives bonus spells per day.

    When the physician creates a medicinal extract, she infuses the herbs and chemicals in the extract with magic siphoned from her own magical aura. Unlike the Alchemist's Extracts, the Physician's Medicinal Extracts do not become inert if they leave her possession. This difference is due to the fact that at 1st Level the Physician receives the Infusion discovery which replaces the feat Throw Anything normally gained by Alchemist's at 1st Level. Also this means that Medicinal extracts may also be consumed by non-physician's to gain their effects. Mixing a Medicinal Extract takes the same amount of time as mixing a standard Extract, 1 minute per extract created. The Extracts remain potent and continues to occupy one of the Physician's daily medicinal extract slots until it is either used or she prepares another one to take its place in which case the previous medicinal extract becomes a plain inert liquid. Most Physicians prepare many medicinal extracts at the start of the day or just before going on a long adventure, but it is not uncommon for an physician to keep some (or even all) of her daily medicinal extract slots open so that she can prepare extracts in the field as needed.

    Although the Physician doesn't actually cast spells, she does have a formula list that determines what medicinal extracts she can create. A physician can utilize spell trigger items if the spell appears on the formula list, but not spell-completion items (unless she uses Use Magical Device to do so). A medicinal extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion – the effects of the medicinal extract exactly duplicate the spell upon which its formula is based, save that the spell always affects only the subject that drinks the medicinal extract. A physician can draw and drink a medicinal extract, or administer a medicinal extract to an adjacent ally, as a standard action. The physician uses her class level as the caster level to determine any effect based on caster level. .

    Creating medicinal extracts consumes raw materials, but the cost of these materials is insignificant – comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the of that particular medicinal extract. Medicinal Extracts cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements (physician medicinal extracts that duplicate divine spells never have a focus requirement).

    A physician can prepare an extract of any formula she knows. To learn to use a medicinal extract the physician must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the medicinal extract level. The difficulty class for a saving throw against a physician's medicinal extract is 10 + the medicinal extract level + the physician's wisdom modifier.

    A physician may know any number of formulas. She stores her formulas in a special tome called a Medicinal Textbook. The Medicinal Text book functions in all ways, including cost, as a wizards spell book or alchemist's formula book. She must refer to the medical text book whenever she prepares and extract but not when she consumes it. A Physician begins play with two 1st level formulas of her choice as well as the cure light wounds formula. She also receives a number of additional formulas equal to her wisdom modifier (if any). At each new physician level she gains one new formula of any level she can create. Whenever she gains access to a new formula level, if that level has any formulas of the conjuration [healing] school, such as a cure formula, she automatically learns that formula and adds it to her Medicinal Text book. A physician can also add formulas to her medicinal text book just like a wizard adds spells to her spell book, using the same cost, pages, and time requirements. A medicinal text book costs as must as a spell book. A physician can study a wizards spell book to learn any formula that is equivalent to a spell the spell book contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a medicinal text book. A physician does not need to decipher arcane writings before copying them.

    Surgical Strike (Ex): Replaces Bombs
    The many years spent studying cadavers and researching the workings of physical anatomy have not only taught the physician how to surgically treat wounds but also how to inflict grievous bodily harm with a simple flick of her knife. This means that at any time the physician is in melee combat with an adjacent opponent she has the potential of turning her melee attack into a surgical strike.

    To execute a surgical strike a physician must be in melee combat and her target must be adjacent to her. A surgical strike cannot be performed with a ranged or thrown weapon, or even a thrown melee weapon. Executing a surgical strike this way requires a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The physician then declares that she is going to execute a surgical strike before the attack roll is made, meaning that a failed roll to hit still expends a use of her surgical strike ability (see below). If the attack hits the physician applies 1D6 points of extra damage to her melee attack. This damage is precision based and is not multiplied on a critical hit. This extra damage increases by 1D6 for every two physician levels thereafter. A physician can only attempt a surgical strike a number of times per day equal to her physician class level + her wisdom modifier.

    With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, blackjack, whip, or unarmed strike) a physician can attempt to execute a surgical strike that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage with her surgical strike, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

    A physician can only execute a surgical strike against living creatures with discernible anatomies. Undead, constructs, oozes, plants and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Creatures that are also immune to critical hits are also immune to the physician's surgical strike. The physician must also be able to see the target well enough be able to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A physician cannot execute a surgical strike against a creature that has any type of concealment.

    Alternatively the physician can use her surgical skills to heal. Rather than using her surgical strike to cause additional damage a physician can work amazing feats of surgery on the battlefield to restore hit points to her allies. Using surgical strike to heal still requires a standard action, but it does provoke an attack of opportunity when used this way. The target of the physician's surgical strike is healed for 1D6 points of damage plus and additional 1D6 for every other physician class level. This also consumes a use of the physician's surgical strike ability. Note that this healing is not positive energy based, and that a surgical strike used in this fashion cannot be used to harm undead creatures. A physician cannot target herself when using surgical strike in this fashion.

    Finally, as a physician gains levels she learns new discoveries that can change or alter the effects of her surgical strike. These Discoveries will be marked with an asterisk* and are detailed in the discovery section of the class.

    Tonics (Su): Replaces Mutagen
    At 1st level, a physician knows how to create performance enhancing mixtures that can be ingested by either herself or her companions to heighten their physical prowess, called Tonics. It takes 1 hour to brew a Tonic, and once brewed, it remains potent until used. A physician can only maintain one Tonic mixture at a time, if she brews a second dose, any existing Tonic mixture becomes inert. Unlike the Alchemist's mutagen though a Tonic can be used by anyone, not just the physician.

    When a physician's creates a tonic, she selects two physical ability scores – either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution to be enhanced. Its a standard action to drink a Tonic (just like a mutagen). Upon drinking the Tonic the physician or drinker immediately feels the tonic's effects as they feel the rush of adrenaline, the sky rocketing of their blood pressure, and the tightening of their muscles. This grants the physician or the drinker a +4 alchemical bonus to the 1st selected physical ability score and a +2 alchemical bonus to the 2nd selected physical ability score for 10 minutes per physician level. Unlike a Mutagen a Tonic confers no natural armor bonus and carries no penalty to a mental ability score, but at the end of the Tonic's duration the physician or the drinker is fatigued until they rest or the condition is removed.

    The effects of a Tonic do not stack. Whenever anyone drinks a tonic, the effects of any previous tonics end immediately. When this happens the most recently imbued tonic takes affect immediately, and lasts for the tonic's normal duration but the users condition worsens by one step. If the user would be fatigued at the end of the tonic's duration ingesting a 2-nd Tonic would first negate the effects of the previous tonic and replace them with the most recent tonic's effects and once the 2-nd Tonics effects end the subject would now be exhausted.

    Detect Poison(Sp) replaces Poison use (Ex):
    -At 2nd level, a physician can use the spell detect poison at will as a spell like ability. Doing so only requires a move action, and for the physician to be able to touch the target.

    Discovery (Su):
    At 2nd level, and then again every 2 levels thereafter, a physician makes an incredible medicinal discovery. Unless otherwise noted an physician cannot select an individual discovery more than once. Some discoveries can only be made if the physician has met certain prerequisites first, such as uncovering other discoveries. Discoveries that modify the physician's surgical strike ability are marked with an asterisk* and do not stack. Only one such discovery can be applied to a surgical strike. The DC for any saving throw called for by a discovery is equal to 10 + ½ the physician level + the physician's wisdom modifier.

    A physician may not select from the alchemist's bomb discoveries as they do not have this as a class feature. They may select the alchemist's mutagen discoveries but only if they have selected the Mutagen discovery (see PF: Ultimate Magic). Any discoveries related to Poison Use are likewise closed to them unless they have selected the use poison discovery.

  • Infuse Tonic When the Physician creates a tonic, she can infuse it with an extra bit of her own magical power. This inflicts 2 points of Wisdom damage to the physician and costs 1,000gp in rare reagents, but the dosage of tonic created remains active on its own and is not rendered inert if the physician creates another dosage of tonic. This allows the physician to create different types of tonics and keep them handy for emergencies. This does not allow anyone that imbues the tonic to gain the effect of multiple tonics at once, only the most recently imbued tonic has any effect.

  • Tonic of Acceleration: Whenever anyone imbibes a tonic, they gain a +2 bonus to initiative and their base land speed is increases by +10ft. While the tonic is in effect, the user also gains a +2 competence bonus on acrobatic skill checks.

  • Greater Tonic: The Physician's tonic now grants a +6 Alchemical bonus to one physical ability score and a +4 alchemical bonus to a second physical ability score of the physician's choosing at the time the tonic is created. A physician must be at least 12-th Level before selecting this discovery.

  • Grand Tonic: The Physician's tonic now grants a +8 Alchemical bonus to one physical ability score, a +6 alchemical bonus to a second physical ability score, and a +4 Alchemical bonus to a third physical ability score of the physician's choosing at the time the tonic is created. A physician must be at least 16-th level and must possess the greater tonic discovery before selecting this discovery.

  • Bleed out: Because of their anatomical training the physician knows how to strike the body so that the bleeding from the wound is not so easily stopped. Whenever the physician causes anyone to take bleed damage, the subject continues to take the bleed damage until stopped by a successful Heal skill check but the DC is equal to 10 + half the physician level + wisdom modifier instead of the standard DC 15 Heal check. The application of any effect that Heals hit point damage still stops the bleeding immediately.

  • Expert Healer: When the physician's selects this discovery their medicinal extracts from the conjuration [healing] school become more potent. Those medicinal extracts now heal and additional 2hp per formula level when imbued.

  • Combat Medic: The Physician has been trained for combat related situations and knows how to move about the battlefield to reach her patients without placing herself in harms way. By selecting this discovery the physician can as an immediate action move up to her base speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. The physician's movement must end next to a character that is either at zero hit points or dying. Once she has reached her target she can then administer any item, ability, spell, medicinal extract or skill that would either stabilize the dying character or restore hit point damage. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the physician's wisdom modifier.

  • Minor Conditional Treatments: With this discovery the physician has learned to alleviate or cause the following minor conditions. Removing a condition from a character only requires the physician to touch the subject. This requires a standard action that does provoke an attack of opportunity. In any case where the physician is attempting to cause or inflict the condition the subject is allowed a Fortitude saving throw to resist and the physician must make physical contact with the subject using a melee touch attack that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The physician can only use these techniques a limited number of times per day equal to half her physician level (minimum of 1) + Wisdom modifier. By selecting this discovery the physician can now cause or remove the following conditions:
    -Fatigued: The physician can remove the fatigued condition or cause the target to become fatigued.
    -Shaken: The physician can remove the shaken condition or cause the target to become shaken.
    -Sickened: The physician can remove the sickened condition or cause the target to become sickened.

  • Advanced Conditional Treatments: With this discovery the physician adds the following conditions to her list of Conditional Treatments that she can remove or cause. The physician must possess the minor conditional treatments discovery and be at least 6-th level before they can select this one. By selecting this discovery the physician adds the following list of conditions that they can now cause or remove:
    -Dazed: The physician can remove the dazed condition or cause the target to become dazed.
    -Diseased: The physician can cure someone infected with a disease as if she had cast Remove Disease on them with her caster level being equal to her physician level. Likewise she may also attempt to afflict the target with a disease as if she had cast Contagion with her caster level being equal to her physician level.
    -Staggered: The physician can remove the staggered condition, unless the target is at exactly zero hit points or cause the target to become staggered for 1 round per two levels of physician.

  • Greater Conditional Treatments: With this discovery the physician adds the following conditions to her list of Conditional Treatments that she can remove or cause. The physician must possess the advanced conditional treatments discovery and be at least 10-th level before she can select this one. By selecting this discovery the physician adds the following list of conditions that they can now cause or remove:
    -Exhausted: The physician can remove the exhausted condition or cause the target to become exhausted.
    -Frightened: The physician can remove the Frightened condition or cause the target to become Frightened for 1 round per two levels of physician.
    -Nauseated: The physician can remove the nauseated condition or cause the target to become nauseated for 1 rounder per 3 levels of physician.
    -Poisoned: The physician can attempt to remove the poisoned condition as if she had cast Remove Poison or cause the target to become poisoned as if she had cast the spell Poison. In both cases her caster level is equal to her physician level.

  • Grand Conditional Treatments: With this discovery the physician adds the following conditions to her list of Conditional Treatments that she can remove or cause. The physician's must possess the greater conditional treatments discovery and be at least 12-th level before she can select this one. By selecting this discovery the physician adds the following list of conditions that they can now cause or remove:
    -Blinded: The physician can remove the blinded condition or cause the target to become blinded for 1 round per level of physician.
    -Deafened: The physician can remove the deafened condition or cause the target to become deafened for 1 round per level of physician.
    -Paralyzed: The physician can remove the paralyzed condition or cause the target to become paralyzed for 1 round.
    -Stunned: The physician can remove the stunned condition or cause the target to become stunned for 1 round per four levels of physician.

  • Conditional Strike*: With this discovery the physician can apply any one of his conditional treatments (minor, advance, greater or grand) to her surgical strike ability and deliver that condition to a target using her surgical strike. Only one condition may be applied per surgical strike. The target is still entitled to a saving throw to resist the effects of the condition being applied, just as if the physician had used the conditional treatment as a melee touch attack. Use of this discovery consumes one use of both the physician's surgical strike and conditional treatment abilities if successful. If the physician misses with her surgical strike she still expends the use of the surgical strike ability but not that of the conditional treatment discover. The physician must possess at least the Minor Conditional Treatments discovery before selecting this one.

  • Arterial Strike*: With this discovery the physician can use her surgical strike to deliver deadly wounds that do no heal so easily. When making a surgical strike the physician can choose to reduce her surgical strike damage from D6s to D4s and in return the target takes 1pt of bleed damage per Surgical Strike die. Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleed damage can be stopped by a DC15 heal check, unless the physician has taken the Bleed Out discovery (see above), or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage.

  • Hindering Strike*: With this discovery the physician knows exactly how to strike her target so as to slow down their reactionary ability. This discovery reduces the physician's surgical strike damage from D6s to D4s but in exchange the target cannot make attacks of opportunity for a number of rounds equal to the physician's number of surgical strike dice.

  • Dispelling Strike*: Not oblivious to the effects that magic has upon the body the physician has learned how to counter and dispel these effects by focusing the strength of her own magical aura through her surgical strike. Opponents that are dealt surgical strike damage by a physician with this ability are effected by a targeted Dispel Magic targeting the lowest level spell effect active on the target, using the physician's class level as her caster level. A physician must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

  • Crippling Strike*: With this discovery the physician can deal ability score damage. For every Surgical Strike Die she forgoes she can deal 2pts of Strength, Dexterity or Constitution damage to a creature. She may mix and match this damage freely choosing to inflict part of the damage as normal Surgical Strike Damage and part of it as ability score damage. For example if the physician has 5D6 Surgical Strike Damage she could choose to reduce her Surgical strike damage to 3D6 and then apply 4pts of ability damage to any one ability score, or 2pts of ability score damage to any 2 ability scores. The physician must be at least 10th level before selecting this discovery.

  • Hamstring Strike*: Knowing which muscles and tendons to cut, a physician with this discovery and stop her opponent dead in their tracks. When a physician strikes an opponent with this ability she can choose to forgo some or all of her surgical strike dice. For each die she forgoes the targets movement is reduced by 10ft. This lasts until the target is affected DC 15 Heal check or the target or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage.

  • Quick Surgeon: A physician with this discovery can focus quickly enough that she can execute multiple surgical strikes in a single round. She can execute multiple surgical strikes as a full round action if her base attack bonus is high enough to grant her additional attacks. This functions just like a full attack. A physician must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

  • Poison Use: With this discovery the physician has trained herself in the use of poisons and no longer runs the risk of accidentally poisoning herself when applying poison to her weapon. Taking this discovery allows the physician to take additional alchemist discoveries that are related to poison use but not poison resistance.

  • Swift Poisoning: With this discovery the physician can apply a dose of poison to her weapon as a swift action. A physician must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

  • Power over Death: By selecting this discovery the Physician gains the ability to use the spell Breath of Life as a spell like ability. All the physician needs to do is touch the creature. She uses her physician level as her caster level. A physician may use this discovery a number of times per day equal to 1 + her wisdom modifier. A physician must be at least 10th level before selecting this discovery.

    Discoveries that can be taken as they are (listed by book). Please note that for any discovery effect or number of uses per day related to intelligence, that discovery is modified for the physician by having its key ability reassigned to wisdom.
    (Advanced Player's guide): Combine Extracts, Concentrate Poison, Dilution, Elixir of life, Enhance Potion, Eternal Potion, Extend Potion, Feral Mutagen, Grand Mutagen, Greater Mutagen, Infuse Mutagen, and Sticky Poison.
    (Ultimate Magic): Alchemical Simulacrum, Alchemical Zombie, Cognatogen, Doppleganger Simulacrum, Grand Cognatogen, Greater Cognatogen, Healing Touch, Lingering Spirit, Mummification, Mutagen, Parasitic Twin, Preserve Organs, Spontaneous Healing, Tentacle, Tumor Familiar, Vestigial Arm, and Wings).
    (Ultimate Combat): [i]Nauseating Flesh and Poison Conversion

    Disease Resistance (Ex) replaces Poison Resistance (Ex):
    At 2nd level, a physician gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against diseases. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level and + 6 at 8th level. At 10th level the physician becomes completely immune to diseases both nonmagical and magical.

    Swift Healing (Ex) replaces Swift Alchemy (Ex):
    At 3rd level a Physician can execute skills of healing with amazing speed. The times required to perform all non combat related actions with the Heal skill (such as treating disease and treating wounds from caltrops...) is reduced by half. Thus where it would normal take 10 minutes to treat disease with the heal skill the Physician can do so in 5 minutes. Where it would take a character 1 hour to treat deadly wounds, the Physician can perform the same amount of healing in half an hour. Long term care only requires 4 hours of full rest or half a day of complete rest. This also means that characters heal twice as fast if they take a full 8 hours of full rest or a full days worth of complete rest.
    -Finally providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison is reduced from a standard action to a move action for the Physician.

    Anesthetic (Ex) replaces Swift Poisoning (Ex):
    At 6th level, a physician learns how to supplement uses of the Heal skill with pain-killing drugs. She gains Skill Focus (Heal) as a bonus feat. Any use of the Heal skill that has a risk of harming the patient (such as extracting a barb) only deals the minimum damage when performed by a physician.

    Enduring Tonic (Su) replaces Persistent Mutagen:
    At 14th level the effects of the physician's tonic last for 1hour per physician level.

    Instant Healing (Ex) replaces Instant Alchemy:
    At 18th level the physician can perform feats of healing with amazing speed. First providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison using the heal skill is reduced from a move action (due to swift healing) to an immediate action. Second, the time required to perform other uses of the Heal skill such as treating deadly wounds or treating a disease can be done as a full round action. Long Term Care is not affected by this ability. -Finally as long as a physician is next to or adjacent to her companion she can administer any medicinal extracts of the conjuration [healing] school as an immediate action. She may even take a five foot step or a full move action to reach her target but she must end her move next to or adjacent to her target in order to administer the medicinal extract as an immediate action.

    Grand Discovery (Su):
    At 20th level, the physician makes a grand discovery. She immediately learns two normal discoveries, but also learns a third discovery chosen from the list below, representing a truly astounding medicinal break through of significant importance. For many physicians, the promise of one of these grand discoveries is the primary goal of their study and hard work.

    The Physician can select from almost any of the Alchemist's discoveries that are not related to bombs as they are not a class feature. The following are additional Grand Discoveries that the Physician has access to.

    -True Wisdom: The Physician constant research of medicinal techniques have given her an almost supernatural understanding of the body and its internal workings. Selecting this discovery permanently increases her wisdom score by 2 points.
    -Ultimate Tonic: The Physician's tonic now grants a +8 Alchemical bonus to all three physical ability scores, Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. Also use of the tonic no longer causes the user to become fatigued or exhausted after its duration ends. A physician must must possess the grand tonic discovery before selecting this discovery.
    -Healing Touch: The physician gains a healing touch that replicates the effects of a Heal spell. The physician can only use this ability once per day + a number of additional times equal to his Wisdom modifier.
    -The Cure: Learning from countless exposures to harmful diseases the physician has finally discovered a common weakness that they all share. From this point forth, a Physician can cure any disease, nonmagical or magical by simply touching a creature. There is no DC to overcome, no skill check that needs to be made. The physician simply touches the target and the disease is removed.

    The following Grand Discoveries are appropriate for the Physician to take as well:
    (Advanced Player's guide): Awaken Intellect, Eternal Youth, Fast Healing, Philosopher's Stone, Poison Touch, and Grand Mutagen

    ”Alternatives for Discoveries and Grand Discoveries that are available” wrote:

    On a side note: If you want to balance the playing field between the Alchemist and the Physician you can choose to allow the alchemist to take most of the physician's discoveries as well. If you do this here are a few ideas. Make Tonic a discovery just like Mutagen is in Ultimate Magic. DO NOT make Surgical Strike and Bombs into discoveries. This is one area that you should keep separated.

    Alternatively you could choose to limit what Alchemist discoveries the physician can take. If you really want to draw a line in the sand consider not allowing the physician to take any discovery related to Mutagens or Cognatogens. Also remove all the Grand discoveries except: Eternal Youth, Fast healing, and the Philosopher's Stone. This will create a distinct area of difference between the two classes.

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    Alchemist Alternate class: The Physician (formerly The Doctor)
    I changed the Alternate class's name because of the obvious Doctor Who reference so as not to confuse people as this is not a Dr. Who in pathfinder build

    -I went back to the drawing board with this archetype/alternate class. One obvious problem was the issue with the Tonics needing some reworking. I also came to the conclusion that I was changing so much of the Alchemist's base class features that it was no longer archetype but an Alternate class.

    Now this Alternate Class is not entirely of my own design. Several Archetypes were essentially meshed together to form this. Here are the archetypes from which this prototype was drawn from:
    Ultimate Magic: The Chirurgeon
    Ultimate Magic: The Vivisectionist
    Paizo Fans United: The Herbalist

    Now the goal of this Alternate class was to use the Alchemist class to create a support character/healer alternate class. The Physician is not designed to compete with the Alchemist on a Damage Per round/bomb for bomb basis. If you wind up coming to the conclusion that the Physician is ”sub optimal” in terms of combat or damage when compared to the Alchemist then you'll be right, it is. That's not what the Alternate class is focused on. What the physician is suppose to be is a viable buffer/support/healer character.

    So lets start with the basics.

    Base Attack Bonus: (unchanged) Medium.
    Hit die: D8
    Saving throws: Fort(good), Reflex (good), Will Power (Poor)
    Skills: 4+Int Modifier per level Same Skill set as standard Alchemist
    Maximum Medicinal Extract per day/Medicinal Infusion level: 6th same as Alchemist.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Physicians are proficient with all simple weapons. They are also proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

    Medicinal Alchemy (Su) Replaces Alchemy
    Physician's are skilled doctors who have not only studied the body's anatomy but also how different natural herbs and ingredients can be distilled and concentrated into powerful magical potion-like medicinal extracts in which they can store spell effects. In effect the physician prepares her spells by mixing ingredients into a number of medicinal extracts, and then either “casts” her spells on herself by drinking the medicinal extract, or “casts” her spell on someone else by having them drink the medicinal extract. When the physician creates a medicinal extract, she infuses the medicine with a tiny fraction of her own magical power making the mixture far more potent than it would otherwise be.

    When using the Heal skill the Physician gains a competence bonus equal to her class level on the Heal check. In addition the Physician can use the Heal skill to identify potions from the Conjuration (Healing) sub-school as if using detect magic. She must hold the potion for 1 round to make the check.

    The Physician can create two special types of magical items-Medicinal Extracts and Tonics. Tonics are special performance enhancing elixirs that the physician or her companions can drink to enhance their own physical abilities, while Medicinal Extracts are more varied and behave like spells in potion form. Both of these are detailed in their own sections below.

    Medicinal Extracts have the greatest variation in terms of their effects. They behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like dispel magic using the Physician's level as the caster level. Unlike potions though, medicinal extracts can have powerful effects and duplicate spells that a potion could not.

    A Physician uses the same table as an Alchemist to determine the number of Medicinal Extracts of each level that she can create per day. In addition, she receives bonus medicinal extracts per day if she has a high wisdom score, in the same way that a cleric receives bonus spells per day.

    Unlike the Alchemist's Extracts, the Physician's Medicinal Extracts do not become inert if they leave her possession. This difference is due to the fact that at 1-st Level the Physician receives the infusion discovery which replaces the feat Throw Anything normally gained by Alchemist's at 1st Level. Also this means that Medicinal extracts may also be consumed by non-physician's to gain their effects. Mixing Medicinal Extracts takes the same amount of time as mixing a standard Extract, 1 minute per extract created. The Medicinal Extracts remain potent and continue to occupy one of the Physician's daily medicinal extract slots until it is either used or she prepares another one to take its place in which case the previous medicinal extract becomes a plain inert liquid.

    Although the Physician doesn't actually cast spells, she does have a formula list that determines what medicinal extracts she can create. A physician can utilize spell trigger items if the spell appears on the formula list, but not spell-completion items (unless she uses Use Magical Device to do so). A physician uses the same rules for imbuing a Medicinal Extract as an Alchemist does for a standard Extract.

    Physician's follow the same rules for creating a Medicinal Extract as an Alchemist does for creating a standard Extract.

    A physician can prepare an extract of any formula she knows. To learn to use a medicinal extract the physician must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the medicinal extract level. The difficulty class for a saving throw against a physician's medicinal extract is 10 + the medicinal extract level + the physician's wisdom modifier.

    A physician may know any number of formulas. She stores her formulas in a special tome called a Medicinal Textbook. The Medicinal Text book functions in all ways, including cost, as a wizards spell book or alchemist's formula book. The only difference is that at 1st level the physician begins play with two 1st level formulas, one of which must be cure light wounds and the other of her choice. She also receives a number of additional formulas equal to her wisdom modifier (if any). At each new physician level she gains one new formula of any level she can create. Whenever she gains access to a new formula level, if that level has any formulas of the conjuration [healing] school, such as a cure formula, then she must learn at least one of those formulas first before learning any other formulas of that formula level. Once that requirement has been full filled then she may learn formulas of that formula level as she sees fit.


