Grallak Kur

Alwaysafk's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 237 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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A second or third level Cleanse Affliction wouldn't have any effect on a curse without stages.

If your players are lucky they have a whole month to find a healer! It doesn't have to be a caster, PC1 introduced Break Curse so it could just be a Master of the Occult.

Advice For the Party:
Needle Darts would work with a silver coin, just sayin'. I do miss options for claw tips, was hoping they'd have shown up in Howl of the Wild but here we are. Maybe homebrew a version of Silver Salve that PCs can dip their hands into that'll effect claws and such?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, I agree. Even if that line is left out they don't get the scaling damage at 7th so it's already non-optimal. Barbarians are already limited enough in their action choices as it is.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Gortle wrote:

I wish Paizo would articulate why they thought this was necessary...

A blog post series from the designers about the changes for the classes in the remaster would help a lot. Like just a bullet pointed list of changes and a sentence on why it changed with some light comment section replies would go a long way.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

They just straight up can't use weapons.

"Instinct Ability—Bestial Rage While raging, you gain your
chosen animal’s unarmed attack (or attacks), but you’re
unable to use weapons. The specific attack gained, the
damage it deals, and its traits are listed in the Animal
Instincts table. These attacks are in the brawling group.
Your Rage action gains the morph and primal traits"

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You're correct, it prevents the action compression that Kineticists get when they activate their aura.

I'm not really sure how your friend is reading it because you can't use things with the impulse trait without channeling the element.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

>but that didn't make it to print so for now it does not

It made it to print in Affliction Mercy though.

I think the most RAW interpretation is Mercy doesn't apply to effects causing conditions unless the character takes Affliction Mercy at which point it does.

Hopefully we get it touched on in the PC2 errata and clarifications. Without the previous guidance we're kinda stuck. Expect table variance?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I read Affliction Mercy's "instead of effects" as a clarification on Mercy, like the line was missed in Mercy. It seems like it makes more sense with the previous guidance being removed.

Why include "instead of effects "causing conditions when Affliction Mercy doesn't interact with conditions at all?

Affliction Mercy:
"...Add mercy of recuperation to the types of mercy you
can provide, allowing you to counteract an affliction instead of
an effect causing a condition"

Which makes Mercy have the following options:
Mercy of Body
Mercy of Grace
Mercy of Mind
Mercy of Recuperation

And now Mercy of Recuperation
"allowing you to counteract an affliction *instead of an effect causing a condition*" which all the other Mercy options do.

Mercy should remove effects causing conditions.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

In PC2 Mercy got a few new tricks, allowing it to counteract a whole bunch of conditions. It very notably is missing the line that would limit it from counteracting afflictions that cause the conditions like Sure Footing or the new Alchemist feat Invigorating Elixir.

Is this intentional? Can Mercy counteract a disease that imposes both Clumsy and Stupified?

There's the lvl 12 feat, Affliction Mercy, that specifically calls out counteraction afflictions instead of effects causing a condition. Is Mercy also being able to counteract some afflictions stepping on the design toes of a higher level feat?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Played this and did not have a good time. I can't express how disappointed I am in the quality of the writing, theme and design of the encounters.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I thought the problem with flickmaces was more to do with the reach and critical specialization of flails being so powerful with AoO.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Enjoy your retirement! Thanks for all your work!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So, I'm thinking of building my favorite home character for society. I'm torn between Slayer - 11 or Slayer 7/Shadowdancer 4.

18 Str
16 Dex
12 Con
10 Int
12 Wis
7 Cha

The play style would be to bounce around with spring attacks, move/stealth->sneak attacking->move/stealth with a reach weapon.

The reason I'm torn between the two is that Shadowdancer may have a lot of table variance. Each GM seems to have their own take on how stealth rules and lighting conditions work. Issues could come up with how hard is it to find dim light to hide in, having the shadow auto-break some scenarios, having an undead (even non evil) may cause the party hardship.

Had anyone played with or GM'd a Shadowdancer? How did things go?

