Amayakatana's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Does anybody have the size of the cards, or what FFG size of sleeves they need?

Not sure if this belongs here, or in the rules forum.

I'm working on a homebrew campaign, using artifact/rare items from across the pathfinder world. Looking at the Apocalypse Box (from Mythic Adventures, I believe), I'm seeing that the cursed creature can open the box only once per day (twice for a mythic character). However the conditions for destroying the box are that the cursed character must first defeat three groups of released monsters in a single day. How is that possible, if the box can only be opened once a day?

I don't yet have the mythic adventures books and am basing my information on online searches, so if I'm just missing info, please let me know.


I'm working on a quick and easy planet summary to give my players. I am lightly discouraging them from reading the planet information in the rulebook, since A) they're not going to remember the things that I want them to, and B) it'll give away some of my plot.

Does anybody already have a summary that I can use? If not, would anybody be interested enough for me to post what I come up with?


According to the core rulebook, in-system travel is 1d6+2 days. I took that to mean that from, say Castrovel to Verces, is 1d6+2. But then I thought about it. Doesn't that also mean that Castrovel to Bretheda is 1d6+2?

Or is it add a d6 for every space between the planets (Castrovel to Bretheda is 9d6)? That seems large for trying to play a single session.

Or is it Sun to Aucturn is 1d6+2, and every other place falls in between? That seems way too short...

I don't know. Did I miss something in the rulebook? Otherwise, I'm just going to have to make a house rule regarding non-drift space travel, because I'm not going to have it take 8 days to get between Castrovel and Aballon, while it only takes 3 days to get from Castrovel to Bretheda.

(I am assuming perfect alignment in these scenarios, disregarding planetary alignment for the sake of clarification. I am also disregarding the Drift as an option, also for the sake of clarification.)