    Medicinal Alchemy, why the changes:

    -Why is it keyed to Wisdom and not Intelligence? Well there are several reasons for this. First is that medicinal Alchemy has its roots in the Herbalist archetype's ability herbalism. Second is that the Heal skill is tied to the Wisdom score. Also both the wizard and the cleric are prepared spell casters. The Alchemist for all its “fluff” is still an arcane caster who just casts spells in potion form. Therefore it only made sense that the Physician should be a “divine” caster who just casts spells in potion form. While some may fault this decision a good point was made in a remark about the Herbalist archetype which is that the Alchemist and by default the Physician both have poor will power saves. The shift from having spell casting keyed to Wisdom rather than Intelligence helps to balance this out

    -Why is Medicinal Alchemy tied to the Heal skill rather than the craft alchemy skill? My reasoning for this is rather simple. I see the Alchemist as tinkering around with chemicals and alchemical substances like a mad chemist in his lab. By that same token I see the Physician having his lab rooted more in Herbalism which is more closely related to healing. While they both use similar methods the physician is basing his skills from the world of natural healing, where as the alchemist is taking an approach more akin to a chemist. Also this allows for the Physician to be better able to use the Heal skill and the options that it provides which fits more with the class.

    -I wanted to take away a little it of the Alchemist's flexibility when it came to the Physician. Thus I wound up limiting their ability to identify magical potions using the heal skill. It reflects the fact that while similar to the alchemists their knowledge is more specialized. The same holds true for the restriction placed on their ability to learn formulas.

    -In exchange for these restrictions and in keeping with the theme of making this a party buffer and healer class it also made sense to give them the infusion discovery at first level. After all what good are party buffs and the ability to have cure light wounds on your formula list if you can't let other people use them. My reasoning was simple. A discovery in essence is the equivalent power of a feat, hence the extra discovery feat. Also you have to remember that for this the physician trades in both the Bomb class feature and the Throw Anything bonus class feats at first level.

    Sneak Attack Replaces Bomb

    -Due to their extensive knowledge of anatomy, physician's are able to strike the body's critical areas with deadly precision. As such they replace the Alchemist's Bomb class feature and Throw Anything bonus feat with the Rogue's sneak attack ability. Just like a Rogue the physician's sneak attack damage starts off at 1D6 at 1st level and increases by 1D6 at every odd class level of physician.

    At levels where discoveries are gained the Physician may select Rogue talents in place of the normal alchemist's discoveries but the physician may only select from those rogue talents that are marked with an asterisk that effect sneak attack damage. The Physician may also select feats that grant additional Rogue Talents but once again may only chose from those talents marked with an asterisk that effect sneak attack damage.

    At 10th level the Physician may even select from Advanced Rogue Talents whenever she would learn a new discovery but once again is restricted to only being able to select from those advanced rogue talents marked with an asterisk that affect the sneak attack class feature.


    Sneak Attack, why remove bombs?:

    -Some might say this weakens the class or makes it sub optimal in terms of crowd control or area of effect damage. Yes it does. Once again, the distinction that I'm going for here is to make the Physician an alternate class from the standard Alchemist. While the Alchemist is the bomb chucking, mutating battlefield monster I wanted the Physician to have a more support oriented roll. But to that end I also wanted them to be able to contribute in combat in some ways. A physician that can catch someone off guard (flat-footed) will know exactly where to cut to inflict severe damage. The same hold true if they can corner someone with an ally. Their knowledge of anatomy translates well into the sneak attack ability. Also I feel as though it fits better with the overall flavor of the class. It also made no sense for a healer to have a class ability to chuck bombs, and I'm sorry, but I'm not going to hand out bombs that heal damage. If you want that go play Team Fortress. Sneak attack, at least, can be argued to fit as a class ability due to the physician's knowledge of anatomy.

    Brew Potion (Ex): The Physician receives Brew Potion as a bonus feat at first level just like an Alchemist at first level.

    Tonics (Su): At 1st level, a physician knows how to create performance enhancing mixtures that can be ingested by either herself or her companions to heighten their physical prowess, called Tonics. It takes 1 hour to brew a Tonic, and once brewed, it remains potent until used. A physician can only maintain one Tonic mixture at a time, if she brews a second dose, any existing Tonic mixture becomes inert. Unlike the Alchemist's mutagen though a Tonic can be used by not only the physician but anyone else as well.

    When a physician's creates a tonic, she selects one physical ability score – either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution to be enhanced. Its a standard action to drink a Tonic (just like a mutagen). Upon drinking the Tonic the physician or drinker immediately feels the tonic's effects as they feel the rush of adrenaline, the sky rocketing of their blood pressure, and the tightening of their muscles. This grants the physician or the drinker a +4 alchemical bonus to the selected ability score for 10 minutes per physician level. Unlike a Mutagen a Tonic confers no natural armor bonus and carries no penalty to a mental ability score, but at the end of the Tonic's duration the physician or the drinker is fatigued until they rest or the condition is removed.

    The effects of a Tonic do not stack. Whenever anyone drinks a tonic, the effects of any previous tonics end immediately. When this happens the most recently imbued tonic takes affect immediately, and lasts for the tonic's normal duration but the users condition worsens by one step. If the user would be fatigued at the end of the tonic's duration ingesting a 2nd Tonic would first negate the effects of the previous tonic and replace them with the most recent tonic's effects and once the 2nd Tonics effects end the subject would now be exhausted.


    Tonics, what's wrong with just using Mutagen's:

    Remember how I said the Physician was being designed to be more of a buffer/healer? I wanted to give the Physician a similar ability to the Alchemist's Mutagen but also make it more accessible to her companions. Tonics were designed to be the “performance enhancing drugs” of the physician. From the first version of this alternate class the tonics did need a total rewrite. I've reduced the number of them that the physician can create down to 1. That can be changed if they pick up the infuse tonic discovery (see below). In exchange for the tonic's increased utility (its ability to be used by anyone) I removed the natural armor bonus that mutagen's normally grant and added some conditional effects that come into play once the tonic's duration has expired.

    Infusion replaces Throw Anything (Ex)

    As the physician does not throw bombs like the standard alchemist the Throw Anything bonus feat has been replaced by the infusion discovery at 1st level. This allows the physician to administer her medicinal extracts to the rest of the party.

    Discovery (Su): A physician gains discoveries just the same as an alchemist. The only difference is that the physician cannot select from bomb related discoveries as they do not have bombs as a class feature. All other discoveries are still open to them as well as some additional ones listed below.

    Infuse Tonic When the Physician creates a tonic, she can infuse it with an extra bit of her own magical power. This inflicts 2 points of Wisdom damage to the physician and costs 1,000gp in rare reagents, but the dosage of tonic created remains active on its own and is not rendered inert if the physician creates another dosage of tonic. This allows the physician to create different types of tonics and keep them handy for emergencies. This does not allow anyone that imbues the tonic to gain the effect of multiple tonics at once, only the most recently imbued tonic has any effect.

    Greater Tonic: The Physician's tonic now grants a +6 Alchemical bonus to one physical ability score and a +4 alchemical bonus to a second physical ability score of the physician's choosing at the time the tonic is created. A physician must be at least 12th Level before selecting this discovery.

    Grand Tonic: The Physician's tonic now grants a +8 Alchemical bonus to one physical ability score, a +6 alchemical bonus to a second physical ability score, and a +4 Alchemical bonus to a third physical ability score of the physician's choosing at the time the tonic is created. A physician must be at least 16th level and must possess the greater tonic discovery before selecting this discovery.

    Bleed out: Because of their anatomical training the physician knows how to strike the body so that the bleeding from the wound is not so easily stopped. Whenever the physician causes anyone to take bleed damage, the subject continues to take the bleed damage until stopped by a successful Heal skill check but the DC is equal to 10 + half the physician level + wisdom modifier instead of the standard DC 15 Heal check.

    Expert Healer: When the physician's selects this discovery their medicinal extracts from the conjuration [healing] school become more potent. Those medicinal extracts now heal and additional 2hp per formula level when imbued.

    Minor Conditional Treatments (Su): With this discovery the physician has learned to alleviate or cause the following minor conditions. Good Physicians may only choose to remove the conditions, while evil physicians can only choose to inflict these conditions upon their targets. Neutral physicians can choose either to remove or cause the conditions but once the choice has been made it cannot be changed later. In any case where the physician is attempting to cause or inflict the condition the subject is allowed a Fortitude saving throw to resist and the physician must make physical contact with the subject using a melee touch attack. The DC for this save is equal to 10 + half the physician's level + the physician's wisdom modifier. The physician can only use these techniques a limited number of times per day equal to half her physician level (minimum of 1) + Wisdom modifier.
    -Fatigued: The physician can remove the fatigued condition or cause the target to become fatigued.
    -Shaken: The physician can remove the shaken condition or cause the target to become shaken.
    -Sickened: The physician can remove the sickened condition or cause the target to become sickened.

    Advanced Conditional Treatments: With this discovery the physician adds the following conditions to her list of Conditional Treatments that she can remove or cause. The physician must possess the minor conditional treatments discovery and be at least 6th level before they can select this one.
    -Dazed: The physician can remove the dazed condition or cause the target to become dazed.
    -Diseased: The physician can cure someone infected with a disease as if she had cast Remove Disease on them with her caster level being equal to her physician level. Likewise she may also attempt to afflict the target with a disease as if she had cast Contagion with her caster level being equal to her physician level.
    -Staggered: The physician can remove the staggered condition, unless the target is at exactly zero hit points or cause the target to become staggered for 1 round per two levels of physician.

    Greater Conditional Treatments: With this discovery the physician adds the following conditions to her list of Conditional Treatments that she can remove or cause. The physician must possess the advanced conditional treatments discovery and be at least 10th level before she can select this one.
    -Exhausted: The physician can remove the exhausted condition or cause the target to become exhausted.
    -Frightened: The physician can remove the Frightened condition or cause the target to become Frightened for 1 round per two levels of physician.
    -Nauseated: The physician can remove the nauseated condition or cause the target to become nauseated for 1 rounder per 3 levels of physician.
    -Poisoned: The physician can attempt to remove the poisoned condition as if she had cast Remove Poison or cause the target to become poisoned as if she had cast the spell Poison. In both cases her caster level is equal to her physician level.

    Grand Conditional Treatments: With this discovery the physician adds the following conditions to her list of Conditional Treatments that she can remove or cause. The physician's must possess the greater conditional treatments discovery and be at least 12th level before she can select this one.
    -Blinded: The physician can remove the blinded condition or cause the target to become blinded for 1 round per level of physician.
    -Deafened: The physician can remove the deafened condition or cause the target to become deafened for 1 round per level of physician.
    -Paralyzed: The physician can remove the paralyzed condition or cause the target to become paralyzed for 1 round.
    -Stunned: The physician can remove the stunned condition or cause the target to become stunned for 1 round per four levels of physician.

    Disease Resistance (Ex) replaces Poison Resistance (Ex):
    -At 2nd level, a physician gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against diseases. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level and + 6 at 8th level. At 10th level the physician becomes completely immune to diseases both non-magical and magical.


    Disease Resistance, why not just keep Poison Resistance?:

    -I thought about this one for a while and it just made more sense to give the physician disease resistance rather than poison resistance. The case for the alchemist to have poison resistance is based upon the assumption that since the alchemists works around dangerous chemicals all the time that they would naturally develop a tolerance to it. The same holds true for the physician when it comes to diseases.

    Detect Poison(Sp) replaces Poison use (Ex):

    -At 2nd level, a physician can use the spell detect poison as a spell like ability at will. Doing so only requires a move action, and for the physician to be able to touch the target.


    Detect Poison, why can I use poison?:

    -Thematically the ability to detect poison fits far better for the physician than their ability to use it. Also a simple fact is that the spell detect poison does not appear on the alchemist's or the physician's formula lists.

    Swift Healing (Ex) replaces Swift Alchemy (Ex):

    -At 3rd level a Physician can execute skills of healing with amazing speed. The times required to perform all non combat related actions with the Heal skill (such as treating disease and treating wounds from caltrops...) is reduced by half. Thus where it would normal take 10 minutes to treat disease with the heal skill the Physician can do so in 5 minutes. Where it would take a character 1 hour to treat deadly wounds, the Physician can perform the same amount of healing in half an hour. Long term care only requires 4 hours of full rest or half a day of complete rest. This also means that character heal twice as fast if they take a full 8 hours of full rest or a full days worth of complete rest.
    -Finally providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison is reduced from a standard action to a move action for the Physician.


    Why replace Swift Alchemy:

    -As stated earlier in the Medicinal Alchemy section, this has to do with the difference in flavor between the Alchemist and the Physician. Where the Alchemist's background and knowledge is assumed to be that of someone who has gained most of their knowledge through researching alchemical compounds and items in a laboratory the Physician is assumed to have gained must of their knowledge through anatomical research, studying cadavers, ect.

    Anesthetic (Ex) replaces Swift Poisoning (Ex):

    At 6th level, a physician learns how to supplement uses of the Heal skill with pain-killing drugs. He gains Skill Focus (Heal) as a bonus feat. Any use of the Heal skill that has a risk of harming the patient (such as extracting a barb) only deals the minimum damage when performed by a physician.

    Power over Death: At 10th level, the Physician adds the spell Breath of Life to her formula book as a 4th level extract.

    Enduring Tonic (Su) replaces Persistent Mutagen:
    -At 14th level the effects of the physician's tonic last for 1hour per physician level.

    Instant Healing (Ex) replaces Instant Alchemy:
    -At 18th level the physician can perform feats of healing with amazing speed. First providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison using the heal skill is reduced from a move action (due to swift healing) to an immediate action. Second, the time required to perform other uses of the Heal skill such as treating deadly wounds or treating a disease can be done as a full round action. Finally as long as a physician is next to or adjacent to her companion she can administer any medicinal extracts of the conjuration [healing] school as an immediate action. She may even take a five foot step or a full move action to reach her target but she must end her move next to or adjacent to her target in order to administer the medicinal extract as an immediate action.


    Instant Healing?:

    I refer you questions back to Medicinal Alchemy, Swift Healing and the rest of this post. By 18-th level I figure she should be a miracle worker of a doctor and be able to perform medical miracles just shy of resurrecting the long forgotten dead. At this point here she should be able to run up to you with her “house call” medical kit, take one look at you, and the cancer just vanishes from your body due to her sheer awesomeness as a doctor.

    Grand Discovery (Su): The Physician can select from almost any of the Alchemist's discoveries that are not related to bombs as they are not a class feature. The following are additional Grand Discoveries that the Physician has access to.

    -True Wisdom: The Physician constant research of medicinal techniques have given her an almost supernatural understanding of the body and its internal workings. Selecting this discovery permanently increases her wisdom score by 2 points.
    -Ultimate Tonic: The Physician's tonic now grants a +8 Alchemical bonus to all three physical ability scores, Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. Also use of the tonic no longer causes the user to become fatigued or exhausted after its duration ends. A physician must must possess the grand tonic discovery before selecting this discovery.
    -Healing Touch: The physician gains a healing touch that replicates the effects of a Heal spell. The physician can only use this ability once per day + a number of additional times equal to his Wisdom modifier.

    Questions and comments are welcome. Please let me know what you think and try to make your comments constructive and insightful. Feel free to steal it if you want to play test it. I have someone who is going to try out this version here shortly.

    Thanks for your time: Anthony.

    I just realized that I may have posted this idea in the wrong section of the forums, oopsy
    This is an archetype that I've been working on for a while now. Now I will freely admit this is not something of my own design. The Doctor Archetype is a splicing of several other archetypes into one whole.

    Here are the archetypes from which this prototype was drawn from:
    Ultimate Magic: The Chirurgeon
    Ultimate Magic: The Vivisectionist
    Paizo Fans United: The Herbalist.

    The purpose of this archetype was to design a healer based around the Alchemist class. With their extracts representing medical curative potions and medicines used to enhance or retard physical and mental abilities which the Alchemist extract list does naturally.

    This posts lists the class features that have been changed to make the Doctor archetype.
    Class feature changes at 1st level
    Medicinal Alchemy: replaces Alchemy.

    Medicinal Alchemy: As Alchemy with the following exceptions.

    -To Learn or use an Medicinal Extract the user must have a wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the medicinal extract level.
    -The difficulty class for a saving throw against a doctor's medicinal extract is 10 + the medicinal extract level + the doctor's wisdom modifier.

    -When using the Heal skill the doctor gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on Heal skill checks. In addition doctor modifies several of the abilities listed under the Heal skill description.
    -Long Term care: The patient recovers 2 hit points per level for every full 8 hours of rest in a day or 4 hit points per level for each full day of complete rest. The patient recovers 2 ability score points per level for every full 8 hours of rest in a day or 4 ability score points per level for each full day of complete rest. The patient uses either their own level or the doctors level (whichever is higher).
    -Treat Deadly Wounds: When a doctor treats deadly wounds they can restore more hit points than the average person using the heal skill. The patient is healed a number of hit points/per class level where the number of hit points restored is equal to the doctors wisdom modifier times the patients character level or hit dice. If they exceed the DC of the check by 5 or more than they can increase the number of hit points healed by half.
    -Treat Poison and Treat Disease: In both cases if the Doctor's Heal skill check exceeds the DC of the poison or disease then the character being treated receives a bonus to their next saving throw but the competence bonus is now equal to either +4 or ½ the Doctors ranks in the Heal skill whichever is greater.

    Sneak Attack: Replaces Bombs
    Starts off with 1D6 sneak attack damage at 1st level which increases by 1D6 at every odd Alchemist class level. If the Doctor winds up taking levels in another class that grants sneak attack damage the two classes stack for the purpose of determining the total number of sneak attack dice the Doctor receives.

    -Sneak Attack as Rogue ability. At any level where discoveries are gained the doctor may select Rogue talents that are marked with an asterisk that modify or change the effects of sneak attack damage. The doctor may also select the Extra Rogue Talent feat but may only chose from talents marked with an asterisk that modify or change the effect of sneak attack damage.

    Why sneak attack instead of bombs. The reason for this change was due to the fact that bombs didn't quite fit. It seems more logical to allow the doctor to be able to strike precisely, and the sneak attack rogue talents could be used to represent a knowledge of anatomy and how that knowledge can be used to cause all sorts of disabling effects with Sneak attack dice.

    Tonics: Replaces Mutagens

    Tonics: Grant a +4 Alchemical Bonus to a selected ability score (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution). Lasts for a number of rounds equal to 4 + the users Constitution modifier + 2 additional rounds for every character level the user has. After the effect ends the user is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds the Tonic was active

    The Doctor may prepare a number of tonics equal to 1 + wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 at 1st level). Tonics take 1 hour each to prepare. She can prepare an additional tonic for every 4 class levels gained beyond 1st.

    Unlike Mutagens, Tonics may be used by anyone.

    Using a Tonic is a standard action just like using a Mutagen.

    Using Multiple Tonics at once
    A character may try to combine the effects of multiple tonics but doing some comes with great risk.

    -First: If a character imbues a tonic that is already active, already active being defined as applying an alchemical bonus to an ability, it resets the number of rounds that the tonic would be in effect but the character will still be fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the combined total number of rounds that the tonic was active. (example: If you character is already under the effects of a tonic that provides a +4 alchemical bonus to Strength, then drinking another tonic that grants a bonus to strength does not double to bonus or have any other effect other than increasing the number of rounds that the tonic will remain in effect).

    -Second Combining 2 different Tonics can have amazing or deadly results depending on how they interact.

    After each tonic beyond the first is consumed roll a D100 and Consult the following table:


    01: Deadly poison: The user is dead. No saving throw.

    02-03: Lethal poison. The user is allowed to make a saving throw. The DC equal to 10 + Doctor's class level + The doctor's wisdom modifier + the combined total of bonuses the character would have received from the Tonics) Success results in the user still being alive but suffering a penalty equal to the bonuses the tonics would have granted to the ability scores that would have been affected. The user is also sickened for 1 hour per tonic consumed.

    04-08: Mild poison: The user must make a saving throw with the DC equal to 10 + the doctor's class level + the doctor's wisdom modifier or suffer a penalty equal to the bonuses the tonic's would have granted to the ability scores that would have been affected. If the saving throw is successful then the penalties are halved. In either case the user is still nauseated for 1 hour per tonic consumed.

    09-15: Sickening effect: Tonics do not mix: The user must make a saving throw with the DC equal to 10 + the doctor's class level + the doctor's wisdom modifier or be nauseated for 1 hours. Any Tonics the user had in effect end immediately.

    16-25: Cancellation: Tonics do not mix but cancel each other out: The user does not need to make a saving throw. The new Tonic simply fails to mix or work. Any tonics the user has in effect stop working immediately.

    26-35: Failed Mixture: Tonics do not mix: The user does not need to make a saving throw. The new Tonic simply fails to mix or work. Any tonics the user already has in effect continue functioning as if the new tonic had never been introduced.

    36-63: Somewhat Effective Mixture: Tonics mix together but their durations are halved. Any tonic the user already has in effect has its duration cut in half. If this would result in a duration reduced to less than one round that tonic's effect ends immediately.

    64-91: Successful Mixture: Tonics mix together. Each tonic the user has in effect lasts until they would normally expire.

    92-96: Highly Effective Mixture: Tonics mix together. All Tonics the user already has in effect work normally. The duration of all tonics the user has in effect now lasts until the most recent tonic imbued by the user would expire.

    97-99: Super Effective Mixture: Tonics mix together. All Tonics the user already has in effect work normally. The duration of all tonics the user already has in effect now lasts until the most recent tonic the user imbued would expire. When the duration expires the target is not fatigued.

    100: Perfect Synthesis: Tonics Mix Together. All Tonics the user already has in effect increase their modifier to the highest modifier in effect. The duration for all tonics now last for 24 hours. The user is not fatigued after the tonics effects end.
    (side note bonus points if anyone out there recognizes this table, or can tell me where I got the inspiration for it)

    Tonic Discoveries:

    -Tonic of Quickening: Increases the users base land speed by 10ft and receives a +2 bonus on initiative.
    -Greater Tonic: Grants a +6 Alchemical bonus to either Strength, Dexterity or Constitution and a +4 bonus to a 2nd ability score, both of which are chosen when the Alchemist prepares the tonic. The Alchemist must be at least 12th level before selecting this discovery.
    -Grand Tonic: Grants a +8 Alchemical bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, a +6 bonus to a second ability score, and a + 4 bonus to a third ability score. The Alchemist decides what ability scores receive these bonuses when the tonic is prepared. The Alchemist must be at least 16th level and possess the Greater Tonic discovery before this discovery can be selected.
    -(Grand discovery) True Tonic: Grants a +8 Alchemical Bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. The Alchemist must already have selected the Greater Tonic and Grand Tonic discoveries.

    Behind the design: Why Tonics Initially I wanted to give this idea a name like drugs, or medicines or something that would clearly illustrate the use of performance enhancers. I did not want to use that type of terminology because ultimately I understand children play this game and the game has enough problems without someone getting the idea that it endorses drug use. So I settles on an old name for medicine, Tonics. It was a term not already in use like potion or elixir. At your table feel free to call this whatever you want.

    Self Sufficient: Replaces Throw Anything at 1st level.

    Changes at 2nd level
    Infuse Curative: Replaces Poison Use
    -At 2nd level, the doctor's medical extracts of cure spells automatically act as infusions, and can be used by non-alchemists. When the doctor prepares his extracts, he may choose to render any or all of his infused curatives inert and prepare other extracts to replace them (unlike infusions, which continue to occupy the alchemist’s daily extract slots until consumed or used).

    Changes at 3rd level
    Quick Healing: Replaces Swift Alchemy.
    -Quick Healing: At 3rd level a Doctor can execute skills of healing with amazing speed. The times required to perform all non combat related actions (such as treating disease and treating wounds from caltrops...) is reduced by half. Thus where it would normal take 10 minutes to treat disease with the heal skill the doctor can do so in 5 minutes. Where it would take a character 1 hour to treat deadly wounds, the doctor can perform the same amount of healing in ½ and hour. Long term care only requires 4 hours of full rest or half a day of complete rest. This also means that character heal twice as fast if they take a full 8 hours of full rest or a full days worth of complete rest.

    -Finally providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison is reduced from a standard action to a move action for the doctor.

    Changes at 6th level
    Anaesthetic: Replaces Swift Poisoning.
    -At 5th level, the doctor learns how to supplement uses of the Heal skill with pain-killing drugs. He gains Skill Focus (Heal) as a bonus feat. Any use of the Heal skill that has a risk of harming the patient (such as extracting a barb) only deals the minimum damage when performed by the doctor.

    Swift Healing: Adds to class features/replaces nothing.
    -Swift Healing reduces the time for providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison, from a move action to a swift action.

    Changes at 10th level
    Power over Death: Replaces Poison Immunity
    -At 10th level, the doctor adds breath of life to his formula book as a 4th-level extract. His infused curative ability applies to this extract.

    Changes at 14th level
    No Side Effects: Replaces Persistent Mutagen.
    -The Doctor's Tonics no longer cause him or the users of his tonics to become fatigued after their effect wears off.

    Changes at 18th level
    Instant Healing: Replaces Instant Alchemy.
    -Instant Healing reduces the time for providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison for the doctor from a move action to an immediate action.

    So there you have it, my changes to the Alchemist class to combine all these archetypes into one. Is it still an archetype, or is it now an alternate class? Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    This is an archetype that I've been working on for a while now. Now I will freely admit this is not something of my own design. The Doctor Archetype is a splicing of several other archetypes into one whole.

    Here are the archetypes from which this prototype was drawn from:
    Ultimate Magic: The Chirurgeon
    Ultimate Magic: The Vivisectionist
    Paizo Fans United: The Herbalist.

    The purpose of this archetype was to design a healer based around the Alchemist class. With their extracts representing medical curative potions and medicines used to enhance or retard physical and mental abilities which the Alchemist extract list does naturally.

    This posts lists the class features that have been changed to make the Doctor archetype.
    Class feature changes at 1st level
    Medicinal Alchemy: replaces Alchemy.

    Medicinal Alchemy: As Alchemy with the following exceptions.

    -To Learn or use an Medicinal Extract the user must have a wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the medicinal extract level.
    -The difficulty class for a saving throw against a doctor's medicinal extract is 10 + the medicinal extract level + the doctor's wisdom modifier.

    -When using the Heal skill the doctor gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on Heal skill checks. In addition doctor modifies several of the abilities listed under the Heal skill description.
    -Long Term care: The patient recovers 2 hit points per level for every full 8 hours of rest in a day or 4 hit points per level for each full day of complete rest. The patient recovers 2 ability score points per level for every full 8 hours of rest in a day or 4 ability score points per level for each full day of complete rest. The patient uses either their own level or the doctors level (whichever is higher).
    -Treat Deadly Wounds: When a doctor treats deadly wounds they can restore more hit points than the average person using the heal skill. The patient is healed a number of hit points/per class level where the number of hit points restored is equal to the doctors wisdom modifier times the patients character level or hit dice. If they exceed the DC of the check by 5 or more than they can increase the number of hit points healed by half.
    -Treat Poison and Treat Disease: In both cases if the Doctor's Heal skill check exceeds the DC of the poison or disease then the character being treated receives a bonus to their next saving throw but the competence bonus is now equal to either +4 or ½ the Doctors ranks in the Heal skill whichever is greater.

