365 A regular Gregorian Year
This is looking bizarrely awesome or awesomely bizarre - actually probably both.
181. Cloud flux-When the spell hits the area of an already present magical cloud spell (fog cloud, acid fog, cloudkill, stinking cloud, solid fog, or other similar spells) to tranform into a more dangerous form: CL of the original fog or cloud effect is 1-5, solid fog; CL 6-10 stinking cloud; CL 11-15 cloudkill; CL 16-20 acid fog
180. Armour reconfiguration-All attacks made against one designated ally automatically fail fail for 1 round/CL. Special abilities, spells and other effects from an enemy cannot affect the target of this spell.
179. Inhibiting burst-Multiple target creatures (all must be within 30ft of at least one other affected by this spell) lose the ability to attack for 1 round/CL. The target cannot make any sort of attack against anything while this spell is in effect.
178. Disabling burst: You hit a target with a ranged touch attack. The energy from the attack deals 1/2CLd6 points of damage to the target and produces an additional effect for 2 rounds/CL. Roll a d10: 1-2 Target loses the use of all senses: the target is blinded, deafened, loses blindsight, blindsense, scent, tremorsense, darkvision and any other sensory abilities; 3-4 Target cannot make any attacks using weapons, spells, special abilities or any other method; 5-6 Targets AC bonuses from all sources drop to 0; 7-8 All of the targets speeds drop to 0-if the target was flying it falls; if the target was swimming it begins to fall under the water; 9-10 The target loses an additional 1/4CLd6 hp each turn the effect lasts.
176. Materials extraction. You hit an object with a ray attack, converting the object into a number of coins equal to 1/2 of the value of the object. The spell will produce pp first, followed by gp if it doesn't work out to a whole number of pp, then sp if it has a fractional gp leftover value, etc. (Optional rule-not sure if I want to use this or not: This does not affect the magic in magic items, only the value of the materials involved in the construction of the magic items is converted)
175. Recharge: An ally who has spent spells, spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities with a limited number or uses per day regains a number of uses for one given spell level or ability equal to 1/2 your caster up to maximum number of uses equal to their normal maximum per day.
173. Spell Assimilation Beam: If the beam hits a target with prepared spells, available spell slots or a spell like ability or supernatural ability the caster gains one of those abilities chosen at random: if spells, the caster gains the ability to cast one specific spell per caster level (max level of spell equal to highest level spell caster can cast); if the spell absorbs a spell-like or supernatural ability the caster can use the spell-like ability as many times as the possessor of the ability can in a day. The target is held immobile for one round while the spell or ability is absorbed but can still attack. If a spell is absorbed the caster can later learn it to scribe into a spellbook or as a new spell known, assuming the spell in question is suitable (can't be from an opposition school-note: arcane casters can learn divine spells this way and divine casters can learn arcane spells this way) The target does not lose any uses of the associated spell or ability.
John Robey wrote: I may be in the minority here, but I rather liked what WotC did with the MM4+, of mixing new monsters in with level-varied versions of existing ones as well (i.e, an entry for ogres including shaman, berserker, etc.). So put me down for some of that please.
Also some CR 12+ monsters that AREN'T extraplanar or dragons, if you have any floating around. This is a biggie for me, as I'm currently running a L10-20 game by request and can only do "giants with class levels" so many times...
-The Gneech
Word of Caution: Most of the Paizonians I'm aware of who have voiced opinion on the subject of class advanced creatures from MM4 and 5 have absolutely LOATHED the concept-not saying that is an invalid perspective but just thought it would be wise to alert you to that.
If we're going to add ToH monsters to the list: Movanic and Monadic Devas, Cloud and Mist Dragons, Crypt Thing, Cooshee, Hippopotamus, Deer, Moose, Inphidian, Hippocampus
Sharoth wrote: zylphryx wrote: Sharoth wrote: Wally Wabbit wrote: Did someone call for me? Wabbit Season! Wabbit Season! DRAGON SEASON!!! ~gulp~ uh oh. DEMON SEASON!!!! Dwagon season ended a month ago. Wanna help hunt some demons Shawoth?
Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends.
...political pundit.
...green-blooded son of a b%#!* (although I sometimes host the mind of one)
Quick question (possibly sort of a threadjack, but what the heck)
In the back of the various Pathfinder Adventure Path Books there new monsters. What are the names of each issues monsters detailed at the back? One issue had a new type of dragon someone mentioned earlier in this thread, I think. any info here would be of interest.

You can't change a writer's words without his permission. That's sacrilege. - Jake Sisko to Nog after the Nog editted one of the Jakes stories (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Q: Welcome to the afterlife, Jean-Luc. You're dead.
Q: I told you. You're dead. This is the afterlife. And I'm God.
Picard: No. I am not dead. Because I refuse to believe that the afterlife is run by you. The universe is not so badly designed.
- Q and Picard as Picard hovers on the brink of death. (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
I'm a doctor, not a (fill in occupation of your choice here)
-Every doctor on every Star Trek series at some point or another
Spock: In your own way you are as stubborn as another captain of the Enterprise I once knew.
Picard: Then I am in good company sir.
-Spock and Picard on Romulus, with Picard trying to convince Spock to listen to him (TNG)
I'm a science officer. It's my job to have a better idea. -Jadzia Dax to Kira Nerys (DS9)
Peace is good for business-Dax to Quark the 35th Rule of Acquisition (DS9)
War is good for business-Quark to Dax the 34th Rule of Acquisition (DS9)
And you people ... you're all astronauts on some kind of ... Star Trek
-Zefram Cochrane to William Riker when Riker is trying to convince Cochrane to make his warp flight (Star Trek: First Contact)
There is a lot of spin and analysis going on right now to try and figure this all out and quite frankly, historians and economists will be debating about this for years or even decades (since there is still argument regarding the Great Depression which is now about 80 years in the past) These debates will have some sort of value and it is good to have them now when things are still able to be influenced but ultimately we'll see what happens after some time has passed, so we'll just need to be careful about apparently overly certain predictions. Hopefully, whatever course is taken, we (the entire western world) will take steps to continue to allow markets to work but also potentially cap the ability of certain individuals and groups to distort them in ways that are great short term, but ultimately disastrous. I don't know exactly where the balance lies but with plenty of creative minds we'll muddle our way to the best we can do.
Tensor wrote: In high school, my summer job was breading hamsters at a local pet supply distributor. 100's of 'em.
Hmm hamsters instead of chicken at Wendy's or KFC? Ok I think you meant breeding but still a funny mental image. ;-)

JRM wrote: Referring back to dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts, my votes are for:
Please keep clear of having lots of different genera of similar dinosaurs whose stats only differ slightly, instead just have 'types' of dinosaurs with a stat-block for each size - e.g. Megalosaurus, Allosaurus & Ceratosaurus might as well all be "Large Carnosaur", with maybe a note that Allosaurus may grow large enough to have a couple more HD than Megalosaurus.
I'd prefer to us popular names for these types even if they may not be scientifically accurate, just for ease of recognition, plus having a descriptive name for those who think that using modern taxonomy strains suspension of disbelief* - e.g. the type Apatosaurus (Thunder Lizard) could cover stats for all sauropods and prosauropod, from Medium to Colossal. Everyone knows what a Brontosaurus looks like, even though we're supposed to call them Apatosaurus. Most of the descriptive names can easily follow the English meaning of their taxonomic names.
I'd include lesser sizes to represent small species of dinosaurs or the young of large ones.
Types could include:
Carnosaur (The Butcher?) - Allosaurus and other generic meat-eaters.
Tyrannosaur (Tyrant King) - Albertosaurus, Nanotyrannus, the big T itself).
Apatosaur (Thunder Lizard) as above.