Also, metagame wise, I have an Ioun Stone with Continual Flame CL 11 cast on it on a lvl 7 sheet.

Slayer 11
1. Power Attack, Combat Reflexes
2. Ranger Feat (Mobility)
3. Dodge
4. Combat Trick (Spring Attack)
5. Skill Focus (Stealth)
6. Ranger Feat (Whirlwind Attack)
7. Hellcat Stealth
8. Fast Stealth
9. Critical Focus
10. Evasion
11. Bleeding Critical

Slayer 6/Shadowdancer 4/Slayer 1
1. Power Attack, Combat Reflexes
2. Ranger Feat (Mobility)
3. Dodge
4. Combat Trick (Spring Attack)
5. Combat Patrol(?)
6. Ranger Feat (Whirlwind Attack)
7. Hide in Plain Site, Lunge
8. Evasion, Dark Vision, Uncanny Dodge
9. Fast Stealth, Shadow Illusion, Summon Shadow, Iron Will
10. Shadow Call, Shadow Jump 40 ft
11. Improved Iron Will

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hello, I'll be joining my first game of PFS this coming Saturday and could use an extra set of eyes to look over my character. While I've been using the system for several years now I've never really tried getting into the Galorion world until now.

Rhyner Thatch
Male CG Angel-kin Aasimar Summoner
Level 1, Init +8, HP 10/10, DR 0, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Longspear 3 (1d8+4, x3)
Cestus 3 (1d4+3, 19-20x2)
Chainshirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16(racial), Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18(racial)

Faction is Andoran,traits are reactionary and focused mind and feat is improved initiative.
I've not rolled out the Eidolon yet and I also have about 40(?) gold left to spend.

Anything obviously illegal?
What kind of Eidolon should it be?
What items should I buy?

Thanks in advance

Edit 1: removed illegal archetype. Thank you!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This should be 20. 7 + 1 + 7 + 5 = 20

The feat and attribute suggestions make perfect sense. Thanks for the input!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


I'll be joining a RotR campaign and currently plan to play a Human Cleric of Erastil with the Eagle and Animal (Feather) domains.
Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot eventually Boon Companion at 7
Traits: Birthmark, Eyes and Ears of the City
It's a 20 pointbuy and I'm thinking something like:

STR - 10
DEX - 15
CON - 11
INT - 10
WIS - 17
CHA - 14

But I'm open to moving the 14 from CHA to STR for composite damage or dumping a stat to 8 if it could help. I'd rather avoid dumping as I'm trying to be less min-maxxy than usual.

My goals for this character is to be a backup ranged damage dealer and party buffer/healer. Stay at range and cast touch spells with the Hawk Familiar and use the bonuses to ranged attacks from the domain powers/spells.

Current party is a Lore Warden and Sorcerer with the Fire bloodline. There may be more players inbound, but that's unclear.

Any suggestions or improvements? How should I progress the build into the future? Should I pick up a variant channel?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Infiltration Inquisitor with the Conversion Heresy might work if your party needs a face. You'll be adding Wisdom to your AC, Attack rolls, Intimidate and twice on your Bluff/Diplomacy. Not as optimized, but I think the most optimized solutions have already been proposed.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So my DM is allowing Hamatula Strike with Hamatulatsu Strike and it creates some odd interactions with other abilities.

Lets say some little casty was trying to 5 foot step out of my threatened area. This provokes an attack from Stand Still,and No Escape so I punch him with my stabby fingers and start a grapple. Do I get to add half my level as stated in the Brawler special ability?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Just pointing this out, you have to use the Sense Motive check before he hits you.

"While using the Snake Style feat, when an opponent targets you with a melee or ranged attack, you can spend an immediate action to make a Sense Motive check... "

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Why not just let Fighters prepare their feats like Wizards prepare spells? I've been wanting to try this for some time...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

1) The spell has the Evil descriptor, so if you are playing in a party with good members using the spell without internal conflict would be difficult at best. He may also have families of the undead he is using hiring assassins to get the bodies back.

