Gorm Greathammer

Alvis Naylamahal's page

45 posts. Alias of Veshly.


Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis, having nothing more to say, stays wary, ready move forward and defend.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

At the Giant's demand to be fully healed Albis suspicions increase. That's a high and dangerous demand, Lady Quintesssa seems well-educated I could gamble on that she understands me.

Dragonic language:
"Most excellent Lady, with the giants hard to harm nature, fully healing him could drain us badly and give him little reason not to continue fighting, but still do as you wish."

Dragons, being egotistical creature, I view their language as like those that have modes of address that integrally indicate social status. So the translation above sounds more awkward than it would as understood without translation.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Letting everyone know about some plans that will impact my post rates for a bit.

On Oct. 22-23, guests will be over that may limit my posts. From Oct 23-28 I'll be out of town very unlikely that any post will happen in that time. Fom Oct 29-Nov first more guests, may also limit posts to some extent. Back to normal after that.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

A stunning scene of carnage smites Alvis as he surveys the room. As he takes it in a conflict views on how to handle it, he adds his support, "Mi,lady, justice lies with one course, prudence and larger goals another, as the authority here do as you see fit." He stands ready for either course of action but does not raise he weapons in threat.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Staring in wonder, Alvis see Selina violate everything just said, before he can say anything Teela comes out and sees her and seems to despairingly let it pass for now. Alvis sighs himself relieved that another delay is not created but knows there will be trouble soon. She seemed to not pay attention to what was said, did she not hear it or does not care? A sword scion's word should be good but I didn't hear an assent from her, so what happened? He swiftly agrees with Teela, "Yes, let get going.", he says eagerly.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis purses his lips in thought, then says, "Interesting thought mi'lord. The obvious assassin or even an ogre would be unlikely to be admitted. But some less obvious intelligencers finding a way to open an entrance for other murderous forces is quite likely. Troubling but we do need to be on guard but also have some trust as well, a difficult dilemma."

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis sees progress so just says, "I'll just wait here by the door then, milord." Still he thinks, I wonder, Teela seems forward for a servant, I could see that irritating a noble. But she seems very honest as well. Mostly a good thing but could cause trouble in the future.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis is aghast at the continuation of this endless debate. As he dithers as to what to do, Graham askes an odd question? Looking quizzically at Graham he says "Not that I noted though a successful pickpocket keeps their hands.", then he shakes his head. I do not believe this to be the essence of their conflict."

Speaking louder Alvis attempts to calm the situation, "Please stop this endless debate, a treent moot would be swifter. Teela, I gather you wish that searches be confined to finding bodies living or to make sure they are dead, and take no item that is not immediately needed to save lives. Since I am not yet a qualified lawspeaker, I'll defer the issue of legal seizure to an appropriate authority after all is quiet. Fenric, she obviously has issues with time taken to search for other than people. Property rights can wait."

With quiet dignity Alvis sums up, "So Teela defers door opening to the warriors, everyone agrees to only do searches for people or unpleasant gifts from our uninvited guests. Otherwise we make careful haste. Everyone agree to the contract for the duration?"

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis listens sadly at the display of disunity, sympathetic to both sides, though worried about the haste. "We should proceed with due caution and haste, little time should be spent on anything but clearing each area, and making our way to the main hall. That should be a reasonable balance." Alvis is ready to move aside for any that wishes to take the lead, he will yield to anyone that wants to be ahead of him.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis a bit unnerved by recent events, seems to loiter in back but as Teela impetuously opens doors and with Quintessa backing off; he moves forward to Teela's side letting Tessa stand behind his armored form. As Fenric shouts, Alvis agrees weakly, "Perhaps a warrior would be better...?", his voice trailing off.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis is relieved at Fenric words that matters came to as swift conclusion. Then Ouintessa gave a caring but stern command that Alvis submit to treatment himself. He sat down as Quintessa looks at slightly healed gash across the bottom of Alvis's chin, that scoured away a line of his beard. Teela offers Alvis a bit of wood to bite on which he accepts with a mod. Tessa sewed the wounds quickly and well, with less pain than expected, bringing him to as much health as possible; but a certain fragility remains till time and rest become available.

Alvis agrees with the need of carefulness over haste, saying, "Yes, as much as haste is needed, caution is first, we give aid no one if we fall." He frowns in irritated puzzlement, "An ogre as well, and who knows what else. I thought the resources committed to this large before, now they must be vast and well-connected; high-noble, royal, or similar group, not that many and fewer that would stoop so low. Disturbing."