Velociraptor (Terror Claw) - combines the most commonly recognized name (post Jurassic Park) and the rough meaning of 'Deinonychus'. From Tiny (Microraptor[/i]) to Large (Utahraptor).
Stegosaur (Spike Tail)
Ankylosaur (Shield Back?)
Ornithomimus (Ostrich Lizard?)
Triceratops (Horn Face) - for all your Ceratopsian needs.
Therizinosaurus (Scythe Claw) - should the same stats be used for both the (probably herbivorous) Therizinosaurus and the various weird carnivores with big hand-claws, like Megaraptor and Baryonyx?
Plus additional types for the various...
Fixed it for you.
Yo ho lads and lasses lets find us some wenches, some grog and good food, we arrived in port filled with plunder and there be no sense buryin it on some deserted rock when pirate ports are filled with distractions. So drink up and enjoy this day. Yo Ho!!
And Lilith Be ready on the cat o nine tails to give these scallawags their due punishment (or pleasure as they may see it) ;-)
How about a pat on your lizard/salamander like head and a cookie? I here Lilith bakes the best cookies on these boards.
This is an idea that I appreciate and I have some ideas for one domain in particular: the Mind Domain, but the 1st and 8th level abilities are leaving me a bit stumped.
2nd Comprehend languages 1/day per 2 caster levels
4th Detect Thoughts 1/day
8th Something based on discern lies although I'm not quite sure what
12th Probe Thoughts 1/day (most of the non PH domains actually use the old 6th level spell for this level)
16th Brain Spider 1/day
20th Mind Blank 1/day or Weird 1/day (Mind Blank is the old 8th level spell but it is an interesting one so Weird would probably fit better but it is tempting to use Mind Blank instead...)
Any assistance on the 1st and 8th level ones are appreciated

Heathansson wrote: Drakli wrote: toyrobots wrote: You are aware that that's a "Velociraptor" right? Incidentally, for some reason I've always been glad they never switched out names on these things, being as velociraptors were the ones the size of medium-small dogs and the deininychuses were bigger and pack hunters.
Then again, it's pretty clear the 3E deinonychuses are the movie raptors because they're Large and all. As far as I remember, the real deinonychus was about the size of a wolf, plus tail.
The movie "velociraptors" were real-world deinonychus. They used the velociraptor's name for them, because it sounded cooler. The velociraptor is a smaller cousin of the deinonychus; maybe like a housecat to a tiger. The movie Jurassic Park raptor were the real world utahraptors: first discovered while the movie was in production. Deinonychus was 10 ft long (including the tail, which was about half of its length) and stood maybe 3 1/2, 4 ft tall at the head. Utahraptor meanwhile 20 ft long including the tail, 6-7 ft to the top of its head.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: @Heathy - yeah, make dire animals dire, not spiny.
@Deussu - you've got to have girallons, to populate the red planet along with thri-kreen. And you've got a few mythological beasts in there that need keeping.
@Jal Dorak - Am I having a memory malfunction? My daughter has my 1st ed books right now -- what is it about the hydra that needs recovery?
Thri kreen aren't OGL unfortunately. I liked the mantis people.

Set wrote: Jason Grubiak wrote: The Tojanida is part of a set. If you check out the Monster Manual, the Arrowhawk, Tojanida, Salamander and Xorn are paralels.
All 4 come in small, medium and large, and all 4 have the same challenge rating. So why keep the fire, earth and air creatures and axe the water? Makes no sence.
Ditch Tojanida and replace it with the Water Weird, the original part of 'the set.' 'Cause the original was way better than the three-armed magnetohydrodynamic mini-Gamera.
Some of the 3.0 monsters felt like they were thrown in because someone realized, 'Hey, we need a monster with a Sonic attack!' and somebody else said, 'Siren? Some Harpy variant? Banshee? Doombat? That Dune Stalker thing from Fiend Folio?' and got shouted down by a crazy person who said, 'No! Like a Wyvern with a unicorn horn that shoots a sonic lance, only with an unpronounceable name!' Then someone else said, 'Well, we did need more monsters to pad out the letter 'Y...''