2) At higher levels you still only create crummy zombies. Even if you create higher CR zombies you still have a ton of weakling zombies that will most likely not survive a single AoE.

3) Number of bodies will become an issue at that level. And he could control up to 40HD+ of zombies.

4) If the player is still using it in bulk, have him roll in bulk. One attack for x number of critters and then give him average damage or a certain number of dice multiplied.

5) Have him roll his attacks and damage in other people's turns.

6) DM troublesome spells as NPC only.

Just a few ideas. What is the context of your campaign?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
redward wrote:
Alwaysafk wrote:
How does it not make sense for a giant critter to not be able to flip someone over it or for a human to perform a suplex? Reposistion and Drag are simply poorly designed.
No, my point is that a Large creature that grapples a Gargantuan creature can flip it. It can flip anyone as long as they're not adjacent, regardless of the size of the target. But a Medium creature cannot move anything on the initial grapple. That strikes me as odd.

Hmmm, I always assumed it was limited by your carrying capacity.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

How does it not make sense for a giant critter to not be able to flip someone over it or for a human to perform a suplex? Reposistion and Drag are simply poorly designed.

Edit: Redact my first comment to say "Player to effect players" instead of "allies"

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
redward wrote:
Alwaysafk wrote:
redward wrote:
Alwaysafk wrote:

Reposition is more for allies than for enemies. If you have someone that goes down you can basically auto succeed as you get an effective +9 to CMB. A Fighter could effectively throw a squishy 15 feet to safety.
RAW, you can't use reposition on allies.
Why not?
Reposition wrote:
You can attempt to reposition a foe to a different location as a standard action.
Emphasis mine.

Player: I now see the Wizard as my foe.

DM: What?
Player: Yep. Foe. He's down and no longer helping the party. In fact, him being unconscious is aiding and abetting the enemy. I want to throw my foe.
Player: Yep. I'm going to throw my foe at that good for nothing healer.

Player: I want to Drag the Dominated Rogue away from the Sorcerer so he can dispel it and move during his turn.
DM: Nope. He's your ally. Nothing in the Dominate Person spell says anything about making him your foe.
Player: But that's just a useless naming convention used in the rules. It could say "target" or "being" or a multitude of other nouns. Are you saying I can't Sunder, Steal, Grapple, Disarm, Reposistion or anything else to him? Are you saying that Overun's size limitation doesn't matter if I'm using it on a Gargantuan ally? That doesn't make sense!
DM: Yep. He is your ally and rules say you love him. Deal.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
redward wrote:
Alwaysafk wrote:

Reposition is more for allies than for enemies. If you have someone that goes down you can basically auto succeed as you get an effective +9 to CMB. A Fighter could effectively throw a squishy 15 feet to safety.
RAW, you can't use reposition on allies.

Why not?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You did nothing wrong by RAW. The monster grabbed him and manhandled him as monsters are wont to do. If he thinks it's wrong, don't get into melee with something eight times your size.

Reposition is more for allies than for enemies. If you have someone that goes down you can basically auto succeed as you get an effective +9 to CMB. A Fighter could effectively throw a squishy 15 feet to safety.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
maouse wrote:

Adamantine Dragon post #3 - again HiPS / Stealth states under action: USUALLY NONE. But it is typically part of a move action. A move action is not required to activate this Su (I point that out again so you understand that this is a SUPERNATURAL EFFECT = defies the typical rules of nature = does something that isn't supposed to happen).

(That is directed towards Alwaysafk also, Stealth action is USUALLY NONE... not a move action/movement)

Aff, you are correct I left that out. My DM homeruled the movement requirement when my Fighter/Shadowdancer Combat Maneuver junkie could stealth, run up and attack/trip/whatever then just stand in the same spot and likely get the benefits of greater invisibility. No dex to their CMD and a shadow for flanking with Greater Trip made him kinda OP till lvl 12.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The rules state stealth is part of a movement (not a move action), so he could 5 foot step and get stealthed again. My preferred method is to use spring attack.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Brotato wrote:
What Dragon said. SD needs a shadow within 10 feet to use HiPS, and if the enemy has darkvision he can't stealth at all (as the shadow wouldn't give him concealment.)