He nods to the others and holds himself a bit back from the door this time, allowing the true warriors to lead.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis pulls himself together putting aside the trauma of mortality with the needs of duty. As he heads for the hall he says, to Teela, "Don't worry about it, many a lad or lass that fancy themselves a warrior have the same problem when confronted with the reality. My childhood prepared me for the odors, growing up in the tannery district in the outskirts. The rest, no easier the first time for anyone not a brute. Your spirit is strong it will prevail."

At Quintessa's inquiry of Fenric, Alvis looks nonplussed and says, "Oh not thinking, anyone else hurt?"

Alvis stops in the hall to look and listen for any sign of trouble, or even someone that may be hiding.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis says, "Blessings of Abadar on us all and thank you for the aid, that near sent me to an early trip to the Boneyard."

After healing Alvis pays more attention to the rest. At Graham's words he replies, "Thanks, glad to be back and I'll try but that wild blow would have hurt any that stood there, I think." Alvis rises with Graham's aid staggering slightly as Quintessa's hand helps steady him. "Thank you, mi'lady. I'm sure I'll be fine in a moment."

Alvis nods toward Teela, "I gather I have you to thank for pulling me out of a grave. It felt nothing quite like any healing I've had before, as if a song was the whole world. It won't be forgotten."

Alvis cleans himself and gear of the blood and gore, and puts the shield back in place and morningstar in hand.

"What now? Ah, the young lady over there, have you any idea of what is happening? We woke to assassins and saw much lawlessness abound." Alvis waves as he speaks to the halfling.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis feels waves a pain from his jaw, opening his eyes, the room spins as he senses the fading glow of magical healing, different from his prior experience. Still his jaw feels as fragile as glass. He sits up a bit dazed then sees the fallen body of his bane. He shudders from the impact of his brush with mortality. He silently gives thanks as Fenric covers his discomfort with his characteristic wit. He waves feebly at the others then concentrates, reaching for the source of his faith.

With his jaw still raw and tongue uncertain, Alvis recalls his mentor's voice telling him, "If you can't talk see if you can hum a hymn or try at least beating the rhythm of a hymn to aid your prayers. Most of all, dive deep into you love of Abadar, the LAW itself."

Alvis's grasping his Key of Abadar, tapping and humming, with his vocal cords okay, He cast a healing on himself to provide extra relief .

Heal: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Two round heal on self.

If successful, a golden glow flows from his hands into the wounds knitting them together along with sounds of clicking coins or to an other valuable for some, a feeling of satisfaction of prosperity flows around the area for an instance and then vanishes.

Alvis says, "Blessings of Abadar on us all and thank you for the aid, that near sent me to an early trip to the Boneyard."

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Not a problem, I know you have a lot on your place DM.

Archive of Nethys Knocked out rules

In my copy of the Player Core PDF the knocked out rules are on page 410 as the Archives say. Hope that helps.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

WOW! First critical damage and a death blow to boot. Oh well, Alvis was trying to prove himself, good on courage, failed wisdom check clearly. I read the rules the same way as Teela. Note there is a revision to how wounded condition applies to recovery checks in the Player Core errata.

Doesn't apply yet but may soon.

Pages 411: The text for the wounded condition was changed for consistency, but became consistent with the wrong piece of text. This would lead to much deadlier encounters! The following changes should ensure that death and dying works the way we intended.

In the Recovery Checks degrees of success, remove all instances of "(plus your wounded condition, if any)"; that's both in the failure and critical failure entries.
Under Taking Damage, remove the final sentence that reads, "If you have the wounded condition, remember to add the value of your wounded condition to your dying value." This reminder should only apply to when you gain the dying condition after getting knocked out.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis Feels a satisfying crunch as the shock of his well-aimed blow hits the monster. But that attack leaves him momentarily open to the ogre's wild swing the massive blow delivering a possibly mortal wound. With strong will and body he tries to cling to life.

Recovery Check: 1d20 ⇒ 16 Flat check DC 11, for dying 1, or DC 12 for dying 2

Goes to unconscious or dying 1

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

A quick look at the destruction in the room causes Alvis to deliver a vicious insult, "Uncivilized! For Justice!"

Alvis raises shield and goes forward stepping past Selina, to swing on the uncouth savage.