    Sneak Attack: Replaces Bombs
    Starts off with 1D6 sneak attack damage at 1st level which increases by 1D6 at every odd Alchemist class level. If the Doctor winds up taking levels in another class that grants sneak attack damage the two classes stack for the purpose of determining the total number of sneak attack dice the Doctor receives.

    -Sneak Attack as Rogue ability. At any level where discoveries are gained the doctor may select Rogue talents that are marked with an asterisk that modify or change the effects of sneak attack damage. The doctor may also select the Extra Rogue Talent feat but may only chose from talents marked with an asterisk that modify or change the effect of sneak attack damage.

    Why sneak attack instead of bombs. The reason for this change was due to the fact that bombs didn't quite fit. It seems more logical to allow the doctor to be able to strike precisely, and the sneak attack rogue talents could be used to represent a knowledge of anatomy and how that knowledge can be used to cause all sorts of disabling effects with Sneak attack dice.

    Tonics: Replaces Mutagens

    Tonics: Grant a +4 Alchemical Bonus to a selected ability score (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution). Lasts for a number of rounds equal to 4 + the users Constitution modifier + 2 additional rounds for every character level the user has. After the effect ends the user is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds the Tonic was active

    The Doctor may prepare a number of tonics equal to 1 + wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 at 1st level). Tonics take 1 hour each to prepare. She can prepare an additional tonic for every 4 class levels gained beyond 1st.

    Unlike Mutagens, Tonics may be used by anyone.

    Using a Tonic is a standard action just like using a Mutagen.

    Using Multiple Tonics at once
    A character may try to combine the effects of multiple tonics but doing some comes with great risk.

    -First: If a character imbues a tonic that is already active, already active being defined as applying an alchemical bonus to an ability, it resets the number of rounds that the tonic would be in effect but the character will still be fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the combined total number of rounds that the tonic was active. (example: If you character is already under the effects of a tonic that provides a +4 alchemical bonus to Strength, then drinking another tonic that grants a bonus to strength does not double to bonus or have any other effect other than increasing the number of rounds that the tonic will remain in effect).

    -Second Combining 2 different Tonics can have amazing or deadly results depending on how they interact.

    After each tonic beyond the first is consumed roll a D100 and Consult the following table:


    01: Deadly poison: The user is dead. No saving throw.

    02-03: Lethal poison. The user is allowed to make a saving throw. The DC equal to 10 + Doctor's class level + The doctor's wisdom modifier + the combined total of bonuses the character would have received from the Tonics) Success results in the user still being alive but suffering a penalty equal to the bonuses the tonics would have granted to the ability scores that would have been affected. The user is also sickened for 1 hour per tonic consumed.

    04-08: Mild poison: The user must make a saving throw with the DC equal to 10 + the doctor's class level + the doctor's wisdom modifier or suffer a penalty equal to the bonuses the tonic's would have granted to the ability scores that would have been affected. If the saving throw is successful then the penalties are halved. In either case the user is still nauseated for 1 hour per tonic consumed.

    09-15: Sickening effect: Tonics do not mix: The user must make a saving throw with the DC equal to 10 + the doctor's class level + the doctor's wisdom modifier or be nauseated for 1 hours. Any Tonics the user had in effect end immediately.

    16-25: Cancellation: Tonics do not mix but cancel each other out: The user does not need to make a saving throw. The new Tonic simply fails to mix or work. Any tonics the user has in effect stop working immediately.

    26-35: Failed Mixture: Tonics do not mix: The user does not need to make a saving throw. The new Tonic simply fails to mix or work. Any tonics the user already has in effect continue functioning as if the new tonic had never been introduced.

    36-63: Somewhat Effective Mixture: Tonics mix together but their durations are halved. Any tonic the user already has in effect has its duration cut in half. If this would result in a duration reduced to less than one round that tonic's effect ends immediately.

    64-91: Successful Mixture: Tonics mix together. Each tonic the user has in effect lasts until they would normally expire.

    92-96: Highly Effective Mixture: Tonics mix together. All Tonics the user already has in effect work normally. The duration of all tonics the user has in effect now lasts until the most recent tonic imbued by the user would expire.

    97-99: Super Effective Mixture: Tonics mix together. All Tonics the user already has in effect work normally. The duration of all tonics the user already has in effect now lasts until the most recent tonic the user imbued would expire. When the duration expires the target is not fatigued.

    100: Perfect Synthesis: Tonics Mix Together. All Tonics the user already has in effect increase their modifier to the highest modifier in effect. The duration for all tonics now last for 24 hours. The user is not fatigued after the tonics effects end.
    (side note bonus points if anyone out there recognizes this table, or can tell me where I got the inspiration for it)

    Tonic Discoveries:

    -Tonic of Quickening: Increases the users base land speed by 10ft and receives a +2 bonus on initiative.
    -Greater Tonic: Grants a +6 Alchemical bonus to either Strength, Dexterity or Constitution and a +4 bonus to a 2nd ability score, both of which are chosen when the Alchemist prepares the tonic. The Alchemist must be at least 12th level before selecting this discovery.
    -Grand Tonic: Grants a +8 Alchemical bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, a +6 bonus to a second ability score, and a + 4 bonus to a third ability score. The Alchemist decides what ability scores receive these bonuses when the tonic is prepared. The Alchemist must be at least 16th level and possess the Greater Tonic discovery before this discovery can be selected.
    -(Grand discovery) True Tonic: Grants a +8 Alchemical Bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. The Alchemist must already have selected the Greater Tonic and Grand Tonic discoveries.

    Behind the design: Why Tonics Initially I wanted to give this idea a name like drugs, or medicines or something that would clearly illustrate the use of performance enhancers. I did not want to use that type of terminology because ultimately I understand children play this game and the game has enough problems without someone getting the idea that it endorses drug use. So I settles on an old name for medicine, Tonics. It was a term not already in use like potion or elixir. At your table feel free to call this whatever you want.

    Self Sufficient: Replaces Throw Anything at 1st level.

    Changes at 2nd level
    Infuse Curative: Replaces Poison Use
    -At 2nd level, the doctor's medical extracts of cure spells automatically act as infusions, and can be used by non-alchemists. When the doctor prepares his extracts, he may choose to render any or all of his infused curatives inert and prepare other extracts to replace them (unlike infusions, which continue to occupy the alchemist’s daily extract slots until consumed or used).

    Changes at 3rd level
    Quick Healing: Replaces Swift Alchemy.
    -Quick Healing: At 3rd level a Doctor can execute skills of healing with amazing speed. The times required to perform all non combat related actions (such as treating disease and treating wounds from caltrops...) is reduced by half. Thus where it would normal take 10 minutes to treat disease with the heal skill the doctor can do so in 5 minutes. Where it would take a character 1 hour to treat deadly wounds, the doctor can perform the same amount of healing in ½ and hour. Long term care only requires 4 hours of full rest or half a day of complete rest. This also means that character heal twice as fast if they take a full 8 hours of full rest or a full days worth of complete rest.

    -Finally providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison is reduced from a standard action to a move action for the doctor.

    Changes at 6th level
    Anaesthetic: Replaces Swift Poisoning.
    -At 5th level, the doctor learns how to supplement uses of the Heal skill with pain-killing drugs. He gains Skill Focus (Heal) as a bonus feat. Any use of the Heal skill that has a risk of harming the patient (such as extracting a barb) only deals the minimum damage when performed by the doctor.

    Swift Healing: Adds to class features/replaces nothing.
    -Swift Healing reduces the time for providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison, from a move action to a swift action.

    Changes at 10th level
    Power over Death: Replaces Poison Immunity
    -At 10th level, the doctor adds breath of life to his formula book as a 4th-level extract. His infused curative ability applies to this extract.

    Changes at 14th level
    No Side Effects: Replaces Persistent Mutagen.
    -The Doctor's Tonics no longer cause him or the users of his tonics to become fatigued after their effect wears off.

    Changes at 18th level
    Instant Healing: Replaces Instant Alchemy.
    -Instant Healing reduces the time for providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison for the doctor from a move action to an immediate action.

    So there you have it, my changes to the Alchemist class to combine all these archetypes into one. Is it still an archetype, or is it now an alternate class? Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Here is an Idea I've been working on for a skill based Healing system.

    Let me make a few statement right off:
    -This system is NOT INTENDED to replace clerical magic.
    -This system is NOT INTENDED to be better than clerical magic.
    -This system is being designed as an alternative healing mechanic that would actually make the Heal do something useful.
    -This system is being designed for ideas around healing that are not magic based. IE: skilled healers like doctors, field medics, ect.

    The basis of my Idea stems from casting spells off a scroll and the mechanics presented under "use magical device".

    here is the work I've done so far.

    Skill Based Healing:
    Relevant Skill: Heal.
    Relevant ability: Wisdom.

    This would be added to the Heal skill description.

    Recreating a Conjuration (Healing) spell.
    -DC = 20 + the caster level of the spell you are trying to recreate.
    -Your Caster level for the purposes of recreating a conjuration (healing) spell is equal to your ranks in the Heal skill.
    -Each use expends 2 uses from your Healers Kit. You suffer a -2 penalty on your Heal check for each use of the Healers kit that you lack.
    -The amount of time (aka the action required) used is equal to the casting time of the Conjuration (Healing) spell that is being replicated.
    -Unlike casting a spell, use of this skill is classified as an extraordinary ability.

    Conjuration (Healing) spells that can be recreated through use of this skill.
    Cure Light Wounds DC 21 (1 uses)
    Cure Moderate Wounds DC 23 (3 uses)
    Remove Paralysis DC 23 (3 uses)
    Lesser Restoration DC 23 (3 uses)
    Cure Serious Wounds DC 25 (5 uses)
    Remove Blindness/Deafness DC 25 (5 uses)
    Remove Disease DC 25 (5 uses)
    Cure Critical Wounds DC 27 (7 uses)
    Neutralize Poison DC 27 (7 uses)
    Restoration DC 27 (7 uses)
    Breath of Life DC 29 (9 uses)
    Raise the Dead DC 29 (9 uses)
    Heal DC 31 (1 Healers Kit).

    -A failed check still consumes the listed number of uses from the Healers kit.

    Possible Feat:
    Medical Training.
    -Description: You have spent time studying the Anatomy of Humanoids and now understand how to better heal wounds with bandages, medicine, and different techniques.

    -Benefit: You may use the Heal skill to recreate the following spells from the Conjuration (Healing) list: (see heal skill aka insert above table here). The DC to recreate these Conjuration (Healing) spells is equal to 20 + the minimum caster level of the spell you are trying to recreate. Your caster level for the purposes of any caster level based variables of these conjuration (healing) spells is equal to the number of ranks in the Heal skill you possess. Each use of the heal skill that you use to recreate the spells listed above also consumes an number of uses from your healer's kit. You may still attempt to use the Heal skill to recreate the effect of a conjuration (healing) spell but you suffer a -2 penalty to your Heal skill check for each use of the Healers kit that you lack. Unlike casting a spell, using your Healing skill in this fashion is classified as an extraordinary ability.

    Feed back will be appreciated.

    Question: Magus/Trade 6th level spells for full BAB/Is it fair?


    I've been working on updating/fusing/hybridizing a Magus/Duskblade class. The more that I've been working on it the closer its starting to look like said Magus. So the question becomes, does trading in the 6th level spells and giving it a full Base Attack Bonus seem fair or broken?


    (This is a work in progress) Feel free to comment, or make suggestions.

    Hit Die: D10
    Base Attack Bonus: Full (+20/+15/+10/+5)
    Fort Save: Good
    Reflex Save: Poor
    Will Save: Good
    Skill Points: 2 + Int Mod
    Skills: Climb Acrobatics (Dex), (Str), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge(Arcana) (Int), Knowledge(Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge(Planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Use Magic Device (Cha).

    Spells per day:
    Cantrips: Unlimited use.
    Spell Level: 1st: 1st: 1, 2nd: 2, 3rd & 4th: 3, 5th thru 8th: 4, 9th and above: 5(Max)
    Spell Level: 2nd: 4th: 1, 5th: 2, 6th & 7th: 3, 8th thru 11th: 4, 12th and above: 5(Max)
    Spell Level: 3rd: 7th: 1, 8th: 2, 9th & 10th: 3, 11th thru 14th: 4, 15th and above 5(max)
    Spell Level: 4th: 10th: 1, 11th: 2, 12th & 13th: 3, 14th thru 17th: 4, 18th and above (5 Max)
    Spell Level: 5th: 13th: 1, 14th: 2, 15th & 16th: 3, 17th thu 19th: 4, 20th: 5(Max)

    Spells Known: Follow Duskblade Entry in PHBII
    Spell List: Merge the Duskblade and Magus lists together.

    Class Abilities:
    1st/Arcane Pool, Armored Mage (Light Armor/Light Shields), Cantrips
    2nd/Arcane Channeling, Combat Casting
    3rd/Duskblade Secret
    4th/Armored Mage (Medium Armor), Spell Recall
    5th/Quick Cast 1/per day
    6th/Duskblade Secret
    7th/Armored Mage (Heavy Shields), Arcane Spell Power
    8th/Arcane Channeling (Full Attack)
    9th/Duskblade Secret
    10th/Armored Mage (Heavy Armor)
    11th/Improved Spell Recall, Quick Cast 2/per day
    12th/Duskblade Secret
    13th/Arcane Armor
    14th/Arcane Channeling (Irritative Bonus)
    15th/Duskblade Secret
    16th/Counter Strike
    17th/Quick Cast 3/per day
    18th/Greater Spell Access
    19th/Duskblade Secret
    20th/Arcane Channeling (Spellblade Mastery)

    Arcane Pool: as per Ultimate Magic

    Armored Mage: (Light Armor, Light Sheilds, Medium Armor, Heavy Sheilds, and Heavy Armor) as per Duskblade in PHBII

    Spell Casting: Primary Stat: Charisma (Spontaneous Caster)

    Arcane Channeling: As per Duskblade in PHBII

    Combat Casting: Bonus Feat at 2nd Level

    Duskblade Secret: (see Magus Arcana) Ultimate Magic
    -Arcane Accuracy
    -Broad Study
    -Close Range
    -Critical Strike
    -Dispelling Strike
    -Empower Magic
    -Hasted Assault
    -Maximized Magic
    -Pool Strike
    -Quickened Magic
    -Silent Magic
    -Spell Blending
    -Spell Sheild
    -Still Magic
    -Wand Mastery
    -Wand Weilder

    Spell Recall: As per Magus in Ultimate Magic. Note since this is a spontaneous caster it restores spell slots. Thus if you wanted to get back a 3rd level spell slot you'd have to expend 3 points from your Arcane Pool.

    Quick Cast: As per Duskblade in PHBII

    Arcane Spell Power: (Ex) Swift action. Sacrifice a spell slot. Gain a bonus to your caster level check to overcome a creature's spell resistance equal to the level of the spell sacrificed for 1 round.

    Arcane Channeling (Full Attack): As per Duskblade in PHBII

    Improved Spell Recall: As per Magus in Ultimate Magic (with the noted above alterations since this is a Spontaneous Caster)

    Arcane Armor: (Su) Swift Action. Sacrifice a spell slot. Gain a deflection bonus to your armor class equal to the level of the spell sacrificed for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell Sacrificed. If you sacrifice another spell in this way while the deflection bonus is in effect the bonuses do not stack. Only the most recent spell sacrificed in this way applies as the deflection bonus to your armor class.

    Arcane Channeling (Su) (Irritative Bonus): While using your Arcane Channeling ability as part of a full attack action you gain an Insight bonus to hit equal to the level of the spell being cast on all attacks after the first attack you make this round.

    Counterstrike: as per Magus from Ultimate Magic

    Greater Spell Access: As per Magus from Ultimate Magic

    Arcane Channeling (Su)(Spellblade Mastery): At 20th level a Duskblade masters the art of blending sword and sorcery together into a perfected whole. While using your Arcane Channeling ability as part of a full attack action you know apply your Insight bonus to hit equal to the level of the spell being cast on all attacks made in the round, including the first. You also gain this same Insight bonus on all damage rolls made in this round and as an Insight bonus to confirm any critical hits made in the round.

    The Goal:
    I'm attempting to blend the two together. I think the Magus is nice on its own, I think the Duskblade is nice on its own. This is a rough draft, but please feel free to tell me what you think.


    Bombs & Guns

    Lets start with what makes this whole mess possible. Ultimate Combat: Alchemist Discovery: Explosive Missile. Page 24.

    -Now lets assume said Alchemist has also taken the discovery: Delayed Bomb (Advanced Players Guide).
    -Now lets assume said Alchemist has also taken the feat: Implant Bomb (Ultimate Magic)
    -Now lets assume said Alchemist has also taken the feat: Remote Bomb (Ultimate Magic).

    So here is the scenario: Said Alchemist/Gunslinger hybrid uses "Explosive Missile" to infuse his single handed firearm ammunition with the power of his bomb, and then loads and shoots the weapon.

    Mind you the discoveries "Explosive Missile" and "Delayed bomb" do not have an * next to them.

    So if he shoots a creature can he use the ammunition to "Implant a bomb" into the subject and then use the "delayed bomb" discovery and remote bomb feat to detonate the bomb.

    Also can said Alchemist use the ammunition in a tactical way. Lets say the decide to fire against a stationary object like a tree or wall. Attempting to bury the ammunition into said object and then once again use use the "delayed bomb" discovery and remote bomb feat to detonate the bomb.

    Just need some clarification on how all this stuff works together.


    [General Opinion Question] Alchemist exchange Poison Use for Trap Finding?

    Just a general opinion question. I have a player that wants to play an Alchemist. But they wanted to know if they could swap out their poison use/poison save bonuses/poison immunity for Trap Finding and trap sense.

    It seems like a fair trade. Add Trap Finding at 2nd level. You get Trap Sense at Level 4 and it increases by +1 every 4th level (8, 12, 16 and 20). Grant them the Quick Disable Rogue Talent at Level 6 to exchange out swift poisoning.

    Like I said this is an opinion question. I'm going to let the player do it.

    Just looking for feed back and thoughts from others.

    Ninja: From Complete Adventurer. Updated to Pathfinder RPG

    First a thanks to Tom Baumbach and his website Dorkistan from which much of the inspiration for this Ninja class conversion was drawn. Granted I changed a few things to fit my version of what I think this class should be.

    -Updated Hit Die to D8
    -Changed sudden strike to Sneak attack
    -Some class features are now part of the Ninja Secrets/Advanced Ninja Secrets options.
    -Added some new Ninja and Advanced Ninja secrets which allows for further customization between different types of ninja's

    Please feel free to leave comments, questions, or concerns.


    Ninja Class Table wrote:

    Hit Die = D8
    Alignment Any
    Base Attack Bonus Medium (+15/+10/+5 at 20th level)
    Saving Throws Fort Poor/Reflex Good/Will Power Poor
    Skill Points 6 + Int Mod
    Class Skills
    The Ninja's class skills are Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Diplomacy, Disguise,

    Escape Artist, Perception, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Swim.

    Level/AC Bonus/Special
    1.) +0/ Sneak Attack 1D6, Ki Pool, Ghost Stealth
    2.) +0/ Ghost Step (Invisible), Ninja Secret
    3.) +0/ Sneak Attack 2D6, Poison Use
    4.) +1/ High Jump, Ninja Secret
    5.) +1/ Sneak Attack 3D6
    6.) +1/ Ki Dodge (25%), Ninja Secret
    7.) +1/ Sneak Attack 4D6
    8.) +2/ Ghost Strike, Ninja Secret
    9.) +2/ Sneak Attack 5D6, Improved Poison Use
    10.) +2/ Ghost Step (Ethereal), Advanced Secrets, Ninja Secret
    11.) +2/ Sneak Attack 6D6
    12.) +3/ Ninja Secret
    13.) +3/ Sneak Attack 7D6
    14.) +3/ Ninja Secret
    15.) +3/ Sneak Attack 8D6, Poison Immunity
    16.) +4/ Ninja Secret
    17.) +4/ Sneak Attack 9D6
    18.) +4/ Greater Ki Dodge (50%), Ninja Secret
    19.) +4/ Sneak Attack 10D6
    20.) +5/ Ninja Death Strike, Ninja Secret

    Class Features

    The following are class features of the Ninja.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ninja's are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, kama, kasuri-gama, kukri, ninja-to, nunchacku, sai, shortbow, short sword, shuriken, and siangham. Ninja's are not proficient with any type of armor or shield.

    AC/CMD bonus (Ex): A Ninja is highly trained at dodging blows and she has a sixth sense that lets her avoid even unanticipated attacks. When unarmored and unencumbered, a ninja adds her wisdom bonus (if any) to her Armor Class.
    In addition the Ninja gains a +1 bonus AC/CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by +1 every four levels thereafter (+2 at 8th, +3 at 12th, +4 at 16th and so on).
    These bonuses apply to AC even against touch attacks or when the Ninja would be caught flat-footed. She looses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, carries any shield, or when she is carrying a medium or heavy load.
    This Ninja's wisdom bonus to AC/CMD does not stack with the monks Wisdom bonus to AC/CMD ability, although her ninja class levels do stack with any monk levels for the purposes of determining her AC/CMD bonus that is based on character level. The Ninja takes the higher of the two bonuses. Thus a 3rd level Ninja, 5th level monk, is treated as an 8th level character and takes a +2 level bonus to AC/CMD.

    Ki Pool (Su): The Ninja can channel an ability called ki to manifest special powers. She receives a number of Ki Points equal to ½ her Ninja class level + her wisdom modifier. Ki powers can only be used if a ninja is wearing no armor and is unencumbered. Ki Points are spend as a swift action unless noted otherwise in an abilities description.
    So long as a Ninja's ki pool isn't empty (that is as long as she has 1 ki point) remaining she gains a +2 bonus on her will saves.
    A Ninja can spend Ki Points to add a +1 bonus to ability checks, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. Spending Ki Points in this fashion is considered a swift action, but it must be done before the roll is made.
    See following entries for different Ki Powers and their individual Ki Point cost.

    Sneak Attack (Ex): If a ninja can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The ninja's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the ninja flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two ninja levels thereafter. Should the ninja score a critical
    hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

    With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a ninja can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.

    The ninja must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A ninja cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

    Ghost Stealth (Ex): A Ninja adds her class level to any and all stealth checks made when she is not wearing any type of armor, and is unencumbered. By spending 1 Ki Point she can cause a momentary distraction and add a +4 bonus to her stealth check and the check is made as a swift action. Using this ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

    Ghost Step (Su): At 2nd level, a ninja can spend 1 ki point as a swift action to become invisible for 1 round. At 11th level a ninja can become ethereal instead of becoming invisible. Using either of these abilities does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

    Ninja secret: As a ninja gains experience, she learns a number of secrets that aid her and confound her foes. Starting at 2nd level, a ninja gains one ninja secret. She gains an additional ninja secret for every 2 levels of ninja attained after 2nd level. A ninja cannot select an individual secret more than once unless otherwise noted.

    Ninja Evasion (Ex): A ninja can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Ninja Evasion differs slightly from the standard form of evasion, and thus classes that also grant the evasion in that case do no improve ninja evasion to improved ninja evasion. Likewise ninja evasion does not improve a class that has the evasion class feature to improved evasion. The two are separate abilities. Evasion can be used only if the ninja is wearing no armor and carrying no more than a light load.

    Ninja Secrets wrote:

    Fast Climb (Ex): A ninja can climb her speed as a move action with no penalty to her Climb check, however, the ninja must end the round on a horizontal surface. If she does not end the round on a horizontal surface, she must succeed an additional Climb check (DC = wall's DC +5) to find a perch or she takes the appropriate amount of falling damage for how high she is off the ground. In addition, a ninja only needs one free hand to climb. This ability can only be used if the ninja is wearing no armor and is carrying no more than a light load.

    Fast Stealth (Ex): This secret allows the ninja to move at full speed while the stealth skill without penalty.

    Ledge Walker (Ex): This ability allows a ninja to move along narrow surfaces at full speed using the Acrobatics skill without penalty. In addition, a ninja with this secret is not flat-footed when using Acrobatics to move along narrow surfaces.

    Martial Arts Training: A ninja that selects this secret gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.

    Improved Martial Arts Training: A ninja that selects this secret gains deals damage with her unarmed strikes as a monk of half her ninja level. If she has levels in monk they stack with half her levels in ninja for determining her unarmed damage and BAB when executing a flurry of blows.

    Advanced Martial Training: A ninja that selects now deals unarmed damage as a monk equal level. If she has levels in monk they stack with all her class levels in ninja for the purpose of determining her unarmed damage, and BAB when executing a flurry of blows. Further more she may spend Ki Points from either her monk or her ninja Ki Pool to activate Ki Powers that are related to her unarmed strikes and flurry of blows.

    Minor Ninja Magic (Sp): A ninja with this secret gains the ability to cast a 0-level spell from the Cleric/Favored Soul spell list. This spell can be cast three times a day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability is equal to the ninja's level. The save DC for this spell is 10 + the ninja's Wisdom modifier. The ninja must have an Wisdom of at least 10 to select this secret.

    Major Ninja Magic (Sp): A ninja with this secret gains the ability to cast a 1st-level spell from the Cleric/Favored soul spell list two times a day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability is equal to the ninja's level. The save DC for this spell is 11 + the ninja's Wisdom modifier. The ninja must have an Wisdom of at least 11 to select this secret. A ninja must have the minor magic ninja secret before choosing this secret.

    Ninja Crawl (Ex): While prone, a ninja with this ability can move at half speed. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. A ninja with this secret can take a 5-foot step while crawling.

    Stand Up (Ex): A ninja with this ability can stand up from the prone position as a free action. This still provokes an attack of opportunity when standing up while being threatened by a foe.

    Slow Fall (Ex): A ninja can expend 1 ki point as an immediate action within arm's reach of a wall and use it to slow her descent while falling. The ninja’s ability to slow her fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) is equal to the ninja’s level x5 feet. A ninja must have the sure step secret to select this talent.

    Surprise Attack (Ex): During the surprise round opponents are always considered flat-footed to a ninja with this ability, even if they've already acted.

    Ninja Acrobatics (Ex): A ninja who selects this secret gains a +2 bonus to all acrobatics checks. This talent can be selected multiple times, each time increasing the bonus to acrobatics by an additional +2.

