Mammy Graul

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Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

There are 20 hexes in the Greenbelt (lvl 2) with encounters or "dungeons," another 9 in Tuskwater (lvl 3) and 10 in the Kamlands (lvl 4). I'm toying with the idea of starting 2 new campaigns, one that focuses on the core adventure and one that focuses more on hexploration and completing the companion side-quests, kinda a "Kingmaker Abridged" and "Kingmaker Adjacent." Both groups would become aware of the actions of the other. I'd add a bit of homebrew Umph! to the Adjacent group. They would both be loyal to the same sponsor who would start out as their ruler. Once they get to kingdom building, each group would fill different roles and alternately participate in kingdom turns. By level 6, I'd hope the sponsor dies letting a PC fill the role and the groups begin to merge (possibly due to the usual online campaign atrophy). Does that sound workable? Two groups, different players (unless some wanted to play both), different nights.

Dark Archive

Any plans for getting this series on Roll20?

Dark Archive

COVID sucks. I thought I'd left RPGs behind, but it seem like the perfect time to get online and get together with real people, for fun, right now. I haven't played Pathfinder 2e but it looks great. I wanna put together a game.
I'm thinking I'll do it in three "sections." Let me know if you'd like to join in.

Section 1: This'll be a single session adventure on (an online gaming platform) using pregens. The session is meant to introduce players to each other, to Roll20, and to Pathfinder 2e. If I get a lot of interest, I'll run it twice. You'll need a mic, camera, and reliable internet connection. You are welcome to just attend this and drop off if you just want to get a feel for the new edition or Roll20. All players are required to play section 1 to join section 2.

Section 2: This section is a 3 session adventure. You'll create and use your own characters. You don't need to buy any physical books unless you want to, all the resources will be available on my Roll20 account or online. You don't have to commit to anything more than this. This'll let us all see if we like playing together.

Section 3: If you like the game and the people (and they like you), you can join the new long term campaign. It will be an offshoot of the Kingmaker storyline. It'll use elements from that adventure path, so it's geared for people not familiar with that plotline.

Direct message me on facebook if you are interested.

Dark Archive

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My party just finished running HoH. I am thinking of skipping Wake of the Watcher all together and just increasing the PCs leveling speed and decreasing monster difficulty as needed for the last 2 modules. Cthulu is so overdone and last year ("oooo tenticles and fishy people, I feel my sanity slipping!"). Besides, as others have commented, it doesn't fit well or add much to the story line. Anyone have any thoughts on that (besides furtively arguing how cyclopean Cthulu is)?

Cutting WotW leave me with the issue of what to do with the Sausage Effigy. I am currently debating just replacing it with the Raven's Head mace and having the WW have stolen that. I can then give it to Vrood or one of his henchmen for the players to aquire in TotB. I might need to nerf the mace a bit and let it "grow in power" as time goes on. Not sure its purpose anyway, a stirrer? Other ideas?

Further, I like a bit of sandboxing. I also like getting players invested in the people and places they are "saving." HoH allowed for a lot of that, but now the PCs are off to a new town with all new people. Then another location, then another, etc.. They are also on a clock. I was thinking not only taking out WotW, but also the city of Caliphas. I still love the vampire thing, but I don't see any reason why I can't merge the write ups for Leipstad and Caliphas and just have the players return to Leipstad after Feldgrau.

That would allow me to have Adivian in Liepstad the whole time, leaving shortly before the PCs return in AaD. He could play a more visible role in TotB. He could attend the trial and begin an obsession of toying with the PCs, possibly even admitting to them with a cocky aire of untouchability, that he was behind the Harrowstone troubles.