Corvin Tergsvor

Andrew Daley's page

55 posts. Alias of Masika.

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Scarab Sages

I would line to cancel my comics, campaign setting, companion and modules subscription. Circumstances have changed for now.

Scarab Sages

Hi all.
I am wondering if any GMs or threads listing what resources (such as maps and minis) folks would recommend for running this campaign.
Any other resources/guides/notes would be welcomed to help map out the campaign.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Scarab Sages

Hi there.

I wish to cancel my adventure card game subscription and remove the barbarian deck from order 3846490.

I wish to restart my suspended pathfinder battles subscription and want to find out where this subscription start from?

Any chance to add it to the above order?

Sent email from account as I really do not wish the card deck at this time and want to start the battle subscription ASAP.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Hi all.
I will be running the PFS the quests in Ustalav for my group and gaming club. I noticed that such events need to be registered as either or both RPG or PFC. I will be offering them the next month or so as Core games. Can someone please explain what I need to do.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Hi all.

In the next two weeks I will be starting the Carrion Crown campaign for a group of players. I intend on using the core PFS rules for my players by allowing them pregen or core characters. This allows me to get back into GMing and into Pathfinder as the 2 or so year break I have had has seen an explosion of options.

I would like to keep this thread open as questions come up I would like to ask in relation to it. I am using the option where the characters will be playing the entire AP but not following the PFS rules (XP system used and essentially PFS core rules where applicable).

1. When a player successfully completes the PFS sanction segment of the AP, will they get the credit as a core character or a non core character? I am unclear as the pdf as if he completes as a pregenerated player.

2. As a GM, if I do not have a current PC to apply at the chronicle reward sheet do I still have to nominate a character? Can it be core or non core?

Scarab Sages

Hi all.
My group voted for this adventure path and I am planning to GM under PFS rules. Just wondering if there are any resources/advice folks can pass on to me as I prepare.
To get back into the swing of things I am going to fire off some PFS quests.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Is there anyway to access old reports I entered into the database? All my events are 2012 or earlier and I can not seem to access the info I entered.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Hi all.

After a fair amount of time absent from the game, I am planning on returning and running society events in my local city. There is a bit to catch up on as it has been 2.5 years since I have been face to face.

That said, I am going through the new materials and new products. I also noticed that the GM rewards have changed. I am wondering about the ranking? I believe I should be a 2 star GM with my record and some of my tables are worth 1 points and others 2 and not sure why the difference. How do I get my ranking check?

Also, any advice/guidance on where to start? Links to tools/forums/pages/aids etc etc? Looking for tricks of the trade to make things easy. My return date to GMing to the gaming group is late Jan/early Feb 2016.

Thank you in advance.

Scarab Sages

I would like to cancel my Adventure Path Subscription.


Scarab Sages

Hi there.
Can I please have the items moved to my sidecart from Order #2391830 cancelled.
Also, can the long awaited dice bags in my sidecart be cancelled as well.
Thanks! I need to save a few dollars.

Scarab Sages

TOO many great projects and not enough funds!

Suspend for the upcoming release please.

Also, if I suspend do I loose my miniature vouchures?

Scarab Sages

Hi there.

I have 3 codes, none of which work. I want to use them before they expire...


Scarab Sages

Just wondering if there are any items that give players a feat... also can a player make an item that awards players a feat?

Scarab Sages

The relevant sections from Barbarian rage:
While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

I suppose a Barbarian can see or hear the Bard... but I am just wondering if the raging barbar can get the relevant bonuses?

Scarab Sages

The rules are somewhat confusing. In the description in crafting various items, it often talks about the creator being about to cast the spell required.

The rules also say that for every prerequist that you do not meet that it adds 5 to the DC to the skill check used.

So via this interpretation, a creator can make a magical item without knowing/preparing the spell/s, being able to cast the spell/s and without forgoing spellslot/s for the spells while creating while adventuring all by add 5 to the DC for each prerequist not meet.

It just seems wrong. With this interpretation a mage could create a divine object!!!

Is what I suggesting correct?

Grand Lodge

Hi there.
This order contains a few incentive comics and I am wondering if packing precautions can be taken to ensure no damage in transist please.

Grand Lodge

Hi guys.
Order is pending in my account. Just letting you know took receipt yesterday.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Hi there... I dont think I missed a thread and here seems a better place than feedback forum...