Raise Shield, Stride, Strike

Morningstar To Hit: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 1 = 21 Morningstar Damage B: 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 = 5 (Versatile P) +1 Status bonus.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 Darkvision Active Seek

As the door swings open Alvis strains his sharp senses to notice any danger. Quintessa speaks quickly telling of trouble ahead.

Alvis whispers, "I heard it also. Sounds like a brute. We should assemble around that door." As the opposite of stealthy Alvis will follow others as they advance.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Looking up from the last corpses Alvis meets Graham's gaze and nods agreesment to his words. Then Alvis prays, "Abadar, Lord of Justice, send these wayward souls to the Boneyard to be fairly judged by the Lady of Graves to receive their just fate." Falling in behind Graham and he spends a moment fixing his appearance, making sure there are no blood spatters this time.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

If no one wants the bolts for the hand crossbow then Alvis will take them all, if someone does 20 bolts is good.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis aids in collection the the goods with our determined looter and selects a hand crossbow and takes the bolts, saying when done, "Graham, 30 links is 5 each for fair distribution. I'm sure more will be forthcoming, soon enough." If no objections he takes 5 silver coins.

At Lady Quintessa's request he also checks on the bodies to see if any survive, stabilizing them if such is found.

Medicine: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 Do you want more than one roll or can it just be a check for all?

Alvis will report the results to Lady Quintessa and the group, but his mind is more on goods than lives.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis watches as the swiftly moving warriors strike down the last of the lawbreakers. He says, "Well done, Abadar bless you all! Anyone here injured, I can do healing mundane or by The Master's will."

He also looks at the corpses around saying, "By the way, seizing the goods of the ill-doers has a long tradition, they and their heirs have little rights, compensation is just. And they owe me a crossbow, at least!"

Alvis will heal anyone who asks, treat wounds takes 10 min each, magic is much faster. Since haste is reasonable if they ask, he'll have all injured gather together. After medical needs are addressed, he gets himself a crossbow and bolts. He is also willing to carry any extra loot for the party.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Round 2 revised

The longlegs dash forward strong against the lawbreakers.

Alvis raises his shield. (As stated before)
Alvis advances, as he approaches Quintessa he says, "Please let me slip by, m'am. Pardon me Selina." With the bridges blocked but wishing to get to the bandit in the corner He heads mostly north.

8 squares movement Stride x2 - Path is Forward (1), Northwest diagonal Q(2), Forward S(3), Northwest diagonal(4,5)(cost 2), assess water, Northwest diagonal into the water(6,7,8)(cost 3)

Assess water- Alvis looks at the slow moving water assessing it depth. If it is not more 3 feet deep he will simply plow into it to get towards the otherside. Extra cost to move through difficult terrain. If the water is too deep he stops there just short.

Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 If needed, He is wading not swimming unless something goes very wrong.

I 'm placing Alvis where he is headed, if he fails leave him at fail point.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

I'm good with whatever you think is best for you.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Round 2

As one of the bandits move and Fenric attacks him Alvis sees an opening.

Alvis raises his Shield again and strides weaving his way to Fenric's side.

He strkes with his weapon on the lawless miscreant.

Moringstar To Hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 Morningstar Damage B: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 (Versatile P)

Alvis shouts, "Yield to justice, lawbreaker."

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis's head snaps over to Quintessa as she unexpectedly whispers to him. He replies quietly, "Thanks for the offer mi'lady but the battle has started, best if we go over such after. Not the best shot anyway."

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis lacks the movement to do anything but get in the way, so not much for this round. Trying to make the link to Archive of Nethys for Recall Knowledge here, we'll see if it works. Seems to on preview.

Recall Knowledge

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Round 1

As the door swings open revealing a swarm of ruffins, Alvis mutters, "Shoulda' been in front, I'm the slowest."

Quintessa then moves forward hurtling lighting, instructing everyone to hold back. Sighing, missing his crossbow, he draws his morningstar out of its loop with the hand he was going to open the door with, he then raises his shield, and trying to recall anything about this particular group's tactical leadership, basically who in this group is in charge. Louder he says, "As you wish, mi'lady."

