Andrew_of_Mesa's page

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Thanks for all the responses! Clarifies everything I needed to know and thanks for the assist on the BAB stats too.

I have a question about the Multiclass rules in the Core Rule Book for Pathfinder. It's probably a stupidly obvious and I'm just obfuscating the point and sounding like a bad player, but here it goes;

The way the rule uses the word "instead" at the very start of the paragraph makes it sound like if I was playing a Monk at first level and I level up, I can take the next level in Monk or I can take the first rank in another class in place of the abilities I would gain as a 2nd level Monk, this would work out so that the next time I level up, I can choose either the 3rd level Monk abilities, or the 2nd level of my second class. I'm probably splitting hairs and reading too much into some part of the statement and how it actually works is your total level is the combined total of levels you have in each class (i.e. 1st Level Monk+1st Level Ranger+2nd Level Sorcerer=4th Level Character), but it's bothering me enough that I thought I ought to get more experienced minds to lay the rules down for me. Thanks!