    Ninja Weapon Specialist (Ex): With this secret, when wielding a weapon with a special property such as the kama described under the ninja's weapon and armor proficiencies, the ninja may spend 1 ki point as a swift action to gain the appropriate improved combat maneuver feat with that weapon on their next attack. For example a Ninja using a Kama, a weapon that can make trip attacks, who normally doesn't have the Improved trip feat, can spend 1 ki point, and gain the benefit of the improved trip feat on his next attack. If the Ninja does not preform the combat maneuver on his next attack action, the ki point is wasted.

    Shuriken Multi-Throw (Ex): A Ninja with this secret can throw multiple Shuriken with one attack roll. The Ninja may throw up to a number of shuriken equal to dexterity modifier. She makes one attack roll for all shuriken thrown vs each individual opponents armor class. Thus it is possible to hit some opponents while missing others completely. She may target as many opponents as she has shuriken to throw, but each target can be no more than 5 feet apart, or she can choose to assign multiple shuriken to individual targets. Thus a Ninja with a dexterity of 17 who is facing three opponents, all who are within 5 feet of each other, can choose to throw 1 shuriken at each of her opponents, making one attack roll vs their individual armor class to see if the shuriken hit, or throw all three at just one of them.

    Trapfinding (Ex): A ninja adds ½ her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A ninja can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

    Trap Sense (Ex): A ninja that selects this secret gains a +1 bonus to reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC/CMD to avoid attacks made by traps. A Ninja may select this talent multiple times, each time increasing the bonuses by +1. A ninja must have taken the Trap Finding ninja secret before they can select this ability.

    Water Skipper (Ex): A ninja who selects this ability can run across water at her full movement rate. She must begin and end her movement on solid ground. If she cannot complete her movement or is not able to reach solid ground she can make an acrobatics jump check, DC 20 + the distance to solid ground, to try and reach solid ground. If she fails this jump check she immediately falls into the water. She cannot be wearing any form or armor or carrying more than a light load.

    Weapon Training (Ex): A Ninja that selects this secret gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat with any one weapon listed under the Ninja's Weapon and Armor Proficiency entry.

    Poison Use (Ex): At 3rd level and higher the Ninja never needs to worry about accidentally poisoning herself when applying poison to a weapon.

    High Jump (Ex): At 4th level the ninja adds her level to all Acrobatics checks made to jump, both for vertical jumps and horizontal jumps. In addition, she always counts as having a running start when making jump checks using Acrobatics. By spending 1 ki point from her ki pool as a swift action, a ninja gains a +20 bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for 1 round.

    Ki Dodge (Su): At 6th level a ninja can spend 1 ki point as an immediate action to cause an attack to miss when it might otherwise hit. When a ninja activates this ability her outline wavers granting her a 25% miss chance due to concealment against all attacks that round. Using this ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The spell See Invisibility has no effect on the concealment granted by Ki Dodge, but the spell true seeing negates the miss chance. This concealment does not stack with that cause by other effects that grant concealment or by spells such as blink or displacement.

    Ghost Strike (Su): At 8th level, a ninja can spend 1 ki point as a move action to strike incorporeal and ethereal creatures for 1 round. Activating this ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It affects the next attack made by the ninja so long as that attack is made before the end of her next turn. She can also use this ability to strike material creatures while ethereal.

    Poison Use, Improved (Ex): At 9th level a ninja can apply poison to her weapons as a move action rather than as a standard action.

    Advanced Secrets: At 10th level, and every two levels thereafter, a ninja can choose one of the following advanced talents in place of a ninja secret.

    Advanced Ninja Secrets wrote:

    Blinding Stealth (Ex): Whenever you use your Ghost Step ability to become invisible or ethereal, you can choose spend 1 additional Ki Point to create a blinding flash of light. Any opponents within 10 feet of you must make a fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + ½ your Ninja Class level + Wisdom modifier or be blinded for 1 full round. Anyone who makes their saving throw is dazed for 1 full round.

    Feign Death (Ex): A with this secret has mastered the art of controlling her body to the point where she can appear to be dead. Even powers, spells, or effects that would detect life or thought are incapable of determining whether or not the Ninja is alive. To use this ability the Ninja must spend 1 Ki Point and concentrate for 1 full round, after which their mind and body enter into a catatonic state. While in this state the Ninja is completely aware of her surroundings. If she chose to enter the trance with her eyes open she can see everything that is going on, though her pupils will not
    dilate if exposed to light. If someone closes her eyelids then she is considered blind, but otherwise can hear, smell, and feel as normal. The ninja can remain in this state for a number of days equal to her ninja class level + her constitution modifier. Time passes more slowly for the ninja while she is in this state. For the purposes of determining starvation and thirst one day for a ninja in this state is equal to 1 week. To anyone observing the Ninja's body she appears to be lifeless and dead. Her heart beat has slowed to the point where it is all but nonexistent and her skin is cool to the touch. The Ninja can choose to end this effect at any time.

    Ghost Mind (Su): The ninja with this secret gains a special resistance to spells of the scrying subschool. To detect or see the ninja with a such a spell the caster must make a caster level check (DC 20 + the Ninja's class level). In the case of scrying spells that scan the Ninja's area (such as arcane eye) a failed check indicates the spell works but the ninja is undetected. Scrying attempts targeted directly against the ninja do not work at all if the check fails. You must be a Ninja of at least 14th level to learn this secret.

    Ghost Sight (Su): A ninja with this secret with at least 1 ki point remaining in her ki pool can see invisible and ethereal creatures as easily as she sees material creatures. Additionally, the ninja can expend 1 ki point to gain the effects of true seeing for 1 round. You must be a Ninja of at least 16th level to learn this secret.

    Ghost Walk (Su): A ninja with this secret can expend 2 ki points to enter the Ethereal Plane. This ability functions as the ethereal jaunt spell with a caster level equal to the ninja's class level. You must be a Ninja of at least 20th level to learn this secret.

    Improved Ninja Evasion (Ex): This works like ninja evasion, except that while the ninja still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless ninja does not gain the benefit of improved evasion. A ninja must have the Ninja Evasion secret to select improved evasion.

    Master Escape Artist (Ex): By spending 1 Ki Point the ninja can slip out of bonds, grapples and even the effects of confining or restraining spells more easily. This effect duplicates a Freedom of Movement spell with the caster level being equal to the Ninja's class level. This can only be done if she is wearing no armor and carrying no more than a heavy load.

    Ninja Acrobatic Mastery (Ex): A ninja who selects this secret can spend 1 Ki Point to take 10 on acrobatics checks even when stress or distraction would prevent them from doing so. This can only be done if she is wearing no armor and carrying no more than a heavy load.

    Ninja Vanish (Ex): A ninja who selects this secret can spend make stealth checks even while being observed. This can only be done if she is wearing no armor and carrying no more than a heavy load. She can use this ability in combination with her Ghost Stealth ability.

    Slippery Mind (Ex): This secret represents the ninja's ability to wriggle free from effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If a ninja with the slippery mind secret is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She only gets this one extra chance to reroll her saving throw.

    Bonus Feat: A Ninja may substitute a bonus feat in place of gaining an Advanced Secret. This Advanced Secret can be taken multiple times. Each time the Ninja selects another bonus feat.

    Poison Immunity (Ex): Starting at 15th level the ninja becomes immune to any and all poisons. Further more she may carry any contact, ingested, or inhaled poison in her mouth with no risk of poisoning herself. As an attack action she can spit this poison at an opponent. To hit her opponent with this attack he only has to make an attack roll vs. her opponents touch AC.

    Greater Ki Dodge (Su): As ki dodge, but the miss chance granted by concealment is now 50%.

    Ninja Death Strike (Ex): At 20th level if the Ninja is able to deliver her Sneak Attack while either ethereal or invisible then she can affect the target with her Ninja Death Strike ability and choose to either paralyze the victim for 2D6 rounds or kill them outright. The victim is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw equal to 10 + ½ the Ninja's class level + the Ninja's Wisdom Modifier. If the saving throw succeeds then the Ninja Death strike is treated as just a normal sneak attack. Regardless of if the Ninja Death Strike succeeds, a creature that has been targeted by it cannot be affected by that same Ninja's ninja death strike for 24 hours.

    Crap: For got to put the thread url into the link

    SmiloDan's: Pathfinder Truenamer

    **punt** looking to see if I can get any thoughts on this idea

    Warmage Conversion/Update to Pathfinder.

    -Increased BAB & Hit respectively (now they can actually fight)
    -granted them the arcane strike feat as a bonus feat.
    -Removed the set Sudden Meta-magic bonus feat progression. Replaced it with a class feature at the same levels where the feats would be gained. Now they can choose any sudden metamagic feat that they meet the prerequistes for as their bonus feat for that level. They are also now able to use these sudden meta-magic feats more often as they progress in level.
    -Added in a "Capstone ability" to fuse their dual casting stats together as well as provide some additional damage to their warmage edge ability.

    Aside from that no much was changed. They're a "full caster" so I'm not overly concerned with filling in all the dead levels.

    Thoughts, questions, concerns?

    ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________


    Hit Die: D8 (upgrade)
    BAB: Medium (upgrade)
    Saves: Poor Fortitude, Poor Reflex, Good Will Power
    Class features: same except as notated below
    Skill Points: 2 + Int
    Skills: Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Profession, and Spellcraft
    Spell progression: Same/0-level spells converted to cantrips.

    1.) Cantrips (0-Lvl spells), Armored Mage (Light), Warmage Edge
    2.) Arcane Strike
    3.) Advanced learning
    4.) ---Dead---
    5.) ---Dead---
    6.) Advanced Learning
    7.) Warmage Training +1
    8.) Armored Mage (Medium), Medium Armor Proficiency
    9.) ---Dead---
    10.) Warmage Training +2
    11.) Advanced Learning
    12.) ---Dead---
    13.) ---Dead---
    14.) ---Dead---
    15.) Warmage Training +3
    16.) Advanced Learning
    17.) ---Dead---
    18.) ---Dead---
    19.) ---Dead---
    20.) War Caster, Warmage Training +4

    Class Features:

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    No Change/Same.

    Warmage Edge(Ex):
    Same/No Change.

    Armored Mage (Light & Medium)(Ex): At 1st level you learn to use light armor with no chance of arcane spell failure.
    This Improves to Medium
    Armor at 8th level when you gain the bonus feat, Medium Armor proficiency.

    Arcance strike:
    At 2nd level the Warmage receives Arcane Strike as a bonus feat.

    Advanced Learning (Ex): Same/No Change

    Warmage Training (Ex): At 7th, 10th, 15th and 20th level the Warmage receives a bonus Sudden Meta-Magic feat for which he meets the prerequisties for. Also the Warmage a number of additional uses per day that he can apply to any of his Sudden Meta-Magic feats, in any combination, equal to the listed bonus.

    War Caster (Ex): At 20th level the Warmage can add both his Intelligence & Charisma Modifier to any evocation spells saving throw DC. Also at 20th level the Warmage adds his Intelligence & Charisma Modifier together to determine the bonus damage dealt by his Warmage Edge.

    ***Adapter's Notes***
    -Updated Hit Die to D8 per conversion rules
    -Updated Skill list

    -Brought the class up from Maximum 5th level powers, to 6th level powers.
    -Brought the Psionic Strength Points in line with those of a Psychic Warrior and Lurk.
    -Increased Psionic Power Progression to bring in line with Psychic Warrior/Lurk

    Added Psionic Rogue Talents: Some of these are unique to only the Psionic Rogue.
    Added Psionic Master Strike Capstone ability @ 20th Level. Made it similar but different enough from the standard rogue's Master Strike ability.

    Personal feelings:
    -I always liked this class. I thought this was a much better idea than the Lurk that they produced for Complete Psionic. So I just took care of updating it, and bringing it inline with the other Pathfinder classes.


    PHB:II Updating the Duskblade and the Knight

    The Duskblade and the Knight, probably two of the best constructed, splatbook base classes printed for 3.5. Personally I am of the opinion that these classes are pretty much good to go as is, with very little need of modification. So this here is just my update for these classes. Feel free to comment.


    The Knight:

    HD, BAB, Saves, Skill points, class features (same as printed in PHBII)
    Skills Update: Climb, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty, Ride, and Swim.
    17th level: Greater Shield Ally (Ex): Same as ability Improved Shield Ally gained at 14th level, except now you can absorb all the damage dealt to them. You still have the option of only accepting partial damage.


    That was really it for the Knight. He had 1 dead level in 3.5 and a slew of abilities. Loyal Beyond Death is a capstone as far as I'm concerned.

    Now the Duskblade did need some restructuring. Don't know if anyone else noticed this, but Spell Power seems to follow a logical set progression, which is disrupted at level 18 when I think the designers went "Oh crap, we need to get this +5 bonus in there and we're going to run out of levels, quick throw the dart and whatever level it hits on the board that's where we'll add it."

    Now don't get me wrong, the Duskblade is one of the best base classes printed in 3.5. You have your cake, and get to eat it too. That being said, I'd have some pissed off players, if I just said one night, sorry PFRPG now, just make a 5 fighter, 5 sorcerer, and 10 Eldritch Knight for conversion. And as much as I agree that the duskblade almost completely invalidates doing a fighter/spellcaster multiclass combo, the class stands on its own, synthesizes two elements very well, and in my opinion, produces a better whole than multiclass route. So my feelings with regards to this thing have always been torn.

    So here is what I did with the Duskblade:
    -I Reworked the level progression for Spell Power so that it now follows a logical level progression, and doesn't just dump to +5 at 18th level.
    -Reworked the Quick Cast # of times per day.
    -Making these changes allowed for me to insert a "Capstone Ability" at 20th level.


    Hit Die: Update to D10 (for once I don't agree with this)
    BAB: Same (good)
    Saves: Good Fortitude, Poor Reflex, Good Will Power
    Class features: same except as notated below
    Spell progression: Same/0-level spells converted to cantrips.
    (note that cantrips are separate from Arcane Attunement ability)

    5.) Quick Cast 1/per day
    6.) Spell Power +1
    7.) Armored Mage (Heavy Shield)
    8.) Quick Cast 2/per day
    9.) Spell Power +2
    10.) ---Dead---
    11.) Quick Cast 3/per day
    12.) Spell Power +3
    13.) Arcane Channeling (full attack)
    14.) Quick Cast 4/per day
    15.) Spell Power +4
    16.) ---Dead---
    17.) Quick Cast 5/perday
    18.) Spell Power +5
    19.) ---Dead---
    20.) Blade of Spell & Sword
    **(Note: Level Chart is only from level 5-20 where features where changed)

    Blade of Spell & Sword (Su): By 20th level the Duskblade has mastered the art of combining sword play and spell casting, marrying the two into a unified deadly whole. Whenever the Duskblade uses their quick cast ability to cast a touch spell as a swift action they may apply the affects of the arcane channeling (full attack) ability to it as well. In addition to the touch spell effecting every melee target struck in that round, the spell does not discharge at the end of the round. Instead it remains locked in the blade for a number of rounds equal to its spell level, and adds and additional bonus to hit and damage for that many rounds. Once a number of rounds equal to the spells level have elapsed the spell then discharges normally.

    For example a 20th level Duskblade uses his quick cast on the spell: Polar Ray. The spell remains in the blade, and effects any targets struck in melee, for the next 5 rounds. It also adds an additional +5 to hit, and +5 to damage from being a 5th level spell. Once the 5 rounds have elapsed the spell discharges normally.

    Is it powerful, yes. Deadly, yes. Worthy of a Capstone, yes. Here's the catch, you can only perform this trick as many times as you have Quick Cast/per day left. That being said, I intentionally ended the progression at 17th level, and did not give them an additional use with the Capstone ability.

    So feed back, questions, concerns, ect. All welcome as usual. I'm trying to convert these classes with minimal modification as they were quite powerful to begin with.


    Devoted Defender [conv from 3.0 Sword and Fist] to PFRPG/3.75

    (This PRC was updated from Sword & Fist)

    Adapter's notes:
    -The class is pretty much as it was printed in Sword & Fist, loosing nothing, but instead gaining abilities that help it to do its job in combat more effectively.
    -As written this PRC can easily represent a very specialized bodyguard. From there you can adapt it to fit however you want in your campaign world.
    -Note that the PRC had a D12 Hit die to start. Given their “knack for getting in harms way” I felt as though it would be appropriate to leave them with that large Hit Die.
    -Sudden Action simply made sense. If you're not where you have to be, when you need to be there, it makes you pretty useless.
    -Diehard simply made sense.
    -Improved Charge: Reflects this class's ability to weave their way through a crowd quickly and efficiently to get to their charge.
    -Unbreakable Defender: Its their pinnacle “capstone” ability, the one that lets them literally keep fighting. This can be used to buy their charge time to escape, or simply reflect the character's discipline and training, forcing the body to continue fighting even after they should have dropped dead.

    Feel free to leave comments or suggestions.
    -Thanks: AK
    Devoted Defender

    The Devoted Defender is a professional Body Guard. He is an individual who is skilled at protecting his designated client from harm, often by taking his charges place as the target of threats and attacks. Some Devoted Defenders are mercenaries for hire, who receive special compensation for their services, usually in the form of money, room and board, magical healing or otherwise, though it is not uncommon for a devoted defender to not be driven by such material needs. Often nobles or spell casters will hire one of these elite bodyguards for their own personal protection.

    Base Attack Bonus: +5
    Feats: Alertness, Dodge, and Mobility
    Skills: Perception 2, Sense Motive 1

    Devoted Defender Class Table wrote:

    Hit Die: D12 (came with that from sword and fist)
    BAB: Good
    Fortitude: Good
    Reflex: Good
    Willpower: Poor
    Skill Points at each level: 2+Int Modifier
    Skills: Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis).
    Level/AC Bonus/Special

    1.)+1/ Harm's Way, Uncanny Dodge
    2.)+1/ Defensive Strike
    3.)+2/ Deflect Attack +1
    4.)+2/ Sudden Action, Defensive Strike+1
    5.)+3/ Improved Uncanny Dodge, Deflect Attack +2
    6.)+3/ Defensive Strike+2
    7.)+4/ Diehard
    8.)+4/ Defensive Strike +3
    9.)+5/ Improved Charge, Deflect Attack +4
    10.)+5/ Unbreakable Defender, Defensive Strike +4

    Class Features:

    Weapons and Armor Proficiencies: The Devoted Defender is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy) and all shields, including Tower shields.

    Armor Class Bonus: When fighting defensively or protecting their “Charge” (see below: Harm's Way), the Devoted Defender can add the listed bonus to their AC. These bonuses apply even against touch attacks or when he is caught flat-footed. The Devoted defender loses these bonuses when immobilized or helpless.

    Harms Way (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the Devoted Defender may elect to place himself in the path of danger in order to protect a single creature or object (here after referred to as his “Charge”). Any time you are withing 5 feet of your charge, and your charge suffers an attack, you may elect to switch places with you charge as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and receive the attack intended for your charge in its place. You must declare this before the attack roll is made. You select your charge when you roll initiative, and it is a free action to do so. You may not change your charge for the duration of that combat.

    Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 1st level a Devoted Defender gains the ability to react to danger before his sense would normally allow him to do so. He retains his dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If The Devoted Defender already has Uncanny Dodge from a different class, he automatically gains Improved Uncanny Dodge instead.

    Defensive Strike (Ex): At 2nd level, you can make an attack of opportunity against any adjacent opponent who attacks your charge in melee and misses. You may do this a number of times equal to you Dexterity Modifier as if you had the Combat Reflexes Feat. In addition, when using this ability to defend your charge, the Devoted Defender may make one additional attack of opportunity for every other level he gains beyond 2nd. You also receive a +1 bonus to this attack for every 2 levels after 2nd.

    Deflect Attack (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, the Devoted Defender can attempt to deflect a melee attack made against his charge. He can do this a number of times per round equal to his competence bonus (see below). He must be within 5 feet of his charge to attempt this and using a melee weapon or shield to deflect the attack, (an unarmed strike is considered a melee weapon). When the attacker declared an attack against your charge, they are actually rolling to hit with their BAB against your Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD), not the targets AC. You gain a competence bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense starting at +1 at 3rd level and increasing by +1 for every 2 levels after 3rd. If the attacker cannot overcome your Combat Maneuver Defense, you deflect the blow and neither you nor your charge suffer damage from the attack. You must be aware of the attack before hand and not flat-footed.

    Sudden Action (Ex): At 4th level, as a free action, the Devoted Defender can change his place in the initiative order, moving higher or lower in the count by a number equal to or less than half his class level rounded down, as he sees fit, even after the initiative order has been established, before anyone else takes an action.

    Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level a Devoted Defender can no longer be flanked; he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the Devoted Defender by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more levels in the sneak attacking class than the target has Devoted Defender levels.

    Diehard (Ex): At 7th Level, when a Devoted Defender is within 5 feet of his charge he gains the benefits of the Diehard feat even is he does not meet the prerequisites.

    Improved Charge (Ex): At 9th level a Devoted Defender can make a charge without having to move in a straight line, so long as the charge will put him within 5 feet of his “Charge” at the end of his movement. All other charge rules apply, but the Devoted Defender can alter his direction when making a charge to avoid opponents or obstacles.

    Unbreakable Defender (Ex): At 10th level a Devoted Defender can temporarily ignore the effects of death while protecting his charge. So long as he is within 5 feet of his charge, he is not treated as disabled with reduced to 0 hit points, nor his he treated as dying. Even if reduced to the point where he would be considered dead, a negative hit point total equal to his constitution score or below, he can continue to defend his charge until the end of the round. After that point the affects of his wounds apply normally if they have not been healed. This ability does not prevent death from massive damage or from spell effects such as slay living or disintegrate.

    Engineer Version 2.0
    Okay well I listened to your observations and opinions, and as I said that was just the alpha test of the class. So after some review here we have the first “playable” version, that I'm calling the beta or version 2.0 release. Important changes have been listed below. Feel free to review again, and make further comments. I will be following this up with an additional post regarding how I feel about certain aspects of the class.

    Thanks in advance: AK

    Important Changes wrote:

    Important Changes:
    -Restructured Genius Progression: Now gained at 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 10th
    -Removed Items of Power, and Enhancement Progression
    -Added New class feature that should make applying meta-magic or meta-psionic feats easier.
    (thus removing most of the “meta-invention” feats).
    -Restructured Advanced Genius Progression: Now gained at 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th
    -Elimination of the following Geniuses: Smart Combatant, Smart and Deadly, Smart Defense.

    The Engineer

    BAB: Poor
    Hit Dice: D6
    Saves: Poor Fortitude, Poor Reflex, Good Will Power
    Skill Points: 6 + Intelligence Modifier per level
    Skills: Appraise, Craft, Disable Device, Fly, Knowledge: (All taken individually ), Linguistics, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Use Magical Device, Use Psionic Device.
    Engineer Class Tables: Broken down for post format wrote:

    LVL Special
    1.) Minor Gadgets, Engineer's Knowledge, Repair, Trap Finding.
    2.) Genius
    3.) Meta-Theoretical Conversion
    4.) Genius
    5.) Decode Item (Magic & Psionic)
    6.) -
    7.) Genius
    8.) -
    9.) -
    10.) Genius
    11.) Advanced Genius
    12.) -
    13.) -
    14.) Advanced Genius
    15.) -
    16.) -
    17.) Advanced Genius
    18.) -
    19.) -
    20.) Advanced Genius

    Level Number of Inventions
    1.) 2
    2.) 3
    3.) 6
    4.) 6
    5.) 7
    6.) 7
    7.) 8
    8.) 9
    9.) 12
    10.) 12
    11.) 13
    12.) 13
    13.) 14
    14.) 17
    15.) 17
    16.) 18
    17.) 18
    18.) 19
    19.) 21
    20.) 21

    Level/Invention Points
    1.) 2
    2.) 6
    3.) 11
    4.) 17
    5.) 25
    6.) 35
    7.) 46
    8.) 58
    9.) 72
    10.) 88
    11.) 106
    12.) 126
    13.) 147
    14.) 170
    15.) 195
    16.) 221
    17.) 250
    18.) 280
    19.) 311
    20.) 343
    (Bonus Invention Points equal to Intelligence x your Engineer Class level x ½. )

    Level/Theory Level
    1.) 1st
    2.) 1st
    3.) 2nd
    4.) 2nd
    5.) 3rd
    6.) 3rd
    7.) 4th
    8.) 4th
    9.) 5th
    10.) 5th
    11.) 6th
    12.) 6th
    13.) 7th
    14.) 7th
    15.) 8th
    16.) 8th
    17.) 9th
    18.) 9th
    19.) 9th
    20.) 9th
    To use a Theory the Engineer must have an Intelligence of 10 + Theory level. Thus to use 1st level Theories an Engineer must have a minimum Intelligence of 11.

    Level: Number of Theories Known
    1.) 3
    2.) 5
    3.) 7
    4.) 9
    5.) 11
    6.) 13
    7.) 15
    8.) 17
    9.) 19
    10.) 21
    11.) 22
    12.) 24
    13.) 25
    14.) 27
    15.) 28
    16.) 30
    17.) 31
    18.) 33
    19.) 34
    20.) 36
    (Bonus Theories same as if he were an Intelligence based spell caster. (See table in PHB or PFRPG).)

    Weapons and Armor Proficiency: An Engineer is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the light hammer and war hammer. The Engineer is proficient with all light armors, but not with shields.

    Engineer's Knowledge (Ex): An engineer adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Engineering, Geography, History, Nature, Psionics, The Planes, Religion) skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

    Minor Tools & Gadgets (Ex): An Engineer possess a tool kit of random standard and custom made tools that are used to perform a variety of tasks. This tool kit is ever changing and growing as the character advances in level. Minor Tools and Gadgets can replicate the effect of any zero level spell from any class list. They may be used an unlimited number of times per day. Further more these tools are non-magical, the produce no magical aura, are not subject to spell resistance, and function within an anti-magic field. An Engineer may only have a number of Minor Tools & Gadgets equal to his class level + Intelligence modifier. Any save DC for these items is equal to 10 + Intelligence Modifier.

    Repair (Ex): Over the course of adventuring something (or someone) is bound to cause an invention to fail or breakdown. Fortunately for the Engineer he can attempt to repair his inventions, so long as they haven't been completely destroyed, by making what is called a repair check. A repair check is the result of rolling a D20 + Engineer's Class level + Knowledge: Engineering Skill. The DC for fixing inventions are usually as follows (but subject to modification by the GM/DM based on circumstances)

    skill chart wrote:

    Invention broken by non-Engineer users
    DC 10 (if check was failed by 5 or less) + the amount failed by (between 1 and 4)
    DC 15 (if check was failed by 10 or less) + the amount failed by (between 1 to 9)
    Damaged Inventions
    DC 10 + Damage dealt (as long as it was not enough damage to destroy the invention) -15 from the roll. If enough damage is repaired to bring the invention back to full hp then the invention starts working again.

