Gelatinous Cube

Ant's page

Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks so much for this. Very handy. One question: If you used them, how did you handle the special background feats from the Player's Guide?

It's been suggested to me to drop any mechanics tied to them and just use them as flavour (though I am keen to keep the "Once per Adventure" ones, at least in some form).

I played in the Grand Master Torch game late Saturday evening and just wanted to say thanks to our DM Patto and the rest of the party for a great introduction to the Pathfinder Society.

Despite the fact that Kalista spent more time being healed than actually doing the healing herself I still had a whole lot of fun (and I'm sure the rallying speeches of the indomitable paladin Moto Moto assisted in that regard).

Edit: And, of course, special thanks to DarkWhite for championing the whole Pathfinder exercise!

Thanks, DarkWhite. That was a well-worded and very informative answer. You are a scholar and a gentleman.

Hi! Dumb question time (I'm a grumpy old grognard so you'll have to forgive me).

I'm scheduled to play Pathfinder Society Scenario 14: The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch (Tiers 1-7) on Sat 19th (7pm-11pm) and I'm a little confused over what level character I should make. 1? 4? 7? Or something else?

sanwah68 wrote:
Ant, If you are anywhere near Sydney, I could add you to my order. By my calculations the book should cost you US$57 as this would bring my preorder up to 4, which is the 'breakpoint' for shipping to Australia.

Thanks for the kind offer, sanwah68. I'm up in Brisbane ... near Sydney, but probably not near enough. :-)

For Australia, shipping & handling is $45.05. A few dollars more than the cost of the PFRPG itself!

Unfortunately this means I'll have to wait until a FLGS gets it in and hope I can get a copy a little cheaper.

#108 - Ant

Yay! (Awesome book, by the way. Thanks, Monte!)

I absolutely love this game ... as long as all of the relevant Circle of Eight patches are installed.

I'm running an OD&D game Saturday so hopefully I'll get to see some sort of Paizo-related activity going on somewhere.

tfad, just wanted to say this was an excellent playtest report. Enoyable AND informative! :-)

On behalf of Australia, I thank you! Best news since, well, since Pathfinder RPG!

Lose the poem on the gobby t-shirt and I'm in.

Jumping on the "Less manga, more Eva" bandwagon. While the racial pics are very skilfully done I'm not a fan of the looks. This is how I'd like my racial pics to be done.

Looking good. I'm liking the further streamlining. Oh, and fighters. Really liking those plate-monsters!

Of the two groups I play and DM in only 1 person is strongly opposed to skill points. The remaining 9 or so either love or don't mind dabbling with skills points.

I think the Star Wars SAGA skill system works well for Star Wars but skill points seem to add a level of, I dunno ... grittiness, which we like in our fantasy games.

Maybe there'd be a way of providing both options -- either skill points or a "fast track" option similar to what's in the alpha ...

I'll be at Gencon Oz regardless but seeing Paizo there would make me scream with delight.

But don't let that stop you making voyage to Terror Australis.

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?


2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?


3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

Subscription will continue and I'll likely pick up another subscription as well for Game Mastery. Paizo will continue to be my primary place of purchase for gaming.

DeadDMWalking wrote:
Though, I too, would like to second the option to add non-subscription items to the subscription shipment.

Thirding that.

Either way though, Paizo rocks.

As a testimony Christine's talent, before I realised this was the winner of the Superstar competition I saw it listed in the Product Discussion forum and thought, "Wow! That title sounds cool! I want to buy it just on impulse!"

I'm not normally an impulse buyer so, coming from me, that's saying something.

Of course, having actually read what the module is about just means that I'll definitely be preordering this baby.

Amazing effort, Christine. You deserve all the praise you get.

Very well done! I love rules variants - especially ones so well thought out and presented. And the price is right, too. :-)

After downloading and reading all I can say is that 4th Edition is already here and it is Fire and Brimstone.

Very awesome! Roughly how long did it take to create?

I need that cover as a poster. Amazing!

Though I'm not huge fan of Kyle Hunter's very distinctive art I must say I think it's perfect for the Harrow Deck. It reminds me somewhat of the stylised illuminations used in playing cards circa the 1400s.

In fact, I've shifted from "Definitely not getting this" to "Quite possibly will pick it up".

Another Brisvegas guy here. I found the same problem. I'd recommend trying different mixes of books and breaking them up into smaller lots and then just getting them shipped separately at the cheaper price. I'm currently on my third lot (I think I need professional help). ;-)

Just received my latest order from Paizo and I just wanted to say how great you all are. I've been undecided as to whether I should keep going with the Pathfinder products and I've know decided I will because you're not only all very talented but you're the kind of company I want to buy things from.

I would love to see mundane versions of weapons, armour and ammunition. I'd easily snap up several packs of these if such a thing existed.

Oh, this looks brilliant. Time to start saving my pennies again!


This adventure is excellent and a lot of fun -- as mentioned several times make sure you really use the undead to add to the atmosphere.

My players were creeped out more than once. For example, when they found the body with its heart removed in the bell-tower and when the sun went down on the first night and they caught glimpses of corpses striding from the sea. First one, then two .. then a dozen! Was very exciting.

From memory, I'd tone down the hags a bit -- their ability to take out a player for days can be quite inconvenient (to the player, at least).

Also chuul are deadly! And don't forget that they're intelligent and can talk!

Virgil the seagull actually became a companion for a short time and then made a guest appearance (post-humously, I'm afraid) in a later adventure.

Just recently Janore has sent a missive to the party pleading for their aid once again (the party never closed the rift).

Brisbanite here. D&D is my main fare (as DM), but I dabble in quite a few other games. I feel a bit honoured to be in the presence of you guys!

Despite the prohibitive cost of gaming books I still manage to pick up more new releases than I probably should.

This is excellent news, though my wallet is weeping in anticipated anguish!

Lisa Stevens wrote:

If you tried adding those things to your cart at the same time, you may have found that the shipping cost didn't change much, if at all, over just buying the combat pad. Right now, the difference between shipping 0.1 pounds and 1.9 pounds is often $0.

My advice to overseas customers is to try to bundle things together to save on postage.

Thanks for the advice, Lisa. Have you considered a career in Sales? ;-)

I have bundled things in the past when buying from Paizo but for some reason never bothered with these products. I'll give it a go and see how it works out.

Olaf the Stout wrote:
I was going to order a Combat Pad but discovered that the shipping costs were something like $15! That is almost as much as the product itself.

Exactly my position, Olaf. I've now resorted to making my own, likely inferior, version of the Combat Pad.

I was also keen to order some Steel Sqwire goodies but, alas, the shipping cost has again killed that idea.

Brisbane here.

I loved Champion's Belt -- very well written and put together. I've DMed gladiatoral adventures in the past but this makes them seem very small and insignificant.

However I couldn't help noticing a few small errors, the most amusing being the potion of gentile repose. Well, I assume that's an error. ;)