A shadowdancer can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, a shadowdancer can hide herself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. She cannot, however, hide in her own shadow.

I don't see how having darkvision will affect her SU ability which allows her to hide while being observed.

As far as Sniping goes, that is used to maintain your position while at least 10 feet from a target. It is a move action immediately after an attack while using HiPS stealth follows normal stealth rules thus not needing an action nor getting a penalty.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So the idea for this build is a fighter using a Blinkback Belt, Throwing Kukri, Close-Quarter Thrower and Clustered Shots to do his DPS.

Basically, draw and throw your weapon in melee, get full STR on every attack and bypass DR due to Clustered Shots while still being able to flank and receive AoO's.

This is a high level build to replace my bard if he ends up getting killed. Last session ended with talk of strapping him to an antimagic field so the grappler could help walk a vampire to the light.


1) Dodge,TWF, Weapon Focus (Kukri)
2) Pointblank Shot
3) QuickDraw
4) Precise Shot
5) Weapon Specialization: (Kukri)
7) Close-Quarters Thrower
8) Clustered Shots
9) Greater Weapon Focus (Kukri)
10) Greater Weapon Specialization (Kukri)
11) GTWF
12) Improved Critical (Kukri)
13) Deadly Aim

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
spectrevk wrote:
Alwaysafk wrote:

Do you provoke when throwing weapons in melee? Honestly I've never built a character that does it, I've wanted to but my group optimizes too much. And if you have quick draw you can just continually throw your offhand.

Edit- aff, yes it does provoke. Me being retarded. But with enough range you can just toss your other daggers.

EditEdit- Why not just use Close-Quarters Thrower, and then melee throw your daggers through their DR?

Why would you ever throw weapons into melee? If they're in melee, you can just stab 'em.

Again, the problem with having a 'special' main hand weapon is that it cuts the versatility that is one of the only real selling points of the build (well, besides fun). If I want to let loose with a full fusillade of daggers this round, and then close into melee next round, I can. If I'm only throwing off-hand daggers, then I'm cutting down the number of available attacks, and wasting my main hand attack opportunity.

Ideally, the way this works is that in a combat where we haven't closed with the enemy yet, while the other 2H fighter is deciding whether he should charge and risk lowering his AC, or moving in normally for a single attack, I'm full-attacking with a wave of daggers and waiting for the enemy to close with me.

If they don't close? That's fine, I can throw more daggers. With a Strength of 16, and wielding weapons that cost 2gp a pop, I can buy/carry enough daggers to more or less guarantee that I can full-attack almost every round of combat at low levels.

I definitely think the build could have problems in the late game, but it'll be more of a tapering off of power than absolute unplayability. I think after 6-8 levels of fighter (long enough to get improved critical) a dip into Rogue (Knife Fighter Archetype) would put you in a nice position to "retire" into a role as a flank partner for another fighter.

Well, lets say you only use regular daggers. You throw them using full strength instead of half and you only apply DR once. That and you add more attacks via rapid shot.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Do you provoke when throwing weapons in melee? Honestly I've never built a character that does it, I've wanted to but my group optimizes too much. And if you have quick draw you can just continually throw your offhand.

Edit- aff, yes it does provoke. Me being retarded. But with enough range you can just toss your other daggers.

EditEdit- Why not just use Close-Quarters Thrower, and then melee throw your daggers through their DR?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Why not use a large dagger for mainhand and do regular TWF? Also, go for clustered shots and you can get some serious hurt in with thrown against normally monstrous DR.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If you have the Charisma, why not a Life Oracle?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sure, but you can't cast 1st level spells.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Treat is as a Natural Attack

"Creatures with natural attacks and attacks made with weapons can use both as part of a full attack action (although often a creature must forgo one natural attack for each weapon clutched in that limb, be it a claw, tentacle, or slam). Such creatures attack with their weapons normally but treat all of their available natural attacks as secondary attacks during that attack, regardless of the attack’s original type."