    Retry: Yes. So long as the Engineer does not fail the check by 20 or more. If he does, the invention is beyond his repair and only good for parts. The invention points are added back into his Invention Point Pool. He can rebuild the invention from scratch but doing so takes 4 hours per theory level, per theory assigned to the invention.

    -Repair checks and Warforged/Effigies/Living Constructs/Constructs.
    The Engineer can use his repair check to repair any of the above creature types. He simply roles his repair check and subtracts 15 from the roll. The remaining amount is how much damage was repaired in terms of hit points restored.

    Jury-Rigging an item:
    You can attempt to Jury-Rig an Invention. Doing so reduces the DC by 5 and allows the item to function under the following conditions.
    -Each time the invention is used it must make a Fortitude Saving throw: DC 20 + the number of times it has been used (including the current one). The inventions fortitude saving throw is equal to the Engineer's + the Engineer's Intelligence Modifier.
    -If the effect is continuous or has a duration, for each time increment that the duration is in effect, or for every hour if the duration is continuous, the invention must make a DC 20 fortitude saving throw + 5 for each time increment or hour it has been in use. As per above it uses the Engineer's fortitude save + intelligence modifier.
    -If the Invention fails this save by 5 or less it works on last time and then ceases to function. If it was a duration or continuous effect it lasts for one more time increment, or 1 hour and then stops functioning. It cannot be jury rigged again.
    -If the Invention fails by 10 or less the invention ceases to function immediately producing no effect. It cannot be jury rigged again.
    -If the Invention fails by 10 or more it suffers from a catastrophic system failure, and explodes as if a user with no levels in Engineer had attempted a use magical/psionic device and failed the check by 10 or more. (see below)

    Take 10 or 20: Yes, under the appropriate circumstances.

    Trapfinding: An Engineer adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). An Engineer can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

    Inventions, Theories, and their game applications: 101
    ___________________________________________________________________________ _____
    Engineer Terminology:
    Theory: An written idea, formula, diagram, or representation of what an invention can do. For game purposes these can be an arcane/divine spell or psionic power. The number of Theories an Engineer knows is based off the above table, under Number of Theories Known. The highest level spell or power that can be learned as a theory is also listed on this table under the entry Theory Level. Theories do not work on their own, they needed to be assigned with Invention Points to an Invention before they can be used. Once a Theory is assigned to an invention it becomes a Function.

    Invention: An invention represents an item to which a theory has been assigned with Invention Points as a Function. Inventions allow theories to work. They are nonmagical devices, and thus are not subject to spell resistance and they work even within an anti-magic or anti-psionic field. Inventions are normally large size, requiring 2 hands to wield, or take up 2 body slots of magical items if they are worn, although they can be made larger or smaller with the appropriate genius.

    Invention Points: These represent the use of minor tools, components, batteries, wires, and other items required to make an invention work. Often considered the “nuts & bolts” of an invention. In order for an Engineer to assign a theory as a function to an invention he must spend the appropriate number of invention points based on the theory's level, which is the same as the spell or psionic power level it is based off of. By spending invention points the Engineer assigns the theory as a function to his invention that is usable once per day for each time that he spends the required number of invention points to assign the theory as a function.

    Function: A function is a theory that has been assigned to an invention with invention points. Functions are usable 1 per day, for each time the Engineer spends the invention points required to assign it. Functions may be swapped out of an invention, or removed completely, and thus return the appropriate number of invention points.

    This concludes the basic terminology guide.

    Theories: The Engineer does not cast arcane/divine spells or manifest psionic powers. Instead all of his inventions are based off theories that he then builds into his inventions, at which point they become functions. An Engineer begins play knowing only 3 theories + those gained from his intelligence modifier (determine bonus theories as you would bonus spells for an Intelligence based spell caster). At each level he gains access to more theories, as shown under the column labeled Number of Theories Known. An Engineer need not immediately assign a theory to one of his theories known, he can choose to leave it open so that it may be filled with a new theory that he comes across later (see below). The highest level theory a Engineer can know is a listed under the column Theory level.
    At first a Engineer can only learn or know theories from the list of Artificer Infusions found in the Eberron Campaign Setting. He can, as he grows, turn any spell or psionic power that he has seen, witnessed, experienced, or has access to into a theory. To turn a spell or psionic power that is not on the Artificer's infusion list into a theory the Engineer must make a special skill check using the appropriate knowledge (arcana, religion or psionics) + Intelligence Modifier + (any other relevant additional modifiers, if any) vs. DC of 20 + Spell or Psionic Power level. If he makes the check he can create a theory that replicates the spell or power's effect. If he fails he cannot try again until he has gained another class level. These theories replicate an existing spell or psionic power in effect, but when they are assigned as functions to the Engineer's inventions they are neither magical or psionic.
    Theories can be swapped out whenever an Engineer gains a class level in which he learns new theories. He simply “forgets or losses” his old theory, and replaces it with one of the same theory level or lower.
    An engineer may also add more theories to his list by taking the Genius/feat Additional Theories, that allows him to learn one additional theory of the highest level or lower that he could know for each time that he takes the feat or genius.

    Inventions: Engineers use inventions to replicate the effects of artificer infusions, arcane/divine spells, or psionic powers. While these inventions replicate these effects they are not magical or psionic and thus are not affected by spell or psionic resistance, and they do function even within an anti-magic/psionic field. The maximum number of inventions an Engineer may have at any given time is listed under Number of Inventions, although he may add to this number by taking the genius/feat: Extra Inventions, that would increase his number of inventions by 1.
    An invention is a useless item, or pile of parts, until the Engineer assigns a theory to it as a function using invention points. An Engineer spends the required number of invention points and assigns the theory as a function that that be used 1 per/day. An Engineer may assign multiple uses of the same function to the same or another invention by simply spending the required invention points again. Please note that an invention can not hold more invention points, than equal to the Engineer's class level, per invention. And Engineer can combine his inventions together, so that it can hold the combined total of invention points. Thus a 3rd level Engineer that has a maximum of 6 inventions, could choose to combine all 6 inventions together, creating one invention that holds up to 18 invention points, or as many as 6 inventions that can hold a maximum of 3 invention points each. (Granted this can be changed by taking the appropriate genius and increasing the inventions size: See later Genius entry: Supersize Inventions). Also when assigning theories as functions to inventions, and Engineer may not spend more points on a theory than equal to his Engineer's class level.
    For example: William's a 5th level Engineer has access up to 3rd level Theories. He decides he's going to make an invention using one of his 3rd level theories. 3rd level Theories cost 5 Invention points for each use of that theory he wants to assign to his invention. Since he is only 5th level, he can only assign the theory once to his invention, as it can only hold up to 5 invention points, and the maximum number of invention points he can spend on a theory to turn it into a function if 5 invention points.
    Once an Engineer spends the appropriate number of invention points it is assigned as a function to the invention, that is usable once per day. If the Engineer wishes to have the same or multiple inventions produce the same effect multiple times per day, he must spend the required number of invention points for the theory to be turned into a function for his invention, per use that he wants the invention to have, but once again, he cannot invest more invention points into any one invention than equal to his Engineer class level. When an invention is used or activated it takes the normal amount of time (based on the spell/power's casting/manifesting time) before its effects come into play. When the effects to come into play, theory that was assigned as a function, to the invention operates at the Minimum Required level to Cast the spell. Thus an Engineer that has “Fireball” as a 3rd level theory, activates his fireball gun. It takes 1 standard action for the gun to fire, producing the fireball effect, but it operates as if cast by a 5th level caster (minimum required level for a fireball to be cast) and thus only does 5D6 points of damage.
    An Engineer does have the option to apply the theory to the invention at a higher or lower theory level as a function of his invention. Thus continuing our previous example, an Engineer could assign Fireball as a 4th level function to his invention but it would then cost him 7 invention points and only that use would be at 4th level. The advantage is that now the invention functions as a 4th level spell, thus when the fireball is fired it minimum caster level is now 7th, and thus it does 7D6 damage. By assigning the theory at a lower level, say a 2nd level theory, the Fireball now only costs 3 invention points, but when the fireball effect is produced it operates as a 2nd level spell and thus only does 3D6 damage, since 3rd level is the minimum required caster level to cast or produce a spell or psionic power of 2nd level effect.

    (side note): When Engineer's adjust a theory in this fashion, when assigning invention points, its often referred to as “Setting the dials”

    Inventions are normally considered Large items (relevant to the base creature size) and require 2 hands to wield/use in combat. If they are worn they are automatically considered to consume up to 2 body slots worth of magical items, usually weighing about 10 pounds each. An Engineer may take the “Miniaturize Invention” genius/feat, to reduce the size of his inventions, without reducing the maximum number of invention points they can carry. This also reduces their overall weight to 5 pounds.
    Inventions can also be increased in size category or use more body slots by taking the genius/feat “Supersize Invention”. For each size category larger or additional body slot devoted to the invention the Engineer may add ½ as many more invention points to the invention as it could previously hold. This increase in size is cumulative. Thus an invention that can hold 6 invention points normally, increased to gargantuan size would hold up to 13 points (6 at large, 9 at huge, and 13 at Gargantuan). Note that increasing an inventions size beyond large size, in effect makes the invention immobile, and if the Engineer wishes for it to be a mobile invention that he can take with him, will have to find some way of granting it mobility.

    Other Character's Using the Engineer's Inventions
    Normally an Engineers are the only people that can use inventions without risk to themselves. Characters from other classes who do not have levels in Engineer can attempt to use an Engineer's inventions but at great risk to themselves and others, unless the Engineer has built that invention with the “Simplify Invention” feat/genius. To use an invention, you must make a use magic device or use psionic device (this is determined by the theory that replicates the spell's or power's effect), but at a -10 penalty. If you succeed then you manage to make the invention work once. If you fail by 5 or less the invention works, but cannot be used again until the Engineer makes a repair check. The DC is equal to 10 + however much the check was failed by. If you fail by more than 5, the invention does not work at all, and still requires the Engineer to make a repair check. The DC is equal to 15 + however much the check was failed by. If he makes the check, he repairs the item and it functions normally again. (see repair class feature for details). If you fail by 10 or more, the invention completely suffers from a catastrophic malfunction and explodes dealing 1D6 points of damage, per theory level, per theory that was assigned to the invention to all creatures within 10 feet per 10 invention points (rounded down) in the area. All creatures within the area,except for the person using the invention, can attempt a reflex save for half damage. The invention points are returned to the Engineer after he spends 1 full round picking up the pieces of invention.

    Invention Point cost based on Theory level wrote:

    Invention Point cost based on Theory level
    Theory Level = Spell or Psionic Power level
    Invention Point cost


    Swapping Functions within Inventions: Sometimes the Engineer will find himself in a situation where none of his current inventions will serve him. At times like this he is able to “disassemble” his inventions and rebuild or modify them by swapping or changing out their functions. Swapping functions or rebuilding and invention takes time. First the Engineer must know the function that he wants to replace the existing function with. Second he may only swap functions of equal or lower invention point costs. Once the function is removed the appropriate number of invention points are returned to the Engineer (based on how many invention points were assigned to that function). The Engineer may then spend these points as he sees fit when assigning the new function to the invention. When swapping inventions it takes one 1 time increment longer to swap the function than the normal casting time for the spell or power the theory is based on. Thus if an Engineer is swapping out a function that takes standard action to activate, it takes the Engineer 1 full found to swap out the function. In cases where the new Functions activations time (aka casting/manifesting time) is not the same, the increased time increment is based on the function with the highest casting time.

    When totally rebuilding an invention, to serve a different function, the engineer needs to disassemble enough inventions to gain back the required number of invention points needed for each time he wishes assign the new theory as a new function to the new invention. Disassembling inventions takes their normal activation time, for each use removed. Once the Engineer has the required number of invention points back, he can then reassemble the parts of his old inventions into a new invention, and assign the invention points as needed, granted rebuilding and item like this takes twice the normal time it takes to normally activate the item. Thus to create a new invention, using parts from old ones, the engineer must first spend the required time disassembling his previous inventions, to gain enough inventions points back. If he requires 7 invention points and needs to disassemble 7 inventions all with 1 invention point, and all have functions of 1 standard action, then it takes him 7 standard actions to disassemble them all, at which point he now has 7 invention points.
    Now rebuilding his invention, into one 7 point invention, with an activation time of 1 standard action, it will take the Engineer 1 full round action to rebuild the invention before he can use it.

    While swapping or rebuilding inventions in combat an engineer faces the same problem as if he is being attacked while trying to activate or use his invention (see below). Despite not having a “caster level” (see below), an Engineer does need to concentrate to swap functions or rebuild his inventions in combat. Any situation that would cause a spell caster to have to make a concentration check, forces an Engineer to do the same. Despite not having a caster level, he is able to make a concentration check. 1D20 + Engineer class level. If he succeeds then he maintains concentration and can continue working on swapping the function or rebuilding the invention. If he fails then no work is accomplished that round, but unlike spell casters, he can attempt another concentration check next round to resume working on swapping out the function or rebuilding the invention.

    An Engineer can reduce the amount of time it takes to swap functions or rebuild inventions by taking the Genius/Feat: Compartmentalized Inventions.

    An Engineer can improve his concentration checks to maintain concentration on swapping out a function or rebuilding an invention in combat by taking the feat: Combat Engineer.

    Engineers and Caster Level

    Here is your simple rule: ENGINEERS HAVE NO CASTER LEVEL.

    An Engineer has no caster level, because his theories are mechanical functions of his inventions that replicate a spell or power's effect. How powerful theory that replicates a spell or power is in effect is based on the number of Invention Points the Engineer assigned to it when making it into a function of his invention. This means that inventions are not subject to spell/power resistance, they cannot be counter spelled, and will function within an anti-magic/psionic field. In the same token though Engineers have the following restrictions: They cannot use their inventions to create counter spells. If attacked in combat, while trying to use his inventions or swap out functions, and Engineer must still make a special concentration check.

    Perhaps worst of all is that unlike spells, Inventions can be attacked and damaged in combat. All inventions have a hardness of 10 (unless they are mithral or adamantine, in which case the Engineer must have the required amount of the material to build the invention from it). They have a number of hit points equal to the total number of invention points invested in them. Whenever enough damage is dealt to an invention to equal the Engineer's class level, the invention must make a Fortitude save: DC 10 + Total Damage taken, or it becomes useless. The Engineer can repair this damage by making a repair check equal to 10 + the total damage dealt. If he makes the check the item functions normally again. (see repair class feature for details). If enough damage is dealt to the invention to bring it below zero Hit Points, it is destroyed and rendered useless. The Engineer can regain the invention points by spending a full round action to pick up the pieces of his invention.

    For the purposes of making a concentration check, while an Engineer does not have a Caster Level, he is able to make the following roll to avoid being distracted from working on his inventions in combat:

    D20 + Engineer class level + Intelligence Modifier.

    Exception to rule:
    -For the purposes of Item Creation feats which the Engineer can take, he treats his Engineer class level as an equal caster level, but note that any items created by the Engineer are automatically considered to be created using the minimum required caster level. Unlike with inventions Engineer cannot assign more invention points to theories when using item creation feats to boots their effective caster level.

    Calculating Saving Throws for Inventions.
    The saving throw DC for any Theory that is assigned to an invention is equal to 10 + Theory Level + Engineer's Intelligence Modifier.

    Bonus Invention Points at any given level:
    Intelligence x your Engineer Class level x ½. These represent additional tools, scraps of material, or miscellaneous items the Engineer has found that he can incorporate into building his inventions.

    Bonus Invention Theories based on Intelligence Modifier:
    An Engineer receives a number of bonus theories, equal to his intelligence modifier, just as if he were an Intelligence based spell caster. (See table in PHB or PFRPG).

    Maximum Theory level:
    To use a Theory the Engineer must have an Intelligence of 10 + Theory level. Thus to use 1st level Theories an Engineer must have a minimum Intelligence of 11.

    Engineers, Constructs, Living Constructs, Warforged, and Effigies

    An Engineer can build his inventions into any construct, living construct, warforged (which are living constructs), or Effigies, so long as he has the appropriate class ability (see Craft Effigy or Imbue Living Construct geniuses below). To do so the Engineer uses up one of his inventions and builds it directly into the subject. He spends all required invention points as normal. The subject may not have an invention larger than its size built into it. It can carry only 1 invention of equal size, or multiple smaller inventions. Constructs and Effigies will not use their inventions on their own, and thus must be commanded to do so. Warforged and living constructs are self aware and thus are able to use inventions on their own, simply by thinking about it. Even though the subject may not have class levels in Engineer, all of these creature types are able to use the Engineer's inventions without having to make the normal use magical or use psionic device check for characters without Engineer class levels attempting to use inventions not built with the Simplified Invention feat. Invention points spent this way are used up permanently until the Engineer brings in the subject and follows the normal rules for swapping, or removing inventions to regain the invention points.

    (Needless to say some intelligent Warforged or Living Constructs are not to happy about giving up inventions once they've been built into them).
    ___________________________________________________________________________ _____

    Genius: Geniuses
    At 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 10th level the Engineer can pick from any of the following lists of Geniuses. Geniuses reflect an Engineers ability to adapt himself and his inventions to the world around him. They can also represent area's of expertise, specialization, or little tricks of the trade that the Engineer picks up. Unless otherwise noted in the individual Genius's description, a Genius may only be taken once.

    Feats that can be taken as Geniuses: Note that the following feats are specific towards the Engineer class. He may choose these with normal feat slots as well.

    -New Feat type: [Invention Feat]
    Invention feats function somewhat like Meta-magic/psionic feats in that they raise the base spell or power level of an invention. By applying the Invention feat, you raise the cost of how many invention points are required to place one application of that theory as a function into your invention, but you gain the listed benefit of the feat.

    Combat Engineer [General]
    Benefit: The heat of combat does not phase or distract you. You receive a +4 bonus on concentration checks if you are trying to use an invention, swap a function, or rebuild and invention in combat while being attacked, threatened, or grappled, so that you do not loose focus and accomplish nothing for the round.

    Compartmentalized Inventions [Invention feat]
    Benefit: You have learned how to build your inventions with compartmentalized parts so that they can be more easily disassembled and then put back together. By selecting this feat you no longer suffer from the increased amount of time it normally takes to swap functions, or disassemble and rebuild an invention. This process only takes the theories standard activation time for you.
    Normal: Normally, it takes an Engineer 1 time increment longer to swap out functions within his inventions or 2 time increments longer to disassemble and rebuild and invention completely.

    Extra Invention [General]
    Prerequisites: Theory Level 4th
    Benefit: You may add one additional invention to the maximum number of inventions that you can have.
    Special: You may take this feat or Genius multiple times. Each time you do, you may add one more invention to the total number of inventions that your are allowed to have.

    Extra Theory [General]
    Prerequisites: Theory Level 3rd
    Benefit: You may learn one additional Theory of any level up to one level lower than the highest level Theory that you would have access to.
    Special: You may take this feat or Genius multiple times. Each time you do, You may learn one additional Theory of any level up to one level lower than the highest level Theory that you would have access to.

    Miniaturize Inventions [Invention Feat]
    Prerequisites: Ability to build Inventions.
    Benefit: You can build inventions equal to your own size, or smaller, requiring only 1 hand to wield or use, or that require only one body slot if worn. For each size category smaller than large (or medium if you are a small character), you wish to make your invention, it costs you 1 additional invention point, per theory made into a function of that invention. Worn inventions can never take up less than one body slot. Once this feat has been applied to an invention, all the functions that are placed into that invention require a number of extra inventions points equal to how small the invention has been made.
    Normal: Normally any invention you create is automatically considered to be 1 size category larger than you, requires 2 hands to wield or operate, or takes up 2 body slots.
    Note: The benefits of this invention feat cannot be combined with the benefits from Supersize Invention.

    Simplified Inventions [Invention Feat]
    Prerequisites: Ability to build Inventions.
    Benefit: You can build inventions that other characters from classes other than Engineer can use, without risk to themselves. They are no longer required to make a use magic or use psionic device check at a -10 penalty to see if they can figure out how the invention works. Constructing inventions in this way adds 2 more invention points to the cost of each theory you assign as a function to your invention. Once this feat has been applied to an invention any theories you add as functions to this invention must add on this additional amount.
    Normal: Normally characters from classes other Engineer can attempt to use an invention but at great risk to themselves (see above entry Inventions) for details.

    Supersize Inventions [Invention Feat]
    Prerequisites: Ability to build Inventions.
    Benefit: You can choose to increase the size to your own inventions, or use additional body slots so that you may increase their overall carrying capacity for inventions points. For each size category larger or additional body slot devoted to the invention the Engineer may add ½ as many more invention points to the invention as it could normally hold. Note that increasing an inventions size beyond large size, in effect makes the invention immobile, and if the Engineer wishes for it to be a mobile invention that he can take with him, will have to find some way of granting it mobility.
    Normal: Normally any invention you create is automatically considered to be 1 size category larger than you, requires 2 hands to wield or operate, or takes up 2 body slots.
    Note: The benefits of this invention feat cannot be combined with the benefits from Miniaturize Invention.

    Item Creation Feats: You may take any item creation feats for which you meet the prerequisites for. Even though you do not have a Caster level, for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites for these feats you may treat your Engineer class level as your caster level. (This Genius may be selected multiple times, each time, adding a new Item Creation feat to your list)

    Geniuses that are not feats:

    Genius - Research Specialties: (each of these Geniuses may only be selected once)

    Arcane Researcher: You are well versed in researching and examining arcane spells and lore, and thus translating their effects into written theories for you has become more easy. Whenever you attempt a Knowledge Arcana check to turn an arcane spell into a Theory you receive a +4 bonus to the roll.

    Divine Researcher: You are well versed in researching and examining divine spells and lore, and thus translating their effects into written theories for you has become more easy. Whenever you attempt a Knowledge Religion check to turn a Divine spell into a Theory you receive a +4 bonus to the roll.

    Meta-Psychological Researcher: You are well versed in researching and examining psionic powers and lore, and thus translating their effects into written theories for you has become more easy. Whenever you attempt a Knowledge Psionics check to turn an Psionic Power into a Theory you receive a +4 bonus to the roll.

    Other Geniuses & Optional Class Features:
    Note these are not feats and cannot be taken as feats

    Quick Disable (Ex): It takes an Engineer with this ability half the normal amount of time to disable a trap using the Disable Device skill (minimum 1 round).

    Craft Effigy (Ex): With this Genius an Engineer can create constructs known as Effigies (see complete Arcane, page 151 for details and the template). Unlike other creatures the Engineer need not possess the craft construct feat to complete this task, nor does he need the feat or ranks in knowledge (architecture and engineering) to repair an effigy he creates. For the purposes of this ability the Engineer treats his class level as his caster level for the purposes of determining the maximum Hit Dice of an effigy that he can create.
    Crafting an effigy requires a body to be built from wood, leather, metal and wire. This requires a DC 15 Craft (wood-working, leather-working, and or metalworking) check. The GP cost to create an effigy depends on its size. (see Complete Arcane, page 151 for details).
    Any Effigy the Engineer creates can also be augmented with invention points. To do so the Engineer treats the Effigy creature as being one or more of his inventions, thus allowing him to invest that many invention points into the effigy. An Effigy can only carry as many inventions as its size will allow. Thus a large effigy can only have 1 large invention built into it, or it can carry up to 2 medium sized inventions. The Engineer must command the effigy to use these inventions, it will not use them on its own.

    Imbue Living Construct (Ex): Any Living Construct or Warforged, here after referred to as “the subject”, may be augmented by the Engineer with invention points. To do so the Engineer uses up one or more of his inventions, building it into the living construct or warforged, thus allowing him to invest that many invention points into the subject. An subject can only carry as many inventions as its size will allow. Thus a medium sized warforged can only have 1 medium sized invention built into it, or it can carry up to 2 small sized inventions. Unlike characters who do not possess levels in Engineer, living constructs and warforged who have inventions built into them (not trying to use a separate external invention), can simply activate them through thought, and do not need to make the standard use magical or use psionic device to avoid having the invention malfunction.
    Once these invention points are spent they are permanently removed from the Engineer's invention point pool, until he follows the normal rules for disassembling the invention from the subject to regain the invention points. Inventions built into the subject follow all the normal rules for uses per day based on how many invention points are invested, per function, per use. The Engineer sets all variables for all functions at the time the invention is built into the subject. Once these functions of the invention are set, they cannot be changed except by the Engineer himself who must follow all the normal rules for disassembling and rebuilding and invention.

    Trap Sense (Ex): By taking this Genius an Engineer gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise by +1 for every 3 class levels gained after taking this genius. Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

    Trap Spotter (Ex): Whenever an Engineer with this genius comes within 10 feet of a trap, he receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM.

    Other Standard Class Features

    Meta-Theoretical Conversion (Ex): At 3rd level an Engineer gains an understanding behind the properties of Meta-Magic and Meta-Psionic Feats. He is able to converter either feat type (meta-magic or meta-psionic) so that he can apply their properties to his theories.
    -Meta-magic feats applied, increase the Theory level by as much as they would increase a spells overall spell level.
    -Meta-Psionic feats increase the Invention Point cost by as much as they would increase the Psionic Strength Point cost.
    Special: In the case where there are two similar feats for both meta-magic or meta-psionic the Engineer is required to take the one that will have the greatest increase over the total Invention Point cost. A good example is the Meta-magic vs the meta Psionic feat: maximize spell or maximize power. Maximize spell raises the spell slot by 3 levels higher than the spell would normally require. Maximize power increases the overall point cost by 4. To increase a theory by 3 levels using maximize spell adds a total of 6 Invention points to it, unlike maximize power that would increase the cost by 4. In this case the Engineer is forced to take the feat that will cost him more Invention points.
    Note: The Engineer gains this ability at 3rd level, before feats are chosen, and therefore can apply this ability to his 3rd level feat if he so chooses.

    Decode Item (Ex): At 5th level and higher, an Engineer can more easily figure out what makes magical and/or psionic items tick. When making a use magical or use psionic device check, an Engineer can take 10 even if distracted or threatened.

    Advanced Geniuses
    Note that Advanced Geniuses cannot be taken as feats.
    Advanced Geniuses may be uses to gain additional Geniuses.

    At 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th level the Engineer can pick from any of the following Advanced Geniuses. Advanced Geniuses reflect the pinnacle of an Engineers research by allowing him to create awe-inspiring inventions, push the limits and boundaries of technology, become a master within his chosen field, or augment his own body by allowing him to permanently add his inventions to himself. Also an Engineer can use any Advanced Genius he gets to take a regular Genius if he so desires.