Aren't one star GMs supposed to have it show up next to name on the forums?

Scarab Sages

It has slipped a few days past the expected process date.

Grand Lodge

According to my credit card's bank customer service, you have charged me for my outstanding order but there is no record in my orders!!!

It is of a large some and has tapped my card. This is a problem for me and a major inconvience!

Grand Lodge

Major error! Please hold shipping until this is sorted.

It seems I have been charged for 3 pathfinder battle subscriptions!

I have sent a detailed email from primary email address.

I look forward to response.


Scarab Sages

Something that would be extremely useful, particularly for me, is to show product weight on the checkout page and shopping cart. Totals at the end nice as well. :)

Scarab Sages

An interesting series. As a graphic novel feel and some interesting actors. es-good-on-its-title/

Scarab Sages

It does not say it doesn't. I will pose a situation:
Caster A cast Daze on Creature A - Creature A dazed
Caster B cast Daze on Creature A - Creature A dazed
Caster C cast Daze on Creature A - Creature A dazed

Does the daze affect last for 1 round or for 3 rounds?

Scarab Sages

Can a non flat footed character with the 'daze' condition make an AoO?

My response as a GM is yes. As a 'daze' character can not take an action in his turn and an AoO is not an action.

Scarab Sages

I am not sure of this. It states that you can not 5' step if you take any toe of movement. Moving to speed is obvious but things like drawing a weapon or wand or standing up from prone are not so clear.

What move actions or part of move action can you take that also allow you to take a 5' step?

Scarab Sages

This is something that has bugged me since GenConOz 2010...
Does this allow a PC to attack the second diagonal square? That is the square that requires 15' of movement to end moment in.

Scarab Sages

Here is a question for rule gurus. Timing of events following core PFRPG rules.

Grace - spell

School abjuration; Level cleric/oracle 2, paladin 1

Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V

Range personal
Targets you
Duration See text
Until the end of your turn, your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Okay, a character moves an unknowingly provokes an AoO (free action) from a creature. Can the character use a swift action to interrupt the AoO to cast Grace which would in turn mean the creatures AoO is cancelled?

I use cancelled as a lack of a better word... Interrupt maybe better but that would be too many interrupts! My logic is as the character moves the creature responses to movement to attack but the swift action would allow Grace to occur meaning the movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Or is my logic too 'stack' orientated?

Scarab Sages

I am still getting my head around the changes...

What I would like to do is hold all subscriptions for combined shipping EXCEPT for miniature subscription. Is it possible to have the miniatures sent as soon as possible and all others subscriptions held?

Scarab Sages 1/5

Hi all.
I have just finished the first session of Feast of Ravenmoor and have not had times to consult PFS ruleook.

I have had a character die. Can the player introduce a new PFS charcter to continue in the PFS module play in the next session?

Scarab Sages

For starters I do not own this book yet. I do however access play material via herolabs.

Herolab is forcing me to take a heritage but the default aasimir is not one (+2 WIS/CHA and 1/daylight)

When I choose one of heritages it changes the default stat bonus and replaces daylight. Most of the alternate racial traits replace daylight, as a result, picking a heritage means you can no longer pick racial traits replacing daylight. This does not seem correct to me or does it mean that you have to be a default Aasimir to have a different racial trait?

Scarab Sages

Hi guys.

I would like to cancel the RotRL pawns from my sidecart.


Grand Lodge

I am seeing weird things... Pictures on links that don't match the product or pics not of products.

Scarab Sages

Hi there,

Just wondering where things are at with the order?

Scarab Sages

Can I please get the tribal dice bad deleted from my Sidecart.


Grand Lodge 1/5

Does running a PFS module such as The Godsmouth Heresey rate as running only one scenario towards a GMs star rating.

Scarab Sages

I found these awesome horses!
Any chance you can get more of this companies items in stock?

Scarab Sages

I would like to cancel the bestiary box in my side cart please.

Scarab Sages

Just wondering if you will be getting more of these in.

Scarab Sages

This is an invitation to PFRPG players or wannabe players to participate in a PFS campaign game which will start in two weeks.
Longer term, players are need for the anniversary edition Rise of the Rune Lords later this year.
Please reply if interested.

Scarab Sages

In my opinion, worst mini in the set. Way over sized.

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