Damiel Morgethai

Alwin G's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Sovereign Court

Hey Guys, I have a quick question.

I'm running a campaign and one of the NPCs is a druid and through story progression ends up becoming a lich. Applying the lich template changes her alignment from any neutral to any evil which means she drops her druid abilities and spells.

My question is, can this character be affected by the atonement spell and/or atone on her own to change her alignment back to any neutral, without losing any lich powers/abilities while gaining her druid powers/abilities back? The lich template as far as I can tell doesn't mention anything about what happens to a lich's powers if she goes from evil to anything else.

Thanks for the help!