    Advanced Research Degree's:

    Master of Arcane Theory
    Prerequisites: Arcane Researcher
    An Engineer with this advanced genius, understands the basic principles of Arcane spells well enough that he can more easily construct them into his inventions as functions. He may treat any Theory that mimics an arcane spell as one theory level lower for the purposes of determining how many invention points assigning that function would cost. For exampled if an Engineer wanted to assign a Theory of 6th level as a function to his invention, he would only have to pay for it as a 5th level Theory.

    Master of Divine Theory
    Prerequisites: Divine Researcher
    An Engineer with this advanced genius, understands the basic principles of Divine spells well enough that he can more easily construct them into his inventions as functions. He may treat any Theory that mimics a Divine spell as one theory level lower for the purposes of determining how many invention points assigning that function would cost. For exampled if an Engineer wanted to assign a Theory of 6th level as a function to his invention, he would only have to pay for it as a 5th level Theory.

    Master of Meta-Psychological Theory
    Prerequisites: Meta-Psychological Researcher
    An Engineer with this advanced genius, understands the basic principles of Psionic Powers well enough that he can more easily construct them into his inventions as functions. He may treat any Theory that mimics a Psionic Power as one theory level lower for the purposes of determining how many invention points assigning that function would cost. For exampled if an Engineer wanted to assign a Theory of 6th level as a function to his invention, he would only have to pay for it as a 5th level Theory.

    Other Advanced Geniuses

    Bonus Feat (Ex): An Engineer can use any of his Advanced Geniuses to gain any bonus feats that he qualifies for.

    Chief Engineer (Ex):
    Prerequisites: Combat Engineer feat
    An Engineer with this Advanced Genius is so use to working in the heat of battle or under stressful conditions that he is no longer affected by it. He can choose to take 10 on his concentration checks and the Repair class feature, despite distraction, being attacked, or stressed, while using inventions, swapping out functions, repairing inventions or rebuilding inventions.

    Warforged Body Guards (Ex):
    Prerequisites: Engineer 11th, Imbue Living Construct
    You gain the service of a Warforged Fighter, who is 2 levels lower than you, and serves you loyally. His alignment matches yours, and he follows your orders unquestioningly. You may take this Advanced Genius multiple times, each time adding another Warforged Fighter to your ranks but for each time you take this ability, each additional Warforged fighter is 1 level lower than the previous warforged gained.
    (Note the Warforged is used for the sake of simplicity and because it is a 0-LA race).

    Disable Construct (Ex):
    Prerequisites: Engineer 11th, Quick Disable
    If you successfully hit a construct in combat, you may use your Disable Device class skill to damage, destroy, or shutdown a construct, such as a golem, effigy, living construct or warforged. The DC for this check 20 + the creature's HD. For every 5 points that you beat the DC of this check by, you may reduce the constructs HD by 1. You always reduce at least 1 HD if you successfully make the check. If you manage to reduce the construct to zero HD, you may choose to either deactivate it, leaving it intact but inactive, or you may choose to destroy it. If you are using a ranged weapon in combat to strike the construct you must be within 30 feet to target it properly for this ability to work.

    Push Technology's Limit (Ex):
    Prerequisites: Engineer 14th
    As a free action an Engineer may attempt to force an invention to perform beyond the limits it is capable of handling. Using this advanced genius, the Engineer may add additional Invention points to an invention, exceeding their invention point limit. This can be done to increase caster level, for a invention to do something additional by adding another function. The item in question must make a fortitude saving throw using the Engineer's Fortitude save, modified by the Engineer's intelligence modifier vs a DC of 20 + the additional points spent, or suffer from one of several effects:
    -If the invention makes its save it can be uses normally. If it produces an effect with a duration, it must continue to make saves with the Save DC increasing by +5 for each time increment of duration.
    -If it fails its save by 5 or less, the item works but shuts down immediately if the effect was instant or lasts for 1 time increment before ending, it will not work again until it is repaired. It takes the Engineer a number of rounds equal to how much the save was failed by to repair the invention.
    -If it fails by 10 or less, it simply shuts down, it will not work again until it is repaired. It takes the Engineer a number of rounds equal to how much the save was failed by to repair the invention.
    -If the check fails by 10 or more, the item has been pushed too far, and explodes dealing damage to everyone within 10 feet per 10 invention points invested into the invention (including those before this ability was applied). The damage being equal to 1D6 per invention point invested into the invention. The item is destroyed. All invention points are returned to the Engineer after combat is over. All character's within the area of effect, except for the Engineer, can make a reflex save for half damage.

    Living Construct
    Prerequisites: Engineer 14th
    An Engineer with this talent has learned the secrets of grafting his inventions into his own flesh. Through a painful process of reconstructing his own body, the Engineer has turned himself into a “Living Construct”. He may apply the template to himself. The advantage to this is that he can now build his inventions directly into his own body. He must follow all the rules above for building inventions into constructs, effigies, living constructs, and warforged.

    Prerequisites: Engineer 17th
    Engineer's who select this advanced genius have uncovered the lost secrets to building an Airship. See following Stat block below: The Airship is essentially a massive invention. Being of Colossal size it can hold up to 3 times the number of invention points than a standard invention. If the ship is ever lost or destroyed, it can be rebuilt or replaced by paying the GP value to rebuild it.

    Airship: Colossal vehicle; Airworthiness +6; Ship handling
    –4; Speed Fly 100 ft. (poor), Overall AC –3;
    Hull sections 1,000 (crash 250 sections); Section hp
    60 (hardness 5); Section AC 3; Ram 12d6; SA (inventions);
    SQ resistance to fire 10, hover; Space 90 ft. by
    300 ft.; Height 50 ft. (fire ring has 110-ft. diameter);
    Watch 20; Complement 150; Cargo 30 tons; Cost
    92,000 gp.
    Hover: Despite its maneuverability rating, an airship
    can hover and has no minimum speed required to
    maintain air travel. It cannot turn in place, however.
    Cost: 92,000 gp, 92 days.
    Market value price: 92,000 gp.

    Giant Robot
    Prerequisites: Engineer 17th
    An Engineer with this Advanced Genius has constructed for himself a Huge Construct, Golem. The Engineer can either choose to command the Golem from outside, or from within the confines of a control room within the Construct itself. The Engineer is treated as having the feat, craft construct, to build and repair his Giant Robot. If it is ever lost or destroyed he only needs to pay the GP cost to reconstruct it. The Giant robot starts off with a base size of Huge, thus allowing the Engineer to invest up to one and half times as many invention points into it as he normally could. By spending the prerequisites time, and gold piece cost, the Engineer can choose to make his Giant robot larger than Huge. At Gargantuan size it can hold up to twice as many invention points as a normal invention. At Colossal size it can hold up to 3 times as many points as a normal invention. All stats increase proportionally for the construct, based on its size, as described in the MM.

    Pocket Dimension
    Prerequisites: Engineer 17th
    An Engineer with this ability has crafted a device that has allowed him to create a small demiplane known as a pocket dimension, as per the 9th level spell: Genesis (Epic Level handbook). After the plane is created the Engineer can build a small trigger mechanism, usually an amulet, pocket watch, box with a switch, that lets him access his demiplane as full round action. In additional to the trigger mechanism the Engineer requires a physical door, or portal that exists within the prime material plane to act as a portal. The trigger mechanism must be activated within 180 feet of this portal which is designated by the Engineer when he flips the switch. Until he turns the switch on the trigger mechanism off, or walks through the door and shuts it, that door opens up to his demiplane just as if it was another room. Once the door is closed, or the switch is turned off that door ceases to allow travel to the Engineer's demiplane. Once inside the demiplane a replica of that same door appears on the demiplane which serves as its exit. When the Engineer chooses to leave the plane he can simply open the door and walk out.

    The size of the plane is equal to how many invention points you invest into it. For every 17 invention points used, you are treated as having cast the spell once.

    Spell/Power/Theory: Genesis
    Conjuration (Creation)
    Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9th, Creation 9
    Components: V,S,M
    Casting/Activation time: 1 Week, 8 Hours per day. 1 Full round action to access
    Range: 180ft.
    Effect: A demiplane of your design comes into existence drawn forth from the Ethereal plane
    Duration: Permanent
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No

    You create a finite plane with limited access: A demiplane. Demiplanes created by this spell are very small, very minor planes. You can only cast this spell while on the Etheral plane. When you cast this spell a local density fluctuation precipitates the creation of a demiplane. At first the fledgling plane grows at the rate of 1 foot in radius per day to an initial maximum radius of 180 feet as it rapidly draws substance from the surrounding ethereal vapors and protomatter.
    You determine the environment within the plane when you first cast Genesis, reflecting almost any desire you can visualize. You determine all factors such as atmosphere, water temperatures, as well as the general shape of the terrain. This spell cannot create life, including vegetation, or constructions such as roads, walls, buildings, wells, ect. You must add these things through some other means if you desire them to be there. Once the basic demiplane reaches its maximum size, you can continue to cast this spell to enlarge your demiplane, adding another 180ft radius to your demiplane each time.

    Well here's a conversion out of "Races of the Wild". My friends and I have always loved the Catfolk, despite their rather unfair +1 Level adjustment. I mean, come on, the D&D Dwarf in 3.5 sure as hell wasn't a 0 Level adjustment race. So when Pathfinder produced their new core races I said to myself, time to update the catfolk.

    So here it is.
    -Underpower, overpowered, you tell me.
    -I think compared to the other PF standard races they certainly no longer deserve their +1 LA... Oh wait, what was that, PF doesn't use level adjustment... well I'll be damned, lol.

    Pathfinder Catfolk aka (Neko-jin)

    Physical Description: The Catfolk resemble a cross between a large predatory cat (type does not matter), and a human, with the sleekly muscled and toned body of a humanoid. They all posses feline characteristics such as longer canines, slit-like eyes, and feline-like tapered ears. Other more uncommon features include characteristic feline markings such as those found on leopards, tigers, or cheetahs. While they do have thicker nails than most humanoids, they are not durable or powerful enough to be considered claws, and thus they make unarmed attacks just like humans, but they can choose between dealing bludgeon or slashing damage.

    (Optional flavor) Feel free to use if you want.
    Recently there has been a schism within Catfolk society, between those who wished to remain in the wild carrying on the tradition of their ancestors, and those who have encountered and come to enjoy the benefits of “civilized” society. This has resulted in two different catfolk cultures, the Wild Catfolk, who still carry on the nomadic traditions, and the City Catfolk, who have intergrated themselves into civilized society.

    -The Wild Catfolk are much the same as they were printed in “Races of the Wild:. They are nomadic warriors, who are ruled by individual clan chiefs. They tend to have good relationships with other woodland creatures, especially the wood or wild elves. Their religious beliefs tend to lend towards those of the Druidic order and many healers amongst the tribes are druids themselves. Wild Catfolk tend to have a sense of disdain for large over populated cities, and have very little understanding for why other races would want to settle down in one area permanently. They view their city dwelling Catfolk cousins as bastards who have betrayed their heritage and often refer to them with a nickname, nenariiouss (nen-ari-ous-s), roughly translated meaning: Degenerates.

    -The City Catfolk, on the other hand have embraced civilized society, even if civilized society has yet to embrace them. They tend to cluster into small communities, usually moving in and taking over a small section of a city, and then proceeding to open up shop. While they have rejected the wandering nomadic ways of their ancestors, the City Catfolk still maintain a semi-tribal social hierarchy, that has become more gang like than anything, with a commanding head of a large family, that in turn rules over the lesser families in the gang. Humans and other races have loving come to call this social structure, “The Catfolk mafia”, and most city dwellers tend to avoid the Catfolk's section of the city. The Catfolk, in turn, have decided that they are happy clustered into their own little sections of town, and once established, make few if any attempts to win over the opinions of the other civilied humanoid races. With regard to their wild kin, the city catfolk have created their own term of endearment, calling them, Deasst (De-ae-s-st), roughly translated meaning, backwards or savages.

    Alignment and Religion: Any alignment. Catfolk tend to be free spirited people, living life for the moment, but do fall into a social hierarchy within the context of their own race. Wild Catfolk tend to worship forces of nature and lean more towards Druidic traditions.

    Catfolk Names: Catfolk names tend to start with a D, M, or N and usually contain multiple s, or r sounds.

    +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom: Catfolk are exceptionally quick, and their Feline characteristics make them naturally attractive, while also granting them a rather exotic look. Unfortunately their curiosity tends to get the better of them.
    Base land speed 40ft: Catfolk pride themselves on their speed and agility as they are faster and can cover more ground than most humanoids of similar size.
    Lowlight Vision: Can see twice as far as a human in starlight, torchlight, moonlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain their ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
    Racial skills: +2 bonus on Perception Checks. +2 Bonus on Stealth Checks. Catfolk are highly preceptive of their environment and the world around them. They are also excellent ambush hunters, and can move about much more stealthily than other humanoids.
    +1 Dodge Bonus to Armor Class: Catfolk possess an amazing sense of timing, and have incredible reflexes. They gain a +1 dodge bonus as a racial ability (not as a bonus feat). As this is a dodge bonus, it stacks with other dodge bonuses, unlike most other bonuses. And like other dodge bonuses, a situation that causes you to lose your dexterity modifier also causes you to lose your dodge bonus to AC.
    Automatic Languages: Common, Feline
    Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Halfling, Sylvan

    Any comments at all...

    The only feed back I've had so far with this is from a friend of mine who is also a DM and that was over IM Chat. He didn't see much wrong with it, but then again, he was just skimming through it.

    I would really appreciate some feed back.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    This here is merely a suggestion for anyone who is looking to convert the Warlock from Complete Arcane to Pathfinder. While I will agree that WoTC hit a home run with the addition of this base class, as it is one of the best one's conceived and printed in a splat book, towards the end I always felt as though it needed a little shoring up.

    Pretty much I have no issues with levels 1-10. It was levels 11-20 where I noticed things started to break down, and while the Warlock started off strong, he finishes in that quasi-"we were too scared to go any further"-middle.

    So here is my suggestion for levels 11-20, feel free to steal it if you want, or leave comments/suggestions:
    11th: Damage Reduction 3/cold iron, eldritch blast 6D6, new invocations (least, lesser, greater)
    12th: Imbue Item
    13th: eldritch blast 7D6, Fiendish Resilience 2
    14th: Eldritch Soul
    15th: Damage Reduction 4/cold iron, eldritch blast 8D6, Energy Resistance 10
    16th: New Invocation (least, lesser, greater, dark)
    17th: eldritch blast 9D6
    18th: Fiendish Resilience 5
    19th: Damage Reduction 5/cold iron, eldritch blast 10D6
    20th: Eldritch Perfection

    Class Features: The Following Class Features of the Warlock have been changed.

    -Eldritch Blast: Now Improves at the same rate as it did during the 1st 10 class levels. Caps off at 10D6 at 19th level.

    -Energy Resistance: Now you gain Energy Resistance 10 at 15th, rather than 20th level.

    New Features:
    -Eldritch Soul (Ex): At 14th level, a Warlock's body becomes so infused with the Eldritch power that courses through him, that he starts to become immune to that same power when it is turned against him. He gains spell resistance equal this his current Warlock level + 10. In order to affect the Warlock with a spell or spell like ability, the spell caster must succeed on a caster level check (1D20 + caster level) that equals or exceeds the Warlock's spell resistance. The Warlock can voluntarily choose to lower his spell resistance as a standard action, so that spells with the “harmless” descriptor may affect him. The Warlock never needs to lower his spell resistance to affect himself with his own invocations.

    -Eldritch Perfection: At 20th level a Warlock's body is so infused with Eldritch power that he is, from this point forward, treated as a magical creature. His type changes Outsider Chaotic (if good or neutral) or Evil (if the he is evil)/with the native sub type. Unlike other outsiders the warlock can still be raised or resurrected as normal. In addition if he is good or neutral his DR increases to 10/Lawful. If he is evil it becomes 10/holy. His resistances become immunities of the chosen type. Also he may now apply two Eldritch essence invocations at the same time to his Eldritch blast, but the 2nd essence invocation must be at least 1 grade lower than the highest grade essence invocation used.


    I originally posted this in the conversion board and I didn't get much feed back. I waited on it for about a week, with still not responses. Since its not really a conversion, and more of homebrew revision, I decided to try one more time to solicit opinions and see what people think.

    -Please if you like it, leave a comment. Tell me why.

    -If you hate it leave a comment. Tell me why.

    -If you have suggestions, please leave a comment, I would love to hear them.

    Original Post:
    -I loved this idea, unfortunately the concept was POORLY executed in Complete M@g3. For a class that was to forsake its fiendish heritage and still become a competent spiritual warrior vs the forces demons, devils and evil, it was lacking. The invocations you got were poor, barely effective, and after you completed the PRC you had to wonder why you would take levels in Warlock again.

    Great concept, poor execution, but in my opinion, salvageable. So I broke this class down, rebuilt it, gave it some good class features, reworked the invocations it automatically receives and now the player has a choice as to what invocations they would like to get. Also this write up contains a set of "Warlock Substitution levels" for after the Enlightened Spirit completes the PRC.

    Also a new class of Invocations was added as it doesn't make alot of sense for an enlightened spirit to use DARK invocations. The new category is Radiant, and they are only available to Warlocks who complete the Enlightened Spirit PRC.

    So give me some feed back, comments, let me know what you think. Please before you label something as Over Powered, read the entire entry/post. And if you do need to point out problems, please cite examples and offer suggestions. Simply commenting "this sucks" doesn't help. It tells me something is wrong, it doesn't offer suggestions on how to fix it. Suggestions help.


    Enlightened Spirit:

    Entry Requirements:
    Alignment: Any Good
    Knowledge of the Planes: 5 Ranks
    Special: Eldritch Blast 3D6

    Hit Die: D8
    Skills: Diplomacy
    Skill Points: 2 + Int
    10 levels
    Medium/Average/Cleric BAB
    Poor Fort, Poor Reflex, Good Will
    (follows Pathfinders new save progression)

    1st: Aura of courage, Aura of Menace, Tongues.
    New Invocation: Least or Lesser
    2nd: Eldritch Blast +1D6, Spirit Armor (½ Modifier Charisma to AC)
    3rd: Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy 1/perday
    Additional Least or Lesser
    4th: Eldritch Blast +2D6, Divine Emissary
    5th: Energy Resistance: 5
    Shape Invocation
    6th: Eldritch Blast +3D6, Spirit Armor (DR 2/Evil)
    7th: Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy 2/perday
    New Invocation: Least, Lesser, or Greater
    8th: Eldritch Blast +4D6
    9th: Divine Blessing
    Additional Least, Lesser or Greater.
    10th: Eldritch Blast +5D6, Death Ward, Energy Resistance: 10, Spirit Armor (DR 3/Unholy)

    Class Features: The Following are Class Features of the Enlightened Spirit Prestige Class

    You acquire celestial abilities as you advance in this prestige class, gradually leaving behind your fiendish legacy as you rise to a higher spiritual state. Your new abilities make you an able combatant and aid your allies as well.

    Enlightened Spirits and Invocations/Caster Level: Upon becoming an Enlightened Spirit you consciously choose to forsake you Fiendish heritage. From this point forward you are no longer allowed to take levels in the Warlock base class* (see below). You are trying to better yourself, to answer a higher calling, stepping back onto the path of darkness at this point is no longer an option for you. While you retain all your class abilities and previous invocations gained from the Warlock class, you are no longer allowed to advance them any further (at this point in time).
    That being said, from this point forward you treat your combined Warlock and Enlightened Spirit class levels as your caster level for determining how powerful your invocations are. You do not gain more invocations per level as if you had received at +1 level of existing invocation using class. Instead you are able to pick and choose from a special list of “Enlightened Invocations” that are only available to you, a Warlock without levels in Enlightened Spirit cannot take them.

    Aura of Courage (Su): At 1st level, You are immune to fear, magical or otherwise, and each ally within 10 feet of you gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist fear effects.

    Aura of Menace (Su): At 1st level, a righteous aura surrounds you whenever you fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 5 foot radius of you takes a -2 penalty on attacks, Armor Class, and saves for 24 hours or until it successfully hits you. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect can't be affected again for by your aura of menace for 24 hours.

    Tongues (Su): At 1st level you are now able to speak any language. This ability works as the tongues spell does, except it is continuously active. You can suppress or resume this effect as a free action.

    Eldritch Blast: At 2nd level and every even numbered level thereafter the damage of your Eldritch Blast improves by 1D6 points.

    Spirit Armor: Beginning at 2nd level you may add half your Charisma Modifier, rounded up, as a scared bonus to your Armor class. At 6th level your Spirit Armor improves to grant you DR 2/Evil in addition to your scared Armor Class bonus. At 10th level your Spirit Armor improves again, and now grants you DR 3/Unholy in addition to you scared bonus to AC (note that this ability replaces the 6th level ability).

    Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy (Su): At 3rd level you gain the use of two abilities, Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy, though you may only use one of the two abilities 1 per day. At 7th level and every 3 levels thereafter, you may use either of these abilities in any combination an additional time per day.

    Eldritch Smite: Once per day, an Enlightened Spirit can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the Enlightened Spirit chooses one target within sight to smite with her Eldritch Blast. If this target is evil, the Enlightened Spirit adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her Enlightened Spirit level to the damage roll of her Eldritch Blast made against the target of her smite. If the target of Eldritch Smite is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage increases to 2 points of damage per level the Enlightened Spirit possesses. Regardless of the target, Eldritch Smite attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.
    In addition, while Eldritch Smite is in effect, the Enlightened Spirit's Spirit Armor temporarily improves an she now gains a sacred bonus equal to her full Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the Eldritch Smite. If the Enlightened Spirit targets a creature that is not evil, the Eldritch Smite is wasted with no effect.
    The Eldritch Smite effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the Enlightened Spirit rests and regains her uses of this ability.

    Eldritch Mercy: Alternatively an Enlightened Spirit can choose to Change her Eldritch Blast into an Eldritch Mercy. By doing so, she may heal a target of her Eldritch Mercy for a number of points of damage using her Eldritch Blast damage dice. Thus a 5th level Enlightened Spirit may choose to use Eldritch Mercy and heal a target for 5D6 points of damage. In addition to this, whenever the Enlightened Spirit uses this ability she may select one 3rd level Mercy (see PFRPG:PHB Page 61, Paladin, Mercy ability for complete details) to apply to her Eldritch Mercy. She may change this Mercy each time she chooses to use her Eldritch Mercy ability. At 7th level, the Enlightened Spirits list of Mercy options increases so that she may now use Mercy abilities from the Paladin's 6th level Mercy list when using her Eldritch Mercy ability.

    Divine Emissary (Ex): By 4th level people no longer see or recognize you as a fiendish menace by as a divine agent of good. You may add you Enlightened spirit class level to all Diplomacy checks.

    Energy Resistance (Su): At 5th level you gain resistance 5 to any two of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity or fire. At 10th level these resistances chosen at 5th level improve to resistance 10.

    Shape Invocation (Sp): At 5th level you learn any one least, lesser, or greater blast shape invocation.

    Divine Blessing (Su): At 9th level whenever you use your Eldritch Smite ability you now add your Charisma bonus to all your saving throws as long as your Eldritch Smite remains in effect.

    Death Ward (Su): At 10th level, you become immune to death spells, death effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects as the death ward spell.

    At 10th level the restriction placed on you when you entered Enlightened Spirit is removed. Having been shown the path of light, you may resume taking levels in Warlock but with the following changes. You may gain additional Invocations from the Warlock base class, but you are only allowed to pick from the Enlightened Invocations list below. You may choose to replace any previously gained warlock invocations with an enlightened invocation following the normal rules for replacing invocations known.
    Also several class abilities normally gained as a Warlock are changed as follows:
    -You continue to gain Eldritch Blast die as normal.
    -Your damage reduction cold iron is removed. Instead you may add the listed bonus to you existing DR/unholy.
    -Gaining the ability or any improvements to Fiendish Resilience are converted in additional uses of Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy
    -Any improvements to Energy Resistance increase your already existing Energy resistances by their listed amount.
    -When you reach Character level 16, so long as your are a 10th level Enlightened Spirit and a 6th Level Warlock, you gain access to a new class of invocations: Radiant. Radiant invocations are the anathema to Dark Invocations. Only warlocks with Enlightened Spirit levels that meet the above prerequisites can learn them.

    Enlightened Spirit Invocations:
    -Dazzling Blast: Target must make Reflex save or become Dazed for 1 round.
    -Spirit Blast: add +1 damage per Enlightened Spirit class level to damage vs. Undead.
    -Holy Blast Blast damage increases to D8s vs Evil Outsiders, by passes Spell Resistance, added affect of a Dimensional Anchor.
    -Divine Blast: Your Eldritch Blast energy type is considered Divine, and not subject to energy resistance, damage reduction or spell resistance.

    Blast Shape Invocations:
    -Eldritch Spear: Blast range increases to 250ft.
    -Righteous Strike: Channel Eldritch Blast through melee weapon. (just as Hideous Blow)
    -Eldritch Wave: Blast takes the shape of a wave, centered on you, loses energy as it emanates outward.
    -Eldritch Cone: Blast Takes the Shape of a Cone
    -Eldritch Wrath: Blast, effects all creatures within 20ft, only affects creatures with evil alignment, ignores good creatures.

    Enlightened Invocations:
    -Angelic Sight: See normally in Darkness and Magical Darkness
    -Enlightened Utterance: Speak using Words of Creation and repair objects as per the Mending spell.
    -Entropic Warding: Deflect incoming range attacks, leave no trail, cannot be tracked by sent.
    -Favored of the Heavens: Gain a luck bonus to one type of save.
    -Light: As per the Light spell.
    -See the Unseen: Gain see invisibility as the spell and darkvision.

    -Charm: Cause a single creature to regard you as a friend.
    -Celestial Flight: Gain Fly Speed with Good Maneuverability.
    -Moment of Clarity: With a touch allow a creature to make another will power saving throw vs. mind affecting spell, learn of original caster.
    -Void Sense: Gain blindsense 30ft.

    -Forbiddance: As per the spell Forbiddance found in the PHB.
    -Transform Magic: Targeted Greater Dispel Magic, restore 5HP per spell level to you or anyone within 30 feet.
    -Wall of Divine Protection: Create Wall of Force, anyone who attempts to get through may be subject to a Force Cage.