One other thing: why was the salamander (the fire part of the set) evil while all the others are neutral? Make salamanders neutral please.
CharlieRock wrote: abominable snowman Yeti or Sasquatch would be neat to see (giant type maybe)
Add my voice to the yes to oriental dragons crowd. Also with various creatures be careful about size categories. Medium size is 4-8 ft tall (if tall) or 4-8 ft nose to BASE of tail (if long) In a few cases with dinosaurs in the MM the tail was included when calculating size category (velociraptor is small, deinonychus medium, megaraptor large) A minor quibble I know but one that just drives me a bit nuts.
It would be interesting to see but I somehow doubt that it would be allowed, at least in the near term.
Zootcat wrote: Valeros - Male Human (Andoran) Fighter
Seoni - Female Human (Varisian) Sorcerer
Merisiel - Female Elven Rogue
Kyra - Human (Kelish) Cleric of Sarenrae
Ezren - Male Human (Race?) Wizard
Seelah - Female Human (Garundi) Paladin of Iomedae
Harsk - Male Dwarven Ranger
Lem - Male Halfling Bard
Sajan - Male Human (Vudran) Monk
Lini - Female Gnome Druid
Amiri - Female Human (Kellid) Barbarian
Seltyiel - Male Half-Elven Fighter/Sorcerer (or Fighter/Wizard)
I haven't noticed it, but no reason it couldn't be a house rule if desired.
Wertzing(v.) Fixing a previously encountered technical glitch. eg. My file didn't download Ok it'll be wertzed in short order.
There's Seoni the Sorceress and Valeros the Fighter but what are the names of all the other Pathfinder Iconics?
It was more to give a brief nod to all those who had their birthday on this day, since choosing one seems arbitrary but fine I'll let it go. Still, there are a great many people both famous and not who celebrated a birthday each and every day and many deserve recognition. But I will leave it to Daigle to do as he sees fit.
My hometown, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada is also the hometown of two of the artists of the group of seven, a group of well known Canadian painters from the 1920s. It also is home to the Shouldice Hernia Centre.
Edit: Also the hometown of Hayden Christensen (Anakin from Star Wars 2 and 3) and a film (Dawn of the Dead, I think) was partially filmed here.

* 1087 - John II Komnenos, Byzantine Emperor (d. 1143)
* 1475 - Cesare Borgia, Italian aristocrat (d. 1507)
* 1502 - John Leland, English antiquarian (d. 1552)
* 1520 - William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, English statesman (d. 1598)
* 1604 - William Brereton, English soldier and politician (d. 1661)
* 1676 - Élisabeth Charlotte of Orléans, Duchess of Lorraine (d. 1741)
* 1694 - Yeongjo of Joseon, ruler of Korea (d. 1776)
* 1739 - Grigori Potemkin, Russian statesman (d. 1791)
* 1766 - Samuel Wilson, possible namesake of Uncle Sam (d. 1854)
* 1775 - Laura Secord, Canadian war heroine (d. 1868)
* 1802 - Arnold Ruge, German philosopher and writer (d. 1880)
* 1813 - John Sedgwick, American Civil War general (d. 1864)
* 1819 - Clara Schumann, German pianist and composer (d. 1896)
* 1830 - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Austrian writer (d. 1916)
* 1842 - John H. Bankhead, U.S. Senator (d. 1920)
* 1851 - Walter Reed, American physician and biologist (d. 1902)
* 1857 - Michal Drzymala, Polish peasant rebel (d. 1937)