Society: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 Recall Knowledge, Goal: identify local tactical leader.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

As Alvis is reaching for the door, Selina seems to invite Fenric to take over. He stops waiting for Fenric to step forward when Teela swifty intercepts and pushes at the door. "If you wanted to go first, 'coulda just asked.", he says in a suddenly thickened Rostland accent. He'll fall back as other, less armored people want to go before him.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis looks bit embarrassed, "Sorry Teela, didn't mean to presume. In prepping I cleaned my items up. I thought you did the same, my bad." Alvis demostrates my placing his morningstar in it loop, and touching his Key, a golden glow appears around his hand. He reaches toward one of the unfortunately many spots of blood and gore about and it vanishes like morining dew in sunlight. Then, rather bruskly, turns to the door, saysing a little too loudly, "We're all here, time to move forward yes?" Alvis reaches to open the door if no one stops him.

Just thought that in getting ready everyone would clean up that could and Alvis is a perceptive chap. However thinking it over I may a strayed a bit into meta-gaming. I'll look out for that going forward.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

"Don't misapprehend, mi,l- er Fenric it made me uneasy to take stuff from my late, if little known, companions. Use the items to survive but return them later. I fear I would not remember to what belonged to whom. Now items clearly part of the manor is easy to remember if only those are taken. But it is true that time is important there may be some here hard-pressed. Gettin our gear is only sensible, also checking each room for anyone inside also good, the rest is more debatable." Alvis stops talking seeming a bit uneasy.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis responds to Teela's greeting, returning her nod with a smile as well, "Of course, in this dire situation, the formalities can be dropped. Call me Alvis, Teela. So you can cast spells as well, and from the spotless attire I gather we may share something in common in that regard?"

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis replies to Fenric,"Alvis mi'lord, I did not know them well, just met the other day. I know little of them or their goods. All should take note of what and from whom it is taken so after we use them for our survival, they can be returned to their lawful heirs."

Clearly being unneeded in the room checks Alvis joins the ladies at the doors. "Best if I stand closest to this door should any more assailants choose to join us, milady.", Alvis says.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis finishes his conversation with Teela with him saying, "Politics is the answer to both, a dangerous game and above my station currently. And to tame the Stolen Lands, some say that doing the same failing thing over and over is insanity. All attempts to do so have ended in bloody tragedy. Pray we do better with Abadar's civilizing benediction."

Ambling to Graham, Alvis replies, "Of course, Graham be right there." As he moves Alvis overhears the exchange between the Lady and her servant, thinking Rather polite to her servant - Oh she is an wielder of magic as well. Seem an interesting relationship, wonder how it began?

As Graham opens the door, Alvis will step in to look about the room, prepared for defense.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis pops out from his room, with weapons and all completely clean, battered scale as neat as rest of his attire but boring. At Fenric's greeting, he sets his morningstar down, grasps his arms as before, saying, "Pardon my brevity, your lordship, I am Alvis, junior roadwarden, sort of, at your service." He recovers his weapon.

After Fenric talks to Quintessa. Alvis comments, "Darkness matters not to me, perhaps I should take point?"

At Teela's comment, Alvis says, "This manor is a fortress and the Swordlord Jamandi has many retainers, and full of mercenaries tonight, doubtful any more could have been housed. Someone with great resources set this up, likely with at least one insider's aid, to what end - politics above my head mostlike."

He stands ready looking towards the others, particular focus on Selina Sword Scion, clearly waiting for direction.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1
Selina Aldaeth wrote:
"Are we trapped in with them or are they trapped in with us?"

Alvis responds, "Could be both, stopping any retreat for some and cutting our forces apart."

The sword scion introduces herself, Aldis nods and warmly says, "Presence of an aspirant to the honor of a Swordlord is good fortune, may the honor of the Swordlords be inspiring to all. Aldis, late a junior roadwarden of Abadar, now I suppose a party to a great adventure."

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis nods at the Lady's words but switches to the situation, "A dire situation indeed, a madness to attack a Swordlord manor full of armed guards, mercenaries and adventurers. But assuming a knowing foe, the force would have to be large. We need to be ready for anything."

He stops and then says, "It will take a bit o'time to armor myself up, but I think it needed. I'll go get my kit, perhaps Pilot Graham can help with my armor when he's ready."

He follows Graham into the room and gathers his things, straps his armor and shield on, and put his pack on, all seeming as light as a feather.

Catching the last of the Lady's words, "Ready as can be mi'lady."