    -Celestial Rebirth: You die, but by sacrificing your life, you cast a True Resurrection on a fallen comrade.
    -Open Wide the Gates of Heaven: Call Powerful Good Outsiders to battle so that they may fight on your behalf.
    -Truth of Celestia: As per the spell True Seeing, may choose to effect targets with a Greater Dispel Magic.

    Enlightened Invocation: Angelic Sight: (Least; 2nd) You can see normally in darkness and magical darkness out to 30 feet. The effects last for 24 hours. (This invocation is exactly the same as Devil's Sight)

    Enlightened Invocation: Celestial Rebirth: (Radiant; 9th) You die, your body transforms into pure divine light along with all your possessions. This light then shines down from the heavens, as you cast a True Resurrection, as per the spell. You may use this ability to bring any character back to life, except for yourself. The only way to return yourself to life after using this invocation is to have someone cast a True Resurrection on you, allowing you to return to life with all your possessions.

    Enlightened Invocation: Celestial Flight: (Lesser; 3rd) The powers of light bear you aloft as you sprout shimmering, feather like, spirit wings. You can fly at a speed equal to your land speed with good maneuverability for 24 hours.

    Enlightened Invocation: Charm (Lesser; 4th) same exact effect as the Warlock invocation of the same name. (see complete Arcane).

    Enlightened Essence: Dazzling Blast (Sp): This Invocation (Least, 2nd; Eldritch Essence) allows you to change you eldritch blast into a dazzling blast. Any living creature struck by a dazzling blast must make a willpower save or become dazed for 1 round. A creature already that is already dazed that is struck by a dazzling blast is not affected by the dazed condition again, but still takes damage normally.

    Enlightened Essence: Divine Blast (Sp): This Invocation (Radiant, 8th; Eldritch Essence) allows you to change you eldritch blast into a Divine blast. The damage from your Divine Blast is considered untyped, save for the fact that it is of a Divine origin, and thus it is no longer subject to Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance, or Spell Resistance.

    Enlightened Blast Shape: Eldritch Spear (Sp): This Invocation (least 2nd; Eldritch Blast Shape) allows your Eldritch Blast to attack from great distances. The Eldritch Spear increases the range of the Eldritch Blast to 250 feet with no range increment.

    Enlightened Blast Shape: Eldritch Wave (Sp): This Invocation (Lesser 4th; Eldritch Blast Shape) changes your Eldritch Blast into an Eldritch Wave. By using this invocation you no longer need to make an attack roll to hit with your Eldritch Blast. Instead the Eldritch Wave is centered on you, you do not take damage, and emanates outward. All creatures within 10 feet of the Eldritch Wave take full damage, those between 11-20 feet take 1 die less of Eldritch Wave damage, those from 21-30 feet take and additional die less of damage, and this process continues outward in per 10 foot radius until there are no damage die left to subtract from the Eldritch Wave. Any creature caught within the wave can make a Reflex saving throw for ½ damage.

    Enlightened Blast Shape: Eldritch Wrath (Sp): This Invocation (Radiant 8th; Eldritch Blast Shape) changes your Eldritch Blast into an Eldritch Wrath. Your Eldritch Blast is able to affect all evil aligned creatures within a 20ft radius, it has no effect on good creatures, and neutral creatures only take half damage. Any creature that is affected may make a reflex saving throw to take half damage.

    Enlightened Invocation: Entropic Warding: (Least; 2nd) same exact effect as the Warlock invocation of the same name. (see complete Arcane).

    Enlightened Essence: Holy Blast (Sp): This Invocation (Greater 4th; Eldritch Essence) allows you to change your eldritch blast into a holy blast. The damage dice from your eldritch blast which are normally D6s improve to D8s when you execute a holy blast, but only when the blast is targeted at evil outsiders. The holy blast also automatically by-passes an evil outsiders Spell Resistance if any, and has the added effect of casting a dimensional anchor (as per the spell) upon the evil outsider.

    Enlightened Invocation: Enlightened Utterance: (Least; 1st) You speak a single word from the Word of Creation (See Book of Exalted Deeds) affecting an object as if the spell Mending had been cast upon it. Alternatively you may target any evil creature with this invocation, and speaking a Word of Creation force that creature to make a Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round and deafened for 1 minute. This is a sonic affect.

    Enlightened Invocation: Favored of the Heavens: (Least; 2nd) The forces of light and good hold you in high favor, watching over and protecting you. You may apply a luck bonus equal to your Charisma Modifier to any one save, for a period of 24 hours. You cannot apply this ability to more than one save at a time and the luck bonus you are able to apply to your save can never exceed your Enlightened Spirit class level.

    Enlightened Invocation: Forbiddance: (Greater; 6th) You can use the spell Forbiddance as described in the PHB.

    Enlightened Invocation: Light: (Least; 1st): You can use the Light spell. (see PHB)

    Enlightened Invocation: Moment of Clarity: (Lesser; 4th) When you cast this spell and touch a creature that is under the influence of a mind-affecting spell or effect, that creature immediately receives another saving throw against the effects original save DC to break free of the effect. If the effect did not offer a saving throw, you are able to grant one albeit the save to break free of the effect is DC:20 + any relevant ability score modifiers. If the target of this ability breaks free of the effect they remember the name of the original caster, if any, and their appearance, if any. You may use this ability an unlimited number of times per day, but it can only be used once upon a creature within a 24 hour period.

    Enlightened Invocation: Open Wide the Gates of Heaven: (Radiant; 9th) You open a portal to one of the good aligned outer planes and call forth celestials to aid in battle against the most fearsome of evil forces. The invocation takes place over a period of time. The first round 2d4 avorals arrive. Two rounds later an Eldrin arrives to join the fight. Two rounds later an astral deva arrives. Once these creatures appear they serve you for the duration of 1 minute per caster level. The spells duration begins the instant the first celestial appears. At the end of the spells duration all the summoned celestials disappear at once. The celestials only heed the summons of the Enlightened Spirit if there are evil foes to fight. After their arrival the celestials obey the caster explicitly and never attack her, even if someone else manages to gain control over them. The caster does not need to concentrate to maintain control over the celestials. She may dismiss them either individually or as a group at any time.

    Enlightened Blast Shape: Righteous Strike (Sp): This Invocation (least 1st; Eldritch Blast Shape) is the same as the Warlock invocation: Hideous Blow. As a standard action you can make a single melee attack, if you hit the target is affected as if struck by your Eldritch Blast, including any Eldritch Essence applied to the blast. This damage is in addition to any weapon damage you deal with the attack, although you need not deal damage with this attack to trigger the Eldritch Blast effect.

    Enlightened Invocation: See the Unseen: (Least; 2nd) same exact effect as the Warlock invocation of the same name. (see complete Arcane).

    Enlightened Essence: Spirit Blast (Sp): This Invocation (Lesser 4th; Eldritch Essence) allows you to change your eldritch blast into a spirit blast. The blast deals an extra 1 point of damage, per Enlightened Spirit class level, to undead. Your spirit blast also affects incorporeal creatures without the normal miss chance. For example. A fifth level Enlightened Spirit uses her Spirit Blast vs a ghoul. The blast deals 5D6+5 (5D6 eldritch blast dice, +5 for being an Enlightened Spirit of 5th level) damage to the ghoul.

    Enlightened Invocation: Transform Magic: (Greater; 6th) This invocation allows you to deliver a targeted greater dispel magic with a touch. You or any of your allies within 30 feet of you can heal 5 points of damage for each spell level dispelled this touch. For example, if you successfully dispel a wall of issue, you or an ally can heal up to 20 points of damage. You can't transform your own invocations.

    Enlightened Invocation: Truth of Celestia: (Radiant; 7th) You are able to use the spell True Seeing as described in the PHB. Further more you have the option of casting a Greater Dispel Magic upon any creatures, objects, or illusions that True Seeing is allowing you to see the true form/state of. You may choose not to use the Greater Dispel Magic option.

    Enlightened Invocation: Void Sense: (Lesser; 4th) same exact effect as the Warlock invocation of the same name. (see complete Arcane).

    Enlightened Invocation: Wall of Divine Protection: (Greater; 6th) You can create a Wall of Force as described in the PHB. Any creature who attempts to by pass the wall via Dimension Door, Teleport or similar effect automatically cause the spell to end, but are then subjected to effects of a Force Cage. If they trigger the Force Cage effect, you may decide at that time what form the Force Cage takes as described in the PHB. You may end either the Wall of Force or Force Cage effects at will.

    -I loved this idea, unfortunately the concept was POORLY executed in Complete M@g3. For a class that was to forsake its fiendish heritage and still become a competent spiritual warrior vs the forces demons, devils and evil, it was lacking. The invocations you got were poor, barely effective, and after you completed the PRC you had to wonder why you would take levels in Warlock again.

    Great concept, poor execution, but in my opinion, salvageable. So I broke this class down, rebuilt it, gave it some good class features, reworked the invocations it automatically receives and now the player has a choice as to what invocations they would like to get. Also this write up contains a set of "Warlock Substitution levels" for after the Enlightened Spirit completes the PRC.

    Also a new class of Invocations was added as it doesn't make alot of sense for an enlightened spirit to use DARK invocations. The new category is Radiant, and they are only available to Warlocks who complete the Enlightened Spirit PRC.

    So give me some feed back, comments, let me know what you think. Please before you label something as Over Powered, read the entire entry/post. And if you do need to point out problems, please cite examples and offer suggestions. Simply commenting "this sucks" doesn't help. It tells me something is wrong, it doesn't offer suggestions on how to fix it. Suggestions help.


    Enlightened Spirit:

    Entry Requirements:
    Alignment: Any Good
    Knowledge of the Planes: 5 Ranks
    Special: Eldritch Blast 3D6

    Hit Die: D8
    Skills: Diplomacy
    Skill Points: 2 + Int
    10 levels
    Medium/Average/Cleric BAB
    Poor Fort, Poor Reflex, Good Will
    (follows Pathfinders new save progression)

    1st: Aura of courage, Aura of Menace, Tongues.
    New Invocation: Least or Lesser
    2nd: Eldritch Blast +1D6, Spirit Armor (½ Modifier Charisma to AC)
    3rd: Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy 1/perday
    Additional Least or Lesser
    4th: Eldritch Blast +2D6, Divine Emissary
    5th: Energy Resistance: 5
    Shape Invocation
    6th: Eldritch Blast +3D6, Spirit Armor (DR 2/Evil)
    7th: Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy 2/perday
    New Invocation: Least, Lesser, or Greater
    8th: Eldritch Blast +4D6
    9th: Divine Blessing
    Additional Least, Lesser or Greater.
    10th: Eldritch Blast +5D6, Death Ward, Energy Resistance: 10, Spirit Armor (DR 3/Unholy)

    Class Features: The Following are Class Features of the Enlightened Spirit Prestige Class

    You acquire celestial abilities as you advance in this prestige class, gradually leaving behind your fiendish legacy as you rise to a higher spiritual state. Your new abilities make you an able combatant and aid your allies as well.

    Enlightened Spirits and Invocations/Caster Level: Upon becoming an Enlightened Spirit you consciously choose to forsake you Fiendish heritage. From this point forward you are no longer allowed to take levels in the Warlock base class* (see below). You are trying to better yourself, to answer a higher calling, stepping back onto the path of darkness at this point is no longer an option for you. While you retain all your class abilities and previous invocations gained from the Warlock class, you are no longer allowed to advance them any further (at this point in time).
    That being said, from this point forward you treat your combined Warlock and Enlightened Spirit class levels as your caster level for determining how powerful your invocations are. You do not gain more invocations per level as if you had received at +1 level of existing invocation using class. Instead you are able to pick and choose from a special list of “Enlightened Invocations” that are only available to you, a Warlock without levels in Enlightened Spirit cannot take them.

    Aura of Courage (Su): At 1st level, You are immune to fear, magical or otherwise, and each ally within 10 feet of you gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist fear effects.

    Aura of Menace (Su): At 1st level, a righteous aura surrounds you whenever you fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 5 foot radius of you takes a -2 penalty on attacks, Armor Class, and saves for 24 hours or until it successfully hits you. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect can't be affected again for by your aura of menace for 24 hours.

    Tongues (Su): At 1st level you are now able to speak any language. This ability works as the tongues spell does, except it is continuously active. You can suppress or resume this effect as a free action.

    Eldritch Blast: At 2nd level and every even numbered level thereafter the damage of your Eldritch Blast improves by 1D6 points.

    Spirit Armor: Beginning at 2nd level you may add half your Charisma Modifier, rounded up, as a scared bonus to your Armor class. At 6th level your Spirit Armor improves to grant you DR 2/Evil in addition to your scared Armor Class bonus. At 10th level your Spirit Armor improves again, and now grants you DR 3/Unholy in addition to you scared bonus to AC (note that this ability replaces the 6th level ability).

    Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy (Su): At 3rd level you gain the use of two abilities, Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy, though you may only use one of the two abilities 1 per day. At 7th level and every 3 levels thereafter, you may use either of these abilities in any combination an additional time per day.

    Eldritch Smite: Once per day, an Enlightened Spirit can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the Enlightened Spirit chooses one target within sight to smite with her Eldritch Blast. If this target is evil, the Enlightened Spirit adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her Enlightened Spirit level to the damage roll of her Eldritch Blast made against the target of her smite. If the target of Eldritch Smite is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage increases to 2 points of damage per level the Enlightened Spirit possesses. Regardless of the target, Eldritch Smite attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.
    In addition, while Eldritch Smite is in effect, the Enlightened Spirit's Spirit Armor temporarily improves an she now gains a sacred bonus equal to her full Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the Eldritch Smite. If the Enlightened Spirit targets a creature that is not evil, the Eldritch Smite is wasted with no effect.
    The Eldritch Smite effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the Enlightened Spirit rests and regains her uses of this ability.

    Eldritch Mercy: Alternatively an Enlightened Spirit can choose to Change her Eldritch Blast into an Eldritch Mercy. By doing so, she may heal a target of her Eldritch Mercy for a number of points of damage using her Eldritch Blast damage dice. Thus a 5th level Enlightened Spirit may choose to use Eldritch Mercy and heal a target for 5D6 points of damage. In addition to this, whenever the Enlightened Spirit uses this ability she may select one 3rd level Mercy (see PFRPG:PHB Page 61, Paladin, Mercy ability for complete details) to apply to her Eldritch Mercy. She may change this Mercy each time she chooses to use her Eldritch Mercy ability. At 7th level, the Enlightened Spirits list of Mercy options increases so that she may now use Mercy abilities from the Paladin's 6th level Mercy list when using her Eldritch Mercy ability.

    Divine Emissary (Ex): By 4th level people no longer see or recognize you as a fiendish menace by as a divine agent of good. You may add you Enlightened spirit class level to all Diplomacy checks.

    Energy Resistance (Su): At 5th level you gain resistance 5 to any two of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity or fire. At 10th level these resistances chosen at 5th level improve to resistance 10.

    Shape Invocation (Sp): At 5th level you learn any one least, lesser, or greater blast shape invocation.

    Divine Blessing (Su): At 9th level whenever you use your Eldritch Smite ability you now add your Charisma bonus to all your saving throws as long as your Eldritch Smite remains in effect.

    Death Ward (Su): At 10th level, you become immune to death spells, death effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects as the death ward spell.

    At 10th level the restriction placed on you when you entered Enlightened Spirit is removed. Having been shown the path of light, you may resume taking levels in Warlock but with the following changes. You may gain additional Invocations from the Warlock base class, but you are only allowed to pick from the Enlightened Invocations list below. You may choose to replace any previously gained warlock invocations with an enlightened invocation following the normal rules for replacing invocations known.
    Also several class abilities normally gained as a Warlock are changed as follows:
    -You continue to gain Eldritch Blast die as normal.
    -Your damage reduction cold iron is removed. Instead you may add the listed bonus to you existing DR/unholy.
    -Gaining the ability or any improvements to Fiendish Resilience are converted in additional uses of Eldritch Smite or Eldritch Mercy
    -Any improvements to Energy Resistance increase your already existing Energy resistances by their listed amount.
    -When you reach Character level 16, so long as your are a 10th level Enlightened Spirit and a 6th Level Warlock, you gain access to a new class of invocations: Radiant. Radiant invocations are the anathema to Dark Invocations. Only warlocks with Enlightened Spirit levels that meet the above prerequisites can learn them.

    Enlightened Spirit Invocations:
    -Dazzling Blast: Target must make Reflex save or become Dazed for 1 round.
    -Spirit Blast: add +1 damage per Enlightened Spirit class level to damage vs. Undead.
    -Holy Blast Blast damage increases to D8s vs Evil Outsiders, by passes Spell Resistance, added affect of a Dimensional Anchor.
    -Divine Blast: Your Eldritch Blast energy type is considered Divine, and not subject to energy resistance, damage reduction or spell resistance.

    Blast Shape Invocations:
    -Eldritch Spear: Blast range increases to 250ft.
    -Righteous Strike: Channel Eldritch Blast through melee weapon. (just as Hideous Blow)
    -Eldritch Wave: Blast takes the shape of a wave, centered on you, loses energy as it emanates outward.
    -Eldritch Cone: Blast Takes the Shape of a Cone
    -Eldritch Wrath: Blast, effects all creatures within 20ft, only affects creatures with evil alignment, ignores good creatures.

    Enlightened Invocations:
    -Angelic Sight: See normally in Darkness and Magical Darkness
    -Enlightened Utterance: Speak using Words of Creation and repair objects as per the Mending spell.
    -Entropic Warding: Deflect incoming range attacks, leave no trail, cannot be tracked by sent.
    -Favored of the Heavens: Gain a luck bonus to one type of save.
    -Light: As per the Light spell.
    -See the Unseen: Gain see invisibility as the spell and darkvision.

    -Charm: Cause a single creature to regard you as a friend.
    -Celestial Flight: Gain Fly Speed with Good Maneuverability.
    -Moment of Clarity: With a touch allow a creature to make another will power saving throw vs. mind affecting spell, learn of original caster.
    -Void Sense: Gain blindsense 30ft.

    -Forbiddance: As per the spell Forbiddance found in the PHB.
    -Transform Magic: Targeted Greater Dispel Magic, restore 5HP per spell level to you or anyone within 30 feet.
    -Wall of Divine Protection: Create Wall of Force, anyone who attempts to get through may be subject to a Force Cage.

    -Celestial Rebirth: You die, but by sacrificing your life, you cast a True Resurrection on a fallen comrade.
    -Open Wide the Gates of Heaven: Call Powerful Good Outsiders to battle so that they may fight on your behalf.
    -Truth of Celestia: As per the spell True Seeing, may choose to effect targets with a Greater Dispel Magic.

    Enlightened Invocation: Angelic Sight: (Least; 2nd) You can see normally in darkness and magical darkness out to 30 feet. The effects last for 24 hours. (This invocation is exactly the same as Devil's Sight)

    Enlightened Invocation: Celestial Rebirth: (Radiant; 9th) You die, your body transforms into pure divine light along with all your possessions. This light then shines down from the heavens, as you cast a True Resurrection, as per the spell. You may use this ability to bring any character back to life, except for yourself. The only way to return yourself to life after using this invocation is to have someone cast a True Resurrection on you, allowing you to return to life with all your possessions.

    Enlightened Invocation: Celestial Flight: (Lesser; 3rd) The powers of light bear you aloft as you sprout shimmering, feather like, spirit wings. You can fly at a speed equal to your land speed with good maneuverability for 24 hours.

    Enlightened Invocation: Charm (Lesser; 4th) same exact effect as the Warlock invocation of the same name. (see complete Arcane).

    Enlightened Essence: Dazzling Blast (Sp): This Invocation (Least, 2nd; Eldritch Essence) allows you to change you eldritch blast into a dazzling blast. Any living creature struck by a dazzling blast must make a willpower save or become dazed for 1 round. A creature already that is already dazed that is struck by a dazzling blast is not affected by the dazed condition again, but still takes damage normally.

    Enlightened Essence: Divine Blast (Sp): This Invocation (Radiant, 8th; Eldritch Essence) allows you to change you eldritch blast into a Divine blast. The damage from your Divine Blast is considered untyped, save for the fact that it is of a Divine origin, and thus it is no longer subject to Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance, or Spell Resistance.

    Enlightened Blast Shape: Eldritch Spear (Sp): This Invocation (least 2nd; Eldritch Blast Shape) allows your Eldritch Blast to attack from great distances. The Eldritch Spear increases the range of the Eldritch Blast to 250 feet with no range increment.

    Enlightened Blast Shape: Eldritch Wave (Sp): This Invocation (Lesser 4th; Eldritch Blast Shape) changes your Eldritch Blast into an Eldritch Wave. By using this invocation you no longer need to make an attack roll to hit with your Eldritch Blast. Instead the Eldritch Wave is centered on you, you do not take damage, and emanates outward. All creatures within 10 feet of the Eldritch Wave take full damage, those between 11-20 feet take 1 die less of Eldritch Wave damage, those from 21-30 feet take and additional die less of damage, and this process continues outward in per 10 foot radius until there are no damage die left to subtract from the Eldritch Wave. Any creature caught within the wave can make a Reflex saving throw for ½ damage.

    Enlightened Blast Shape: Eldritch Wrath (Sp): This Invocation (Radiant 8th; Eldritch Blast Shape) changes your Eldritch Blast into an Eldritch Wrath. Your Eldritch Blast is able to affect all evil aligned creatures within a 20ft radius, it has no effect on good creatures, and neutral creatures only take half damage. Any creature that is affected may make a reflex saving throw to take half damage.

    Enlightened Invocation: Entropic Warding: (Least; 2nd) same exact effect as the Warlock invocation of the same name. (see complete Arcane).

    Enlightened Essence: Holy Blast (Sp): This Invocation (Greater 4th; Eldritch Essence) allows you to change your eldritch blast into a holy blast. The damage dice from your eldritch blast which are normally D6s improve to D8s when you execute a holy blast, but only when the blast is targeted at evil outsiders. The holy blast also automatically by-passes an evil outsiders Spell Resistance if any, and has the added effect of casting a dimensional anchor (as per the spell) upon the evil outsider.

    Enlightened Invocation: Enlightened Utterance: (Least; 1st) You speak a single word from the Word of Creation (See Book of Exalted Deeds) affecting an object as if the spell Mending had been cast upon it. Alternatively you may target any evil creature with this invocation, and speaking a Word of Creation force that creature to make a Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round and deafened for 1 minute. This is a sonic affect.

    Enlightened Invocation: Favored of the Heavens: (Least; 2nd) The forces of light and good hold you in high favor, watching over and protecting you. You may apply a luck bonus equal to your Charisma Modifier to any one save, for a period of 24 hours. You cannot apply this ability to more than one save at a time and the luck bonus you are able to apply to your save can never exceed your Enlightened Spirit class level.

    Enlightened Invocation: Forbiddance: (Greater; 6th) You can use the spell Forbiddance as described in the PHB.

    Enlightened Invocation: Light: (Least; 1st): You can use the Light spell. (see PHB)

    Enlightened Invocation: Moment of Clarity: (Lesser; 4th) When you cast this spell and touch a creature that is under the influence of a mind-affecting spell or effect, that creature immediately receives another saving throw against the effects original save DC to break free of the effect. If the effect did not offer a saving throw, you are able to grant one albeit the save to break free of the effect is DC:20 + any relevant ability score modifiers. If the target of this ability breaks free of the effect they remember the name of the original caster, if any, and their appearance, if any. You may use this ability an unlimited number of times per day, but it can only be used once upon a creature within a 24 hour period.

    Enlightened Invocation: Open Wide the Gates of Heaven: (Radiant; 9th) You open a portal to one of the good aligned outer planes and call forth celestials to aid in battle against the most fearsome of evil forces. The invocation takes place over a period of time. The first round 2d4 avorals arrive. Two rounds later an Eldrin arrives to join the fight. Two rounds later an astral deva arrives. Once these creatures appear they serve you for the duration of 1 minute per caster level. The spells duration begins the instant the first celestial appears. At the end of the spells duration all the summoned celestials disappear at once. The celestials only heed the summons of the Enlightened Spirit if there are evil foes to fight. After their arrival the celestials obey the caster explicitly and never attack her, even if someone else manages to gain control over them. The caster does not need to concentrate to maintain control over the celestials. She may dismiss them either individually or as a group at any time.

    Enlightened Blast Shape: Righteous Strike (Sp): This Invocation (least 1st; Eldritch Blast Shape) is the same as the Warlock invocation: Hideous Blow. As a standard action you can make a single melee attack, if you hit the target is affected as if struck by your Eldritch Blast, including any Eldritch Essence applied to the blast. This damage is in addition to any weapon damage you deal with the attack, although you need not deal damage with this attack to trigger the Eldritch Blast effect.

    Enlightened Invocation: See the Unseen: (Least; 2nd) same exact effect as the Warlock invocation of the same name. (see complete Arcane).

    Enlightened Essence: Spirit Blast (Sp): This Invocation (Lesser 4th; Eldritch Essence) allows you to change your eldritch blast into a spirit blast. The blast deals an extra 1 point of damage, per Enlightened Spirit class level, to undead. Your spirit blast also affects incorporeal creatures without the normal miss chance. For example. A fifth level Enlightened Spirit uses her Spirit Blast vs a ghoul. The blast deals 5D6+5 (5D6 eldritch blast dice, +5 for being an Enlightened Spirit of 5th level) damage to the ghoul.

    Enlightened Invocation: Transform Magic: (Greater; 6th) This invocation allows you to deliver a targeted greater dispel magic with a touch. You or any of your allies within 30 feet of you can heal 5 points of damage for each spell level dispelled this touch. For example, if you successfully dispel a wall of issue, you or an ally can heal up to 20 points of damage. You can't transform your own invocations.

    Enlightened Invocation: Truth of Celestia: (Radiant; 7th) You are able to use the spell True Seeing as described in the PHB. Further more you have the option of casting a Greater Dispel Magic upon any creatures, objects, or illusions that True Seeing is allowing you to see the true form/state of. You may choose not to use the Greater Dispel Magic option.

    Enlightened Invocation: Void Sense: (Lesser; 4th) same exact effect as the Warlock invocation of the same name. (see complete Arcane).

    Enlightened Invocation: Wall of Divine Protection: (Greater; 6th) You can create a Wall of Force as described in the PHB. Any creature who attempts to by pass the wall via Dimension Door, Teleport or similar effect automatically cause the spell to end, but are then subjected to effects of a Force Cage. If they trigger the Force Cage effect, you may decide at that time what form the Force Cage takes as described in the PHB. You may end either the Wall of Force or Force Cage effects at will.

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    I was feeling silly and decided to adapt this from Star Trek. While the Tribble may have some amazing stats please be aware that its only an animal, but it a hearty little animal that is super-humanly cute. And while its not intelligent enough to give a speech, despite its amazing charisma score, it can charm just about anyone foolish enough to not see the tribble for the parasite that it really is. Enjoy.