* 1857 - Milton S. Hershey, American confectioner (d. 1945)
* 1860 - John J. Pershing, American general (d. 1948)
* 1863 - Arthur Henderson, British politician and union leader, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (d. 1935)
* 1873 - Constantin Carathéodory, Greek mathematician (d. 1950)
* 1874 - Henry Fountain Ashurst, American politician (d. 1962)
* 1874 - Arnold Schoenberg, Austrian-born composer (d. 1951)
* 1876 - Sherwood Anderson, American writer (d. 1941)
* 1877 - Wilhelm Filchner, German explorer (d. 1957)
* 1877 - Stanley Lord, captain of the SS Californian the night of the Titanic disaster (d. 1962)
* 1882 - Ramón Grau, Cuban president (d. 1969)
* 1885 - Wilhelm Blaschke, Austrian geometer (d. 1962)
* 1886 - Sir Robert Robinson, British chemist, Nobel laureate (d. 1975)
* 1886 - Amelie Beese, German aviator and sculptor. (d. 1925)
* 1887 - Lavoslav Ruzicka, Croatian chemist, Nobel laureate (d. 1976)
* 1893 - Larry Shields, American musician (d. 1953)
* 1894 - J.B. Priestley, English playwright and novelist (d. 1984)
* 1894 - Julian Tuwim, Polish poet (d. 1953)
* 1895 - Morris Kirksey, American rugby player (d. 1981)
* 1899 - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, leader of the Iron Guard (d. 1938)
* 1903 - Claudette Colbert, American actress (d. 1996)
* 1911 - Bill Monroe, American singer (d. 1996)
* 1916 - Roald Dahl, British writer (d. 1990)
* 1916 - Dick Haymes, Argentine vocalist (d. 1980)
* 1917 - Robert Ward, American composer
* 1919 - Mary Midgley, American philosopher
* 1922 - Charles Brown, American singer and pianist (d. 1999)
* 1923 - Edouard Boubat, French photographer (d. 1999)
* 1924 - Scott Brady, American film actor (d. 1985)
* 1924 - Harold Blair, Australian tenor, Aboriginal activist (d. 1976)
* 1924 - Maurice Jarre, French composer
* 1925 - Mel Tormé, American singer (d. 1999)
* 1926 - Emile Francis, Canadian ice hockey player and executive
* 1929 - Nicolai Ghiaurov, Bulgarian opera singer (d. 2004)
* 1930 - Robert Gavron, Baron Gavron, British printing millionaire
* 1931 - Barbara Bain, American actress
* 1933 - Eileen Fulton, American actress
* 1936 - Stefano Delle Chiaie, Italian neo-Nazi
* 1937 - Don Bluth, American animator
* 1938 - Judith Martin, American etiquette writer
* 1938 - John Smith, Labour Party Leader 1992 - 1994. (d. 1994)
* 1939 - Richard Kiel, American actor
* 1940 - Óscar Arias, Costa Rican politician, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
* 1941 - Tadao Ando, Japanese architect
* 1941 - Ahmet Necdet Sezer, 10th President of Turkey
* 1941 - David Clayton-Thomas, Canadian singer (Blood, Sweat & Tears)
* 1944 - Jacqueline Bisset, British actress
* 1944 - Peter Cetera, American musician (Chicago)
* 1945 - Noël Godin, Belgian humorist
* 1945 - Andres Küng, Swedish-Estonian politician, journalist (d. 2002)
* 1946 - Frank Marshall, American film producer
* 1948 - Nell Carter, American actress (d. 2003)
* 1948 - Dimitri Nanopoulos, Greek physicist
* 1950 - Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Polish politician
* 1951 - Jean Smart, American actress
* 1952 - Randy Jones, American musician (The Village People)
* 1952 - Raymond O'Connor, American actor
* 1952 - Don Was, American singer
* 1955 - Joe Morris, American musician
* 1957 - Sally Boazman, BBC Radio 2 traffic presenter
* 1957 - John G. Trueschler, American politician
