Antediluvian0331's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


My observations as a player in this campaign are as follows.

Arcanist - Really I felt that for the most part this class was basically a wizard without a familiar. The exploits and arcane pool are nifty but I don't think they are as useful as perhaps they should be.

Bloodrager - (this is the class I played) I found that the bloodrager was more or less a rage prophet. I found that at the beginning of combat I had to decide to move in, or cast a spell and I found myself essentially behaving like a standard barbarian. Some of the automatic bloodline buffs were nice and changed the dynamic slightly from that of a regular barbarian, but for the most part I think the spell casting aspect of this class is more of an afterthought.

Warpriest - I thought this class was really interesting and was a nice mix of classes and skills to create something really unique. Fervor was amazing and really gave the class some extra tricks up its sleeve. I however do agree with our GM here in saying that the damage progression is a little heavier than should be. With near monk style damage output, full plate, and a bag of spells up the sleeve they can fill nearly any gap in a group depending on how you build you character.

Swashbuckler - Really liked this class tricks, but again very much just a duelist with gunslinger grit. Awesome yes, unique, no.