So -5 to hit and .5 STR added.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

But it is!

Share Spells::
The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So lets say that I use Enlarge Person on my tiny Tumor Familiar piglet (Pigpig), and Reduce Person on my small Halfling (Corvan). Now lets say that I permanency these spells. I now have a Tumor a size category larger than my character. Does this mean I can saddle him? Or should I start rolling Fort saves to not die of cancer? Are there any rules that prevent me from doing this? Aside from common sense of course.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Multiple Creatures Grappling the Same Target:

Multiple creatures can attempt to grapple one target. The creature that first initiates the grapple is the only one that makes a check, with a +2 bonus for each creature that assists in the grapple (using the Aid Another action). Multiple creatures can also assist another creature in breaking free from a grapple, with each creature that assists (using the Aid Another action) granting a +2 bonus on the grappled creature's combat maneuver check.

Think of it like this: When you grapple, both you and the enemy have the grappled condition. There are only two options when you come to enter the fray, help one or the other. Either way, you are aiding.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If the ally is already helpless or tied up, a disarm maneuver would be the best way to remove the dagger from the equation. However, as previously stated, getting that said ally to the point where he could be coup de graced would be difficult. As to group grapples, aide another is how those should be resolved.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Our group has been seeking wishes to obtain a certain item, "The Eye of Winter" an item that a certain pirate queen has in her possession. By possession we mean her eye socket. So far she's only had to make the one fortitude save, but soon...

We also have in our possession a tiny god-child that has Limited Wish as an at will spell like ability.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I see it as more of a low level NPC feat. Half-Elf Fighter with racial skill focus perception, Alertness and keen sense can help with catching that pesky rogue. I see no reason a player would ever take this feat though.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Rage Powers:
Spell Sunder chain would allow you to debuff enemies and become even tankier in terms of saves and touch AC.

Knockback would also be a good rage power to take, allowing you to get bullrush as an an attack would give you a lot of battlefield control.

Beast Totem: Agreed for reasons you stated. Also lets you enter a fight quickly and establish yourself as an immediate threat. Best way to tank!

Combat reflexes, in harms way and bodyguard are all solid tank feats.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This is by far one of my favorite popcorn threads. These are a few deaths in my current campaign, all of which have been rather funny or awesome. Our group also used these deaths to incur several quests worth of repayment from a certain Nymph who's been reincarnating us.

And Then We Set the Cleric on Fire:

First I will note that I was not in attendance for this encounter. Later upon hearing about it my jaw dropped in the sheer stupidity of my group.

We were after an artifact level item "The Heart of Winter" that was lodged inside a glacier. The heart was in the center of the town that the glacier had formed around, haunted by a horde of shadows, wights and had had a group of ice giants trying to excavate the ruins. (We dealt with that.) Our group's sorcerer had discovered that the shadows were attracted to heat when he had lit his cigar and had one suck the heat out of it (and him). They retreated and came up with a perfect plan. Cast Fly and Resist Energy on the cleric, set him on fire and have him fly around collecting shadows then use his channel energy to kill them! They only forgot one thing. Death Ward. From what I understand it only took ~2 of the dozen shadows beating his initiative to take him down from 8 to 0 strength. Go figure.

Reincarnated as a Tengu

Halfling Fillet:

On a previous portion of the same quest line we decided to just go ahead and kill the ice giant jarl who was off hunting. The same jarl who our DM had had out hunting so we could possibly survive a fight with the ice giant camp. A fight we went looking for after fighting a Red Dragon who was cursed to be an ice giant that the DM hadn't thought we'd survive. (She rolled a 1 on her will save and Barbarian+Ranger+Rogue got to full attack)

Anyway, we tracked him and his two dire wolves down and openly challenge him to combat. Our sorcerer shot him with scorching ray. The Jarl got pissed and threw his hand axe, critting for all of the Sorcerer's HP and CON. Effectively cutting him in half.