* 1957 - Vinny Appice, American musician (Black Sabbath, Dio, Heaven and Hell)
* 1960 - Greg Baldwin, American voiceover actor (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
* 1961 - Dave Mustaine, American musician (Megadeth)
* 1961 - KK Null, Japanese musician
* 1961 - Peter Roskam, Republican Congressman from Illinois
* 1962 - Tõnu Õnnepalu, Estonian poet and author
* 1963 - Theodoros Roussopoulos, Greek politician
* 1964 - Tavis Smiley, American talk show host, journalist and author
* 1965 - Zak Starkey, British musician
* 1965 - Annie Duke, American poker player
* 1965 - Jeffrey Ross, American Comedian
* 1966 - Maria Furtwängler, German physician
* 1967 - Michael Johnson, American athlete
* 1967 - Tim 'Ripper' Owens, American singer (Iced Earth, ex-Judas Priest)
* 1968 - Brad Johnson, American football player
* 1968 - Emma Sjöberg, Swedish model
* 1968 - Bernie Williams, Puerto Rican baseball player
* 1969 - Tyler Perry, American actor
* 1969 - Ilka Knickenberg, German actress
* 1969 - Shane Warne, Australian cricketer
* 1970 - Martín Herrera, former Argentine footballer
* 1970 - Louise Lombard, British actress
* 1970 - Yuki Matsuoka, Japanese voice actress
* 1970 - Jason Scott Sadofsky, American programmer
* 1971 - Goran Ivanišević, Croatian tennis player
* 1971 - Manabu Namiki, Japanese composer
* 1971 - Stella McCartney, English fashion designer
* 1973 - Christine Arron, French runner
* 1973 - Fabio Cannavaro, Italian footballer
* 1973 - Kelly Chen, Chinese singer
* 1973 - Marcelinho Paulista, Brazilian footballer
* 1974 - Craig Rivet, Canadian ice hockey player
* 1974 - Keith Murray, American rapper
* 1974 - Éric Lapointe, Canadian football player
* 1975 - Joe Don Rooney, American musician (Rascal Flatts)
* 1975 - Akihiro Asai, Japanese racing driver
* 1976 - Giorgos Koltzos, Greek footballer
* 1976 - Craig McMillan, New Zealand cricketer
* 1976 - José Théodore, Canadian ice hockey player
* 1977 - Fiona Apple, American singer
* 1977 - Ivan De Battista, Maltese Actor, singer and composer
* 1977 - Daisuke Tsuda, Japanese singer (Maximum the Hormone)
* 1978 - Megan Henning, American actress
* 1978 - Darren Kenton, English footballer
* 1979 - Geike Arnaert, Belgian singer (Hooverphonic)
* 1979 - Ivan Miljković, Serbian volleyball player
* 1980 - Han Chae Young, South Korean actress
* 1980 - Daisuke Matsuzaka, Japanese baseball player
* 1980 - Evangelos Nastos, Greek footballer
* 1980 - Viren Rasquinha, Indian field hockey player
* 1980 - Ben Savage, American actor
* 1980 - Michelle Nolan, American musician (Straylight Run)
* 1980 - Teppei Teranishi, American guitarist (Thrice)
* 1981 - Koldo Fernández, Spanish cyclist
* 1981 - Angel Williams, Canadian wrestler
* 1981 - Antonio Lopez Spanish footballer
* 1982 - Nenê, Brazilian basketball player
* 1982 - Rickie Weeks, American baseball player
* 1982 - Miha Zupan, Slovenian basketball player
* 1983 - Sean Brosnan II, American actor and son of actor Pierce Brosnan
* 1983 - James Bourne, English musician
* 1984 - Nabil Abou-Harb, Arab-American filmmaker
* 1985 - Keyunta Dawson, National Football League player
* 1986 - Kamui Kobayashi, Japanese racing driver
* 1986 - Sean Williams, American basketball player
* 1987 - Luke Fitzgerald, Irish rugby union footballer
* 1988 - Keith Treacy, Irish footballer