
Ameiko aka GM KoKyu's page

7 posts. Alias of KoKyu.

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Collapsar Dungeon! Gravity on a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole is so high that even if you use magic to keep your organs in, tripping will mean serious fall damage.

Your ship would be crushed unless the internal gravity somehow protects it.

The heat of a white dwarf is what makes them glow white and is solar temp. the radiation from a blackhole could be deadly. neutron stars would kill all unprotected shortrange coms.

Then there's time, Time is slower on a supermassive body. Spend a day there and you could loose a week outside. The deeper you go the more time slows; at the center point for an event horison there is no time at all. Also maybe a portal to the negative energy plane in the same way that some stars have a portal to the positive.

The creatures that could live in such harsh places are fun to think about. Starmatter Phoenixes, Age eating Cronovores, Ghost ships that crashed long ago. The gods that once ruled that solar system before the sun burned out or exploded or got so big that it fell in on itself.