Resurrected: Wanted to stay a halfling

Face Tanking:

This one is actually my character! Logen, the Half-Orc Barbarian! Our group (and army) was sent to route a large group of Gorumites who were marching on a stagnating war our patron nation was fighting. The war had degenerated into trench warfare and Gorum was bored. So he had his Orc clerics summon the First Blade to lead them into glorious battle. Anyway, we challenged the war party's leader hoping to stop their advance long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Since he had managed to fight the First Blade to a standstill, we opted to have a 6v1 combat. Instead of being smart and throwing will saves at him while backing up, our group honored him by standing in once place and playing "Who can kill who faster!" Logen challenged him and got first bout. A lvl 10 two handed optimized fighter can really put out a lot of damage. Hitting Logen's AC on a 2 and min damage in the 40's, it wasn't hard to figure out what would happen. (The party was level 5 btw.) But he survived through the first two attacks. And Orc Ferocity allowed him to absorb the 3rd which would have outright killed the ranger. A truly Glorious death! It took the group's inquisitor dying and the ranger getting knocked out to smarten up the party and have them spread out.

The party later reincarnated him as a Dwarf and the inquisitor as a gnome. Killed him and reincarnated him as a human.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yep. The feat refers to the combat maneuver Grapple and pinning is part of that maneuver.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Barbarian with body bludgeon wielding a dwarf wielding a greataxe.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Rocky Williams 530 wrote:
Alwaysafk wrote:

What level/CR do you want to make him? Wizards and Monks of the Four Winds get immortality at 20.

A villain I have planned is a Monk of the Four Winds who managed to get trapped in the center of the earth by an foe. After a few centuries, and thousands of reincarnations, he emerged from the earth as both insane and evil. Think of all the racial hatreds, all the different bonuses, thought processes and natural alignment tendencies for every race. Now have a man who's experienced them all.

That is an awesome idea for a villain! I wasn't familiar with the ability and looked it up, and found a problem though. When you reincarnate, you get 2 negative levels. If you get to 1st level, you take 2 points of con damage, until you reach 0 there, then you're dead for good. Also, you can only appear in your new body within 20 miles, and you must have visited the place you reappear. So, if he was say teleported to the center, he couldn't reincarnate his way back out.

Not saying this to shoot your idea down, I really do think it's an awesome villain, just pointing out what I see as some rules problems with the concept so you can fix them. I'd really like to hear how he goes some day :)

He would be a Quinggong Monk with Restoration and Quickened Spell Like Ability. His turn would be Standard(Restoration), Swift(Restoration), Movement(Dimension Door). Part of the hell would be that he wouldn't know which direction is up, so he has a brief 1-3 turns of life and movement he might be heading in the wrong direction. I would rule the term "visited" as a place he walked near before he died. Meaning that the first turn he gets teleported into the Mantel he has "visited" that area of the Mantel.

I would rule that you could use Restoration more than once in a week as well. That change is for the players as well!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What about the Clone Spell. You could have the BBEG have a high level wizard or alchemist make it for him. Though this would only be immortality in the combat sense. You could also make an artifact item that keeps him young and immortal. Then he could be any class you want.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What level/CR do you want to make him? Wizards and Monks of the Four Winds get immortality at 20.

A villain I have planned is a Monk of the Four Winds who managed to get trapped in the center of the earth by an foe. After a few centuries, and thousands of reincarnations, he emerged from the earth as both insane and evil. Think of all the racial hatreds, all the different bonuses, thought processes and natural alignment tendencies for every race. Now have a man who's experienced them all.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

A druid who ceases to revere nature, changes to a prohibited alignment, or teaches the Druidic language to a nondruid loses all spells and druid abilities (including her animal companion, but not including weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She cannot thereafter gain levels as a druid until she atones (see the atonement spell description).

I am not familiar with the Jade Regent, but attacking animals for no good reason is far from revering nature. However, I would give him a warning for his first offense. If he keeps doing he'll either need to atone or roll a new character.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Other than Fortification and Disposable Weapon I don't think so.

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