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

From what I've read of Brevoy, its society is fairly free of racism, is a bit sexist with male preference primogeniture. However it seems very classist with a deep divide between social ranks. And Abadar does strongly support hierarchy and expects it in his followers. Alvis may or may not be overdoing it, depends on how we play it. Of course Adventuring parties tend to be more equal but we are not a party quite yet.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

As Avis finishes his checks, gives a quick prayer to the fallen, "May Abadar admit you to the presence of the First Vault and if another path is yours then may the Lady of Graves judge you pure and send you to a peaceful rest." Then a lady of noble bearing comes forth introducing her servants and implying proper unity in the face of lawlessness.

Avis drops his weapon and crosses his arms grasping his forearms and gives a deep bow, "Noble Lady, I am your humble and obedient servant, Alvis but a novi- er junior roadwarden. My liege is The Master of the First Vault, who has graciously accepted me the honor of working his divine will in the world. How may I serve you?" He has a rough commoner Rostlander accent but is clearly educated as well. Hope I learned my lessons well, those Issian nobles tend to be touchy or so they say., Alvis thinks.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Wildly swinging at the threatening figure Alvis connects smashing his assassin's head into ruin. Graham sends his asssailent into the Graveyard with a fine stroke of his blade. Eyes wide open with fear and righteous fury at such shocking breach of the law, he spins as the door is thrown open. A human woman stands armed in the door but aside from the sinister look an eyepatch delivers, her nightgown and dolly is most unlike any assassin.

At Graham's comment Alvis says, "Yes, but it's possible that some may hover at death's door. I must check, if so, Abadar blessing can keep them in this world a bit longer."

Alvis swiftly checks on those in room and prepares to leave sadly saying, "Beyond my help here, does anyone else need healing aid?" If the lady moves out of the doorway he will follow, grasping a morningstar dripping blood and brains in one hand, a key of Abadar draped around his neck in other, with nought but breeches to protect modesty.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

I can view and move on the map and I can view the loot tracker. Great set-up no issue that I notice, anything else can be addressed in character.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Sorry to take so long to reply, trying to see why Pathbuilder have my left over funds as 2 GP 3 sp while you have 2 GP 4 sp. Not a big deal either way but I found that my use of the Quick Equipment kit for the Cleric was an error as it gives a free bonus of 2x caltrops.

I have fixed the equipment list and have added a new pathbuilder link. I, however, did not find a clear reason for the discrepancy. I can only speculate that perhaps the clothing was not counted as a cost Edit: by you. I searched by PDF of the PC1 and found no reference to any free clothing as existed in previous editions. If not that then I am at a loss to as to why.

Not a big deal 1 sp doesn't matter that much. I am good with whatever you decide DM DoctorEvil.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Alvis's mentor Caelga hands him an invite to a special meeting at a renowned swordlord's palatial manor. She says, "Most of the Bankers think this venture is too risky, return uncertain because expeditions to the Stolen Lands end in few ragged servitors or silence. But, given the troubles lately, bandits and worse, hampering trade we need to do something. So you will join these others and see that Abadar's will is represented and the wild frontier is tamed."
Alvis bows and joins the group.

The banquet was overwhelming to say the least and Alvis and company made little impression. As guided they retired to two smaller rooms with the manor so crowded.

Alvis strips to his breeches and Key of Abadar. He prays for support and courage for this dangerous venture and calls for Abadar's blessing upon it. He falls to a fairly deep sleep when he is abruptly wakened by shouts and knocks. In the dark room his eyes open on a menacing figure looming over him with a weapon. Grabbing the first thing to hand he sees his pricy crossbow splintering to pieces as it blocks a deathblow. His bare feet shove the would be murderer back as he comes to his feat grabbing his morningstar on the way. Shouting he cries, "To Arms - Assassins in the night!" With no time to think his world narrows just him and his assassin.

Take it from here our other new friend may be in the room with me or not. Made a few assumptions, change whatever you like.

Male AC 16 | 18, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 HP 21/21 Perception +6 Cleric (WP) 1

Greeting everyone! I'm the cleric and joining as Alvis. Plenty of info in my profile. Any questions or comments gratefully appreciated.

I started role-playing in 1977 with original DnD before Basic or Advanced in college. Played many other rpgs as well. Was lurking as an exceptional group was assembled here.

Thanks for having me. I'm working on a gameplay post just after this, so soon I hope.

Edit: Oh I was thinking archetype of sentinel but may look at some others, more than willing to be flexible and not overlap.