    Monster: Tribble
    Type: Animal (Tiny)
    Hit Dice: 1D2+1 (2-3hp)
    Initiative: +2 (Tiny size)
    Speed: 20ft
    Armor Class:16 (10 + 2 (natural armor) + 2 dexterity + 2 size bonus)
    Touch AC: 14
    Flat Footed: 14
    BAB: +0
    CMB: +0
    CMD: +0
    Special Attacks: Cuteness
    Special Qualities: Rapid Repoduction
    -Fort: +6 (+2 Base/+4 Constitution)
    -Reflex: +4 (+2 Base/+2 Dexterity)
    -Will Power: -2 (+2 Base/-4 Wisdom)
    Ability Scores:
    Skills: Hide:+11 1 Rank, +3 bonus/+2 Dex/+4 racial
    Feats: Stealthy +2 Stealth/+2 Escape Artist
    Environment: Warm/favorable/temperate
    Organization: Horde
    CR: -
    Treasure: -
    Alignment: Neutral
    Advancement: -
    Level Adjustment:-

    Special Attack/Ability: Cuteness. Tribbles are masters of cuteness, and their warm bodies and soft purring noises are found to be relaxing to most humanoid races, except half orcs (see below). Any time a tribble is held by a humanoid, it may attempt to use its cuteness ability. The creature in question must make a saving throw: DC 18 or be seduced by the creatures inherent cuteness. A creature so influenced, has its attitude toward the tribble improved by one category, and if this makes the humanoid is at least friendly towards the tribble, it will not allow harm to come to the creature believing it to be an adorable pet. The effects last for 24 hours.
    *Once a person has been affected by a tribble's cuteness attack it cannot be affected again for 24 hours. If a person discovers a horde of tribbles, or is given clear evidence that the tribble's are becoming a problem the cuteness effect ends immediately. Once a person has seen how quickly tribble's reproduce or how quickly they can overtake the general environment they are completely and forever immune to the tribble's natural cuteness attack.
    **the exception to this rule are Orcs and Half Orcs who see the tribble for what it is, a parasite that needs to be exterminated. Orcs and Half Orcs are immune to the tribble's cuteness attack, and if they are NPCs start off with an attitude of hostile towards the tribble and anyone who is carrying one. Tribble's in turn make a loud screaching sound, warning others of their kind that danger is present and to either hide or flee.

    Special Qualities: Rapid Repoduction
    If a tribble is in a favorable environment, with a sufficent food source (grass will be enough) and has at least one other tribble present, the two can mate. Tribbles are both male and female, and both their reproductive organs are fully functional at any given time, except once impregnated. When two tribble mate they will spawn offspring in 1 hour, and usually produce 1D6+1 tribbles each who are born ready and able to mate. So long as they have a sufficient food supply and a favorable climate tribbles will continue to multiply, increasing their number and forcing out the general populace.
    Indeed two tribbles is all it takes to overrun a small town within a matter of hours or infest and entire city within days.
    **Under extreme circumstances a lone tribble can reproduce without a mate. Since tribble's are both male and female, a tribble if it is by itself can attempt to reproduce through cellular division. In essence the tribble clones itself. This process takes significantly longer as the tribble must replicate every cell in its body, a process taking 24 hours. After that it can resume mating as normal.

    Source material: Star Wars D20 Revised Edition and Dragonlance Campaign setting.

    Okay first let me say, I understand that there is an aristocrat NPC class. Second I understand that this class fills a very specific niche/role and unless your campaigns allow characters to be from the noble ranks of society then this class may or may not find much use.

    Still I'm looking for input on updating this to Pathfinder standards. I pulled the majority of it from the Star Wars D20 book.

    This is what I have come up with so far:
    ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________
    The Noble

    Alignment: Any (though most lean toward some form of Lawful)
    Key Abilities: Charisma is undoubtedly a Noble's most important ability score as the Noble's skill at interacting with others and projecting a sense of confidence are crucial for his or her success. Intelligence and Wisdom form the basis of other important skills so these abilities scores should also be significant.
    Hit Die: D8
    BAB: Medium progression (LVL 20: +15/+10/+5)
    Saves: Fort (Poor)/ Reflex (Good)/Will (Good)
    Skill Points: 6+Int per level
    Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (all skills taken individually), Linguistics, Perception, Perform, Ride, Sense Motive.
    **Special Multiclass Note: While other classes such as Monk and Paladin restrict in terms of what happens after you multiclass out of them, the Noble faces a similar if somewhat reversed restriction. No one can multiclass into noble, you must start off as a noble from "CHARACTER LEVEL: 1". While any person can gain "noble status", this class represents a life style and up bringing that cannot and should not be gained through leveling. The Noble, unlike the Paladin or Monk, is free to Multiclass between his Noble class and any other class, but no one who has no Noble levels can ever multiclass into Noble.

    1st: Bonus Skill, Favor +1
    2nd: Inspire Confidence 1/per day
    3rd: Favor +2, Resource Access
    4th: Coordinate +1
    5th: Presence +1**
    6th: Bonus Feat, Inspire Confidence 2/per day
    7th: Favor +3
    8th: Coordinate +2
    9th: Bonus Feat
    10th: Presence +2**, Inspire Confidence 3/per day
    11th: Inspire Greatness 1/per day (1 ally)
    12th: Favor +4
    13th: Coordinate +3
    14th: Bonus Feat, Inspire Confidence 4/per day. Inspire Greatness (2 Allies)
    15th: Presence +3**
    16th: Favor +5
    17th: Inspire Greatness (3 Allies)
    18th: Coordinate +4, Inspire Confidence 5/per day
    19th: Bonus Feat
    20th: Inspire Greatness (4 Allies), Presence +4**
    ** = ability I added to class to fill dead level.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
    The Noble is proficient in the use of all Simple and Marital Weapons, light and Medium armors, and all shields (except Tower shields).

    Bonus Class skill: At first level the noble may pick any one cross class skill not normally on their skill list and permanently designate it as a class skill. This represents the noble area of expertise outside of his/her normal training. Once the choice is made it cannot be changed.

    Favor: The noble has the ability to call in favors from those she knows. By making a favor check the noble can call upon contacts to gain important information without going through the time and trouble of doing a lot of research. Favors can also be used to acquire the loan of equipment or documents from influential acquaintances.
    -To call in a favor, the noble makes a favor check. Roll a D20 and add the characters favor bonus (+1 at first level, +2 at 3rd level and so on). The GM sets the difficulty based on the scope of the favor being requested. The DC ranges from 10 for a simple favor to as high as 25 or 30 for highly dangerous, expensive, or illegal favors. The noble cannot take 10 or 20 on this check, nor can the noble retry this check for the same or (virtually the same) favor.
    -A Noble can call in a number of favors equal to half his/her noble levels rounded down, minimum of 1 at first level/per week.

    Inspire Confidence:
    Beginning at 2nd level the Noble can us oratory (give a speech) to inspire confidence in her allies, bolstering them and improving their chances of success. An ally must listen and observe the noble for a full round, and be within 30 feet, for the inspiration to take hold. The effects last for a number of rounds equal to the half the Noble's class levels + his/her charisma Modifier. The Noble can Inspire Confidence in a number of allies equal to half her noble levels rounded down. The Noble can use Inspire confidence 1 per day at 2nd level and gains an additional use for every four levels there after. An ally under the effects of Inspire Confidence gains a +2 morale bonus on all saving throws and a +1 morale bonus on all attack and weapon damage rolls. The Noble cannot Inspire Confidence within him/herself. This ability can only be used on the Noble's allies.

    Resource Access:
    Beginning at 3rd level a Noble has access to an array resources (usually from family, influential friend, or patrons). Once per Adventure the Noble can make a check to use those resources during the adventure.
    -The value of the resources gained equal the Noble's class level multiplied by the result of a Charisma Check multiplied by 20. Thus: A 3rd Level Noble who gets the result of 16 on a Charisma Check would have access to a value 960gp worth of resources to use for that adventure. {3 X 16 X 20 = 960} Gold.
    -The resources can take almost any form (within reason) of value the Noble desires, he/she is not restricted to just gold pieces, and they are his/hers to do with as they please. He/She can keep them, use them, give them or way, or use them however he/she sees fit. The resources gained arrive 1D8 hours after she makes the check. While these resources may take any form, they must be reasonably available from where the Noble chooses to make the check. For instance, a Noble in the middle of a major urban city will have access to a much wider array of resources, while a Noble stranded on a deserted Island isn't going to have access to many resources at all.
    -For The purpose of further distinguishing these abilities: Resource access tends to represent a Noble's ability to obtain and use a vast amount of wealth and money. Where as Favor checks represent the noble's ability to ask for assistance in a form that cannot be so easily measured by a GP value.

    A Noble has a knack for getting people to work together. When a Noble can aid others and give directions, she provides a bonus to the task at hand by making an aid another check. This bonus is in addition (stacks with) to the normal bonuses provided by an aid another check and increases as the Noble gains levels. So a Noble provides a total +3 bonus with an aid another check (+2 bonus from Aid another) and +1 from coordinate. At 8th level the total bonus would be +4 (+2 from aid another) and (+2 from coordinate).
    -This ability cannot be used to assist someone in combat.

    Presence represents a Noble's ongoing development when it Comes to shear personal Magnetism. Yes, almost any character can have a High Charisma score, but a Noble's constant use and refinement of this ability is reflected in the form of a Presence bonus. A Noble with a Presence bonus adds this bonus to any Charisma based skill check, class ability, or function. For example a 10th level Noble with a Charisma score of 16 (Normally a +3 modifier) is treated as having a total +5 Charisma Modifier for the purposes of determining skill based Charisma checks, DC for any Charisma based class abilities and so on. This bonus starts off a +1 at 5th level and improves by one for every five levels there after.

    Bonus Feats:
    At 6th, 9th, 14th, and 19th level a Noble may select a bonus feat from the following list:
    Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Defensive Combat Training, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Intimidating Prowess, Leadership, Mounted combat, Persuasive, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Self Sufficient, Skill Focus, Weapon Finesse.
    -The Noble must meet all prerequisites for taking a bonus feat.

    Inspire Greatness
    Beginning at 11th level a Noble can Inspire Greatness within an ally, granting extra fighting capability. This ability is similar to Inspire Confidence, Except it only affects a single ally at first. An ally under the effects of Inspire Greatness gains +2d10 Temporary Hit Points, a +2 Competence Bonus on Attack Rolls, and a +2 Morale bonus on all Saving Throws. The Effects last for a Number of rounds equal to Half the Noble's class levels, rounded down, + his/her Charisma Modifier. The Noble can Inspire Greatness 1 per day. For every 3 levels gained beyond 11th the Noble can inspire Greatness in one addition ally when he/she uses this ability. The Noble cannot inspire Greatness in his/herself. This ability can only be used on his/her allies.
    ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    Questions Comments or suggestions are welcome.

    -Currently looking for a "Capstone" ability @ 20th level. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to comment.
    -Please let me know if you feel the class is over-powered or under-powered.


    An experiment in updating the Samurai class from Oriental Adventures to the Pathfinder system. I've always like this version of the Samurai better than the one in Complete Warrior. The question was how to bring it up to Pathfinder class standards. The other question was how to make the class flexible enough that each clans specialties could shine through. This is my version 1.0 of this class. Tell me what you think, where it seems to be weak, what might be over powered, and in general what could use improvement.

    Samurai 3.75 (Pathfinder)
    Alignment: Must be Lawful
    Hit Die = D10
    Skill Points: 4+Int
    Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Perform(Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Des), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str).

    BAB = Full
    Fort Save: Good
    Reflex Save: Poor
    Will Save: Good
    Level abilities listed below:
    1st: Ancestral Daisho, Clan Ability
    2nd: Bonus Feat
    3rd: Fearless, Iaijutsu Strike 1D6
    4th: Bonus Feat
    5th: Clan Ability
    6th: Iaijutsu Strike 2d6
    7th: Bonus Feat
    8th: Stare down
    9th: Iaijutsu Strike 3d6
    10th: Bonus Feat, Clan Ability
    11th: Mass Stare down
    12th: Iaijutsu Strike 4d6
    13th: Bonus Feat
    14th: Improved Stare Down
    15th: Clan Ability, Iaijutsu Strike 5d6
    16th: Bonus Feat
    17th: Frightful Presence
    18th: Iaijutsu Strke 6d6
    19th: Bonus Feat
    20th: Clan Ability

    The following are class features of the samurai.
    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Samurai are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light and medium armor. Samurai are not proficient with shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a -1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor and equipment

    Ancestral Daisho: All samurai begin play with either a katana and a wakizashi-two masterwork weapons, a masterwork bow, or one other masterwork weapon. These are weapons that belonged to the samurai's ancestors, and protecting the weapons is an important point of honor for the samurai. As a samurai acquires treasure through adventuring, he has the option of awakening the supernatural abilities latent in the weapons. This option allows a samurai who prefers to use his ancestral blade to wield a magic weapon, while a samurai who wields a tetsubo against Shadowlands fiends can use his treasure to acquire new jade or magic weapons.
    At any time, a samurai may retreat to a temple or shrine and spend time in prayer in order to awaken the ancestral spirits in his Ancestral Daisho. This requires a sacrifice of valuable items worth the amount shown on the following table: Ancestral Daisho. This sacrifice does not have to be gold-the character can sacrifice magic items or other goods worth the required amount, rather than selling his goods (at half value) to pay for the sacrifice. The samurai must meet the minimum character level (including any prestige class levels) shown on the table, and he must spend one day per 1,000 gp sacrificed in the shrine or temple. During this time, he must spend at least 8 hours each day kneeling before his ancestors and his weapons, not stopping to eat or rest . Many samurai request the assistance of a shugenja in this process, but a shugenja is not required.
    The values shown on the following table are the total value of sacrifice required to bring a single weapon to the listed weapon bonus. If a samurai already has a +3 weapon, he can raise it to a +4 weapon by sacrificing 14,000 gp and spending two weeks in prayer. .
    Before a samurai's ancestral daisho becomes a +1 weapon, it is an ordinary masterwork weapon in every way. Its latent supernatural powers do not cause it to be considered a magic weapon until those powers are awakened. A samurai who loses his ancestral swords is dishonored until he can recover them. He cannot enhance any other weapon in this way.
    -Note: In some campaigns, a samurai might begin play with a different ancestral weapon, such as a tulwar (scimitar) or a jian (longsword).

    Weapon bonus/Minimum Sacrifice Required/Minimum Character Level
    *A weapon can't actually have a bonus higher than +5 . Use these lines to determine price when special abilities are added in. Example: A samurai who has a +4 katana can transform it into a +4 thundering katana with a sacrifice of 40,000 gp, since thundering is a special ability equivalent to a +2 bonus.

    Bonus Feats: At 2nd level, the samurai gets a bonus feat .The samurai gains an additional bonus feat at 4th level and every three levels thereafter (7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, and 19th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the list that appears below for the character's clan or from the appropriate clan's Ancestral Feats.

    Crab-Emphasize heavy armor, great strength, and unusual weapons. Feats: Armor Proficiency (heavy), Combat Reflexes (Stand Still), Endurance (Die Hard), Power Attack (Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Greater Sunder), Run, Weapon Focus (battleaxe, greatclub, katana, or warhammer) .

    Crane-Emphasize speed and agility. Feats: Dodge (Mobility, Spring Attack, Wind Stance, Lighting Stance), Combat Expertise (Improved Disarm, Greater Disarm, Improved Trip, Greater Trip, Whirlwind Attack), Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Iaijutsu Focus, Toughness, Vital Strike (Improved Vital Strike, Greater Vital Strike) Weapon Focus (katana).

    Dragon-Teach two-weapon fighting and unarmed combat. Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge (Mobility, Spring Attack), Improved Unarmed Strike (Deflect Arrows, Snatch Arrows, Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple, Stunning Fist), Power Attack (Cleave), Two Weapon Fighting (Double Slice, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Rend, Two Weapon Defense), Weapon Focus (katana).

    Lion-Emphasize strategy, intelligence, and strength of will. Feats: Endurance (Die Hard), Combat Expertise (Improved Disarm, Greater Disarm, Improved Trip, Greater Trip, Whirlwind Attack), Combat Reflexes, Dodge (Mobility), Improved Initiative, Iron Will (Improved Iron Will), Ki Shout (Great Ki Shout), Toughness, Weapon Focus (katana, pole-arm (any), spear).

    Phoenix-Emphasize mental and spiritual training. Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise (Improved Disarm, Greater Disarm, Improved Trip Greater, Whirlwind Attack), Great Fortitude (Improved Great Fortitude), Improved Initiative, Iron Will (Improved Iron Will), Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (katana).

    Scorpion-Emphasize mobility and dirty fighting. Feats: Blind-Fight, Catch Off Guard, Dodge (Mobility, Spring Attack, Wind Stance, Lighting Stance), Combat Expertise (Improved Disarm, Greater Disarm, Improved Trip, Greater Trip, Whirlwind Attack), Critical Focus (Critical Mastery), Improved Initiative, Prone Attack, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (katana).

    Unicorn-Emphasize mounted combat and archery. Feats: Alertness, Mounted Combat (Mounted Archery, Trample, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Unseat), Point Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Pin Point Targeting, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run), Weapon Focus (spear, lance, bow, or katana).

    *Please not that with the Clan abilities as Samurai can you gain one set of abilities, not all of them, and once a Clan is chosen it is permanent.
    Clan Abilities:
    At 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level a samurai gains an ability that is reflective of his chosen clan:

    -Crab-Emphasize heavy armor, great strength, and unusual weapons:
    1st: A Samurai from the Crab clan never suffers from reduced speed regardless of what type of armor he is wearing or how heavy the load he is carrying. Also the Maximum dexterity bonus for any armor is increased by 1 per 5 levels of samurai.
    5th: Crab Strength: At 5th level a Samurai from the Crab clan can call on his inner reserves of strength and constitution. He adds a +4 bonus to both strength and constitution for number or rounds equal to 4 + (the new) Constitution Modifier. This can be done a number of times per day equal to the Samurai's Constitution Modifier, minimum of once per day.
    Once these effects end or the Samurai willingly chooses to end these bonuses (free action) he is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent using the Crab Strength ability.
    10th: Greater Crab Strength: At 10th level the bonuses increase to +6
    15th: Tireless Crab Strength: At 15th level the Samurai is no longer fatigued after using Crabs Strength.
    20th: Mighty Crab Strength: At 20th level the bonuses increase to +8

    -Crane- Emphasize speed and agility:
    1st: Gains a wisdom bonus to AC, as if he were a monk of equal level. Treat his Samurai level as an equivalent monk level for the purposes of determining his unarmored AC bonus after 1st level.
    5th: Initiative Bonus: Cranes gain a bonus to initiative equal to 1 per five levels of Samurai.
    10th: Improved Critical Threat: A Samurai from the Crane Clan increases the critical threat range for his Ancestral Daisho (and only his Ancestral Daisho) by 1. This affect stacks with Keen and or the Improved Critical feat.
    15th: Improved Critical Multiplier: A Samurai from the Crane Clan increases the critical multiplier by 1 for his Ancestral Daisho (and only his Ancestral Daisho).
    20th: 1 Strike/1 Kill. As a Standard Action a Samurai from the Crane clan can choose to forgo his normal number of attacks per round and instead make one attack against a single opponent. If the attack hits that opponent must make a Fortitude save with the DC being equal 10 + ½ the Samurai's class level + Charisma Modifier. If the save fails the Samurai kills his opponent instantly. If the save is successful the opponent still suffers Damage as if he was struck by a confirmed critical hit.

    -Dragon- Teach two-weapon fighting and unarmed combat:
    1st: A Samurai from the Dragon clan is treated as Monk of equal level for the purposes of determining his Unarmed damage, Bonus to AC while unarmored (including a wisdom bonus to AC), and for the use of Flurry of blows. A Samurai from the Dragon clan treats his Katanas as Monk weapons for the purpose of using Flurry of Blows. He also gains the Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat at first level.
    5th: Bonus feat: Two Weapon Fighting (even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites)
    10th: Bonus feat: Improved Two Weapon Fighting (even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites)
    15th: Bonus feat: Greater Two Weapon Fighting (even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites)
    20th: Quivering Palm as the Monks ability.

    -Lion- Emphasize strategy, intelligence, and strength of will:
    1st: The Lion Clan can apply their Intelligence modifier to damage in addition to their Strength Modifer.
    -Lion (cont).
    5th: Uncanny Dodge
    10th: A Samurai from the Lion Clan gets a +4 to hit when flanking his opponent instead of the usual +2
    15th: Improved Uncanny Dodge
    20th: A Samurai from the Lion Clan can treat any adjacent as occupied for the purpose of determining flanking bonuses. Also any square that is adjacent to a Samurai from the Lion Clan is automatically considered difficult terrain.

    -Phoenix- Emphasize mental and spiritual training:
    1st: A Samurai from the Phoenix clan can use a Healing Touch a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma Modifier. Using this ability he can heal 1d4+1 point of damage per 2 Samurai levels.
    5th: Slippery Mind as per the Monk ability.
    10th: Holy Power: When wielding his ancestral weapon a Samurai from the Phoenix clan automatically applies the Holy Property to it, and it is considered good aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
    15th: A Samurai from the Phoenix clan is immune to spells from the schools of Enchantment/Charm and Illusion.
    20th: Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes a Samurai from the Phoenix clan can return from the dead. Once per day, if the Samurai from the Phoenix clan is slain, before he dies he can choose to activate this power upon himself, and be returned from the dead as if a True Resurrection spell had been cast upon him. When he dies, his body and all his possession are consumed by a magical fire leaving nothing but ashes. He cannot use this power on anyone other than himself, and cannot return from the dead until dawn of the next day, when he reappears exactly where he died with all his possessions. If that space is occupied, its occupant is forced to move to any adjacent square.

    -Scorpion- Emphasize mobility and dirty fighting:
    1st: A Samurai from the scorpion clan is a dirty fighter. He gains Sneak Attack at 1d6 and gains “Catch Off Guard” as a bonus feat at first level. They also gain Bluff as a class skill and gain 1 additional rank in it for each level of Samurai.
    5th: Sneak Attack 2d6, +10ft Movement
    10th: Sneak Attack 3d6, +20ft Movement
    15th: Sneak Attack 4d6, +30ft Movement
    20th: Sneak Attack 5d6, Master Strike as if a Rogue of 20th Level.

    -Unicorn-Emphasize mounted combat and archery:
    1st: Receive Skill Focus: Ride as a Bonus Feat
    5th: Gains an Animal Companion/Mount as a Druid of equal level
    10th: Improved Accuracy: A mounted Samurai from the Unicorn clan deals double damage with his bow and arrow on a successful hit.
    15th: Full Attack: A mounted Samurai from the Unicorn clan can make a full attack action with his bow while his mount executes a full move action.
    20th: Deadly Accuracy: A mounted Samurai from the Unicorn clan deals triple damage with his bow and arrow on a successful hit. Anyone hit by one of these arrows is subject to the effects of a “Daze” spell, unless they make a will save equal to 10 + ½ the Samurai's class level + Charisma modifer.

    At 3rd level a Samurai becomes completely immune to the effects of fear, magical or otherwise.

    Iaijutsu Strike:
    At 3rd level a Samurai can add extra damage if he can catch his opponent off guard. Any time a foe would be denied his dexterity bonus and Samurai has yet to draw or ready his weapon, he may immediately draw his weapon and attack, dealing additional damage to that opponent. This weapon must be the samurai's ancestral daisho, and for the purposes of this ability, he is treated as having the Quick Draw feat.

    Stare Down:
    -At 8th level a Samurai becomes able to strike fear into his foes by his mere presence. He gains a +4
    bonus on Intimidate checks and can demoralize his opponents.

    Mass Stare Down:
    -At 11th level a Samurai has sufficient presence that he can now cow multiple foes. Using a Intimidate check, a Samurai can demoralize all opponents within 30 feet with a single standard action.

    Improved Stare Down:
    -At 14th level a Samurai can demoralize all opponents within 30 feet as a move action, not a standard action.

    Frightful Presence:
    -At 17th level when a Samurai uses intimidate, all opponents within 30 feet must make a will save (DC 10 + ½ Samurai level + Cha Modifier). The number of Hit Dice the opponents have determines the effects of the Samurai's Frightful presence ability on them. Making the will save means they are not affected and cannot be affected by the Samurai's frightful presence for 24 hours.
    More HD than the Samurai: No Effect
    Equal to the Samurai's HD: Demoralized as normal
    Less than the Samurai's HD to 5HD: Shaken for 4D6 Rounds
    4HD and fewer: Paniked for 4D6 Rounds

    Code of Conduct: A samurai must be of lawful alignment,
    and dishonors himself, his family, and his swords if he ever
    willingly commits a chaotic act. Additionally, the samurai code
    of bushido requires that he be obedient to his lord, accept death
    at any time and face it bravely, avenge any dishonor, and shun
    any appearance of cowardice. The core principles of bushido are
    honor, loyalty, and courage. Violating these precepts results in
    dishonor, which may result in a samurai being stripped of his
    family name or being asked to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) .

    Some Feats from Oriental Adventures that are updated or printed because they were kept on a specific clan's bonus feat list:

    -Crane Clan/General: Iaijutsu Focus
    (This use to be a skill. It has been reworked into a feat specifically for the Crane clan to demonstrate their mastery of this particular ability)
    You are member of the Crane clan and are exceptionally deadly in a duel.
    Prerequisites: Iaijutsu Strike class feature.
    Benefit: Whenever you are allowed to apply your Iaijutsu dice to you damage you may reroll any 1s that are initially rolled for the additional damage. Once you reroll the die you must keep the result regardless of if it comes up as a 1 for a second time.

    -Lion Clan/General: Ki Shout
    You can bellow forth a hi-empowered shout that strikes terror into your enemies.
    Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1 or higher, Cha 13+.
    Benefit: Making a ki shout is a standard action . Opponents who can hear your shout and who are within 30 feet of you may become shaken for 1d6 rounds. The ki shout affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than you have . An affected opponent can resist the effects with a successful Will save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier. You can use Ki Shout once per day. Shaken characters suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks .

    -Lion Clan/Improved General: Ki Shout
    Your ki shout can panic your opponents.
    Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Ki Shout, base attack bonus +9 or higher. Benefit: When you make a ki shout, your opponents are panicked for 2d6 rounds unless they succeed at their Will saves (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier). Panicked characters suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks, they have a so% chance to drop what they are holding, and they run away from you as quickly as they can. The effects of being panicked supersede the effects of being shaken.

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